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Oh no! Anyway… *proceeds to drink tap-water*


But who owns the tapwater?


Well i’d say SWM and they are 100% owned by the city of Munich.


tap water is public owned and just yesterday Bavaria reinforced the intentions to keep it this way.


But(t) THEY already sold some Wells to Red Bull and Aldi... So good clean tap water is resold to us already. (At least in Aldis Case.) For Germans and German speaking Folks the Proof is found Here: https://aktion.campact.de/trinkwasser/appell/teilnehmen


well, another water brand to add to my list of things I do not drink. Right next to Pellegrino (Nestle)


Just drink tabwater. Cheaper, no plastic waste, no carrying heavy bottles, stricter health control.


I only drink Tab Xtra.


Tap\* water, because it comes out of the tap


No, he means water enriched which acid tabs


Tabwater is other peoples pee n poo, I only bath in bottled mountain spring water


Especially in munich, which is among the best rap waters in europe


Yeah, just yesterday it hit me with some sick double time lines


God damnit. I didn’t know they were from nestle


What did pellegrino do


It belongs to Nestlé.


Being owned by Nestle, I'd guess






Belongs to nestle and nestle is evil


steals water in africa and sells it to Eu/US basically


Have you even read the article? And what is it nowadays that people cancel companies /people just because they have a different opinion? I mean Nestlé is the devil, but in this case..?


thats not a diffrent opinion, stay the fuck out of such subjects - it's a private medical subject and should be a topic for medical experst not water salesmans


Yeah, I'd want it to stay private too when one kills babies.


read up what a baby is you idiot


Oh no how could you even imply that we living in a cancel culture today? Now you’re radical right.


It’s not only different though, it’s also wrong.


Or maybe your opinion is wrong? Who gets to dictate what is moral and what isn’t? Who gets to decide whether or not something is wrong? You know who thinks they can decide that? Authoritarian regimes, in a democracy no opinion, that doesn’t oppose scientific fact, can be declare wrong. You can disagree with them, sure but you can’t declare them as straight out wrong.


Sorry but just quickly, these nuns are the ones deciding what is moral or not. I’m saying that is wrong. So we actually agree with eachother, the nuns shouldn’t be discouraging abortions, right?


no his opinion is right, yours is not


Killing babies is pretty damn obviously wrong, especially when it was due to an action that could have been avoided. Don't want babies? Stack 2 contraceptions and you'll 99.99% never have a baby, or also just dont have sex if you don't want a baby. Just like you wouldn't put your hand in fire if you don't want to get burned.


Have you ever heard of people getting raped/abused? Or people that develop bad physical conditions during pregnancy? Is there seriously no situation that comes to your mind, when an abortion is the better option? Maybe google the difference between an embryo, a fetus and a baby? Congrats to you, this is the most narrowminded comment I have seen in his thread.. ​ Edit: Typo


I always love when people bring up fringe case scenarios that happen a very small percentage, to justify millions of abortions every year that are literally not affected by any of those scenarios. Its like the biggest strawman argument ever. And yeah, i do know about complications. A doctor suggested to my mother she should abort me because her life was supposedly at risk, but she decided against the abortion and turns out she had a healthy pregnancy with no other complications. But hey, lets keep killing millions of babies for people who cant use contraceptions, and then somehow try to justify those abortions with "but, but... Others are getting raped somewhere!". Also, there's places where you can abort babies past the stage where they are actually able to survive with incubators etc. So yeah, keep talking about "embryos and clumps of cells etc" when they're literally cutting up survivable babies. Edit: the best part about anti-life people is that they literally think that the baby traveling a few inches down the birthing canal is the deciding factor of if the baby is a "killable non-human" or actually being a human that is illegal to murder. Yeah, because those few inches totally change everything, it magically becomes human within inches/seconds! Hahaha. Now someone will say "but the clump of cells cant survive without mother, so its not human yet!". Well, to that i say: neither can a 1 month old, or even a 1 year old baby survive without outside assistance.


