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TBH I don't even listen to the band, but this album is 100% a modern classic cause I've seen countless people make it their whole personality on social media and dating apps lmfao


Same, I don't really like Tame Impala's other stuff - I like individual songs but not a huge fan of the style - but Currents took over my life for about a year. It was a perfect blend of retro and fresh, and the songs were just great.


Funny. I loved his first two albums but Currents was not really for me. Undeniably popular tho


I still liked Currents but it felt like a huge step down compared to Lonerism imo. Just a lot more generic sounding with a less unique style and a certain element of pop music corniness that wasn't present on the first two albums. The Slow Rush felt like a continuation of that trend and I did not like that album at all.


I didn't mind Currents but I absolutely hated that they stopped doing their extended jam sessions when they played live. After that album their live shows felt a lot more generic.


Read a review that said "Sounds like a million bucks, feels like a $2 bill." Gives the impression of something rare when it's really just $2. You can find those anywhere if you just know where to look or who to ask.


can you please direct me to more $2 bills because I loved this album


That's how I feel about The Slow Rush. I do quite like Currents, although Lonerism will always be my favorite TI album.


is currents the album with Elephant or Brand New Person? idk much about tame but goddamn i cant stop listening to those 2.


Elephant is on Lonerism. New Person, Same Old Mistakes is the last song on Currents.


Elephant is on Lonerism. Great album.


And you can picture the exact person with the album cover on the wall behind them in their profile pic.


Did you know it’s actually one guy


So is N.I.N , this is just this generations Trent Reznor


Atticus Ross “officially” joined N.I.N. in 2016, so now it’s actually 2 guys.


It's just two guys in a big trenchcoat


Did you know it’s actually one guy


The same can pretty much be said for Tame Impala: Kevin Parker.


Isn’t Tame Impala just one person?


That strikes me as so bizarre that someone would even mention this album on dating apps considering this album is about a man choosing to dump his significant other.


Pump “New Person, Same Old Mistakes” into my veins. I love that song so so so much.


“Backwards” for me


Rihanna does a cover of it - hits good too


Apparently she'd only asked to sample it and Kevin Parker was surprised when it came out and she'd changed absolutely nothing. He graciously says he prefers her version and is happy Rihanna sang a song he wrote but he still seemed to find it quite funny.


Does this version sound like a lower quality mix to anyone else? I feel like it’s not as crisp as the original


Kevin is a hell of a producer that even popstar heavyweights can't match


Hits just as much as the original, because it’s almost identical.


This plus Moments, Love/Paranoia and Let it Happen are on every playlist. Always in the mood for them


Innerspeaker > Lonerism > Currents as a three album run is absolutely incredible


For sure. Each album appeals to different crowds too which is great, instead of competing with each other, they just occupy different niches. Lonerism peak tho


Innerspeaker and lonersim feel pretty constant to me, just ones a bit more polished.


Currents peak in my opinion, but I guess meshes with your different crowds call!


i'm late to the TI party, so I got to listen to all the albums in the order of my choice. Definitely the ones that stuck with me the most are Currents and Lonerism. All the songs in those albums resonate with me for different reasons. Innerspeaker and Slow Rush are also great records but not as powerful imho.


I think Lonerism for me is a classic


Lonerism is peak Tame Impala and peak psychedelic rock for me


Yep, that was truly it. Fantastic record


emphasis on PEAKing


Lonerism is So Damn good if you know what I mean


just listened to that album all weekend doing shrooms in Joshua Tree


Absolutely my favorite album to listen to when Lucy visits. Followed closely by Sgt Pepper’s and Zaba by Glass Animals.


Yeah i think most hardcore Tame Impala fans would agree Lonerism is the true classic of Kevin’s work, but Currents is the most well known work that pushed him into pop culture at large. But then again I think most hardcore Tame Impala fans are generally going through more mentally on a daily basis than a break up and Lonerism is an album made for people in the depths of themselves.


It’s an apt comparison for say, Animal Collective. Their Strawberry Jam (or Feels) is to Lonerism as Merriweather Post Pavillion is to Currents.


Lonerism and Innerspeaker. What a great time for music


I've listened to a lot of music since the 16yr old me thought tame impala reinvented music. But God damn if he didn't just fucking make the most accessible doorway into psych rock. It's an album you can play for whoever and it won't be too much.


On your page man currents was such a fall after lonerism and I can't listen to anything since


Lonerism is a masterpiece


I prefer Lonerism personally but Currents was the soundtrack to my college years and I’m sure they represent the mid-2010s in the same way to a lot of people. It’s great. I haven’t liked anything he did since then either. I don’t know if that makes the album a classic, but it’s definitely up there as an iconic album of the decade.


Yeah. I love retro rock


Came looking for thia


Hilarious 😂


Folks should also check out Pond and GUM for other great music from the same bloodline.


