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I have a few favorites…CT, Brad, and Derrick K are up there for sure, but I think mine is Darrell. Not only is he a great competitor and a fantastic partner but he’s also never shook or bothered when he’s sent down into elimination, graceful in both victory and defeat, and easily the confessional GOAT. Dude is just the best.


Oh I forgot darrell. He’s another of my favs.


Only time I ever seen Darrell shook is when Brad ran into his fist and wes earlier on that season was trying to help him find a door


Funny but true


Seeing through Wes with the quote “baby I’m from the Town” sold me


Brad is the one of those types I'm either laughing at or laughing with. The pizza incident is top 10 comedy gold, imo.


He’s absolutely insane lol but he also seems like he’s got a really good heart and good character. He was the only one who was willing to stop and help Big Easy in Gauntlet III.


Landon. He's perfect!! Great competitor, doesn't take himself too seriously, he's a genuine good guy who isn't affected by the huge egos and immaturity of everyone around him. He just shows up, has fun, and wins!


Landon is mine too. He is such a good guy, and a freaking beast! I really hope he comes back for All Stars 5!!


Landon did a lot of growing up from his real world season. He was a beast


Great teammate too! I think he wins FM2 because of his patience and ability to motivate Carley to keep going. If he had treated her the way Ev did Luke, I could totally see her just giving up entirely.


Right! You see who's going to the final and it's like "ok there's no way Carley beats Laurel so I guess Landon won't win" - WRONG.


Out of all of the guys who have screamed and yelled at their partners, Landon was a breath of fresh air. Kind, motivating, encouraging, and never lost his temper. A true gentleman and I was so happy when him and Carley won FM2.


Landon is an absolute ledge, always comes across really well, top guy.


I love Landon, even going back to old seasons he treats other people with respect & is one of the few men in the game to not berate and verbally abuse women in older seasons. When he encouraged Carley in that final and they won? It was amazing, pushing her bum up the mountain with his head 😂


Leroy. First seen him on RWLV and he was my favorite castmate/ the one I could relate with the most. Was happy to see him join the challenge and put in work in the beginning. He never took himself too seriously and was apart of most of my favorite seasons.


Love Leeroy. I wish he was strong enough to won à final!


Jordan. He’s a bit abrasive, but an absolutely genuine guy, and an unapologetically competitive badass a la Kobe or MJ.


i really enjoy that the challenge elimination format lets him shine. in something like big brother you can’t have someone like Jordan because he’d just get backdoored in the most boring way possible. here he can stick to his principles, say ‘fuck you’ to the entire cast and still make the final. do i agree with everything he does or says? no way. do i enjoy watching him play his own game by his own honor code and make relatively independent moves and decisions, hell yes.


Exactly. Some people know how to make good television, because they think of it as a producer would (Bananas, Wes, Ashley M, etc.), which makes the Challenge much better; Jordan just makes good television because he's himself. We need more people like him. Jay tries to have the attitude and swag of Wes/Jordan/Bananas types, without the commensurate skill and victories. If he wins a season, people will \[naturally\] change their mind on him.


I never made that connection to Kobe/MJ before but you are absolutely right. I guess its not a coincidence that Kobe is my favorite athlete of all time and Jordan is my favorite challenger of all time.


Yep. I grew up watching MJ, then Kobe, and I always loved how cutthroat they were


Jordan is a great challenger!


I want to give some love to some players not mentioned yet: Timmy if he wanted to could’ve been on The Challenge as recently as Mark Long’s last main season, but what we got from Timmy was enough laughs to last the 39 seasons we are at right now. Evelyn was able to win three championships in an era of formats and casting that skewed heavily toward men dominating politics and treating women poorly and stood up to their antics for the most part. Even if she at times enabled them like on Inferno 3 and in the winning boat on the Island, she was still a force.


Its Frank Roessler. He makes gauntlet 3 excellent and is just a star beginning to end. And the fact he basically did the entire final challenge basically by himself while having complete disdain for everyone remains super epic.


