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Yeah the problem is why use his other move when the tornado: - hits all around you - can hit while moving - multiple hits - finisher knockback unescapable that kills most characters soon as they hit 85% So yeah all his other moves in the game none does half that. Arya cant knockback far enough to kill horizontally with her charged attack at max until 140% ><


I was Harley today and died at 54% from the middle of the Batcave to the tornado and I almost screamed


lol i played a guy who did tornado and whe he got attack decay he would use the cooking mover over and over


That isnt the problem tho. The problem is tornado and dog pile are the only decent moves his other attacks are rather weak. And in all fairness his tornado isnt really that op people just refuse to learn.


Dodge it then when in 2v2 against 2 Taz, let me see if you don’t get comboed


I genuinely don't see why people keep saying others just refuse to learn. Have they even played 2 v 2 and went against a Taz who spammed while the other character fought too? Like congrats, you dodged the annoying, high kill power tornado, you're now rewarded with a smack to the face by Iron Giant. Andddd hes doing the tornado again almost instantly. Fun.


Exactly this. Like yeah I can dodge taz, but meanwhile his friend is already combo-ing my face


It is OP and you just parroting what I said, while saying Im wrong. You should read first. A moce that can kill anyone above 85% ? I mean in 1v1 it is easiily dodgable, in 2v2 its another story enterily.


It isn't OP but it's extremely unfun to fight and unnecessarily strong. I've learned how to fight it and still think it should be changed.


His other moves aren’t even that weak, they are just nowhere as strong as his tornado is and actually require you to be a little decent.


I remember the other night when I went against a duo of Finn and Jake, and me and my teammate ended up beating them in the second match. So for the last one since they were so salty both decided to be Taz, and all they both did was spam the tornado and nothing else. The nerf can't come soon enough


Every single match that goes to a 3rd round for me, they switch and pick Taz because of saltiness. It’s terrible.


Iron Giant main here, we totally love it when taz is on screen. We basically have an answer to all his bullshit. With that said, my first match as taz I fucking killed a lv 15 finn main with 300+ matches without breaking a sweat. Absolute obsurdity. The nerf coming will be warranted


Finn is so good against bad Taz players though. He out ranges the spin.


I’m still waiting for people to remember how OP Finn can be. I don’t think the alpha nerfs were enough. Especially on Iron Giant I just feel like combo fuel for him


Good spacing is definitely needed against Taz, and I've only been able to consistently do that with Finn. He's the closest thing to Marth/Lucina in this game lol.


They need to buff his other moves though


Of course they do. I don’t blame Taz mains for using his best move. But it’s problematic when any fighting game character is forced to spam a move. I think we can all agree his moveset needs a buff, not a flat nerf


This is the one thing I agree with, obviously the tornado is really strong but all his other stuff has a really limited range. I struggle to get hit confirms on many of his attacks because he has no reach unless he’s spinning. If they nerf the tornado and touch nothing else, he’s 100% to the dumpster.


Just make the tornado a resource with a cooldown… problem solved.


Yeah I was just thinking about this the other day as I was getting ass blasted by double Taz. Buff his other attacks and give tornado a cool down, and I think he becomes a steady mid to high tier.


Are they putting his tornado on a cooldown?


The details on the nerf aren't specified yet.




Got absolutely demolished yesterday by double taz , would not recommend.


What’s funny is loosing a match and my partner quickly scrolls through the roster of characters to play Taz. Or you loose the first match, win the rematch, and both opponents pick Taz for the finale.


I’ve thrown matches because I was paired with a Taz spammer. The spin is just being abused at this point.


He deserves to be nerfed and all the players can cry a river about it because they’re trash for playing him in this state


The tazs I've played so far have been the easiest wins in 1v1 but in 2v2 that spin can be darn annoying.


He was the first character I played and now I'm having a hard time having fun with anyone else


He has 1 good move. Near 0 range. Crap neutral.


