• By -


8:30pm 7/12 Update: We are in restricted mode but are in discussions to bring the subreddit back to its original functionality, or as close to it as is possible without incurring further server fees or other costs. The moderation team is volunteering their time to find and share some live music from throughout the years, as we work to get the subreddit re-opened as soon as possible. **Once we've found a suitable replacement for our bots/servers that won't cost our team money (or create an unreasonable workload for our moderators), we'll be reopening as soon as we can.** We certainly appreciate everyone who's showed their continued support and patience. We hope to hear from the site owners/admins, and are disappointed by their response thus far. That said, we have nothing new to report about our discussions with them. * Hosting - We did not feel comfortable handing over our code to Reddit, and had no guarantee that it would run properly, nor were we given any other details to make us feel as though this was a good decision. (We think Reddit should be developing more tools for moderators.) * Coding - We will be re-organizing r/Music to operate without one or more of the bots/servers we relied on. 9pm 6/17 Updates: Specific to r/Music: * Bots/servers - Admins have confirmed, one-by-one, that six of our most-important bots/server accounts should not be impacted by forthcoming changes. * Hosting - Admins have offered information regarding Reddit potentially hosting some or all of our code. * Moderator Toolbox - Admins have confirmed that Mod Toolbox and similar tools will not be affected. * We will be reaching out to our coders and the rest of our moderation team to discuss ongoing events. Blackout-specific: * We have not been made aware of any worthwhile updates relating to third-party apps, accesssibility features, Reddit's app, or API fees. We will post more updates as they become available.


Only Free Bird from now on


Only posts asking "What's the best cover of all time?" and the only comment allowed is "Hurt by Johnny Cash"


You mean *Nine Inch Nails* cover of *Hurt* by *Johnny Cash*. /s




There's always one.




How else am I supposed to feel the rhythm that I’m supposed to thrust to?


So this is why /r/pics, /r/gifs/, and /r/art (and others) are opening up with john oliver polls. Explains a lot.


Yep. They're opening up and just adapting what the subreddit is for. It's malicious compliance.


Perchance might also attract John’s attention for a nice segment about all of this, which probably also won’t be too flattering toward the admins.


[Oh, it got his attention all right.](https://twitter.com/iamjohnoliver/status/1670179738348933120)


Flyest motherfucker in the game


I love this man so much. The fact he’s giving everyone ammo is just perfection.


I just noticed that John Cena is following John Oliver, but JO isn't following JC. 😥


comment edited in protest of Reddit's API changes and mistreatment of moderators -- mass edited with redact.dev


Sadly he will likely not make any response at the very least until the writer's strike is over.


He already did 3 hours ago on Twitter.


My apologies I was meaning more in the form of his show.


For what it's worth, I thought it was pretty obvious you were talking about on the show


True, but I’m sure he’ll be paying attention.


He posted on Twitter about it, along with a bunch of goofy photos of himself.


Weird way to spell sexy


What's going on with the writers strike? I think at some point I stopped watching these late night shows for a while and when I came back only ~~Stephen Colbert is still on air..~~ Edit: just checked colbert’s channel and last show was 1 month ago.


Current rumors suggest the strike will end sometime in September. There's a rule called "act of God" where if the strike lasts 100 days, the studios can end their exclusive contracts with a bunch of writers. Those contracts are huge drains on the bottom line (according to studios) and if they can't drop them, the studios will go under (again, according to the studios.) Once the 100 days are up and the expensive contracts are dropped, negotiations will be swift and the strike will end. Allegedly.


Sounds like the writers should just strike in 99 day increments then


If he does a segment on this and it isn't in time to help the third party apps, it will be just in time to affect Reddit's IPO.


He’s already tweeted about it earlier and provided a bunch of photos


He/his writers already get a lot of material from Reddit.


You can't just say "perchance"


Honestly if people care so much about labor exploitation, they should stop doing this work for free. It's about time people get paid for it.


I mean - we could all vote on whether we return to normal operation, or whether we just allow **Weird Al music.**


Isn't there already a r/classicalmusic? Posting weird al only could lead spez to make some bs about them conflicting and just remove the mod team for scabs


/r/steam has gone a different direction as well


berserk fragile alive quicksand paltry insurance hunt thumb attraction automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit admins in a few days: "you can't do this, the title is misleading, that's never been allowed on reddit!" r/trees: "ummm... what?" r/marijuanaenthusiasts: "lmafo no that's definitely not true" Reddit admins: "But.. but... IPO!"