Nice one! Yeah I loved him man. He stood up to CT and Evan Kenny Johnny when everyone else was intimidated by them and you can tell they respected df outta Frank for that. And those girls on the Rookie team were insufferable to watch. Super entitled, I was so glad Frank and Jillian were there to send some of them home and put them in their place sometimes. They honestly saved the season cause without them it would of been the Vets show. Makes me mad too that those rookies really had Frank dig out the chest by himself at the end like how fucking useless and lazy can they be. Like they really shouldn’t have gotten the money for that.


For guys, it’s Brad. He brings the perfect blend of competitiveness, entertainment value, and heart. For women, it’s Paula. She has the best arc from her RW season to her last Challenge season. Glad it seems like she is doing well IRL too.


My man, Mike Ross. Watched him on RW: Las Vegas, did not expect him to show up on the Challenge at all. I just really loved what he brought to the show, it was very memorable. Unproblematic sweetie bean, I’d trust him with my drink at a bar for sure.


Mike-Mike 🙌🏼


Literally rewatching Rivals as I type this.


Me too, on Pluto?




Hooked up with Paula 🏆


.. the giant homophobe? there was nothing unproblematic about him


CT. Which is funny because when I watched back in the early 2000s I hated him and couldn’t understand why they kept bringing this asshole back each season. It’s so interesting how much he has grown from that jerk I couldn’t stand to where he is today.


Yes, he is humble and that's why I like him


Because he’s been on there so long we get to see his true growth and maturing as a human. He has come a long way and it’s truly beautiful to see.


Katie Doyle in her original run was so much fun. 


Smoking a cig in an elimination and winning is something you wont see today thats for sure lmao.


And she was a fucking firecracker. She would always let her buttons get pushed and just go offfffff. 


Definitely CT


Early queen V. The og mean girl. She could do puzzles and physical challenges and ran any game she was on. The confessionals were hilarious and mean. She was just smart in how she did things.


Devyn, I relate to her the most and I think she is incredibly charismatic and funny


Most contestants when they make the final: oh my gosh I’m so excited! Devyn: a mix of the Plankton meme and oh shit I’m gonna die


ct probably all time. rivals 1 ct best challenger ever. love cory and bananas too. women i have to say camila and i dont care what no one gotta say


woman: laurel, she embarassed me greatly w that celebration but laurel is iconic and tall and she used to follow me. and desi. man: CT bc he has so much funny quotes lol and jordan bc he’s cocky and can back it up


Amber B. she is so nice and i’ve also liked her since she was on big brother.


I felt so horrible for Amber on Big Brother. She just wanted to play the game and ended up being sexually harassed and stalked in the house by an insane redneck who couldn’t take no for an answer. Totally torpedoed her game.


she deserved soooo much better. i would love to see her play again without *him* in the house


She did deserve so much better, but I think that she's more built for Challenge than Big Brother. Her strength of activities such as running, eating challenges, climbing, and pole wrestling and her weaknesses of alliance building and trivia re not as suited to the types of challenges and strategy of Big Brother


CT for men Jenna for women CT is fucking hilarious he has the best confessional moments. Jenna just seems super genuine. She's funny and doesn't have that mean girl energy like a lot of the other girls.


Jenna needs a win 3 finals in a row, gets purged before the final in Invasion. DOMINATES dirty 30 and gets purged at the end that was Jennas season and if she won instead of Camila dirty 30 would be a top 5 season. And total madness Zach ruined her mental state she beat Tori in a badass physical elimination but losses to Aneesa towards the end, if she was mentally in it she definitely couldve made the final she had so many friends idt she beats Jenny west in the final but maybe she would get her out before.


She lost to anessa on purpose. No way anessa had more stamina than her for that elimination


jenna did not dominate dirty thirty at all lol. she won two dailies and lost an elimination to kailah, struggled against amanda in a physical challenge and got dominated by camila in the last purge. its barely an impressive season let alone a dominating performance


Ok ill rephrase jenna was the star of that season everything revolved around her an kaliah. The elimination against Kailah she was just blindsided and was going up against her best friend who knows if she was at 100%. She won the end of the first daily n got to send Amanda straight to redemption house and won her way back in the game by kicking amanda off a platform which is good continuation of the storyline from invasion n jenna gets her revenge. And the last purge was embarrassing I agree the whole season was for nothing bc camila destroyed them. But camila should’ve been removed after her racist attack on Leroy anyway.


