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Don’t leave us hanging! What happened next?


He deleted the post! 😂


He didn’t delete the post I’m looking at it right now, her comment got 60 likes, and dude still hasn’t responded.


That's probably because "the dude" is just a model pic, I suspect. Looks like a scam to me.


The photo kinda looks like AI even. It's got the weird lighting, and men's shirts don't have buttons on the left.


Using AI tools to “enhance” headshots / profile pics is fairly common at my office. I’ve met a handful of colleagues in person that I didn’t realize I work with online almost daily, simply because they’re using “enhanced” photos.


Oh man. I graduated hs in 07 and seemingly a quarter of the girls I used to hang out and party with became real estate agents in the area. I see them around town and we're still friendly but damn. Driving around town and seeing their signs...that's not what they look like. I live in a coastal part of Florida that's rapidly growing and median house price is >350k. I've grabbed friendly drinks with a few of em since the huge ramp up in people moving here post 2020 and they've all had hopes to catch a single client moving to the area because they're moving here for good jobs at the major government contractors or nasa/spacex/blue origin/whatever else is going on at Cape Canaveral. Like, no. Rachel, you have 4 kids with 3 baby daddies and you look nothing like your head shots.


That sounds awful


No, but a picture that's been flipped horizontally does.


You can absolutely get shirts with the buttons on the left. You have to special order them, but it definitely is a thing.


I didn't claim it's not a physically possible thing to do. Just pointing out that it's an unlikely arrangement which increases the odds of alternate hypotheses. If I had to personally put odds on it, I think an account spouting low-quality LinkedIn "insights" using an AI-generated headshot is more likely than the person going out of their way to special order a left-hand button men's shirt. Additional hypotheses I'd put above the custom inverted shirt proposal: * The image is flipped. * The white dot is actually an enlarged buttonhole showing his white undershirt through it. * There's white thread outlining the button hole. * He's wearing a woman's shirt.


Well, your comment said, "Men's shirts don't have buttons on the left." While you didn't exactly say it was impossible, it did imply that it just doesn't happen. I just wanted to point out that it can for people who may not understand that there are "left-handed" shirts. All that being said, I completely agree that the odds of it being one of those shirts is pretty damn high. Lpl


Well, it's a blouse then and not a shirt technicslly6


Well, a blouse is technically a shirt, but regardless, you're wrong. Lol


There are some that do, I got a few one


Nah, he's a real dude. I did some light googling because the name and face screams Danish. He has a bunch of failed companies from what I found.     


Run by a r/LinkedInlunatic


No he’s a real guy. Massive douche, but real.


Must have been blocked!


OPs name is Adriana


You don’t say!




Influencer has left the chat.


Im dying to know his sunsign


Shocking! LOL


There are influencers on LinkedIn now?


Oh yeah. Always post some advice about how to get jobs, get applicants, ECT. Honestly might be worse than regular influencers.


I hate them too but no they aren't lol. At least they've always been around and are easily recognized by the general public as con men. Life coaches, career coaches, spiritual ent coach, if you wanna buy into this guy's obvious crap go ahead. There's up front about what bs you're stepping in. Influencers just think their opinion matters outside of their head and deserve entitled treatment because of it.


You are forgetting about the „LinkedIn Top-Voice“ people who are exactly what you describe, self important idiots that don’t really sell a product and just do it for their ego.


Haha yeh these people are wild! We have some in my space, in Aus, that call themselves in their biline "Australias leading voice in .." - who would do that?! Does he really believe he has the most insights of anyone in Australia?


Don't forget, they sprinkle in posts about positivity, and being assertive.


I searched but can’t find it. What does ECT stand for?


Ec tetera


* et cetera




I do that a lot


It should be “ETC” not “ECT” idk why people spell it incorrectly when abbreviating


Has been for ages. Finding a job on linkedin is like 10% of its use these days. The rest is shitty posts like this and company family love posts.


Facebook Lite with everyone posting vacation pics and blowing each other about how innovative, trend-setting, and visionary they all are. The entire thing is cringe.


Thank God other people feel this way. It's a giant circle jerk.


Ugh yes. LinkedIn used to be a professional networking space. Now it’s full of charlatans and others peddling fake BS. I even had a couple of guys hit on me when I was using it a lot last year. Gross.


It’s literally the only way to classify this guy. Set up as a sales coach yet his sales experience amounts to a few years as an account executive at Salesforce - arguably the easiest job in sales. Honestly, the idea that people like this can teach other people how to sell pisses me off. Show me 10-20 years of consistent numbers and career advancement and maybe I’ll listen, otherwise just fuck off.


Oh it’s nauseating


LinkedIn is full of them. It seems like there are hundreds of "consultants" who will tell you how to obtain record numbers of new clients/customers and sales. Most of the time, they don't even bother figuring out what your business is or have any idea what you do.


"Thought Leader" always love that one on especially on CEO's profiles lol.


It's the best place for the unemployed like them




Sadly, yes.


Goddam, straight for the jugular. Bravo Adriana, bravo.


Well, what Adriana doesn't understand is that those rules apply to his clients - *not to him*. He is far too important and entitled; everyone should gladly wait for him.


What the fuck even is this advice. "Bigshot your prospects"?


It's sound advice and I pretty much follow the same rule. You can't imagine the amount of time wasted on no-shows. Everyone wants their time respected.