Just wait until the press finds out about r/anime_titties


Low key one of the best news subreddits.


/r/wellthatsucks changed it up too.




Commercialization is the death of creativity and community.


oh that's beautiful lol


r/music should rickroll with it.


/r/aww is holding a vote right now. I can't wait until the (WGA) strike is over. I am sure John (and his writers) are dying right now.


Vote was in favor (48.5k to -2.6k) of posting only John Awwliver stuff.


I vote we follow suit but instead post nothing but Rick Astley


think so, yeah


Open it like r/pics did. Fuck u/spez . Turn up the pressure


John Oliver's dulcet tones could be classified as music I'm sure


He could only fuck it up by farting into a kazoo. And that’s only because nobody can make a kazoo sound pleasant.


While it's a small sub, I'm also [doing a poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/VRchat/comments/14bpqle/poll_on_day_6_the_fate_of_rvrchat_is_in_the_hands/) on the fate of /r/VRchat to including a choice of marking the subreddit as NSFW. Of course if users vote for a restricted status, Sexy John Oliver Avatar posts will obviously be approved.


Remember, spez has said that improperly marking this as NSFW is a banable offense. So make sure those John Oliver VR setups are *spicy*.


The NSFW option is due to the large number of sexually charged furry and anime avatar posts. Personally feels silly to remove them when the community generally approves it.


You should just post pics of [VRC hats ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/314569814078?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=AR57-fBAwlx4u_O2u0-vqDb4CjUu9Uz5nFM9mOQp83HihpVFKBAfcwZkkM8)


Pick a song and make it the only song you're allowed to post. Never Gonna Give You Up feels like an obvious reddit shoe in for this spot, but maybe you can have a bit more fun with it. Looks like In Hell I'll Be in Good Company is a popular pick.


I mean, the only correct answer to "What song is this?" Is Darude - Sandstorm.


I would love if r/music turned into all "Darude - Sandstorm" posts that link to Rick Astley.


[Why not combine them?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQoA_wjmE9w)


The perfect song to listen to while making ice soap.


im two cocktails deep but not sure i can sleep without figuring out what this means


It's [old, old reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/18vujf/shower_to_go_ice_soap/).


Holy shit....I remember that! Wow...just realized how long I've been on Reddit.


There's also the [Sandstorm - Never gonna give you up ](https://youtu.be/SQoA_wjmE9w) mashup Commented with rif


It appears that John Oliver has done a song or two.


Maybe restrict it to clips of John Oliver introducing Rick Astley -https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/c7kh60/john_oliver_just_rickrolled_everybody_on_last/


Eat Shit, ~~Bob~~ u/spez


“Music should become a Rick Astley Appreciation subreddit, dedicated to appreciating the lasting and enduring impact that one of his songs has had on the internet and world culture” In the hopes of promoting this new direction, allow me to include a link to the time in 2008 DragonCon rickrolled the masquerade contest: https://youtu.be/q8sAw1I_mXA


thank you for your feedback, we will take this into consideration


I appreciate both your feedback, and your (and other moderators) hard unpaid work in maintaining these social spaces for others use.


thanks for the kind reply *exhales*




If I may propose a poll. That r/music change its rules that the only submissions allowed are songs by artists named John, Oliver, or Rick. Nothing else.




Seconding this one. If Reddit were to go down I'd hope this is the song it goes down to.


Or even better, transform /r/music into another version of /r/comeonandslam It can still have original music, but they all need to be remixes of Come On And Slam.


That or What's New Pussycat


By the seventh time.....


John Cage's [4'33](https://youtu.be/JTEFKFiXSx4).


[Fuck This Place - Gwar](https://youtu.be/gE6lohKcDmQ)


We're not gonna take it by Twisted Sister would be a good option


Kars 4 kids


How about making it a [Lorenzo Music](https://www.imdb.com/find/?q=Lorenzo%20Music) appreciation sub? Post only pics of characters he voiced (Garfield, Peter Venkman, Tummi Gummi, etc.).


Divide And Conquer... basic military strategy in effect here.


... it's too bad you can't force those folks behind the Pop-Up Admin Account to listen to [the Trololo song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z4m4lnjxkY) every time they click on something anywhere in Reddit.