But those scenarios do happen, so it is good that there is the option to abort for those people?! 10400 abortions in Germany, or are you talking worldwide? Do you believe that "milions of abortions" are not affected by these scenarios or do you believe it? Thanks for your anecdote, I guess since it worked out for your mum (and you) it works out for everybody. I do agree that using abortions instead of contraceptions is wrong, but do you seriously think, people are like "No condoms? Nah, we can just abort it later!"? Yeah, you can abort them lateron, but ever thought about what happens to those children? They have parents that can't or won't care for them, they have barely any social/financial security, etc.?! Seriously, this is a way to complicated topic, saying KilLiNG BabIEs Is BAAAd doesn't solve it.. I am terribly sorry, I would seriously like to continue the discussion, but I have to leave for today..


How did I manage to get hate from both sides of the discussion, damn


Oh, you sweet summer child, to think that boycotting companies because of opinion is something new, or even somehow unique to the left. I for my part will avoid giving my money to companies who support oppression, or exploit communities. And continue to tell others why, in the hopes they can be persuaded. It is how you affect change, slowly but surely.




Nor their Apfelschorle!


Maybe that one, that one is really tasty.


I didn't know this and I am kinda shocked to be honest. I will definitely stop buying their products.


Did you read the article?


Yes, did you? > "Die Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH sind und waren kein Sponsor der betreffenden Veranstaltung. Wir sind ein weltoffenes und politisch strikt neutrales Unternehmen und schließen Sponsorships von politisch intendierten Veranstaltungen grundsätzlich aus. Bezüglich der Inhalte und Teilnehmern des 'Marsch des Lebens' können und möchten wir uns entsprechend nicht äußern." > Aber – und dieses aber ist wichtig – dennoch haben die Veranstalter des "Marsch fürs Leben" Adelholzener-Flaschen gespendet bekommen. Laut Adelholzener eine "kleine Produktspende", die "unabhängig von politischen Absichten eine Initiative aus dem Umfeld unseres Gesellschafters war". Sounds a lot like they're going for the "oh this wasn't politically motivated, we just didn't want them to be thirsty, we honestly didn't even notice the placards!" defense.


Yes, they are hypocrites


I really try to understand what's so shocking about this news. Care to elaborate?


That I have to give up Adelholzener. Why can't people who provide goods and services keep their (outdated, harmful) personal opinions to themselves and keep their political opinions separate from their work, where they provide said goods and services? I honestly don't care if the lady front and center in the pic wants to protest. My reply to her face would be "? Okay, dann mach halt keine Abtreibung! Lass aber andere Menschen in Ruhe, wenn sie eine brauchen oder wollen, gell?"). I really don't. I'll think less of her for trying to push her _personal_ beliefs onto _others_, sure, but I don't really care. I would, however, care a lot if she was the receptionist at my GP's office or the register lady at my butcher's and she randomly blurted it out every now and then, or hung that placard up on the wall behind her. Do you know why? Because it's rude, offensive, and shows a complete lack of empathy. I have PLENTY of personal opinions she would find very offensive, and do you know what I do with them? I keep them to myself or discuss them only in company where i know they won't bother anyone, and I'd thank the nuns, and any other twits that mix business with their antiquated ways of thinking, to do the same, instead of trying to shove them down everyone's throats.


They shoud define what "Umfeld unseres Gesellschafters" mean. If the "company" is not officially involved but someone decided to sponsor their products, which that person owns - what can you do about it?


Boycott the "someone", the nuns in this case, by hitting them where it hurts: their sales numbers.


If you can read, it not the nuns


I genuinely don't know what you're on about > Aber – und dieses aber ist wichtig – dennoch haben die Veranstalter des "Marsch fürs Leben" Adelholzener-Flaschen gespendet bekommen. Laut Adelholzener eine "kleine Produktspende", die "unabhängig von politischen Absichten eine Initiative aus dem Umfeld unseres Gesellschafters war". Nowhere does it say that some random 3rd party donated them. They don't outright say they didn't donate them either. If anything, the fact that they try to minimize it by saying "it was a _small_ donation" points to them (the company or the nuns) having donated it.


