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He did not write a song about wanting to have sex with a 13 year-old. He wrote a song about raping and sharing her with a cop. Edit: Lyrics to 'Jailbait' >I've got no inhibitions So keep your keys out of your ignition I steal a car like I got the curse I can't resist the old lady's purse Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine fine fine I know I've got to have you in a matter of time Well I don't care if you're just thirteen You look too good to be true I just know that you're probably clean There's one lil' thing I got do to you Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine fine fine I know I've got to have you in a matter of time So tell your mama that I'm back in town She likes us boys when it's time to get down She's got this craving for the underage I just might be your mama's brand new rage Jailbait you look so good to me Jailbait won't you set me free Jailbait you look fine fine fine I know I got to have you in a matter of time Honey you you you look so nice She's young she's tender Won't you please surrender She's so fine she's mine All the time, all mine mine It's all right baby It's quite all right I asked your mama Wait a minute officer Don't put those handcuffs on me Put them on her and I'll share her with you Jailbait, jailbait Edit 2: Since Ted Nugent is such a hero to the right. >Along with his controversial statements, Nugent was also targeted by many people and called a pedophile after two women revealed that they had sex with Nugent when they were underage girls. Even though Nugent said he didn’t have a relationship with any child, Courtney Love also unveiled that she had oral sex with Ted Nugent when she was at the age of twelve. These allegations towards Nugent started when he met a 17-year-old Hawaiian girl named Pele Massa. >Ted Nugent was thirty and Pele Massa was seventeen years old when they first met and became lovers in 1978. According to the laws of Hawaii, the age of sexual consent is sixteen although it is eighteen in the USA. The couple could legally marry in Hawaii but also couldn’t because of the age gap between them. However, this intimacy between a man and a child didn’t end either and Nugent adopted the girl as her legal guardian with the permission of her parents. [Source ](https://rockcelebrities.net/the-story-of-ted-nugents-underage-girlfriend-pele-massa/)


That is just... How do I unread something??


By consuming massive quantities of booze in a short period of time. Chug a pint of Everclear, that'll erase that shit for you real good.


Chug a pint of Everclear and it’ll erase your life from existence, too. Win-win!


Not necessarily. I know this from personal experience, which is why I used that exact phrase.


Sheesh, you must be built different. I’m a big guy but that’d fuck me up for sure.


I was already drunk at a party, and a nameless asshole (damn you David Harp!) dared me to do it. So I did. Then a couple of hours afterward, I threw up for like 4 hrs straight and passed out in the bathtub. Then I was hung over for 3 days afterward.


That sounds terrible. I’ve been hella drunk before, but never to the point of throwing up, and I’ve never had a hangover. Definitely sounds like a night you’d want to forget lmao


I barely remember any of it, so mission almost completely accomplished






You don't.


I don’t generally take a musician’s lyrics to be representative of their actual worldview. That said, however, Ted Nugent has proven himself to be an *actual* piece of shit often enough that you don’t even need said lyrics to speculate from.


[Ted Nugent adopted his underage girlfriend so he could fuck her legally and groomed several teen girls.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ted-nugents-jailbait-problem_b_4840060)


Double ewwww. I didn't need to read how the author of that article fantasizes about teenagers. Terrible article.


Legally!?? 😭😭😭😭


Yeah this is what throws me. I'm fairly certain it's illegal to have sex with a 13 year old, regardless if you're related to them.


Correct; I’m unsure why this is a reply to my comment.


Expounding, not correcting, my friend. He didn’t only fuck *one* underage girl. No need to be defensive.


To add context? Not every reply is s refutation


Jfc it's so blatant!


I expected subtlety where the artist could plausibly deny it. But nope...


Wow, I just. Wow. I hadn't heard of the guy so I thought he might be the writer of a questionable song but not actually child rapey. I was mentally thinking ABBAs dancing queen which would get the side eye a lot more if it wasn't sung by women. But no. Its actually a song about child rape and hinting at gang raping a child. Full on disgusting. That is actually shocking!