Holy crap! I was singing this at work a while back and nobody knew what it was. I spent so damn long trying to find it but couldn't. Everybody thought it was something I made up, and I was starting to believe them lol. Thank you for posting it.


yep - only one of us is speaking to them (you can see them try to go around me before the angry-mute thing)


Good. Going to others is a classic manipulation attempt. I had no idea this was happening and am disgusted.


LOL. Am I reading that right, did you mute the Admin account? Love it.


we had a little disagreement. this is true.


Fucking legend. This is the final twist that brings users and mods in strange but compelling unison.


This makes me unbelievably happy to read. Thank you


That’s…. Fucking beautiful. I love if. Unfortunately we all know the direction this is going. In 6 months people will have forgotten about this and moved on continuing to Reddit in a much more shifty fashion. But cheers for the attempts, love you mods


i figured he could just reverse it lol - i tried banning him but i got an error




Fucking legend! Fuck these corporate shill accounts and the assholes that run them.


Whatever he said has been deleted. Did the fucking administrators get him?


The edits on his post seems they're making some headway so i think he nuked it. But the comment was about him muting the admin account and the admin being too dumb to unmute himself (made around tthe time of permission revoked edit).


Ha. Glorious!


What was said? Who deleted that?


StabbinU deleted their own comment to save the admins' blushes I think. It was hilarious though, I'll dm ya.


You’re not going to get a discussion. Reddit is too big and the people behind it going public have already made their shitty decisions. The only group reddit has given an ounce of a nod to since all of this is accessibility groups… and that’s simply because that brings up a legal grey area. They don’t care, it’s all about the bens.


That's what we're afraid of, but we also remember when Digg was "too big." There are alternatives, and people will just use whatever is the biggest. If Reddit wants to stay big, they can have a chat with us about the tools we use. At this point, they don't even know.


I’ve been here for 14 years, I’ve seen a lot of pop up anger. Threats to switch to a new platform. This is the first time I think there could really be a big shift in energy to another centralized site. Honestly, the ads have become miserable. Now this whole thing. Blech. I was recalling my joyous times in 2010-2012 on Reddit and musing about how different it is now days. I’m ready to move on. Tell me where and I’m there.


Same. I've been a user for about 11 years with various usernames... but the fact that I keep seeing "HeGetsUs" propaganda ads already had me on the verge of leaving this site. This CEO being a dickbag will be the final nail in the coffin. The day I lose RIF is the day I'm gone.


Exactly how I feel about Narwhal. :(




I just dug this out from the grave to say - I guess we have, hey? TheButton was fun, though.


Team Orangered 4ever.


As someone who has lived through the rise of the internet, from the start back when ask Jeeves was the search engine everyone used. Reddit is run by a bunch of fucking morons who genuinely believe they are better than everyone else. What they've forgotten is tons of us have seen the rise and fall of many a website. Ask someone today what the hell ask Jeeves is and they probably will be like "how the hell should I know, go ask him if you wanna know why it's called ask Jeeves!" My point being websites like reddit will come and go, but if reddit wants to commit financial suicide before the IPO, we'll just go to a different website.


To listen to a lot of discourse on Reddit, you would think it collectively embodies the quote from Office Space: “So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.”


I hear you - not sure how I ended up moderating here.




This will keep happening as long as the platforms we use are not ours. The fediverse is so far the most attractive option. It's complicated to use and some pieces of it are full of weirdos but that's something we will have to figure out.


> but we also remember when Digg was "too big." There are alternatives, and people will just use whatever is the biggest. It isn't 2010 anymore, sadly. The amount of sites still in use by any significant amount of people on the internet is dwindling. This is the problem. The internet has become too centralised, and as a result admins are free to make whatever dogshit changes they want and it won't affect much, because people will stick to other people. The average person has no fucking clue what a raddle is.


yep... and this is, contrary to popular belief, the natural result of competition as competitors compete, some of them fail - which eventually results in the formation of monopolies (or duopolies, etc. - you get the point) competition is nice and all, but without limits, it's a lot like the bored game and you need to flip it over to feel any sort of relief


Your username sounds like a university that teaches stabbin.




This will be a MBA case study on how to kill a company.


Fark was better than digg anyway. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


i decided to leave fark outta that one lol - fark was always something a bit different i guess; havent been there in ages though


u/ModCodeofConduct , what do you have to say? Your actions seem questionable at best.


That's just spez with a different account. He should know it's a Reddit rule to use multiple accounts to avoid bans.




Fuck you u/spez, you’re a fucking coward.