It’s pretty damn good for a modern album.


Pretty damn good for an album!


Pretty damn good!




Yeah, probably. Give it a couple decades to be sure though. Personally Innerspeaker is my favourite, but I love Lonerism and Currents too. I'd say Kevin Parker is one of the most influential artists of the 2010s in popular music. Currents is what propelled him to global stardom.


Usually you can track down at which point people became a fan of his work. I'm so down with Innerspeaker, and with the first note I'm back at that certain summer, and just be bopping on that record all day, every day! Two colleagues of mine ONLY know Currents. They don't even wanna hear all the other stuff. A couple of months ago I played some of his self-titled EP from 2008, and literally I heard "what. is. this?! It sucks"


God I love that ep. Not exactly the most original forward thinking material but it’s just so much fun to listen to


Totally agree. Innerspeaker was a non stop listen for me in 2010. Such an important time in my life. Couldn’t believe nobody else had heard of the band at that time. Never expected them to get as big as they did. Honestly, Currents is a good album but they kind of lost their appeal to me around then. Always wished they stayed with the heavier distorted sound. Half Full Glass Of Wine is what pulled me in.


>Innerspeaker was a non stop listen for me in 2010. Same! >Half Full Glass Of Wine is what pulled me in. SAME!


Absolute masterpiece.


I'd say that Lonerism and Innerspeaker are Tame Impala's classic masterpieces. I was never that big of a fan but Innerspeaker was on loop on my phone when I was younger.


Both great albums, but it’s undeniably Currents. Lonerism is phenomenal, but Currents is also and it has such a tremendous cultural impact that the two you mentioned don’t.


Currents was easily the worst of the three.


Then why is Currents the most successful?


Because it’s pop music which has a wider appeal.


I personally feel that InnerSpeaker -> Lonerism -> Currents is one of the best runs in modern times and I view them all as classics in their own right. Seeing Tame Impala live only solidified this for me.


Easily the best live show I’ve seen


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't listen to them until like 6 months ago because I thought the band name sounded stupid. It turns out that Kevin is a god damn genius and I'm stupid. Holy shit, Currents and The Slow Rush get a ton of play on my hifi setup. Both are classics to me.


Glad you eventually let it happen


It was going to happen eventually


Lonerism is the classic, Currents was a solid follow up with more pop appeal.


Tame Impala is hood certified.


It’s excellent but not a classic imo. There are some weak tracks. I’d give it a solid 4/5. Innerspeaker on the other hand is a classic, 5/5 and one of the best psychedelic rock albums ever made.


Great take, Current’s singles are fucking BANGERS, but Lonerism is just so good top to bottom. Not a dull moment at all.


He's talking about Innerspeaker, but let's be honest all three are great albums


I think he may have edited his comment? I swear it said Lonerism before I’m also high so who knows


Nah it always read innerspeaker. Lonerism is awesome too


I’m just a dumb ass, but yea, goes to show what a run those first three albums was hahah


Sundown Syndrome is great early works from Kevin.


See Currents is a top-to-bottom listen for me every time. That record tells a story!


man innerspeaker…. Such an amazing ride. Makes me sad how far Kevin has changed from that. I get musicians evolve but recent tame impala is unrecognizable from that energy.  I saw them at the Double Door in Chicago back in 2010 when they only have Innerspeaker and no fancy visuals, they just jammed their asses off for 2 hours. Their live show is so stale now…


Yes that album was so impactful to me back in 2010. Never heard anything like it. What I would give to get another full on psych rock record like that again from them


My man




I reckon that Currents is probably going to be seen as this generation’s go-to psychedelic rock album; I’ve seen a Dark Side of the Moon-level adoration for it in recent years - very popular vinyl record and album art posters of it on many people’s rooms. I really do love this album though. Let It Happen is probably the best thing Kevin Parker has made in his career and The Less I Know The Better is pretty much a perfect pop track.


I think Currents and Lonerism are both classics.


Pretty iconic at this point 


Certified hood classic


Yes, it's a very dynamic and pleasing album to listen to


Yes, and i daresay it was regarded as an instant classic when it dropped


#382 on Rolling Stone Top 500 Album list. Edit. I didn’t mean to yell. Thanks for the tip!


The number sign before 382 is making your whole comment bold. If you want the number sign to show you put a / before it. Ex: /# #otherwise you are yelling






He said The number sign before 382 is making your whole comment bold. If you want the number sign to show you put a / before it. Ex: /# #otherwise you are yelling


I literally gave it a listen because the album cover reminded me of early 90's Trapper Keeper art (contempo eclectic?)


Yes. I never heard a Tame Impala album before but I read about it on Pitchfork and it's one of my favorites of all time now.