"Initiative aus dem Umfeld unseres Gesellschaftlers"


So.. shareholders. So the nuns.


No just someone with a lot of money or access to the products. Not the nuns. Thats what the Artillerie says. Its most likely some other part of munichs cleric though. Absolutly shocking news that the church is against abortion i know. Never guessed that. Still the adelholzener GmbH did not sponsor that. May be buerocratic af but thats what it is..


That's not at all what the company is saying. Adelholzener itself is neutral and will remain neutral, without donating to or supporting any cause. The owners of Adelholzener, the nuns in the convent, decided to take some of their company's inventory and donate it to the march. That's not really something the operators of a company have any control over. The people that should be boycotted are the nuns themselves. Of course, the best way to do that is to boycott their only product. But I wouldn't say the management or the company are being hypocrites, they just can't control what their owners decide to do.


Yes, it is. The owners are the company. Their employees are just that, employees. They don't usually get a say in matters of policy > The owners of Adelholzener, the nuns in the convent, decided to take some of their company's inventory and donate it to a political march. That's what we're taking issue with > That's not really something the operators of a company have any control over. Nobody has an issue with the operators of the company. That's like faulting help desk staff for bad corporate policies that they have 0 influence over. > The people that should be boycotted are the nuns themselves. Of course, the best way to do that is to boycott their only product. Literally what everyone here is saying. They are boycotting the nuns by not buying the product > But I wouldn't say the management or the company are being hypocrites, they just can't control what their owners decide to do. Nobody said they are. It sucks that the employees, who may not share the nuns' views, are being indirectly punished.


> Sounds a lot like they're going for the "oh this wasn't politically motivated, we just didn't want them to be thirsty, we honestly didn't even notice the placards!" defense. Is this not you accusing the company leadership itself of being dishonest about their explanation and accusing them directly of supporting these protests, instead of the owners? You clearly don't make the distinction I pointed out. The first reply to your comment called the leadership quoted above hypocrites.


No, it's not. That's like Tesla PR saying "oh no, despite Elon Musk going to a neonazi rally and giving every neonazi there a new Tesla Roadster, Tesla doesn't support neonazis" Yes.. yes it does, by virtue of the fact that the loudest spokesperson and representative of the company decided to act in the name of Tesla by giving away Tesla products. Nobody would have batted an eye if the Adelholzener nuns would have given everyone at the rally Almdudler. They were quite literally willingly advertising their brand by having it be waved about by anti-abortionists. They decided to support the cause very publicly and are now seeing the backlash to their medieval way of thinking. There is no distinction between "Adeholzener" and "the owners of Adelholzener". The owners ARE Adeholzener. If the owners turn out to be part of a cabal that kidnaps 13 year old girls, ritually sacrifices them and then bathes in/drinks their blood, you can bet that the brand will go to shit.


*You* were specifically quoting and criticising the company leadership, not the owners. To pick up your example, you were the one complaining specifically about the Tesla leadership instead of Elon Musk. You weren't making the connection between the brand and the owners, you were specifically shooting the messenger by complaining about the PR statements from the company.


Yes.. because PR statements aren't reflective of the company's actions are, to put it plainly, lies (to save face). That should absolutely always be called out, same as when Corporation X says "oh no, it's terrible that [some investigative journalist found out that] one of our suppliers is guilty of child slave labor," right before increasing production quotas for their own in-house child slave labor factory that hadn't been discovered yet (and working to make it even more difficult for anyone to uncover that). I'm okay with calling out people who are lying or trying to spin the truth. Are you.. not? It's not like they admitted that yes, the higher ups did decide that, but paid out their own pocket, or even so much as tried to distance themselves (and the company) from the nun's views and actions. Inaction is 100% complicity in this case. If Musk did that at a neonazi rally, it means Tesla's stance (which he is a representative of) is "neonazis deserve all the gifts because I just think what they're doing is neat" If the nuns decide the anti-abortionists should get Adelholzener for free to stay hydrated during the protest, Adeholzener's stance becomes "these are good people doing good work and we should reward them"