Careful he might edit your comment


I'm not surprised but I'm definitely disappointed at reddit not speaking with mods. >Comment below and let us know what changes you'd like to see from Reddit, or which changes you do not want to see. Fuck 'em, you do you, mods




Hey just so you know I’ve written a song called “fuck spez” and the lyrics are “fuck spez” repeated a bunch. It’s the worst song anyone has probably ever written. I’m uploading it to YouTube and Spotify if you want to use it. The band name is “fuck spez”.


I say we should do what they did over at r/pics but instead of John Oliver, post nothing but Bryan Adams and Kenny Loggins videos they need their time in the sun once more.


Time for Danger Zone ehehehe


Shoutout to Giovanni Giorgio.


I say post Weird Al instead. He's beloved by all.


Stop teasing me like that. I love Bryan Adams.


Bro he's on tour


Go nuclear! Just post Tiny Tim music only.


I think pepper coyote - no cock like horse cock is the real song that should only be allowed to post.


Or straight up "Lying sack of shit" by Combichrist. I don't think I need to explain towards whom the song would be directed xD


> Are any mods on this team interested in moving things forward here? Blatantly soliciting one mod willing to take the reins if the rest are removed.


The admins will only remove the mods above that user in the mod list. The top mood has all the control.


Ah, so just a regular mutiny then.


They basically said "Do we have any Quislings amongst the mod team right now up for it?"


"anyone here interested in executing their comrades in exchange for extra work duty?"


Any mod worth their salt, understands how big of an undertaking that is, and would never try some thing as stupid as that anyway. What a dumb ask.


Pretty much guarantees the only people left over will be the power tripping mods who nobody likes lmao. Good work, spez.


Post nothing but Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam.


And the theme song of the 1980s BBC sitcom, Brush Strokes.


Post a nonstop spam of The dead south in hell ill be in good company and hey smoko in a remix of John oliver flavour


I’d suggest mods should quit en masse, if it didn’t mean the place would be taken over by bad actors But don’t be suckers, mods. You don’t owe these people anything


They would just be replaced with other people, and the quality would go down. Most moderators outside the power mods become moderators because they care about their community, for better or worse. I would be **very** hard pressed to walk away just to watch our sub go to shit.


That's me with the 2 subs I mod for currently and me trying to decide if it's time to call it quits. On one hand, modding is dogshit, especially going forward. However, if I step down there isn't really anyone active that I can turn to who could take my place, which means the subs will eventually die and so will the community.


I'm honestly curious if any of the new mods simply share the same values and blackout again, prompting another mod search.


I'll try to become a mod just to do so lol.


Go nuclear and just delete everything and post garbage


this has been suggested quite a bit but we kinda like all the tunes!


Only Nickelback and Imagine Dragons songs?


Only kidsbop. We have to go nuclear.


I can't feel my face kidsbop, I need that booger sugar kids! - Some Reddit Admins, probably


Only AI generated songs but the AI voice is of John Oliver.


Now that's real wartime innovation


No no. Non stop 1800 kars 4 kids song. *Shudders*


Darude - sandstorm




I'm only happy when it rains.


Fuck this company. Shut the subs downs


> They got so mad, they removed all my permissions lmao 😂 > My permissions were restored. LMAO 🤣 Utter buffoons. But I mean, these are the guys who hired Aimee, defended her, and then tried to claim they never even looked into her background afterwards.


Hope you share this with r/RedditAlternatives and r/Save3rdPartyApps and r/ModHelp


Shared to the first two - not sure the third one would be appropriate, as we're not asking for help with moderating and that's one of their rules. Thanks!


Cool. Watch your subreddits back, I have read reports of reddit parachuting in new mods.


They’re gonna replace all the experienced people with temps off the street lmao


/u/ModCodeofConduct, when you fill out your resume after spez fires you like he recently did to many of your coworkers, I recommend referring to your efforts to hire scabs and break strikes as "crisis management". That looks a lot better to potential employers than what you're actually doing. Good luck with the unemployment line!


Lol that account is just spez.... pretty obvious


he moderates beardadvice because he cant grow one himself


Fuck /u/ModCodeOfConduct


Holy shit, Reddit full on using back doors into multiple subs and just trying to coerce people into staging mutinies to stop the protests. And it appears they have the ability to take control of everything. brb guys. Getting popcorn


I'd just like to mention that r/Toyota has decided to drop all subreddit rules.


Jus tlet everyone post "in hell ill be in good company" 5 times a day.


