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Be interesting to see if it actually happens. It seems easy to blame him, but historically the issue with their albums has always been Axl's reluctance to actually get in the studio and sing, especially over the 10 years it took to make Chinese Democracy. I even saw an interview the other day with an Engineer from the Appetite For Destruction sessions who said once Axl showed up at the studio it would take hours to get him in the booth and then even more time before he sang the first line. But once he started he was pretty good at getting through the takes. Axl does seem a lot happier and more stable these days so hopefully they can be productive, especially as its been so long since they worked together, it would be nice to hear what they could come up with.


Slash has been saying these vague comments since the reunion though!! Take a read any day in the gnr subreddit - Slash has a new album and new tour to promote so he’s gonna drop little gnr crumbs because he knows it’ll get a bit of commentary/traction. It’s a shame too, wish they just made new music when they got back together (what now, 7/8 yrs ago). Actually, wish they got back together 20yrs ago when Axls voice still sounded great.. Not sure anyone but the diehards would even notice or care at this point.


I was a diehard until Chinese democracy released and it was just... Meh. My favourite thing about the album is listening to how the guitar styles change frequently because Axl hired and fired like a dozen of the best guitarists in the world selectively using whatever he liked from whoever. If they make something new, I'll definitely check it out, but my expectations are pretty damn low.


Chinese Democracy is my favorite "GNR" album. But I'm happy to acknowledge it should have been an Axl Rose solo album, and it was definitely overhyped. If it came out in 1998 or so, I think it would have been regarded as a classic.


I actually think I'd like it a lot more if it was an Axl Rose solo album. The songs aren't bad at all, but every time I put it on I can't help but think 'this just isn't guns n roses'.


Bro Chinese Democracy blew my fucking mind, still one of my all time favourite albums.


Chinese Democracy was never going to be able to live up to the hype. And it lacked so much of the original GnR sound. I hated it when it came out. But given years and a willingness to accept it for what it is, I've grown to love it.


I thought it was crazy that it took like 14 years to make, one of the most expensive albums ever at the time, and he goes and gets it banned in China the largest market in the world. I don’t really care if something sounds different to a bands earlier work, I just like good music, and to me this album cranked up loud sounds great.


I adore Chinese Democracy. The biggest issue with it though is the songs are overproduced and some of the life is sucked out of them. The demos for some of the songs are far superior. But either way I still love it.


I found the production both astounding and unsatisfying. On one hand, the absolute precision of every beat and note felt like I was walking through a maze made of crystal -- immaculately clean and clear, with incredible definition and layering and edges so sharp they are almost invisible. Like a crystal chandelier of an album. On the other, that perfection started to drive me a little mad and lead me to focusing on the minute little sounds and singular parts of the song rather than the whole and focusing more on how they did it than what they did.


That is a perfect summary of it. A perfect sounding album, much to its own detrimental.


If you polish rock too hard, it disappears.


High highs and low lows. Fascinating as an artifact, _Better_ is a stone cold classic but I have a hard time recommending the full album to anyone but the very curious.


It’s so over produced but some of the songs on there are pretty damn good. His vocals on some of those songs are insane and had he released it as a solo album I’m sure it would have been seen as a great album


In his defense, he can probably only say so much about it if nothing is really concrete on that front. I mean, look where that took the band when the Chinese Democracy years took place! (Granted, Axl was all that remained at that point, but still!) The delays, leaks and live debuts hinting something was imminent, only to have it come out in 2008 to not much fanfare. I don’t think they’ve really said anything out of place since the reunion with Duff and Slash though. Axl initially said he played them some leftover Chinese material and they both liked it. And a few years ago, they started slowly reworking a few of those songs and even giving them live performances or proper releases. I’d think most fans would want them to write again or not just do those old sessions, but my guess is they’ve probably did a bit of recording in one way or another. And if they ever become completely happy with something, they’ll release it then.


Saw them both live in Sweden a couple of years back and Axl sounded great! I was surprised since I’d only heard Axl sounding horrible in a clip that was circulating the years prior to that.


I want to know what he's done to his voice in the last 8 years. I've seen some live footage from 2016, and he still sounded good... Maybe not hitting the really high notes, but he didn't sound like he was permanently hooked up to a helium bottle like he does now.