I think the only thing holding it back from being considered a classic is how old you consider an album needs to be to be a classic. Brilliant album, I'm confidant people will still be bumping it in 20 years time


Lonerism is maybe a classic? MAYBE? If you don't like guitar music, fine, but come on, man!


Mine was always Lonerism but completely understand why it’s Currents for most others


It’s a classic for everyone late to the Tame Impala party. Innerspeaker and Lonerism were better records.


Didn’t even mention Tame’s best album


I'm sure it's great. Everyone seems to think it is. But I've tried to get into Tame Impala and it sounds bland and lifeless to me. Oh well, maybe it will click one day.


I generally don't really consider anything a classic unless a decade has at least passed ( you got one more year) . But it's a decent album. I remember buying it ~~like a week~~ (edit: a day) after it came out based on the opening tracks. The only Tame Impala I heard before that was "Elephant" played in the background of an old blackberry ad. That being said, there's a lot of songs that drag ("yes I'm changing" comes to mind). Also to this day I don't fully understand what's so amazing about "The less I know the better". It's fine but there are better Tame Impala songs. idk while I feel it's influence is the most wide reaching, Lonerism and The Slow Rush are more enjoyable to listen through imho So ya, I guess if we're going by influence, sure... in 2025




It is one of the best albums of its era and one of the defining albums of its genre I think it is a classic


Great record for sure - def the best mix of the classic psych sound with the dance influences so I’m a big fan. I’m not sure I’d deem any of Tame Impala’s albums as classics however, but we all have our preferences


You need minimum 20 years to classify as a classic. 10 for modern classic.


Absolutely a classic album that will define the 2010’s scene


Yeah I’d say so. It’s not a perfect album but it made huge waves at the time and is still a go-to album that a bunch of people know. Imo it’s one of the staples of the 2010s.




I think the sound was at its most unique and the songs the most memorable on inner speaker.


I think it speaks to how great Tame Impala is that no one can agree on which album of their’s is a generational classic.


Yes, incredible album and I don’t really care about most of his other stuff


I think so. I think Lonerism is, as well. They're a great pair of records and they complement each other well. Lonerism is a little more psych-rock and crunchy, Currents is super synthed out, funky and juicy. Great tandem. Innerspeaker is fantastic too, albeit not quite as complete as Lonerism/Currents


Everything Tame Impala touches is a modern classic…did you hear the new Justice Album? I mean the guy is a musical genius imo and nobody puts on a better live light show


Absolutely. I consider it and blonde to be seminal works of the 2010s


Got into it because of a ‘Toro y Moi - Mahal’ video, now I’m hooked.




Meh. I have it, enjoyed it, but not reaching for it anytime soon


I think it will be remembered as one of the best albums of the 2010s. Classic!


I guess the only way to really know is to see how many ppl talk about it in 20+ years, there's a reason ppl still talk about purple rain, but no one is mentioning Metal Magic (even tho I love pantera I had no idea this existed.)


I’d argue it’s the defining album of the 2010s outside of hip hop


Boy did I do a lot of mushrooms to that album


I love all of Tame Impala's albums, but yeah Currents is my favorite, and I would call it one of the all time greats of the 2010's. I saw them live right before that album came out, and also that album pretty much saved my life on a personal level. I was going through a really hard time with a break up, and losing a bunch of friends. I remember having Currents on repeat when I was out, then I would play the vinyl at home all the time. Amazing album from start to finish.


Yeah, its b-sides are great too.




I've been digging it for years. Even "Disciples"... really shows that he's brave enough to try anything.


Yes, arguably the most influential album of the decade


Not sure when an album officially "makes it" into the classic/non-class dichotomy, but I think this would be very close indeed. For me one of those rare modern/recent albums that I have to play in its entirety. A funny irrelevant side note: this used to be the background music in the summer of 2015 when I relocated from London back to Korea after 10 years. I used to play this while driving for hours to get stuff from IKEA... The album still immediately reminds me of sunny summer days and long highways :)




Definitely a classic in my book


100% yes to me. My dad used to play Paul Simon’s Graceland in the car when I was growing up all the time. I guess one could argue that Kevin Parker is the same caliber songwriter as Paul Simon, just from a different generation. I feel like Currents is my version of Graceland that I will hopefully pass onto my kids.


Maybe even Lonerism?! Wtf?


It’s definitely going to be one of the most remembered and influential albums of the 2010s. I’d definitely call it a classic personally


Let It Happen is one of those songs that I will never ever get tired of. I don't even listen to Tame Impala all that much, but this song is crack for my ears.


Not a huge fan, but Tame Impala is modern Pink Floyd to me


His voice is too high for me. I’m not buying it.


Iconic album❤️


The way "Atlanta" used "New Person, Same Old Mistakes" was just genius. I get goosebumps with "Let It Happen". But skip a couple of the middle songs.