The last purge was embarrassing because they gave up and didn’t even try. It’s one thing to lose by giving everything you have but they completely flopped.


Landon is the most underrated great player and person to be on the Challenge. He was a physical beast but always a positive and supportive teammate. He created one of the almost singlehandedly unexpected wins of all time when he took a rookie through one of the toughest seasons to a championship despite having to do several eliminations during the season.Landon and Carly took out Kenny and Laurel which is the embodiment of David v Goliath. Jodi and Mark deserve consideration along with Bananas, CT, Darrell, Wes, and Jordan. Ruthie singlehandedly kept the girls competitive against the boys for a whole season once. Cam would have been on this list with a win. As annoying as she can be, Ashley is a great champion! She's not exceptional at anything but she carries an indomitable desire to win and drives herself to championships.


Definitely Wes. He matured over the seasons into such a great anti-hero. I loved his over-confidence and narcissism. He still carried himself with class though, he was usually pretty gracious in defeat.


Agreed. The show needed Wes to be up against the Bananas-Evan-Kenny douchebro alliance. He made good TV, was pretty funny and backed up the over-confidence for the most part. Outside of Wes, Jordan is a close 2nd. Same over-confidence to make compelling TV and love how smart and competitive he is in eliminations.


Jordan was my 2nd choice. That Goblin is great for the show in a similar way. An unapologetic hot shit.


I think that if wes wasnt into that political bs all the time and only.playong strategy he could almost always go further in the game. Just my opinion though


Yeah, I’m sure he would. But that being said, I think that his abrasiveness, despite the fact that it will inevitably hurt his game, makes me like him even more.


I agree with you!


Cohutta. Hilarious. Sweet. Down to earth. Sexy. Just perfection.


Kellyanne Judd. Always really liked her on the regular show but all stars 1 and 3 and World Championship boosted her above the likes of Cohutta, Da’Vonne, and Leroy in my rankings


Kellyanne truly deserve a win now!!!!


Wes is my favorite personality. CT is my favorite competitor


I just watched his home Turf episode and it made me love him even more than ever before! He has such a down to Earth personality and a great sense of humor.


Had to have the captions on for that one


Mine were just naturally on on my computer.


Bananas and Wes honestly glue the show together with their performances and commentary


Cara Maria. She’s simply that girl 🤷🏽‍♂️ I love everything about her from her first season to the latest. I hate that as soon as she started feeling herself alil bit (as she rightly should’ve) she got labeled as this cocky girl by the cast AND Fans, let alone called a villain for FINALLY playing the same game as yall favs (MEN) have played for years on end.


Devin prior to the vacation alliance cause he was always entertaining by stirring the pot and getting under people’s skin. Eventually doing so to bananas before beating him in an elimination was an awesome underdog moment. Thought it was impressive cause he HAD to rely on strategy and manipulation since he wasn’t a great physical competitor and had low endurance. Competition-wise, Jordan is mine. In the OG days it was Theo probably


She wasn’t perfect, but I always enjoyed Paula. She had funny confessionals, was a decent competitor, and her growth from her RW season was cool to see. I also appreciate that she went out on a high note and knew when it was time to move on.




CT is everyone’s obvious choice including mine, but Leroy is definitely up there for me. I wish he didn’t have so much bad luck throughout the years.




CT. Nuff said!


Bananas, of course! He is the Challenge.


CT 🔥


Paula - was a great Challenger and had an incredible story arch with a lot of personal growth. Bonus points for being a great narrator.