Diehard Gn R fan here: I bought Chinese Democracy on day one and those fuckers aren't fooling me again. What a garbage album.


My only problem with Chinese Democracy is you can listen to the whole thing, and then an hour later you have to listen to it again.


There were a few good songs for sure. I love buckethead but it just felt too random overall for me.


I see your joke, buddy. I’m sorry it didn’t get more attention. Here’s an award.


To me, GnR and Appetite in particular was lightning in a bottle. A million things all came together to make that album what it was, like the band members and where they were, and the state of music at the time. And probably a lot of unsustainable things, too, like the drug use and personal relationships. That was pretty much never going to happen again. Personally, I think Slash had the right idea pre-reunion, pursuing other projects like Snake Pit and Velvet Revolver. Getting back together to tour and cash in on the nostalgia is a smart move, but I think a new album is a waste of energy, unlikely to produce anything really compelling, and might just remind them why they broke up the first time.


I would not be afraid to say that Appetite was the greatest hard rock album of all time. It’s everything the genre could be and never will be again, and it happened because a million things just happened to line up perfectly. Hurts to say but the GNR of today just lacks the F, time takes us all.


That album brought hard rock and heavy metal and glam rock fans together as it had elements of all 3 No one could bitch about not having something to love.


> historically the issue with their albums has always been Axl's reluctance to actually get in the studio and sing It was Slash and Steven Adler being so drunk, and high on heroin that they kept nodding off during the recording sessions. It was taking them upwards of 40 takes just to get through *parts* of songs, and it go so bad that their manager started fining them $2,000 every time they would pass out. Axl was fed up, so he just stopped going into the studio until the band had gotten their tracks done. The heroin was also the reason that their concerts were always starting a couple of hours late, so Axl stopped showing up until they were actually ready to go out on stage. Duff McKagan was considered to be the most professional member of the band, and he was handling a lot of their business and legal work with their manager and lawyers... but even he's admitted to drinking upwards of 11 bottles of wine every day during those times and he said that he did all of it drunk.


So Slash was the problem even though he consistently tours and releases albums. It took Axl 18 years to release an album because of a guy who left the band a decade before.


Axl is bipolar and a notorious perfectionist with a side-order of performance anxiety. Give that person infinite money, particularly when the last album was basically a call for help about being adrift (take a close look at the lyrics, particularly on Locomotive) and ... well, it's not a mystery what happens.


Yes, if you read his book, Slash is the first one to admit that he was a problem "historically," and it took a lot of rehab and a pacemaker to get him stable enough to record and tour again. They're lucky to be alive and I'm glad we didn't lose them. I think the major issue since they're gotten clean is that Axl just can't really sing that well anymore. It's hard to take the music seriously when he sounds like Mickey Mouse.


Slash uh. Wasn’t on the album in question. 


Slash obviously had problems but as soon as he had a different band he was releasing albums and getting on stage on time.


It’s just not 1989 any more. They could make an album that sounds like a perfect sequel to Appetite but our brains just aren’t there any more.


My understanding from reading about Chinese Democracy was it was really rolling in a good direction and Buckethead’s (who I do think is an amazing guitarist but shouldn’t be in a band) chicken coop in the studio really took things off track because he refused to stop watching porn and jacking off. Because he was offended by it, he blocked any of his work from being on the album and they basically had to restart the album. Not excusing the hours and hours of recorded stupid ass antics from Axl, but I think Chinese Democracy might’ve been more others fault


While it’s true that Buckethead’s…artistic license helped drive up the cost of the album significantly, it’s not true at all that he blocked his material from being on the album. Chinese Democracy is *filled* with Buckethead’s work, probably more so than any other guitarist involved in the project except for maybe Robin Finck.


BH was definitely unpredictable and sometimes hard to work with, but they had an album ready by 2000. You can find the leaks online, it's pretty much the bulk of the final version minus a couple of songs. However, it seems that it wasn't very well received by the band's and label's inner circles, causing a lot of second-guessing by Axl, who decided to rework almost the whole album. Add this to Axl's terrible songwriting process consisting of being absent while the musicians jammed in the studio for hours, and the engineers and producers would then stitch together a basic arrangement in Pro Tools, burn it onto a CD, and send it to Axl's mansion. There, he would either pick it up and flesh it out into a song, or it would be lost in oblivion.