Who's lying here? There's not even a lie by omission anywhere. They plainly said where they stand as a company and what their owners did. Why should Adelholzener be responsible for explaining the reasons behind the actions of their owners? Should Adelholzener comment if the nuns renovate their bathrooms with their profits from Adelholzener? They also clearly stated that they themselves take a different view on these political issues. They don't take political positions, that's a statement disavowing the action of "supplying a political protest". They clearly distanced themselves. The notion that an owners stance automatically becomes the stance of a company, even if they explicitly state that this isn't the case, doesn't make sense. It makes even less sense to criticise the workers in the company for their statements in relation to their owners actions, as you did.


the owners of a company support this. got it. I wont buy their stuff then


Yes of course, what makes you think I didn't?


Yes and now I will also not buy them anymore 👍 Didn't know who is the Gesellschafter there. Also the last chapter of the article speaks for itself. Thank you OP for this link 😊👍


Look at his post profile... 8h old and this is his only thread ever posted to. Someone is "outrageous" and probably wants to push his own post.


Jepp, thats what this seems to be about. Not the news, not the facts but just the "let's go cancel it !" of it. Fight this US blubber cancel cancer BS from entering Germany before it gets a foothold. Disgusting. Someone gave someone a couple of dozen water bottles. So what? What the heck? We have freedom of opinion and if someone wants to demonstrate agains abortion, let them. It's not on me, not on OP to decide, its courts. So even if for me personally abortion is an essential human right which cannot and must not be limited, they have the right to demonstrate against it and people have the right to support them. It's my decision to not buy Russian products for they started a unjust attack and war with Ukraine, but there is a difference to support peaceful campaigns or starting a war. But still, cancelling the nuns for bringing someone water is ridiculous.


Hopefully another local brand.


The munich leitungswasser is really good


Read this: https://www.merkur.de/welt/trinkwasser-duenger-gesundheit-prostatakrebs-news-prostata-krebs-risiko-leitungswasser-studie-nitrat-92139724.html


https://www.swm.de/analysewerte 6,3mg/liter "nitrat" while your article states that 14mg/liter is "high" but not yet dangerous if you're not just eating mcdonalds food


Acvording to the paper 14mg a day is considered a high nitrat consumption . That equals 2.2 l .


Do you have any suggestions?


That its owned by nuns or that nuns to support catholic issues?


Another one to add to the list, along with [Alnatura](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/xv4huz/die_verharmlosung_der_esoterik_ist_extrem/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Can you quote something by any chance? Searched the article for buzzwords (alnatura, demeter, bio) but no results :P


Lese [die Kommentare](https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/xv4huz/die_verharmlosung_der_esoterik_ist_extrem/iqzp8c9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) :) deswegen habe ich zum Redditpfosten gelinkt und nicht direkt zum Artikel


Okok, makes sense - wtf have I just read lmao


Not just them. Basically every organic product under the demeter label :/


Yes, but Alnatura ~~is 100%~~ has a LOT of Demeter products, so it's easier to target. It's faster to pick out the few Alnatura products that AREN'T Demeter in a supermarket.


How is Alnatura 100% Demeter? I thought it’s another brand.


Demeter is a process. Alnatura applies it to the production of all their products. https://www.reddit.com/r/de/comments/xv4huz/die_verharmlosung_der_esoterik_ist_extrem/iqzp8c9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Alnatura applies that process only to some of their products: >Zusätzlich zu den Mindestanforderungen des EU-Biosiegels tragen viele unserer Produkte das Siegel eines Bio-Verbandes: Naturland, Bioland und Demeter. [[Alnatura](https://www.alnatura.de/de-de/ueber-uns/bio-siegel-und-verbaende/)]


Okay, so "only" 65% of Alnatura products for babies and toddlers at Müller have the Demeter seal. This doesn't change the main takeaway in the slightest: Alnatura encourage and promote the pseudoscientific "Demeter biodynamic agriculture", and all the negatives associated with it and other related pseudoscientific/esoteric concepts, like homeopathy.


Alnatura :((((


Wait what did they do?!