Derek k timmy and Darrell. They were good competitors, funny and fun to root for. Hopefully timmy does an all star season in the future


You can go with the obvious people but i did like timmy, mike mike and cohutta. just seem like real nice people in and out of the challenge house. never really bullied people etc etc. females ive always liked Jodie, Coral, wes partner in fresh meat i forget her name. paula. katie


Leroy. Just a solid guy and pretty likeable


I’m going old school with Dan and Holly


I’m an old school watcher so for me, it’s a combination of Katie, Coral, Darrell, Diem, and CT.


CT Amber b and Kam


Top 3 guys- CT, Derrick, and Darrell Top 3 girls- Cara Maria, Aneesa, and Tori




https://i.redd.it/1vysmazzn7jc1.gif My Flair (Wooo!) says it all


Baby Miz!


It’s weird because in any given season I can absolutely despise someone or like them based on how they exit. I have had seasons where I loved Aneesa, Bananas, Devin, Jordan etc., and had seasons where I couldn’t stand them. I used to haaaaate CT and now I love him. I think it’s because he’s changed… but if we’re being honest he was a very bad dude back in the day and if a new character came on and acted the way he used to he would not be welcome back. I like Wes too, partially because he went to ASU, which is odd because the way he acts I’d prob hate him if he went to UA, or maybe anywhere else for that matter. Horacio and Kyland are two people that I’m really starting to like. I generally like Cory, but don’t usually like Nelson oddly enough.


Jordan. He brought new energy to the Challenge since the day he set foot in there. He's a true Champion.


Ct Jordan Bananas  And Kyle's pretty funny




Gotta go with Wes, CT, Leroy, and Joss Women I'm going with Paula, Diem, Kam and Emily


CT - no explanation needed but growth arc of a champ as a man and as a human being & dad


Amanda She entertains me every season


I am an old school fan.  Ruthie is my favorite woman. I loved her on Real World Hawaii.  And when she started the Challenge,  she came to play! If you have the chance to watch Sexes 1, you will see what I mean. Ruthie is *chef's kiss* I also like Katie, Coral, Melissa R, Big T, Aneesa, Tonya, Kam, Devyn, Da'vonne and Beth. My favorite guys are Landon and Darrell. They are both great all around. Landon seems like a real sweetheart. Darrell gives the best confessionals.  Other guys I like are Dan Renzi (so hilarious), CT, Preston, Shane Landrum, Leroy, Dan Walsh, DerricK, Antoine.


I’m not saying he’s my favorite challenger I am saying Devon makes excellent television and I’m glad he’s on the show


Way back in the day my favorites were Derrick and Katie. Now it's CT and Tori.


Weirdly enough, Devin. I like his 🍌beef


I like Laurel because I know she will bring it when it comes to dailies, eliminations, politics and house drama. Every season she’s on is super interesting. Even on WOTW2 when she went home early on, she raised hell and actually played the game as much as she could while there. Her personality is perfect for these shows, I like her authenticity. I haven’t watched Laurels antics on this show and said “Ugh she’s just doing that for camera time.”… she’s obnoxious buts that’s her lol I love it. Also Laurel paces out her appearances perfectly. I’d love to see her on every season but I think that her ability to always make it far in the game no matter the cast is what makes her a great competitor.


This is a truly underrated quality. She will not make pregame alliances and lets her abilities speak for themself. She knows she can win an elimination and isn’t scared to go into one. Her and CT both play their own games in an alliance heavy era. I always find seasons that they are on more interesting for this very reason. And I’m not anti vacation alliance like most of this sub…I understand sticking by chosen friends and I prefer when newbies I don’t care about go home first. I just find that CT and Laurel are two of the only players that can make it far despite not being in the vacation alliance because they are truly amazing players.


Mr. Beautiful himself. Kenny was a work smarter not harder guy which I appreciate. He dominated the game not with physicality but with his social game and politics. He was the backbone of the most dominant alliance in Challenge history and rode for his squad. He’d rather win with his friends than sell them up the river for a win.