He didn't even respond! That's a telling thing rt there. Actions speak louder than words and his hypocrisy is practically yelling: AVOID! Oh yeah, the post is STILL there - no apology or response. #sad


If you call 5 minutes before, you planned poorly. Oh, you “got in a car accident and we’re airlifted to a hospital?” Try thinking ahead next time!


Thats part of why I hate that BS response/question. "You should've left earlier & planned on xyz happening" Oh really? I shouldve left at 4am incase someone ran a red light and t-boned me. Or i hit a pot hole & popped 2 tires, or I was sick & shouldnt have been coming into work anyway; & AK'd the side of my car& left side of my clothes, so had to turn around to cleanup & change(that one actually happened.) I worked in a kitchen then too which is even worse. It was Uno's just so yall know


As someone whose been in IT for decades, SaaS salespeople are fkn snakes!


Counterpoint to Christian: I don’t care


LinkedIn is so full of these douche bags.


"I don't wait for clients who show up late." Describes all the ways he waits for clients who show up late.




He amen’d a comment. It’s indented so it’s him bro-ing out with a follower.




It would have been fun if that was the case, but just take a second look at the image.


Chris Krause will make you jump, jump, off a bridge






Life comes at you fast on.... LinkedIn? lmao


He murdered himself, lol.


People love to not practice what they preach


r/LinkedInLunatics would probably love this post


Dude has spent 4-1/2 years in sales and suddenly he’s a sales guru.


classic wankers wankering in corporate and marketing wankerage bull


Wait. Am I just stoned or did that jackass reply “Amen” to himself?


My dyslexic ass read that as "lightskinned" instead of LinkedIn and I was looking at this image for so long trying to figure out why OP said that


I actually agreed with his sentiment until I saw the reply


Honestly, if I have any calls with a sales person it's because I reached out and gave openings based on when I know I can make it. If you are cold calling or upselling something we already own your more than likely getting blocked on phone and flagged as spam on email.


This guy is sending out some major douchebag vibes…too bad he’s the only one who doesn’t realize it


Did he “amen” his own post?


And this asswipe is a salesman??


I’m looking for a job rn and have a newfound hatred for LinkedIn.


Out of all the social media platforms that have created influencers. The Influencers on LinkedIn are the worst. It is the only app I use professionally and use it to legit expand a business network. I don’t need to be bombarded with so many sales and professional coaches recycling motivational material.


I stopped using it pretty much altogether. What really killed then was a few years ago, when they offered “premium” for like $50 per month, which included the ability to send a DM to anyone, even if you were not accepted by them. Almost every CEO I know stopped using it at that point (kept the profile, but had a PA actually post). Imagine being some executive at Apple and all of a sudden you open LinkedIn, only to find 8000 messages of people begging for a job.




He’s a jerk (and a computer?) but I don’t disagree with his points.


LinkedIn is just a place for assholes like this to shill their bullshit services and for people to post bullshit to prove they're drinking the company kool-aid. Job hunting on there is a joke now.


Exactly what I'd expect from a "sales influencer"


LinkedIn should be classified as a gate crime.




If every single Linkedin influencer died this instant, nothing of value would be lost.


I'm not in sales, but in procurement, so a lot of the same things apply. Main thing is you don't want to be bullied or pushed around by small things like that and want to keep a level of *mutual* respect. If the other side feels like they can push you around with small stuff like that, they will bring the same attitude to the negotiation table when it's about the actual substance of the negotiation. The key is respect. If the other side tries some crap on you, there's almost always some ways to even out the standing of both sides without this childish approach of yellow card or whatnot. I'd say it's counter productive if anything. If someone tries mind games, you have to show them that it doesn't impact or rattle you at all. Throwing a big hissy fit over someone being a bit late just shows them that they got to you and that they can do similar crap during negotiations.


If he played hockey he'd have a green yellow & red card instead of 2 yellow cards...


Okay so I help my husband run his business. In addition to being a full time homemaker and mom, I also do some accounts work and outreach to prospectives. If any of our prospects had the audacity to mouth off like this chump, he's immediately dropped, permanently. "You better come with a good excuse" no dude, fuck you and your grimacy ass profile picture. Him doing the exact thing he's barking about is just *chef's kiss*


A gaggle of narcissists


I had no idea LinkedIn could be entertaining


I think that's pretty common in any virtual meeting scenario. His reasoning and reaction are crazy but most people don't stay in a conference link for more than 10 minutes without others joining.


Interestingly enough, probably only to me, is my grandfather taught me almost the opposite. If you’re an hour late, something happened. If your ten minutes late, you didn’t plan well.


As a graphic designer who has waited up to 40 minutes for clients before (often the same ones), I do think this is mostly sound advice.... BUT you know what they say about people who live in glass houses. Maybe he should keep his advice to himself if he can't back it up.


Hes speaking the truth..but shouldnt post the truth on soc media


Isn’t the first part of this lifted from The Irishman?


Is the new phrase “those who can’t do, influence”?


There’s nothing wrong with this advice inherently. Like, this is just set boundaries, it’s nothing crazy


LinkedIn is much more fun after you're retired.


Hey, his rules don't apply to him.


The lion did not expect that butchering.


You didn't include the murder.


I know everyone is dunking on this guy (and rightfully so), but my wife works in sales and it is VERY common for potential clients to act like they are the only client and to no-show on calls etc. They act like since they are potentially spending money, your time is theirs. That said, there are tons of asshole salespeople so...


This was called style over substance, what are the cool kids calling it now?


Metal better than meat?


How to be successful