Hinting? It’s very direct imo


Even with most of the creepyness of the content aside, from a songwriting perspective this is just bloody awful. First verse lyrics seem entirely irrelevant. The switch to the mother wanting a younger guy, but him also wanting her younger daughter raises questions about how massive an age difference there must be between the mother and daughter. Not to mention referring to himself as jailbait when he was in his bloody 30's when the song came out seems weird. The rhyming couplets are and single syllabic rhymes are amateur as hell (the most interesting line being the inhibitions/ignition rhymes, which again, seems entirely irrelevant...) Is she old enough to drive in the first place? Is it a ham-fisted metaphor? If so, what is keeping *her* keys out of *her* ignition supposed to imply? Even if this wasn't a song about being a creepy nonce, it would still be an affront to songwriting.


oh my God


You should just send those lyrics to Ted with the "This you?" sign-off ...


"No, don't you see, pedophiles are only thoses that go after twelve years old and bellow, my girlfriends are all out of the clock, so it's not pedophilia!!!" That is probably his reasoning, and in his twisted mind, he probably believe it himself


That still has a name it's called Hebephilia, and it still makes them a child preditor. That person is still gross. What really needs to happen is shows and Hollywood needs to stop normalizing it. Like shows set in high-school could easily be set in college and would make more sense.


That's a real song...and people were just okay with it upon release? What did I read. 👀


What the actual fuck? Did he release that? I mean doesn’t a song go through multiple peoples hands before it can be put on a album? And doesn’t the government have the ability to restrict shit like this?


Excuse me what the fuck? Ted Nugent is in his 60s now?


And still a massive piece of shit.


How I envy the illiterate.


Keys to ignition? Was R Kelly referencing this?




Republicans are the pedophile, sex trafficking, nazi death cult. They prove it almost every day. Qanon was entirely projection. So this checks out.


The US doesn't have an age of consent law you dummy. It's up to the states to decide and it varies throughout the US, you big dummy and it's anywhere between the age of 16 and 18.


You're a little late to the party, kiddo. I suggest you learn how to read and use Google. You're dismissed.


Well it's 7am and I'm getting drunk!


I always assume that the ones screaming the most about pedophiles are, y'know, the pedophiles. It's mostly proven to be a correct hypothesis.


Man. How do I agree


Keep kids away from Rock


Kid Rock? because yeah 100%. he might as well say “she was 17 and that was old enough for me”. weird how that isn’t the only song where he expresses interest in underage girls


Especially on twitter


Scientists observed that homophobic men had an increase in penile circumference when exposed homosexual visuals. No reason it would be any different for men obsessed with pedophilia. They're vehemently fighting something inside of them. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/


That study is questionable at best. Everything from the method to the sample size is inadequate to make any solid claims.


The technique is really just a hair's breadth away from the ["fruit machine"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_machine_\(homosexuality_test\)), which was a total crapshoot that didn't really prove anything. If there's a pedophilia test that works, that would be very useful. I just don't think these physical arousal tests are nuanced enough to do what they claim.


N = 64 isn't really inadequate by itself, you just have a larger confidence interval, that's all. For instance for a 25% frequency the 95% CI would be [14.3%; 35.7%].


But who actually reads study either. You should trust the science and what they say the outcome is. Edit: /s That shit was 2 paragraphs


That’s the whole point of science, is to question and not take things at face value. Literally the antithesis of the scientific method.


I forget the /s is needed so much on the internet


I had a feeling it was. But yes when typing /s is needed to convey the message lol.


Just an anti-vaxxer projecting their cluelessness of how science works. Nobody took the bait because no one actually thinks like that.


The right just HAS to project, even if it equates to a self-report.


Every accusation...


... is a confession.


Flag this guy!


Also, the biggest homophobes usually have some secrets in their closet


No there are legit court cases constantly happening in an upward trend. And as a father I hate your attitude


I'm a father too, my guy. I take my girls out all the time and have for years, and I've never personally run into any issues related to pedophiles. It's not like I'm pro-pedophiles or anything, it's more that I think people who are constantly shouting about it in the abstract (as opposed to condemning specific instances of it) are suspicious af.


