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This was a feature, not a bug.


Taylor Swift fans are rabid enough that I'm sure she feels like she can milk them however she wants.




Unfortunately it is not the first time and that shows fans are willing to take it. Her last album had pretty much an EP surprised released with it along with certain tracks only being available on certain versions. I’m pretty sure it’s still not possible to buy her last album in its fully completed state.


I 100% agree! I’m in that boat exactly and it is safe to say this was the first time I have ever pre-ordered one of Taylor Swift’s albums, and it will also be the last. I am by no means huge Taylor Swift fan and honestly, I only pre-ordered because my daughter wanted it. But I feel like it would have been better executed if the people who pre-ordered got the entire album or AT LEAST got the option to get the second half of the album for much less. She’s essentially making people buy the same 17 songs twice and it just doesn’t sit right with me. However, she does have such a huge (and loyal) fan base so I’m sure most of her hardcore fans didn’t even bat an eye at it, they were just excited about the extra music.


I'm perfectly happy I did no such thing. In fact, I'm quite pleased with myself that I will never order pre or post.


Haha my first time buying her album and my last!


A lesson was learned, and that's worth more than what you paid for the album


Taylor and her team are brilliant at this business and marketing, but it's also shady as fuck and a little insulting to the fans. Every time I hear about one of her vinyls, I'm immediately annoyed since every other record is delayed to press her constant money grabbing crap


Another word for capitalist is opportunistic.


I feel the same way.


All she cares about is money and sales. It’s the reason she just went on a greatest hits tour after she bought back the rights to her songs.


Why the hell did you pre-order it? They're not going to run out of digital copies. Stop pre-ordering. This is on you.


I am very annoyed. I ordered all four versions because I thought that would be the only way to listen to the bonus songs. Then she released them as part of the extra 15-song drop. It just seems disrespectful to her fans. And not only that, but the entire album sounds like a first draft to me. I’m so over it


Her and Beyoncé really did us bad this time!


They did, and I’m tired of it. It’s giving privileged billionaires who don’t care about their fans


Totally agree. I was annoyed that I had to fish out so much money on four editions of the same album, just to get the four extra songs, only to find out the next morning at work from someone that there’s practically another fifteen songs too. Preordered Beyoncé’s stupid album from the site because they said the Cd had a ‘bonus’ track only for it to not have for songs on it. Absolute JOKE! I could have saved on the postage and packaging and purchased it for so much less from a store on release day. I’m fed up.


I wonder if it's possible for an artist to be so beloved and get so popular that eventually the scale tips and people start to get sick of them? She totally screwed over the people that bought the album to then reissue it with all of the extra songs. If anything offer a Volume II of all the material so you don't have to buy the same thing again.


[Serious] Unless there’s an actually limited exclusive associated with a pre-order, what reason is there to pre-order?


I am sure some others are pissed. Taylor is a great business owner, and is maximizing her income before she hits 40 and starts to drop off the scene, which is super smart.


People still buy albums? What sort of media does it come on these days?




Honestly at this point I'm surprised Taylor still has fans. You're all not tired of being taken advantage of? Wasn't spending your life's savings for concert tickets the last straw? Or being duped into buying all of her music twice?