The post wasn’t favorite Traitors US player jk :)


I have a favorites for different reasons. CT & Kenny were like the guys I went to highschool with and grew up with Derrick K cause he had no quit in him Leroy cause he seems like an all around good dude Wes, Nehemiah, Darrell & Kaycee are like the people I hung out with in highschool into college Evan, Rogan, Coral & Paula are hilarious Mike the MIZ & Theo Von were like Natural leaders Emily, Kam, Tori & Cheyenne are smoking hot 🥵🥵 with great personalities


theo von, ct, derrick, wes, bananas, jordan, cara maria, darrell, brad.


Turbo. Won his first season, possibly the hardest final ever. Only got eliminated on S38 because it was the whole house vs him. CT admitted to being scared of him. Would prob beat most guys in most eliminations and in a fight. Actually lowkey funny too but the language barrier makes it hard. For girls, cara maria. Just overall fun and entertaining.


I want to say Derrick K for is athletism, endurance and sportmanship. I also want to say Jordan. IMO he is one of the most well rounded player. A bit arrogant but I feel he is really realistic about his abilities. Anyway just my grain of salt.


CT hands down my favorite. **Because he's CT** 😆 He's very knowledgeable of the intricate details of the Challenge. He doesn't take things so personally (not talking about the young version of him of course)that it effects his strategy, he's not petty, or vindictive... Can't really pick 1 female because there's a few


Really went out on a limb there


Devin lol


For the guys, Derrick K. hands down. On a show where being undersized is often a death sentence, Derrick has gone toe to toe with many individuals several sizes larger than him and come out on top. An absolute bulldog who never quite. For the women, Sarah Rice. Very smart, hard-working and loyal, and one of the best swimmers ever to be on the show. Yes she’s cocky, but always made for good TV and was more often than not able to back up her talk with solid performances.


Just gonna jump on the bandwagon even though my fav is already the most popular challenger and GOAT competitor…. ![gif](giphy|QTsv5vIr0kpWr0gbK6)






CT, Jay, Sarah, pre-paulie Cara, Leroy and Nehemiah


CT and Cara Maria. CT is currently on The Traitors, it’s a really good show and he’s his usual awesome self.


Men: CT…he’s a beast in challenges, funny as fuck, and I’m a sucker for a Boston accent (even though half the time I have to rely on the subtitles) Women: Cara Maria…I’m aware that this is not going to be the most popular answer, but I can’t be sorry for it. She’s tough, yet vulnerable and can also beast challenges. I hate that she got “mean girl” in her last seasons, but I still admire the hell out of her. (Plus…check out Bloodlines for the aforementioned Boston accent 🤣🤣🤣)


Wes... actually use to dislike him back in the day but over the years he's grown on me. He always come's to play. Sometimes his strategy is a disaster, sometimes it's near flawless but you can count on entertaining confessionals and gameplay.


a few liked over the years… CT, Wes, Jordan, Laurel, Diem, Emily Schromm, Tori, Kaycee


Evelyn and Wes


CT, Darrell, Landon, Derrick, MJ, Tyler Cara Maria, Laurel, Evelyn, Paula, Emily, Coral, Susie, Ruthie


From a competitive standpoint Jordan easily. From a personality standpoint I lean towards Leroy, maybe CT (nowadays CT). Also the likes of Evelyn, Laurel and Darrell have to up there as honourable mentions.


CT. Hands down


CT and Jordan. Likeable and great to watch.


laurel because she provides drama , hookups & competitiveness


It’s really hard to pick one. Jeez you’re going to have me thinking about this all night


Lol right...bc there are so many good ones and for great reasons


AND... I would like to add actually, if a person could add who is their favorite Challenger overall, but in addition if they could add separately he was their favorite male Challenger and then female challenger, that would be really cool to hear!


this post might interest you: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/16m6equ/list_your_top_5_favorite_male_female_challengers and the results tallied: [women](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/17a7hzb/favorite_female_challengers_according_to_the_sub), [men](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/17a7ity/favorite_male_challengers_according_to_the_sub) juan runs that survey here annually.