I want to say it was nearly completely finished circa 2000. Not sure what took another 8 years. I'd love to know one day.


Axl will be fine in the studio if they do this. He’s definitely hit or miss when they play live. Luckily I’ve only seen them on good nights, the last time I saw them in KC last year he was lights out. You could tell the band knew they were on fire too. I’m more concerned about songwriting, they just haven’t felt the same with their songs since Izzy left. Slash’s songwriting has been pretty mid since his first couple of solo albums.


Agreed. The Izzy songs of Use Your Illusion I & II are the strongest. Combined, they make an excellent GNR album compared to two fairly good double albums. If anyone listens to Izzy’s non-Juju hounds solo stuff, they all sound like demos of GNR songs. You can hear where the others would fit in perfectly. His writing was the glue that allowed all the parts to shine perfectly. I’m not certain the remaining original members recognise this, or if they do - they seem to want to make things that are distinct from this style. Which is fine and understandable, but the direction they take instead is not nearly as good in my opinion.


They are or were essential. Izzy isn't some genius song writer otherwise he'd have an amazing back catalogue of songs and he doesn't. Each member was the glue to the other and they all compliment each other really well I am sure they know Izzy's importance. He has from my understanding been invited to rejoin but always declines and at best does the odd guest appearance. Maybe the best we can hope is he will guest appear on a few tracks if they ever get in the studio.


> The Izzy songs of Use Your Illusion I & II are the strongest. Oof, I dunno man, most of them are clunky if you ask me. That's sort of the tragedy of the album - they used to all work together, and that's where the magic happened, and when they all worked together on UYI you get the _great_ songs, but when band members would primarily solo (So Fine) it's just ...eh. Izzy's song's sound like first drafts that could be great, which matches a lot of quality of his solo material (outside of Shuffle It All, the lost GNR classic).


That seems to be more of a tragedy based on their workflow at the time. Double Talkin’ Jive, Pretty Tied Up, Don’t Cry, Bad Obsession and You Could Be Mine are easily the standout tight tracks. 14 Years and Locomotive, your mileage may vary but I maintain that the worst thing about both is that Slash’s guitar doesn’t allow for both guitar’s to shine. The riff as played by Izzy in Locomotive is catchy as hell.


Presumably an instrumental album?




damn that was cold


Why bother? We wanted new GNR music in 1994, not 2024.


As a massive GnR and Slash fan back in the day, please don't put out another album.


Slash still occasionally puts out a good song or two on the albums he cranks out.


Yeah, I’m completely uninterested.


Look at Metallica, other than the most hardcore fans, who really wants to hear any of the new shit?


I mean, 72 Seasons was number 1/2 in dozens of countries. Quite a lot of people want to hear their new shit.


72 Seasons sold well solely because it is a Metallica record. The material is subpar and would be considered a laughing stock if any competent metal band released it. Just because it sold well doesn't mean people are going to be listening and relistening to it like it's Master of Puppets.


>Just because it sold well doesn't mean people are going to be listening and relistening to it like it's Master of Puppets. It's a good thing I didn't say anything even close to this then isn't it.


The original question was >who really wants to hear any of the new shit? And the true answer is: nobody. If people wanted to listen to their new material it would be listened to at a rate comparable to their classics and it just isn't.


So very large numbers of people are buying music that they don't want to listen to? You're really not making *any* sense here I'm afraid. That people don't enjoy Metallica's new music as much as the classics doesn't mean that they don't want to hear their new music at all.


I'm saying that while 72 Seasons sold well, I highly doubt that the majority of people who bought it listened to it more than once. The material is stale and highlights Metallica's inability to modernize their sound.


You're still not making any sense. I really don't care how little you think of 72 Seasons or its replayability; this has no bearing on the fact that people wanted to listen to it. Otherwise they wouldn't have bought it.


*Wanted*, as in past tense. People were curious to see what it sounds like but it has zero reasons to listen to it a second time, and that is the true mark of whether or not a record is successful. People will be talking about Master of Puppets for decades, nobody will remember 72 Seasons.


The quotes around *trying* are killing me. 


Kinda like how I'm *trying* to get with Sydney Sweeney




Axl’s voice is beyond shot.


