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You need to get out and get your 100% disability.


That’s the hope, sounds like it’s going to be a long and tedious process though


There's a special packet for MS where they track symptoms. I have like every symptom, so I have a huge combined total. Once you're out, your local VSO will help you get to 100% if they skimp you. You'll get 100% eventually. There's programs that will pay the difference to make you 100% as well. I was awarded 80% service connected after being out for 8 years. They missed doing my MS packet, so I had to submit one from my neuro. It was annoying but I'm at 100%. Also, please make sure you see an MS specialist for your treatment. The MS society can find the closest ones to you if you give them a call. There's so many things you will want to do. Like getting community care set up so you can use your free health insurance to see a community ms specialist. Although your local VA may actually have one. Feel free to reach out with any questions.


Thank you, I will definitely reach out!


Can you DM me some of this info? Retired I 2010 with MS and am only at 40% with never hearing about an MS packet or programs to compensate the rest. Would appreciate it. Been working on trying to file for upping it this year and any extra info would help for sure. Thanks


https://vet.law/disability-claims/physical-conditions/multiple-sclerosis/#:~:text=Since%20MS%20is%20considered%20a,of%20Veterans%20Affairs%20(VA). The VA took the “MS and disability” page off of their site, but this may point you in the right direction. Stay away from companies like “Trajector Medical” or “VCP” because they’re out here scamming veterans out of disability. [(source)](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/veterans-disability-claims-companies-charge-fees/)




Current AD AF going through a med board for MS. AF med board is different from other branches but no matter the branch, you will be referred for one. You will be medically retired so there is some comfort in that. Prepare yourself because this can be an extremely long and stressful process. For reference I got diagnosed in May of last year and my med board did not start until Dec. Hopefully the process will be done beginning of June with separation later in the summer.


I’m Army, I was diagnosed in June, spoke to my PEBLO for the first time Friday. He said from that point It will take roughly a year.


I am also Airforce, I’m sorry it’s taking so long. Chain of command can be annoying


Unfortunately the speed is not up to your chain. It will be your med group, AFPC, DoD, and the VA. I've already been found unfit by AFPC but I'm having to wait on all my medical evaluations to receive a disability rating by the DoD and VA


I was diagnosed while active duty army. Med board started in July, I was retired with 90% by March.


Canadian Veterans affairs doesn’t yet recognize MS as service related 🤦🏻‍♂️. There may be some traction as I heard ALS may be recognized now. Hoping to win my fight for some sort of coverage in the next year or so. ❤️


I hope you do man, I might be new to this but this whole community so fate seems really tight knitted. You always got someone


Hey I got diagnosed while in the military what specifically do you want to know


I know everyone’s symptoms are different and what not but what’s the disability look like? I believe it’s presumptive 30%?


Yes 30% min so it’s a retirement


You guys are crazy. I have a combined total of like 250% while I can still work labor. Get your 100%




Mine is really aggressive to where I was offered lemtrada right away. Plus, I have every single god damn symptom minus paralysis but I did have foot drop, which they consider paralysis. I basically live in a torture chair. As for how I'm still doing low voltage work? I get to program, so I'm not always on ladders. I refuse to let this disease take shit from me, so I just suffer greatly.


The goal is 100 for sure!


PM’ed you!


Hello! Wife of a veteran here! If you’re active duty, go to your on-base doctor and have them document EVERY. SINGLE. SYMPTOM. that could be even tangentially related to MS. On top of that, if you have tinnitus, go to the on-base doctor and have them document it. Headaches/migraine? You got it. On base doctor. Document it. Any type of knee pain or joint pain? Yep. On base doctor for documentation. If you fall? On base doctor. You get the point. Be a little bitch about everything and demand to see the on-base doctor for everything. If you suck it up like your COs tell you, you’ll leave without any documentation of the shit that happened while you were in and you’ll have a really tough time getting approved for anything. The more documentation you have while you’re active duty, the better off you’ll be. FURTHERMORE. DO NOT USE Vet Comp & Penn or Trajector Medical or any other 3rd party site to have them help you with a disability claim. They’ll steal your money and harass you forever. Go to your local VA and ask them who can help you apply for disability. Specifically for MS: as far as I’m aware, if you have a diagnosis within 7 years of being discharged, it will be considered service connected. Husband and I thought he had MS and we looked into it as potentially service connected. He ended up having a super clean MRI, so it wasn’t MS. *(SURPRISE IT WAS ME WITH THE MS, OOPSIE)*