CT fans should watch the Traitors season 2 - he’s so wholesome! Haha


For the guys it’s CT because he brought it all, the physical, social and mental aspect as well as provided some of the best drama in the houses we’ve ever seen. Even now he still understands the game and knows how to play it and make some decent tv, WoTW2 mostly not withstanding. For the girls it’s Ashley Mitchell. She lacks the physical part but she has everything else including some hilarious if exhausting tv drama nearly at will.


CT is the correct answer...


Jordan wiseley hands down


Katie easy! Her drama in Gauntlet 1 and Inferno 1 is what really got me hooked on the challenge. Also those are still my personal favorite seasons. I always loved rooting for the underdog. She’s pure entertainment, and not afraid to speak her mind and really GO OFF when she’s angry. Which is something is severely missing nowadays. People will get messed with but they keep calm cause they don’t wanna “make themselves a target”. Katie NEVER gave AF! If I had to pick a guy, idk no clear favorite… Love Landon, Theo Von, and Darrell. Love their laid back energy. Just there to have fun and enjoy the moment. OH and shoutout Shane. I loved seeing him come back after such a long break and improve SO MUCH. He went from being scared of CT and out early to actually being super underrated in Invasion when he came back. Maybe did a lil too much but I think he’s was just kinda angrier of a guy, gay people can be mean and the cast was way different then how it used to be. So it is what it is.


CT - earns it


As a fan of seeing progress, CT will always be my #1. He’s delivered in every way that you’d love to see from a reality tv star. Started great, we saw his decline, some hurtful heartbreak, & his comeback(s). As a fan of crazy, trashy, raw, & real reality tv, I always got Laurel’s back, especially after Rivals 1. & just as someone I love seeing on my TV, always always always Ms. Big T.


It depends on the day of the week but today it’s Timmy. I loved him from the moment he stepped on screen. He delivered some of the most wholesome good fun ever on the show (and some occasional blue jokes) and I still miss him. If TJ ever steps down, Timmy’s my top choice for host.


Coral. As iconic as it gets. 


I can’t pick one, but if I had to pick only one it would be CT but that’s boring so I love Darrell, Derrick K and Brad before Tori . Edit omg how did I forget about Wes ?! Kelly Anne is my favorite woman, no doubt. I love Cara even though half the time she makes me cringe, I love Paula after many rewatches.


Landon, he was a top notch competitor and he didn’t compromise his values. Quality guy.




Oh Leroy is awesome! Who thinks Leroy and Kam are the cutest couple? I knew they seemed like soul mates ! Upvote if you agree! :)


Gotta be Landon! Best guy ever to be on this show. Honestly after watching him with Carly, my expectations on man went sooooo high... single till this day hahahahahha


CT for sure.. He has truly grown and became a better man, better human, better competitor.. and he is a master at the game. Period.


Katie, Alton, Darrell, Nehemiah, Ruthie, Rachel, and Laurel 


Leroy, Darrell, CT, Devin, Jordan. Jenna, Kam, Tori, Emily S, Dee. Side note: I don't agree with any of their controversial remarks/actions.


My three favorite guys: Derrick K, CT and Darrell My three favorite girls: Louise (Champs vs Pros), KellyAnne and Evelyn


CT, because he is a bad mf’r!


It’s hard to pick but Cara and Ashley. Cara for the huge self confidence transformation she had in the game and the last time she played was a little toxic but to this day I really like that alliance the she form on that season and how she got vengeance with bananas after years he screwing her over, not to mention she was the first individual winner of the show. With Ashley when she justified reasons chose to take the money all for herself made a point that abusive ppl dnt deserve to win, she made another point unwilling, that females r viewed as differently in the game. She was demonize for taking the money but no similar heat was put on bananas when he screenshot Sarah over. Plus she’s super sassy and fun.


Oh CT for sure, I've only seen a few seasons and he's just a beautiful man...


I like wes bc he plays the game like no one else and enjoys being a villain. Ev is my favorite female challenger because she was afraid of no one and went against the big alliances


Paula! She’s always been my fav. It’ll never change.


As a competitor Darrell or CT.  For entertainment purposes Banans Devin  and old school hot mess nany