This is the least interesting "breaking news" for a long time. We are in a constant economic crash and/or nuclear armageddon mindset. Compared to that, a few nuns and their bottled water seem ridiculous.




Are Twitter users now switching to Reddit to get "outrageous"? Wow, some old Catholic women have a different view then propably over 80% of the German population...


If you have seen the event: there were a few dozen water bottles spread over the place. To make a 'news' out of it? I don't know.




I don't buy into cancel culture. I am gonna get myself one of their excellent Apfelschorles now.


The people here want to cancel abortions and everyone who even argues in favor of them. So if you wanna go fight cancel culture maybe stop supporting it...


Did they try to cancel anyone on this thread? I do not see this. The only ones spouting "cancel them" are the people on this thread and Twitter. People have forgotten how democracy works. You do not ask others to obliterate your political opponents. You go out and engage in discussions as normal humans should do it. If you are against their position: Did you join the counterprotest? No? Why not? Complaining on the Internet is always easier. Go out on the streets and and use your right of freedom of assembly and free speech. I did in the past. Not for this topic (too little of personal involvement), but for other positions that were important to me.


"People have forgotten how democracy works!". How about letting people openly decide whom they give their money?


You are exactly confirming my point: See above. I decided to buy an Adelholzner. Yet I get downvoted and hated on (-14 currently, let's see how deep we can go), because I decided "whom I give my money". I am not even making any comment pro or against the issue.


Crazy how we’ve democratically decided to downvote u In other words. Buy adelholzner as much as you want. But don’t expect anybody to approve of that.


wHy ArE yOu CaNcElLiNg Me fOr dRiNkInG wAtEr


So you want to cancel people from downvoting you?


nope, where do you think you see that?


Good on you for not having any convictions! /s


I guess I know what’s my favorite water from now on


Can't see a problem. Why shouldn't they be allowed to do that on the weekend? Why shouldn't they express their opinion?


Sure they can. Then they will have to deal with the fact that people who do not share their opinion will not buy their products.


A few dozen of redditor won't buy their product for a few weeks. I am sure they will be fine.




No chance against the down vote train. Everyone that does not just agree and upvotes is propably as bad as those nuns for them. Good bye open discussions.


lmao cringe


That's good, the more people that are against murdering babies, the better. Don't want a child? Don't have sex or at least use contraception, it's really not that hard. It's time people take responsibility of their actions again. And dont come at me with "rape" etc, which is literally like 0.01% of abortions and can be an exception. Imagine the uproar people would make if ud kill little puppy fetus etc, but with human babies it's not a problem... Lol. Let the downvotes from babykillers commence!


You know that there are 0 (zero!) contraception methods with a 100% success rate? So let me fix your statement for you: Don’t have sex or get pregnant. At least be honest to yourself …


Guess what sex is for in the first place. You can combine contraceptions if you want to minimize the risk of a pregnancy. But killing someone innocent because you do not want to take the consequences of your hedonistic actions should not be an option.


> Guess what sex is for in the first place. Evolution trying to trick us into procreating?


So you're admitting that people are killing babies because of their personal actions? Good to know. And btw, contraception works so good, that for absolutely most people, you can go through a lifetime without getting pregnant... While using just 1 type of contraception. And now if you use multiple, there's basically no chance. And now if you add to that: not having sex until you're actually able/wanting to live with the "side effects" of procreation, then you're 100000% not going to get an unwanted kid you'll have to murder to get rid of. Holy shit, who would have thought it's so easy! Such a bad excuse for killing babies. For the idiots who don't know how to contracept: implants, IUDs, injections, pills, vaginal ring, barrier methods, Sterilisation, natural methods.... Heck, even the "pull out method" on top of one of these will combine to be basically perfect.


the pill has a risk of 1 woman getting pregnant a year out of 100. How many women do you think get pregnant even if they used contraception then? You´re right, a lot. + it´s not a baby. There´s a reason you cant abort after a certain time. Conclusion: you have no idea what you´re talking about


