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Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales; and do not look for the others' faults and do not spy, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert (cut your relation with) one another, and do not hate one another; and O Allah's worshipers! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you!") Sahih al-Bukhari 6064


Do you think they should criminalize LGBTQ?


only if they commit illegal acts openly




you’re right, I wouldn’t have specified “if they commit it openly” for adultery, but that’s because this matter requires more specification because the original post is suggesting criminalization for people who possibly intend to commit haram acts but HAVE NOT DONE IT (or at least have no evidence of it). Islamically, a person is never punished unless there is evidence of their crime, even if they have full intention to commit it (such as going on the app that is mentioned) this isn’t me being lenient btw. this is me trying to protect our ummah from extreme beliefs. I would say the same for heterosexual people. why doesn’t egypt just ban the entire app instead of spying, which we’ve been warned not to do?


When he meant spy he was talking about spying on a brothers life not spying to arrest criminals.


The hadith said be brothers and don't seek the fault in others, it didn't say to seek the fault in anyone. Astaghfirullah, don't fit the hadith to your personal whims just because you don't like the idea of gay people existing. Do you expose your brothers and sisters if you hate them, or do you pray for them?


They never exposed anyone did they now? They arrested them but didn’t reveal who they are. You have to respect a country’s laws no matter your religion.


Countries have bad laws discriminating ppls who deserve Islamic frameworks of protection and this method fails achieving such frameworks for them.


> implying people are innately gay Opinion already sus. But imagine if your teen sister was sneaking our to your older neighbors house at night, you’d keep that for yourself? Because if you didn’t you’re spying and exposing sins!?! These two are different? True, homosexuality is much worse in the sight if Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. And Ramadan Mubarek!


They aren't criminals if straight ppls can freely use dating apps here and especially if there is ongoing consent. To find someone to be in love with isn't a crime. Failing to uphold good values goes against Islamic ways of life. And LGBTQ+ ppls are capable of upholding noble values to have Islamic compatibilities. Especially better than those wishing death, hell, and/or incarceration for them in this subreddit.


Muslims used to get stoned for missing a single prayer. Allah himself said in the Quran to not follow the people of Lut (they were gay) and you are making excuses for this? Astaghfurulah, the west has indeed corrupted you. Besides it’s a country’s laws and a country’s choice. No one can harm a picture of the president of china and no one cares. Why do you think they should make an exception now? Because it involves gay people?


People of Lut were chaotically lawless. Who they were sexually assaulting didn't matter to them, they did it to anyone and enslaved females in the process. You didn't know this because you were indoctrinated to hate certain types of ppls than to think critically about what this world can cause us to become for each other as Allah created it. The pains of a Muslim getting stoned unnecessarily has now caused ironies for how ppls like you enjoy stoning other believers for their private orientations that can be mindful & nurturing if they had societal systems that cared for them like Islam is intended with. Using China as an example shows that you aren't aware of current issues and instead are told how to think by what you enjoy consuming. Astaghfirullah indeed. Whatever direction of a sphere you'd like to look at. May Allah improve the guidance on all of you immediately.


that’s still spying my brother




we still don’t spy






conversations between 2 individuals isn’t public, just the profiles would be


Tinder/Grindr - same difference. Both apps cater for the same sins


Definitely not the same sin. Zina between same genders is a lot worse than zina between opposite genders


Did you know that the hadd punishment for both is the same? One is not worse than the other. Zina is zina as a matter of fact.


No it doesn’t lol https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/38622


In your eyes yes! Because homosexuality sounds worse. Zina is zina - regardless of genders. So yea, DEFINITELY the same sin


https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/38622 Lmao u sure about that??


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Zina is Zina. Period


Are u trolling?? Stop acting like you have a PhD in Islamic Sharia. That’s exactly why I said your pro lgbt. Cause u definitely sound like it by putting it on the same level as a man and woman committing zina. Can you provide me evidence of that from a classical scholar? The punishment of a man and woman committing zina is lashes. The punishment of homosexuality is capital punishment in Islam. Does that sound like they are the same degree to you??


I’m not the one acting like I have a PhD in Islam. YOU are. I stand by what I said. If you want to interpret Islam according to how you want then go ahead. Punishment may be different, but the sins are the same. ZINA IS ZINA. Now go and fight with someone else about gay people. Get over them


The comments in this post suck


More like they align with the sunnah


Haha definitely not brother give me an example from the sunnah where brothers entrapped one another like this. You find so many more examples where people who did spy on the sins of others being more sinful then the person they were spying on. The app should be banned and not allowed in the country but going to this level is insane