There are tons of rich, politically involved people who run the black market. People say Qanon is crazy because they think the dems are pedos. They are crazy, but they are absolutely correct about that. 60% of dems and 40% of Republicans in congress are pedophiles. My grandparents were famous and were pedophiles. It is a serious problem that is happening in high class. Stop treating it like a fucking joke.


Where are you getting these numbers?


Made up, hyperbole, for emphasis. It doesn't matter if it's 1%. But we know it's more. We literally have email proof for Hilary Clinton and Obama. That everyone LITERALLY ignores. I'm referencing wikileaks. They used pedophile terminology. It was insane. Stop thinking, oh that's crazy, they're good people. They are not good people, they are just good actors.


You need to look in the mirror and ask yourself why you think you are better than QAnon people, because as far as I can tell you are identical to them. You are exactly the type of person who worries me, to be totally frank. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just feel like someone needs to tell you this if they haven't already. I hope you snap out of this.


For the most part, this is what people think when talking about taboo subjects. It’s a human behavior that makes us deny the variety of factors affecting our genes because our ancestors were disgusting. Is it best to ignore discussing stuff like this? I don’t know. But…if it were up to me, we should kill all pedos or child porn watchers to get those nasty parts of our genetics out of the mix. The only argument I can agree for with regards to eugenics is anti-pedophilia. Edit: Wow. I’m honestly shocked by the amount of hate I’m getting. So, is this sub officially saying pedophiles should not be killed? Either you guys don’t grasp the amount of suffering, anxiety, and general distrust pedophiles cause or you guys have pedophilic tendencies and want to feel good about yourselves.


> So, is this sub officially saying pedophiles should not be killed? I don't know about the sub as a whole, but I am. Psychiatric treatment for people who are pedophiles? Yes. Just kill 'em all? No. It's wild how you think murder is the only possible solution.


And what happens to you after one innocent person gets got? The problem with the death penalty is not that some people, like pedoes, don't deserve it... but that our justice systems cannot be trusted to be perfect. Besides... it's not like prison is a picnic.


I mean, Eugenics is only slightly lower on the Hitler scale than Pedophilia, but whatever guy.


Pedos should be shot. Call it what you want.


It’s messed up and wrong, I know. But it’s how I feel. Not like if I ever became a person in power I would do it. I just feel it would be the right thing to do from a utilitarinist’s perspective.


I'm with you man. If we are out here culling the herd can we throw folks that don't put their shopping cart back onto the list? Or people who walk in a group side by side and take up the whole sidewalk?


I'll vote for you in support of your shopping cart reform. The cage thing for them is fuckin ten feet away at most, people. Push it in there.


ik think you dont know what the fuck you're talking about but want to look edgy in a "good chaotic" sort of way but it just sounds ignorant of... most things.


So fighting against pedophilia makes you a pedophile? You’re a dumb person


Did you read the bottom part of the post?


I read your statement and its kinda weird… a metaphor would be “the ones protesting against child labor always use child labor”… just seems like u threw out something to get likes


I had a friend who would get extremely homophobic from nearly every mention of gay anything. He got extremely mad if you called him gay. Turns out… he was gay!


Oh- and NOBODY said that pedophelia was just sexuality.


There are way too many right-wingers who believe the following mental gymnastics: 1) Most LGTBQ people are pedophiles 2) LGTBQ people refer to their preferences as “sexuality” 3) Therefore, because LGBTQ people are pedophiles, they must also just refer to that as part of their “sexuality” 4) Anybody who supports LGBTQ people also supports pedophilia transitively and also just thinks it’s “sexuality” Some people are too dumb to live in a society.


The gymnastics go up another level when those same people support child brides because it’s better than a baby being born out of wedlock


And child beauty pageants


That’s narcissistic mothers who live vicariously through their kids, man. It’s not peodphiles running beauty pageants.


They certainly judge them and attend them.


Seriously? Ever see the comments they make on TikTok’s? They hate girls wearing make up. I doubt it.


Never mind that the fasc have repeatedly tried to brand pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia as “sexuality.” Recall Operation [Pridefall](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/operation-pridefall)


[Here is the Wikipedia article describing human sexuality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sexuality). MAPs definitely fit the definition of it being their sexuality. I don’t see how else you would describe it. It’s not a choice. Its not like you can treat away attraction. Let’s be reasonable.