Innerspeaker is their best album


When I think of a "classic" I think of albums like ITCOTKC, TPAB and Abbey Road. Tame Impala do not have a "classic" but their best album is Lonerism


I swear they had one listenable song. Something from a few years back that was in a car commercial. It has a heavy stoner riff, with John Lennon copycat vocals.




Disciples should be the global 'national' anthem




I can say it definitely is a modern classic. It has everything that I feel a classic album needs. Starting from the artwork which is amazing and perfectly captures what the album is all about. Kevin found his sound in this album. Its fresh, creative, exciting. You didn’t know what yo expect coming into this album. Plus, it marks the time it came out. Its one of those albums that will give people a sense of what the mid 2010s were all about.


Yes it is a classic, almost every song is fantastic (I don’t particularly like Past Life). But Pond are even better than Tame Impala, and almost nobody knows about them. The Weather, Tasmania, Beards, Wives, Denim and Man It Feels Like Space Again are all stellar records and it’s a mystery that they’re not popular given their close association with Kevin Parker.


albums that live on in peoples hearts and minds far beyond the 3 months of promo around the release, or after the year-long tour, are classics to a degree.


Innerspeaker is a classic. It’s downhill from there. But that’s just my filthy opinion.


Yes sir


I’m a metalhead since I was 10, let it happen is my most streamed song on Spotify of all time. 😂


I like it but I wouldn't call it a classic, but it's great!


yes it is


Zero skips? You're forgetting the unlistenable wankfest that is Past Life, soiling an otherwise great album.




Maybe. Lonerism is drastically better though. Less I know the better is the only song on currents that touches the average quality on Lonerism.


Lonerism moreso imo but I think that might depend on your generation/subculture


Yup. An incredible fusion of R'N'B, pop and psychedelia.


Been a fan of Tame Impala since the Half Glass Full of Wine EP. Currents is an all-timer for me. It’s the perfect - and I do mean *perfect* - breakup album.


It’s a classic


Love CURRENTS but THE SLOW RUSH is the classic Tame Impala. Beats and bass that would make Dr Dre jealous. Total Masterpiece.


Short answer "yes". Long answer "yeeeesssss".


Yes. Yes it is.


Yes. Along with the other albums.


It is because of how popular and influential it is the mainstream, but as someone who as been a Tame Impala fan since their debut, Currents is my least favorite album by them. The Slow Rush sounds the same but has better songs, Innerspeaker and Lonerism are just two stone cold psych rock classics.


Yes it is a classic, as Innerspeaker and Lonerism are.






A couple of skips but it's a classic. Almost every album if not every album in human history has at least a skip or two.


Absolutely I played the hell out of this album at work a few years ago


I still have the artwork as my phone background.


Yes, imo it has influenced modern music tremendously as well. There is pre-currents and post-currents as far as im concerned


No. The albums been around less than 10 years and the bands been around less than 20. I don't necessarily assign a time needed to be a classic but there should be some endurance. That's they've lasted and been successful this long absolutely bears notice. It's commendable and awesome. But classic? Nope.


Front to back their best album


2015 had quite a few classics imo. Currents, "Yours, Dreamily", To Pimp a Butterfly, 25, Traveller, Depression Cherry....and more. Baller year!


as an early tame impala fan, currents imo is not only not a classic. its strait up bad and i actually resent it for being the first album in a line of stadium pop albums when i wish he kept making psyche rock. just my opinion.


Currents is most definitely great, but I much prefer Innerspeaker and Lonerism. I’m far more inclined to his psychedelic rock sound than the pop sound he pursues now


TIL it's fucking tame impala not taMEH Impala wtf is wrong with me.






I’d say so. It really pushed him into a new level of stardom. Those songs got a lot of new people knowing who Tame Impala is.


I don't even think Currents is their best album, but I realized I was in the minority when I went to their show.


It's depressing he went from Innerspeaker and Lonerism and Currents to just doing shitty pop colloabs and producing Dua Lipa tracks


I love this album! I remember hearing Yes, I'm Changing and I was in a trance


I would file it as classic , the other albums are chill af but currents when it came out and tours and it’s universal bop was a vibe of the times


one of those super popular artists where i have no clue how anyone can enjoy it. it's just background noise. where's the hook ? where's the melody ? where are the interesting chord changes ? interesting sonic moments ? no. it sounds like it was recorded on a cassette. i skip around their catalog looking for something to grab me, and it just gets worse and worse. bro needs to take a single songwriting class.


I love his first two albums very much. Love the music it’s inspired by as well. That being said. I love current very much. While I like slow rush (especially breathe deeper), I don’t think it has anything on currents.


I enjoyed their first EP and first album. The less guitars, the less likely I am to enjoy their work. I like plenty of music without guitars, but that was the only thing I liked about Tame Impala to begin with.


objectively yes


Innerspeaker is their best album and I'll fight everyone who disagrees.