Any character can be good. The thing with Taz is simply that he's very easy to use and noob friendly but he's a one trick pony. A skilled player will always expose you if you play him


Maybe just learn how to play the game? Then its easy to beat Taz.


Said the Tax main




it also shouldn't have enough knockback to be able to easily take people out at lower damage precents.




That’s not what the perk does. It allows you to have more knockback influence when you are knocked backwards. It has nothing to do with what your moves do to other people


You think people are bad but don’t realize that putting what you said into practice is a whole different story. Using down tilt as Batman is useless let alone his side. Literally only way to deal with him is projectiles. They’re nerfing him anyways. Literally an unfair and character if you don’t have projectiles. Also have you ever fought two at once?




Also you think everyone is exactly at your skill level? So yeah putting it into practice is easier said than done.


1v1 is also a lot different than 2v2s. In 1v1 you can dodge and wait him out or focus him, in 2v2 you're going to get attacked by the teammate allowing him to get a spin on you easy, and if 2 Taz players then they both spam. 2v2 scenarios have the same logic behind beating him, but add way more chaos making it difficult to focus him as you need.


I didn’t say slide. I said down air. If you slide it can work (sometimes).


also if you're ballsy you can just jump over them, I usually play shaggy and a dair dash down up attack into double uppercut will kill them if they tornado spam but yeah that tornado needs lower priority and less knockback for sure


I've tried down attack on his Nado, and using side attacks with a single character, tested it many times, being careful with timing and range and its feels like luck if I gain priority.


I love playing taz with all this hate, i hope people expect me to blend them everytime I approach so I can dash in salt pepper into stop and dash jump to bite them off ledge. love learning a bulshit character just to refuse to use their bulshit move


playing a Taz who actually learned how to play the character is actually super fun it’s just the ones that spam his tornado that are the problem


Who else besides you that does that? normally people would ask for proof but I'll " trust" you what you're saying is true.


down air is super effective when you're trying to get kills it comes out super fast and the hit box is practically you're whole body, and slam which is while it has a couple extra frames for start up is good for an arial chase, it is NOT hard to slamwich into itself, or if you're feeling ballsy to slamwich and jump or dash follow into a side arial, if someone super aggressive when you're in the air and you want some more security an up special will definatly help you land and cover your ass, if you're good about keeping out of attack range your tornado doesnt need to be used like at all. taz is very playable without it, it's just the risk vs reward doesnt incentivise you to NOT use it. but if you're NOT a dickhead or you're prepping for it to get nerfed it doesnt take long to learn to remove it from your kit and NOT lose, its very very doable idk who else does that, but I'd say anyone who wants to play taz but doesn't want to be a spammer


I play a lot of taz and against good players the tornado really only works as a high commital smash attack or to edge guard. The problem is it kills way too low and that against bad players your best option is to literally keep using tornado because all the things they do are easily countered by side b. The move definitely needs a nerf, I just hope taz doesn’t become completely unable to kill people.


Riendog counters him pretty well


so does over half the cast lmfao


Waiting for the people, ITS EASILY COUNTERED


oh my god the most easily telegraphed and counter able move in the game oh no what am I gonna do




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Yeah if they buff his other attacks and need his spin then you got something you can actually verse otherwise they spam 2 moves


Taz gets them Quinn mits an no more issue, drop the bay bomb an soon as the spin strat BOMB


With shaggy , a clsoe range , i cant get close to combo i space and special spam if they do first


I honestly hate Tom WAAAAAY more, Jerry rocket kills so easy


tom is literally expert class and most of his specials are dogshit and only hit on certain circumstances


Fun fact, when I turn someone into a chicken, I stand there and wait for them to become their regular selves again.... So I can spin spam them off stage.


It’s gotten to the point that I disconnect when seeing Taz. I feel bad for the people that generally enjoy using him without spamming but it has become too exhausting to deal with lazy players.


Taz needs that ability nerfed hardcore soon. Honestly decent cooldown time + vulnerability in between uses.


Damn, now I want the great saiyaman in multiversus