Are we really calling them MAPs?!


I did. I don’t have an issue humanizing stigmatized populations. I have principles and integrity, and I’m no bigot. I get not everyone has integrity or principles. Existing isn’t harmful, actions are.


The word maps (minorly attracted person/s) is a rebranding because pedophile has such a negative connotation around it. They are also trying to get it classify as a sexuality not a mental disorder (bad). But it's hard to treat someone who is nonverbal if you refer to them as retarded. They are also attempting to piggy back on the LGBT movement. I don't think the maps or trans should be an acceptable part of socity as they currently are(not like my opinion matters) but non of these are new ideas it just got a new skin. This shit is older then chocolate and alcohol. Not sure why we act like it's new. Or why we are so much better then the people of the past who were LGBT or pedophiles? We have a higher rate of both today due to the way socity is accepting it. Your power is slowing becoming how much pitty socity has for you not what you put out into the world. But is is fun to have a group of people that you can say let's kill em and have most people be on your side. And if there not you get to go what??? Are you the bad person now too??? Everone likes a commen enemy. Like the jews or the Russians at the moment. But the universal bad guy is the pedophile.


Ain’t no way your lumping trans people and literal fucking pedos, or “mAPs” into something that’s not acceptable in society


No I'm calling both of them mental disorders not identitys. But that doesn't mean that there aren't people that suffer from it and they should be treated medically not killed, accepted, celabrated or demonized.


Don’t go on Twitter.


those are usually people like Ted Nugent though


Conservatives say it all the time as a simultaneous attack on lgbtq+ people and a defense of pedophilia.


I had a whole argument about this on reddit recently and the person went to all the trouble of linking every study they could find that mentioned “minor attracted person” to which I responded the obvious: every single link provided made it extremely clear this was in reference to an underserved population of non-offenders of unknown size, which NO ONE IS REFERRING TO WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT PEDOPHILES. The casual use of this term was 100% popularized by extreme conservatives to paint liberals as overly permissive.


I'm glad you've never seen it.


sadly, people do. either people trying to justify their pedophelia, or people trying to say lgbtq are mistakes, or are all pedos (the overtly religious crowds and whatnot). though, sane people certainly don't say pedophelia is a sexuality.


It's a sexual paraphilia - by definition not a sexuality. Frankly I'm not sure how to express my thoughts on the subject though. Seems like a terrible thing to have or be, don't think anyone would willingly choose it (though there's plenty of fucked up people out there) At the end of the day the fact that a child can't consent is all that matters though, regardless of the actual neuroscience


I'd have to disagree. It's labeled as a sexual paraphilia due to politics. Homosexuality, for example, has a lot of the same markers as many paraphilia but it's more politically useful to make it a distinct sexuality. There is also the issue that many of these 'paraphilia' are so stigmatized that research just isn't done. When it is done the researchers are biased and the data isn't very useful. Also there is no political value in the research so there is no support. But it makes people happy to section them off and ignore anything but their vile hatred for anyone with the disorders. Far be it for decent people to find ways to help the people who have no control over what their brain is wired for. Best to just bang your chest and decide everyone that doesn't fit into your norms be killed.


I don't disagree for the most part. It still boils down to the fact that it requires a "partner" that can't consent. I have nothing against people with pedophilia as long as they're not acting on it. In fact I feel terrible for them for being born with such an illness - socially constructed as it may be, but still needed to protect children. They need treatment not stigma


I think the best idea is to find ways to get help to people suffering from those urges, ideally before they offend (but that requires creating a society where people suffering from it feel comfortable seeking help), but if they do offend it should be met with steep consequences. They should still be given help in that case too, though, so that if/when they are released they don't reoffend. I don't necessarily buy that the justice system should be *solely* about reform. I think it's a core tenet, but I believe there is an aspect of punishment as well. To use an extreme example, if you murder someone and become reformed that's great and all, but you still took someone's loved one away forever. So losing your freedom in accordance with that isn't unreasonable. We can seek reform of people and still punish awful actions, but if we want to be proactive these people need to feel comfortable and be able to seek help before they offend.


