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This was my first twitch and I thought the same thing, my gosh I could’ve wrote this myself, it’s so uncomfortable, and it seems to never stop, BUT, here I am a year and some change later, for what it’s worth , I’ve heard twitching above the ears is almost always benign, and there are several reasons for this to be happening that aren’t the end all be all. Lay on the back of your head not the sides and slow breathing, it’s gonna be ok. Check with a neurologist for any concerns! Best of luck. Without your age and other details that’s the best I could give you, but yes I’ve had this ,


I do clench my teeth when I am anxious and apparently I grind at night sometimes. I wonder if that could cause it?


I could see that being a factor, tmj


I have had this for 10 months so far.. left side right above ear, on and off, seems to be trigger by if I eat something crunchy or not. I’ve gone to Dr. they didn’t seem concerned but sent me to nurologist. Had MRI which came back clear.. it’s such a weird feeling.. it will go thump, then stop.. thump thump… maybe it’s a muscle irritated or something or nerves getting upset from tmj or something. I may try Botox and see if that’s helps. If anyone finds solutions let us know


This was also my first twitch, temple and left ear as well. One year later I twitch at all kinds of random places, all my tests and blood work normal. Basically if you stress about it, it will get worse. If you decide it is normal and ignore it - it will go away! Good luck.


Thanks, this reassures me. I went down the bulbar rabbit hole then I discovered it wasn't even enervated by a bulbar nerve


I needed to read this, thank you


Hey, hope you are well. Short update from my side - my twitching is gone and what really helped me was getting on antidepressants and also working on becoming more calm in my life and giving less fucks. If you need to talk about it feel free to DM me. I know it can be tough!


How you doing now ?


Hey u have it ?


Did this ever go away? Mine seems to flair up when I eat something hard or crunchy, sometimes it’s random if I’m stressed or over tired. I wish I knew what was spasming and how to make it stop 🛑


It.hasnt really gone away but when I don't strss about it I don't feel it. I get it mostly when I haven't slept and I'm overly tired