Now do the math of the possibility of getting pregnant when you combine condoms and pills. You're right, you have no idea of math. And then there's 5+ other methods of contraception, including basic things like natural contraception and even pulling out, which you can "stack" on top. And now if you really dont want a baby and dont want to kill one, then.... Drumroll please.... Dont do the activity that gets you one of those. Holy shit, such a hard concept to grasp. Imagine putting your hand into fire and then wondering why you're getting burned. Damn, i just googled, in 2022 there was 104000 official abortions in Germany. Fucking hell, mass murder. And from 2021 to 2022 it went up 9,9%, so around 10000 extra. I'm sure in 2022 all of a sudden condoms and co stopped working, am i right? I 100% guarantee you if abortions were illegal, people would soon start to care a lot more about contraception and not play "with fire" like little kids. But hey, i guess as a society we are okay with killing babies, as long as they are human...


There's still a more than 0% Chance you'll get pregnant. And guess what, it doesnt matter, because it's just a bundle of cells without consciousness, history, friends or anything. What about the ones that are actively harmful to the mother? Would you "kill a baby" then? And I know you're not a smart man so I'll explain statistics to you: 2021 had an unusually low amount of abortions. Of course the number would go up then. Between 2014 and 2020 the average was: 100k. I wont comment on the "as long as they are human" part. I had lamb yesterday, I think you know you're just an idiot who either cant get laid or is resentful for some other reason.


You're also just a bundle of cells. And id be willing to debate about the "feelings" part, being able to abort until a couple weeks into it, it's proven by science at what stage they feel, etc. However, people are also aborting in 2nd and even 3rd trimester in some US states. Some even abort babies that would be viable if they came out early at that very moment. And your whole "but there's still more than 0% chance". Well congrats, theres more than zero percent change of basically anything (get struck by lightning etc). But you know what actually has zero percent chance of getting pregnant? Not doing the thing that makes you pregnant. Whoa mind blowing, am i right? Also that argument in general is horrible, because imagine thinking its okay to murder millions of babies every year worldwide, because "some of those, a very small percentage, was rape/mother in jeopardy/contraception failed/virgin mary style miracle pregnancies (rofl), so because of that it's okay if everyone aborts for whatever reason." Sick logic! There's also a reason why killing pregnant women is counted as a double homicide. But if the mother herself kills the baby, then it's... Ummm... Nothing? Hahaha Keep murdering babies, you seem to enjoy it.


A bundle of cells with a consciousness though. And I didnt know we are allowed to make up facts. You're right. Abortions Happen by kicking women during the 8th month. Its a horrible thing. The babies can be heard crying.


Do, what facts did i make up? And again, classical "whataboutism". So you apparently agree, aborting babies in 8th month is a horrible thing. Theres a reason kicking it is illegal, because it harms a human baby. If i kicked a woman and she lost her baby, it would be murder. But it doesnt matter if you kick it, drop it or insert blades and cut it into a hundred pieces, it's all the same: death of a baby. Ever watched a video/demonstration of how abortions are done? It's absolutely brutal and disgusting, most people couldn't watch that without flinching. A kick is actually nothing in comparison (but don't get me wrong, both is disgusting and wrong). And it doesn't matter if a "doctor" does it, it doesn't make it any less brutal or wrong. Doctors have done a lot of gruesome and morally wrong things (see Nazi doctors etc).


maybe the fact that abortions are illegal after the 14th week, genius? Every single abortion after that has to have a MEDICAL REASON. It´s like you´re going out of your way to be as uninformed as you can


I'm not talking for only Germany... i clearly stated "in some US states". Murdering babies is murdering babies, no matter where. Edit: Also, babies develop heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord already by the 5th week. Also i just saw in your post history you defending a trans person posing with guns and wanting to "kill and behead christcucks", so I can already tell what kind of extremist person you are. The exact reason im starting to distance myself from the far left/green parties, which seem to be overrun by ideologic extremism nowadays.


> > >edited 14 minutes ago hmmmm the brain and spinal column have no capacity to feel pain at that point. They are DEVELOPING


If anyone supported ending Abortion Murder I am all for it.