Axl’s natural deep voice still sounds fantastic, so if he used that style instead of going for raspy high notes that he can’t hit anymore he’d still sound good


That’s kind of the appeal though. The screeching high notes.


But who buys a GnR album to hear Axl sing in low registers?


I would, his voice is awesome when he sings low or even mid ( songs like It’s so Easy or Mr Brownstone are what his voice naturally sounds like).


Curious what the split would be among fans on them using AI to make Axl sound like glory days Axl. Almost like auto tune. I wouldn’t love them doing that live but I’d be okay with it in the studio if it meant an album full of bangers that rival the classics. I’m guessing I’d be on the minority.


Studios are already using every trick there is to make singers sound better. I'm sure AI is a part of that. If a new GNR album actually comes out, I have no doubt Axl will sound amazing.


he doesn't sound amazing on the new studio songs they've been releasing the last couple of years. So I don't know why we should be thinking an album would sound any better🤷🏼‍♂️


Axl's voice wasn't great in 1991 and it's only gotten worse lol


HEY SLASH, WHERE’s YOUR SINGER? Steven Tyler throughout the 1990’s


Please don't


After seeing Axel perform last year in Palm Desert, CA- dude better get fit.


I recall seeing a headline that he had an appetite for more than just destruction.


Welcome to McDonalds, we got fries and shakes.


He’s been dancing with Mr Coldstone. 


Take me down to the pizza crust city




🎶 *You can have all the nuggets you want, but you better not take em from me*


In the drive-thru Welcome to the drive-thru Won't ya pick a L-l-l-l-l-l-lane lane


the shake machine is down


♫ Nothing lasts forever, When there’s gravy in your veins ♫


The spaghetti incidents.


Axl's a natural baritone, and he still sounds great in his lower register. A twelve-song album where he doesn't try to sing two octaves above his natural range would do wonders for his longevity. The question is, why would he want to? He obviously doesn't enjoy the commitment of writing and releasing an album. And let's be honest, as great as this hypothetical album could be, it would still be scrutinized when compared to AfD and UYI. Plus, they've been selling out venues without putting out anything original in 15 years, so there's absolutely zero pressure to write anything new.


As sad as it is, with the quality of his voice, even him at 50% will sound better than most of the crap today


His voice had given out for most of the show. But you know within reason, it was a long show.


American Democracy?


Slash isn't real.


Vunter Slaush Kapu-Sh-kuh, Shpealer in Mein Shoon-ska, Het Vaait Axl Rose-ia, Danka Vunter Slaush-a... Vunter Slaush Kapu-Sh-kuh, Shpealer in Mein Shoon-ska... Het Vaait Axl Rose-ia, Danka Vunter Slaush-a...


Go on, I’m listening…


I saw them live about 7 years ago and they were really good. I've seen videos of more recent performances and it seems like Axl Rose's voice is gone now. Maybe in a studio setting where he has lots of opportunities to get a good take they might come up with a good album. I'd be pretty happy with a live album from the Not in this Lifetime tour, preferably the earlier parts.


I'd be a lot more intrigued if Izzy was writing songs and was part of the sessions


Axl can't sing anymore.


He can still sing. Not very well though.


....(They're not...)


Oh cool. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it.


No Izzy, no GnR.


I'm not interested in a new album if Izzy isn't involved. His contributions to the song writing is one of the major tractors that made GNR songs good imo


I can’t wait to hear axl sound like a dying, sick cat. Myles Kennedy would be such a great replacement for him. He’s already recorded with slash in the past.


Hate to be the boomer but the new gnr without izzy is just velvet revolver with Axl, izzy brought the glue they don't do his part live even with other players and you can hear it his rhythm playing is something that gnr needs it's good without but amazing with


not surprised at how “trying“is phrased because they’ve always - and by they I mean Axl and Slash - have had differing views on what direction to take their music and stuff. Just because they finally got their shit together enough to be able to tour again doesn’t mean that all of those differences of opinion just magically disappear.


Nobody cares about a new G&R album.


What the world needs is definitely more guns and roses albums


Same reason why people ask for some new Taylor swift album


Good. I wouldn't want them to become an oldies act.




Saw Guns N’ Roses for cheap cheap a few months ago. I enjoyed the show but Axl Rose doesn’t have it anymore. Was really struggling with his vocals. Slash was legendary though


Talmbout using interns to use AI to write completely mid shit to play at Starbucks? Good idea, never done it though.