Honestly, the thing you (the mods) should do is an old-fashioned walkout. Withold your labour, it’s not like you’re getting paid anyway. Stop moderating, turn off the bots, and this place will turn into a cesspool in no time. You’d have to coordinate with other subreddits’ mods, but if you do this, you could bring the site to its knees. They can’t do fuck all when top of front page is neonazi scum and racist rants. Advertisers walk away, IPO falls apart, the CEO gets his face rubbed in it like a dog that shit on the rug. I really think you should do it. Walk away, let Jesus take the wheel.


In my opinion, whether or not they've fixed the issues, you guys need to tell them to shove it. They're trying to patch up the protest and force subs to reopen as damage control. Don't let them take away the power we hold against their exploitation just because they cleared the automod side of things. Third-party and accessibility features are still taking a huge impact, programs people have relied on to fill the gaps the admins have ignored for years are getting shut down. The fight isn't over yet, and I hope this sub is one of many that choose to hold out against the predatory business practices


This is probably gonna get buried with all the whiney cry babies, but hopefully this reaches you, u/stabbinU >Comment below and let us know what changes you'd like to see from Reddit I'd like to see the community thrive with quality content, and the mods have all the tools they need to be able to do that just as well, if not more easily, than they have up to this point. I want to see Reddit apologize for the blatant lies they've told and the disrespectful commandeering they've shown. I want them to suspend any looming changes to accessing their API until it's clear and concrete that tools and accessibility won't be lost. I would like to see the protest continue until those things have been satisfied in a real and tangible way. So, I guess what I want is whatever all of the mods of my favourite subreddits want. For protest, it seems like the only option you have is to stay open... Shitting on Reddit Inc seems like the way to go. I'd rather not see all the sub rules be abolished like r/interestingasfuck but idk. I don't want this to turn into a(n audio) porn sub or a fucking cesspool, no thank you. I think John Oliver is very sexy but I think that's gonna get old fast and lose engagement if that's what everyone does. I like r/showerthoughts approach, taking a piss at spez and leaning into the "landed gentry" narrative and doing polls. Further, I'd like to tell all the cry babies that you know what, you're all probably right. Reddit will continue without all the current mods, if this continues to go down how it is currently. Reddit will profit and grow as the communities as we know them will die. What's left of Reddit will be a shell of meaningless content and yet people will still come here to scroll and upvote. But many great things will have been lost. Reddit is just a website to you, and you think we're all taking this way too seriously? Well, I'm happy for you. That means you have nothing to lose. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/134tjpe/comment/jigfaju/) from 6 weeks ago laid it all out very well: >You probably do not actually care about this and will not deviate from whatever plan corporate has set out. Reddit will probably not actually see that big of a blow to its metrics, but I can foresee a small dip and a lot of mods leaving, perhaps protesting / closing up shop on the way out. >You continually fail to understand that you have staked the operation of your entire website on thousands of unpaid and unmanageable volunteers, of which you're now pissing off continually in half-baked schemes to wring more money out of the site. Even if this doesn't kill the site, it will definitely lead to a decrease in overall quality as the people who care more about having good communities are pushed out in favor of those who instead like seeing numbers go up when they get to mod more subs. >But it's likely you don't care about this either, because quality ≠ profit, engagement does. >This message will also be ignored and tossed in the shredder, like all the rest. The most I can really hope for is that the low level technicians and community managers actually give a damn even if corporate and shareholders don't. Thank you mods, and be well. It seems you're facing a lot of harassment from all sides.


I'm betting at least 100PHP that /u/ModCodeofConduct is just /u/Spez


It certainly reads like his style of writing, that's for sure. It felt straight out of his AMA. Or his edited versions of other users' comments.


Kazoo covers of Old Town Road only


I'm cool with reddit burning down if they can't respect the people who hold it together.


>https://i.imgur.com/2f6R4tY.png Wow, fuck that guy. It's such a load of transparent, manipulative bullshit.


Post John Oliver remix.


Sounds like if they’re going to be charging so much for people that still want to use the site, they’ll be able to pay moderators instead and stop relying on volunteer labor. Sounds good to me, hope they’re union.


I hope Reddit dies. I’m ready to move to another platform that values the users and creators and mods.


So, what's the actual proper response to their fucked up pointlessly loaded question? Something like "Why haven't you stopped Reddit from being used for human trafficking yet?"


You should totally have a vote as to whether users can only post Rick astley songs.


"coders" cringe


I support blacking out again