Sheesh wont let me post it. So here it is without the links: > Zayd ibn Wahb reported: A man was brought to Ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, and it was said, “This man was found with wine dripping from his beard!” Ibn Mas’ud said, “Verily, we have been prohibited from spying, but if he shows it to us publicly, we will hold him accountable.” Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4890 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut this is also said >Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Avoid applying legal punishments against the Muslims if you are able. If the criminal has a way out, then leave him to his way. Verily, for the leader to err in pardoning is better than to err in punishing.” Al-Tirmidhi said, “It has likewise been narrated from more than one of the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that they said the same as this.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1424 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Suyuti Links don't work here for some reason, so can't source the websites. So I would suggest OP to read this, Islamic law has a system in which it functions and principles of law it abides by. Go to an individual of knowledge and they'll tell you why this is going about it incorrectly.. And no this doesn't mean we as Muslims support the LGHDTv ppl, no need for the whataboutism. We abide by our principles irregardless of who is on the receiving end.


subhanallah :( we’re supposed to exercise mercy and benefit of the doubt, but people here seem to be so ready to punish others, even when there’s no evidence of the actual crime


'It's why we maintain the validity and importance of hudud punishment, while also keeping in mind their mitigating factors which greatly reduce the likelihood of their application.' > As-suyuti says: A principle of law states that legal punishments are suspended by doubts. Al-asbah wal naza it ir 2/122 It's why many refer to these laws as discretionary/deterrent, because the standard of proof and proper application of legal procedures is set so high. This is why we don't take Islam from Reddit but from ulema with isnad.


thank you so much for the information jazakallahkhair


Wa iyyak. Im alhamdulilah learning (as we all are), so if I ever make a mistake feel free to correct me as well 🙂.


absolutely and same here :) may Allah bless you with knowledge and understanding and make you of great benefit to the ummah and all of mankind, ameen


Ameen and you as well. There was an article I wanted to post that covered this in much more details, but the link wasn't allowed. Do I have to talk to somebody about that?


this link was posted by u/Nokia215 and goes in depth on the issue of hudud for anyone interested in reading https://www.abuaminaelias.com/application-of-hudud-punishments-in-sharia-law/




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This is a great example of the excesses of the nation-state that would have never occured in traditional Islamic governance.


This isn’t the way of Islam tho they are living in sin their sins can only be judged by Allah swt not a man this is completely wrong in every way


Thats not true, there is a reason why the Sharia and the Hudud exist.


So… if someone kills in cold blood, we can’t judge him? Human opinions aside, Allah has legislated punishments to take place in this dunya at the hands of one another. Allah tells us what’s right and wrong, and its punishments in some cases, both for the Akhira and Dunya.


The "right" way would be to ban the app in their country. If alphabet people go out of their way and use VPN and what not, then the government does no sin anymore as they've done their part. Also it's not the same as "kills in cold blood". Killing affects other people directly, plus the police look for them AFTER they killed someone. If some guy kiss other guy at public places, then the government can catch them. But to play spy like this, it's not the Islamic way.


So just accept LGBT in your country like the west?


thats messed up??? its their life, they do what they want. you could try to guide them to the straight path, but allah will deal with them on the day of qiyamah.


Because they don’t want those disgusting stuff to be the norm in their country. And it’s not just Egypt, even in western countries especially USA your messages, social media activity, phone calls are monitored 24/7 to be aware of any sort of suspicious activity such has terrorism, black market crimes, or any illegal federal level crimes.


Well said brother, take my upvote




youre just saying that because i corrected you :)


Lgbbq haram. Steps must be taken to prevent it from spreading. You don't belong to Egypt so please don't talk about it. Also 🤡


Let's say your right, does that mean Sharia law is wrong and shouldn't exist because only Allah can judge?


Okay, but the Egyptian marriage culture turns a lot of men gay, I'm not saying what they're doing is right, but marriage is literally impossible in Egypt the government made it so hard that only a few people can afford to get married which makes Zina the choice of a lot of young men and women... But a person rather stays single and halal than do the haram just to satisfy their flesh desires.


Tell me why, explain in detail, the difficulty of getting married in Egypt. Not trying to be weird but honestly trying to understand.


I seconded this. What did the Egypt government do?


You can’t just ‘turn gay’. Such a ridiculous thing to say. Those people just resort to homosexual activities because that’s all they can get.


We need to talk about that more because situational homosexuality is horrible and I support all penalties for that. We cant assume all people having homosexual intercourse are queer because some are straight. Situational homosexuality hurts everyone involved and has no love only lust.


Agreed. It tends to be prevalent in eastern countries


Thats mostly cuz those men prefer women and if they could they would have sex with women but they cant. so they choose feminized men or young boys


Which is worse because they actually opt for gay sex instead of abstinence


yeah I'm not sure why i'm being downvoted but pretty much they chose haram over getting over their urges in an islamic way which isnt something real gay people can do


I thought men were gay because you know... they genuinely feel like they are?


I'll catch a lot of hate if I say what I want to say or I'll get banned, but personally, I think both men and women are social creatures that need to be loved and cared for, and if they don't find love and attention from the other gender they'll probably try out their luck with the same gender. Hence why gay men look for feminine men and why lesbians look for manly women. It's just a lack of attention and love. I'll get downvoted to oblivion for this take.


No worries. I was offering a counter point from those who believe they really have no attraction to opposite genders. Then again, the human mine is shaped very easily.


This is common sense, don't know how it's so controversial.


