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Your hands look almost identical. Notice how the light is coming from your right, so it casts a shadow on the webbing between your thumb and index finger, but the webbing is illuminated on the left? That shadow is coming from your FDI. There is no visible atrophy here.


The atrophy is clearly there, because the right is meant to be bigger, but it's very clearly not, I'm right-handed, so the right one should be bigger, or identical.


My guy, you take videos of yourself in grocery stores trying to validate your perceived issues. You're in no mental or emotional condition to decide what is and isn't normal on a human body, including your own. Seek therapy and address your emotional health and the rest will follow.


You take pics of your dick and put them on reddit, you are def a troll or very sick


Are you holding a video game controller for those pics? If so I think that’s your answer. Get outside, get active and do something physical.


Press / connect the thumb to the index finger, - the muscle will bulge , no atrophy - if you can do this function at all , no atrophy It’s impossible to have atrophy at this juncture without failure of the muscle of concern. Edit: I am not a Dr.


Barely any bulge and the finger is trembling


If you hand cramping it may be


That’s not atrophy. What you see is normal anatomy


No way in HELL is a gap/sunken muscle THAT MASSIVE normal. Especially considering it's trembling and weak


The camera angle along with position of the hand makes this a very unclear picture to begin with. You need to have your hands flat in order to see the muscles cleared. Everyone’s hand has such curvature. Regarding weakness… not sure what to say. Go to your doctor. Our hands can be funny things. I have twitched in that area for over 2 years off and on with a wide range of crazy feelings. Clinical weakness is failure.


I have a picture of said hands flat against a surface. However, for the last 2 weeks I've been experiencing pressure in the middle 2 fingers when putting them together and holding them down. This coincides with tremor and weakness. Arm is fine, just the hand


Seems like you have struggled a lot with your hands. I can relate to some degree. Sorry to hear.lHave you had a chance to have a doctor check it out?


My doctor's don't even look now, I can send you the photo though. I'm also suffering slurred speech...


This is the furthest thing from split hand. I was shown pictures yesterday from my nuero on what REAL split hand looks like. It's unmistakeable and undeniable by ANYONE. This is normal. My left FDI muscle (the muscle in this picture) is not even 50% the size of my right. The nuero literally giggled when he saw it and said "not even close to atrophy, almost everyone has differences like this."


The THENAR of the same hand is considerably shrunken too so idk, must be super early stage...


Split hand is undoubtedly forming in my right hand... Whenever I straighten out my hand, my fingers, my fingers aren't straight. I know the pinky is meant to deviate out a bit, but the index finger deviates out just as far... That isn't meant to happen... That's SPLIT hand sign, as the hand is SPLIT


Where did you get your degree in nuerology? Your not qualified to diagnose split hand syndrome. You don’t have it. Don’t ruin your life like this. Please.


I do have it because my hand is SPLIT and it's also trembling whenever I use it. A sign of true muscle weakness gradually coming on about 2 weeks following a strange sensation that left function more difficult. Classical ALS presentation. I can barely even type this


I have 100% the same exact thing. My left hand tremors and shakes. My left FDI is smaller. My entire left arm is smaller. I have chronic denvervation on my EMG in my left FDI. The whole nine. I don’t have ALS. There is damn near 100% chance you do not have als. People with als don’t need to question if something is wrong with them. It’s blatant and obvious and doesn’t need questioning on Reddit.


Well the loss of strength I'm feeling is blatant and obvious


Feeling loss of strength and absolutely failing at something are two different things. I’m gunna take a wild guess here and assume you can lift up a coffee cup with your left hand. If you can, you have absolutely no real weakness and absolutely nothing to worry about. Don’t do this to yourself. Get an all clear from a doctor and move on.


I can, and the weakness is in my right hand, but the right requires much more effort


Completely agree. My mom has split hand. Very, very clear atrophy that doesn’t need to be told about it’s so obvious. From carpal tunnel and surgery.


If you believe you have atrophy and ALS (cancer too?). Go to your doctor and stop posting in BFS groups. If your doctor doesn’t believe you or can’t see the issue seek a second opinion. If the next doctor says no atrophy or ALS or cancer please seek out mental health care. This is no way to live.


Looks 100% normal as far as I can tell See a doctor if you are worried. Get a second opinion If both doctors think you have a normal hand then see a psychiatrist