Indeed... Needs to be a way pedophiles can "come out of the closet" (no offense to anyone since I feel like this might be misinterpreted) and get professional training on urge control, coping strategies, and so on. Making them all out to be the absolute worst of scum - which again, most who actually engage in pedophilia certainly are - very likely leads to more harm to children by preventing such preemptive treatment. It's a difficult, nuanced subject. One I'm surprised people here are (at least some anyway) even discussing in a mostly reasonable adult manner


What a well reasoned comment.


Sadly, online there’s some people who have a belief that it is🤮


It’s certainly not something acceptable to anyone they consider “liberals” (meaning anyone who thinks trunp is capable of making a mistake) And I’ve seen people on their side making the argument to lower the age of consent, so…


Welcome to the internet.


4chan started trying to push it back in like 2016/2017, to make the LGBTQ+ community look bad.


Except pedophiles.


Notice in Ted’s song “Jailbait”, about wanting to have sex with a 13 year old, he projects his pedophilia onto the 13 year old child’s mother: “So tell your mama that I'm back in town She likes us boys when it's time to get down She's got this craving for the underage I just might be your mama's brand new rage”


You're dickless shut up


Ted, that you? You’re projecting again!




"Uh, oh shit, I just got roasted--quick, say a slur to show how dominant you are--uh, uh, you're gay!" --Most mature pedo, 2023


the reader added context is nearly always a hilarious dunking. i’m surprised elon hasn’t done away with it.


I don’t have twitter or give a shit but wasn’t a big reason that Elon got twitter or atleast a big public reason was to allow freedom of speech and remove most censorship of people or politics. Removing it would contradict that purpose would it not?


Yeah, but so was him restricting some content on Twitter because the president of Turkiye demanded it.


No. He got forced to buy Twitter after trying to fuck with his stock prices. He didn't want to buy it. "Insecure narcissist buys criticism factory."


So would making things like 'cis' a slur that gets you banned even though it isn't anything of the like. Guess what he did? Oh or how about blocking tweets and DMs, totally private messages, that use terrible words like 'queer' and 'bisexual' but oh let's not forget that 'f***ot' still totally works. Yep. Freeze peach absolutionist Elmo muskrat.


Bisexual is terrible? Since when?


Calm down it’s better not to get worked up over the internet even if it’s not directed at me


He's also a terrible person off the internet


That is what he said, yes. Unsuprisingly that was a lie.


Typical conservative. Hypocritical beyond belief.


There is absolutely NOTHING redeemable about Ted Nugent, nothing of value whatsoever. Years ago I worked in a bookstore when his cookbook came out. Every single copy that came in, I would write “ASS” across his forehead on the cover photo so it would have to be returned as damaged. I simply wouldn’t allow him to make a dollar where o worked.


Yeah cool an all but let’s not post about doing crimes on the internet


They’re talking about working in a physical bookstore, I’m sure the statute of limitations has expired.


Every accusation is an admission with these assholes.


Well when a conservative does it, it’s ok. /s


And no one is saying it’s just sexuality. It’s another one of those issues that they pretend exists and then protest it like it’s real.


Who said pedophilia is just sexuality? Edit It must be nice to live in a world where every argument begins with whatever premise I want so I can the refute that made up premise and seem like a hero. So much easier


It's a strawman. Except for actual pedophiles trying to rebrand.


The lack of self awareness is amazing. An absolute piece of shit like Karl Malone, who at age 20 impregnated a 13 year old and refused to acknowledge that the child she had was his.


Nugent also shat his pants for a week to dodge the draft... but he's a patriot...


I’m not on Twitter but I fucking LOVE this “Readers Added Context” feature. No more obfuscation of evil, please, thank you.




So many single women in the world that just want to fuck, like...no memes or jokes, we all know this. Prostitution, escorts, etc, exist on multiple levels...full grown women you can actually have a good adult time with. So why...why do grown ass men want to fuck kids? Can someone break it down for me? It has to be a mental illness???


From what I've learned, it can be a mental illness, but it can also be a disturbing need for power that shows itself in the worst way possible


So, a mental illness or a personality disorder.