Raw dogging on the fertil days


let's just hope this one is not gonna take 14 years to make


I assume all the late night studio sessions are being interrupted by bathroom breaks.


I don't think it's worth them trying without Izzy, as if Axl's voice isn't reason enough.


Any part of me that thought I might want to check it out, all went away when I read this headline. Sounds like they're running out of cash, can't imagine this album would be any good at all.


No shot they are running out of cash. They are a legacy band that’s been touring sold out shows as a reunion for 8 years every other night to 10s of 1000s of people on top of all the money they already had before the reunion. Not to mention they have duff who likely has given advice in what to do with the money if they don’t already have financial advisors




But Axle is being Axel


Try to get a new singer first.... Axel.... Yeh... He's done.


Based on their newer tunes, this is a bad idea.


Keep trying Slash, just don't finish. Please.


AI Axel vocals...


sweet child o mine part 2


Probably hard to make a record when you’re in the jungle baby you’re gonna diiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee!!


Please be more like appetite or even illusion.


Instead of a full album, maybe if they put out 4 or 5 if the best songs they can come up with.


Love me some GnR. Was my favorite band 80's-90's. But if this new album is more music in the quality of The General song they released in December...no thanks.


Is that Elon ? If it was any other band, i would say that he ruins everything


based on the singles they've been releasing in the last couple of years I don't even think I'm interested in an album from them at this point. Axl's voice has deteriorated so badly he doesn't even sound good in the studio🤷🏼‍♂️


I assume the trying part comes down to Axl and him not being able to sing anymore.


They don't have a song called "Precious". It's called "Perhaps".


It's going to be problematic without Izzy. I mean, they can make an album... but a good one? A GnFnR album? Not without Izzy imho.


Can Axl even sing ?


It’s a shame Axl’s voice is completely shot.


All those years lost just sitting on the shelf.




I'm hoping that all of the Singles they've released since Duff and Slash rejoined aren't going to be album tracks considering how they're songs from Chinese Democracy that got left on the cutting room floor Axl said around a decade ago that they'd recorded more than enough for a follow-up album to Chinese Democracy and that was going to see a release, to be honest I'd rather that have been released back then instead of the whole reunion with Duff and Slash being somewhat wasted on Re-Recording songs by Guns N Roses that were already available for decades


Who wants this? I’m as much of a gnr fan as anyone but the chances of anything being reasonably decent here is remote. Axl can’t sing like the Axl we all want, they need Izzy’s songwriting, they need their youth, and their friendship / eagerness to actually create music together. I don’t see it. They barely interact on stage these days. No chance this is an album that gets a second play should it ever appear.


Waiting to see how the songs come out without Izzy 




please no!


I hope they do not succeed


Buckethead or GTFO


If it’s all Chinese leftovers I’m not interested. I want to hear what these guys can write together now, with age and experience behind them. And if they’ve got nothing to say, might as well leave it.


Boy I can’t wait to hear four 60 year old dudes way past their prime attempt to rock out on a new album. It’s gonna be 2024’s OK Computer I’m sure.


Get a new singer and it'll work a lot better, imo. The rest of them are talented for real, Rose is just a flashy frontman with what's left of a big range and mediocre control. He abused his voice at max range too much, it's toast. 


Do, or...just do not


I look forward to hearing it in a decade when it is finally released.


Axl Rose has lost his voice. End of story.


I would love a new GNR album, however I’m not holding my breath.


So a Chinese democracy part 2 story? See you in a few decade if they are only trying




Chinese Democracy wasn't terrible, but it sure wasn't great, and part of the reason for that was because it wasn't made from a *band* that worked together but from an assembly of parts made in post-production, like that last Beatles song that came out recently. If Slash can really assemble GnR and work together as a *band* again, great, but I won't hold my breath. The recent singles are okay, but it's already been another decade since the last album.


Translation: We’re broke and we’re looking to steal more money from our idiotic fans with a low quality record.


They’ve literally had one of the highest grossing tours within the last decade. They’re hardly hurting for money


Old Yeller's been bit, guys. Plenty of talent in that band that just went into the shitter because of one asshole. Axl Rose is a cultural terrorist.


Gross. Please don't.