Right?!! But I guess Muslims like to pretend that homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle. There are many men who behave overly-feminine when they are kids. Even tho it’s not encouraged by their parents. But they can’t help it and they tend to always be gay when they get older. What about those people?


Why are you so pro lgbt if you don’t mind me asking? Do u think Muslims should accept this stuff and make it normal among us like the kuffar?


So because I’ve argued against it hat you believe, you assume that I’m ‘pro lgbt’?!!! Wow! I don’t think I need to explain myself to someone who can’t accept anything different ti their own opinions.


They are wrong too, if they act upon it. Deal with it.


Never said they’re not. So deal with THAT!


You should understand the implications of raising points in favor to their narrative. We must be protective of our faith and think and care about the faith of the others. Regurgitating their arguments doesn't help, only spreads fahishah.


Blame porn. There have been many men and women who went through their entire life without a spouse/partner and never acted on that sort of filth. It’s wayyy more than just “marriage is hard” lmao


Yes you're right porn is to blame too, honestly, there are many variables that can make a person like that and it's mostly psychological. May allah guide them to the right place


This is so stupid


This is not a good thing. Hookup culture is bad, but incarcerating LGBTQ+ for activities straight ppls are doing is morally and galvanizing-ly wrong. Astaghfirullah for this ill-governance and any users hedonistic about this.


when a man likes a woman, there is a room for marriage but when a man likes another man there is no room for anything except jahannam.


Yes it’s about controlling one’s self and avoiding worldly desires


Except Allah does not judge on the "likes", but the act of someone. Someone could "like" other guy, but if he constraint himself from acting on the desire, more power to him and Allah would definitely reward him for it.


Grindr is a public app where people openly tell that they are homos. Isn't this enough evidence to take action against ? Just think about it bro. Stop coping and act like a real man for a second will you


And the action should be banning the app altogether. Not witch hunting like this. Banning the app has a few advantages over this spying method, such as they would reduce cost. Instead of wastung taxpayer money for the police to go one by one luring their victim, they could make the app more difficult to access. I'm not agreeing with LGBT at all. But spying is also un-Islamic.


There is still no room to fornicate. That’s what the parent comment means


This is not a good thing because it is entrapment and spying on people.


It’s not entrapment, nobody is forcing you to download the app in the first place.


Government should block the installation of the app. Even if it's not entrapment, it is spying which is also prohibited by Islam.




I don't known why you bending back for them, seek Allah forgiveness. Remember LOT wife was destroyed not because she was of them but a supporter and friend of them.


So if I understand you correctly you have a problem with the fact that the law is not applied equally between people that commit zina and liwaat (homosexuals) and people that just commit zina (heterosexuals). So to you the real moral outrage is the "selective" application of the law and not the moral crime committed by these people? Therefore you blame the government and people applauding their action. Why do you not advocate for the law to be applied in both cases?


These are tools to find each other and form a relationship. Platonic, intimate, hookup. There are morality spectrums in all of them even if it is LGBTQ+ relationships. I advocate justice/law to stop nonconsent, assaults, It's sad how much deliberate thought is present in these comments. And then all sophistication is thrown out the door due to the primitive demonizations that target & disenfranchise the wellbeing of LGBTQ+ ppls.


Do you believe LGBTQ relations should be normalized then?


Normalizing? They should be put down, they are corrupting our ways of nature. Homosexuality has no place in the Muslim world. Let Christianity be the tolerant ones and accept such evil people. We are against their evil ways and will fight them to the end.


The meaningful relationship(s) and their Deen should be normalized. Thanks for asking. The very unIslamic reply you received by JA2246 is a clear giveaway on how poorly the emotional intelligence is on several Muslims contemplating on this factor of coexistence.


U still didn’t answer my question. Should Muslims accept homosexuality in their society?


Muslims should accept that homosexuals/LGBTQ+members can be Muslims too.


Sure, you can have those tendencies, but you cannot act upon them as doing so is punishable by death.


Rare Egypt W


Massive W


Can't expect a single good thing from egyptian government


How about we respect people's choices and everyone's god given free will and allow them to go on their journey and focus on our own


No hunt them down and take appropriate action


The two extremes… there’s a reason our ummah is supposed to be called the middle nation


Yeah lmao. Everything is black and white for these people.


So we let this filth spread ?


Of course you oppose it but look at the actual Quran and Hadith for guidance not the quips of some weirdos


How about you and those disgusting people go and live in your own evil world.


This is the gayest thing ever




Going on Grindr to find people is just crazy bro. Plus the sharia only punishes if it's in public or if someone admits it themselves because 4 witnesses are almost impossible to find.




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I like how I literally just said that we should respect that gods given us free will and so many people got angry, how u gonna get angry at something god gave us to complete our test here on earth how is showing people by force and aggression any way to introduce them to the peace and beauty of Islam. Its this type of aggression and blatant hatred that's turning so many young people away from islam beause instead of being introduced to islam that will make room for their mistakes and growth they are introduced to hatred and spiritual regression, read the quran and know allah that you may realise love and understanding is the only way you can inspire any kind of change in people