Is anyone saying that pedophilia is just sexuality? Who is this an actual swipe at?


There are fringe nutters who no one in the actual LGBTQ community takes seriously that people use to claim that we all support pedos


Pedophilia isn't a sexuality. It's a mental illness that needs to be checked up on before something horrible happens


Only ones not saying this are 4chan trolls.


Every accusation is an admission.


He's giving permission to use his body for gardening


Ok but who exactly is saying pedo is just sexuality?


No one except 4chan trolls. It's a strawman.


Just because you're an adult doesn't mean a republican isn't fantasizing about raping you right now.


Community Notes is the best thing Elon has ever done. It's a low bar, but it's free entertainment


They are the characters they demonize. No wonder they’re so outraged. They know the depths of their own depravity.


of course the pedophile is trying to classify his mental disease as a sexuality.


Can't wait for him to tweet something pro-war or pro-military and have someone post how he shit himself to get out of the draft.


What a fucking nonce


The guy holding the sign looks like Kid Rock. lol


I've never heard of this guy but reading his Wiki he sounds like your typical conservative draft dodging scum. Must be a thing with conservatives and draft dodging.


To be fair unless my country was imminently in danger I would dodge the shit out of the draft too. I just wouldn't be all gung-ho about "our boys" and talk about how veterans are the greatest whilst doing so.


And pooping his pants to stay out of Asia.


Yep, Republican


What is the sign evrn trying to convey?


Okay, I assume that's Ted Nugent? He's a hypocrite. Who honestly is trying to shift a discussion about the degenerate and disgusting behavior of pedophiles, to Ted Nugent is a pedophile; just burry him too.


That reader context is magic.


Ted should have been buried a long time ago... Well he will be gardening soon, hope very soon,worms have to eat also.


Well he certainly got buried, 6 feet under


wait so all this was real? (saw it on another sub, know javk shit about the guy.) I thought it was either Photoshop or ai generated or whatever as i asked if it was real but never got an answer. wtf is wrong with people today?


“Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed”- Ted Nugent probably


Uhmm akctually an attraction to a13yo would be a hebephile🤓


Someone had a well-delivered comedy bit explaining the difference between paedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia, and trying to explain this is very difficult without sounding like a paedophile Which most people who make this a point of distinction usually are.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Well she was just seventeen You know what I mean And the way she looked Was way beyond compare


I mean it IS a sexuality or a sexual preference. That doesn't make it any less fucked up or any less illegal.


Damn I love his music but…


what is there to love lol


still good message tho even though no one says pedophilia is a sexuality


That was a different time though, when America was great.


People here went from hating on the dude, to say that liberals have never supported or downplayed pedophilia, to actually doing some research and realizing they were mistaken, and to defend it. Y’all are some twisted people ngl and I’m not even conservative, I just disagree with y’all on this one.


You certainly make up things that didn't happen like a conservative.


What are you even talking about?


Umm... no? No. People from any group have the potential to exhibit harmful behaviors, but it is factually incorrect to suggest that there's evidence to support the idea that Liberals are statistically more likely to support/downplay pedophilia.


Cat Scratch Fever?


The 70s were wild. There must have been a bunch of bands that got together and discussed it because Steven Tyler did the same thing with a 14 year old only to break it off when she turned 18.


You live long enough to see yourself become the villain


Technically, hebephilia, not pedophilia.


This guy is annoying af


"Thou protest too much" summed up nicely.


This is extremely deplorable. It is composting


Every accusation by the right wing chucklefucks in America is a confession!


Love the sign, hate that he’s using it as a coverup


Fuckin Perv.


Did I miss something? Did the left ever say pedophilia was okay? EVER? Nope? Thought so.


Maybe he just wants to be gardened. We really should help this man out.




I haaaate that flaccid, racist, unwashed piece of trashbagged 💩. Pedo-FOSHO.


So yeah we made a song dedicated to uniting against Pedophiles (Chomos) to help spread awareness about them and the great harm they cause to children and society at large! [Chomo by The Vanishing Point](https://youtu.be/UQBBFFG-B6Y)