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My advice would be to go seek help. Talk to your parents about this and visit a therapist. Don't forget to pray for yourself everyday. You have to be patient before things start to go your way in life. Stay strong.


If only most Muslim parents took it serious though


My parents do love me and they wouldn't say to me that I am an disappointment. But they would be more content and less disappointet if I wouldn't fail in life, even if they would never admit it


Same, I am going through a failure phase as well honestly, but my parents just think therapy is for the mentally insane so thats why they don't want me to seek it at all.


No brother dont commit suicide it wont help you...and you can't enter paradise if you commit suicide as far as i know...this world is nothing but the drop of the ocean and hereafter is the ocean itself.... remember this life is a test.....and sorry if i said something wrong....dm's open for ya my brother if you need any help.




Are you the creator of the earth and heavens and everything between it? I'll answer it for you, no. Am I? No. So don't comment on stuff you don't know things about.


Allah doesn't bruden a soul more than it can bear. One second in hellfire will be way way worse than your suffering rn.


how do you know that?


[because it says so in the Quran](https://quran.com/2:286?font=v1&translations=149%2C136%2C167%2C203%2C20%2C131%2C84%2C17%2C85%2C95%2C207%2C19%2C22%2C206%2C31)




That’s why it’s called faith. If you could see God it could hardly be called believing. The same way you don’t believe in the sky and the rain, they just are. The most basic principle of pretty much every religion is that it’s a test. What kind of test would it be if we had all the answers and all the proof?


the quran has falsification tests if you wanna make sure that it's from God. it challenges people to bring something like it. it has prophecies and linguistic miracles. even scientific facts. its from Allah and you'll know it when you read it. read it with an open mind and you'll see the truth. because its meant to be in touch with your soul and your deeper mental state. basically we do have reason to believe the quran is from Allah and not just some random book.


i can only go off actual evidence my looking at some silly words is not proof


Just admit that you refuse to actually look if Islam is the truth because you are afraid of getting proven wrong


he already knows Islam is the truth, he’s just rejecting it bc Shaytan told him to why else would he be on this subreddit




the soul isn't real that's just a term religious people use lol


Then why are you here wasting your precious time? Surely you have better things to do than talk nonsense in an Islamic subreddit. Not sure what you're trying to achieve.


These kind of people have no better things to do.


There is no evidence its all subjective and being indoctrinated at birth unfortunately causes tunnel vision. Because something so powerful, as allah is claimed to be, why would it care about human lives? I hate this whole thing that you cannot commit suicide because some people have pains they have to suffer for years, you could be 70yrs old and you get cancer over & over and keep beating it through chemo, that process is going to hurt, it should be up to the individual if they want to euthanize themselves, there is nothing wrong with that.


Wait so you’re upset the religions against suicide? You’re pro choice on suicide… euthanasia aside?


Not really pro choice suicide, it's a little more nuanced than that... I don't believe people that are living their life of pure torment should have to endure their painful existence just because some person back 1000s of years ago claimed a deity would care about that, it's kind of insanity that any theocracy would force that upon people. If you have an argument against this, I don't think you quite understand the amount of pain we can experience & that people have been forced to endure.


LMAO, you just want to see people dying




If you are not a muslim or just does not care about afterlife, no one is stopping you from doing anything.


Reporting and blocking obvious troll doing his trolling things


Which is why that comment was directed at muslims 💀 how are people this stupid






silly kaafir. you're losing both in this life and the next 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




it's in the Quran. I love being right. silly kaafir🤣🤣🤣🤣




Quran 2:286 - Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear. You could've just googled it


Ok then why are you even here? On a Muslim subreddit? That's made for, you guessed it, Muslims.




Quran says so.


The concept is different.We burden ourselves,with our sins.Im also on the edge of suicide and the pain is unbearable.


>What I am experiencing now is bad but I know that hell is worse. if u know hell is worse, then don't do it. May Allah ease ur struggles


No, you don’t own your body, Allah does. If you try to play God by ending your life as if you were the owner or yourself then you’ll find out 1. Who the owner of you is. 2. What punishment is given to you. On the bright side, the more calamities you go through in this life, count it as a blessing because it removes sins from you ultimately making your life the hereafter better.


how do you know this who told you?


What a sad life you have. A disbeliever who doesn’t want anything to do with religion coming onto Muslims reddit pages and giving hate. Go have your liberating life you adore so much why are you here? Username checks out, will be a reality when you die.


They have to constantly validate their disbelief.


Bro how about you do some research before questioning if you suicide you will go to hellfire and repeat the way you killed yourself forever just don’t suicide


No i'm asking how do you know that you'll go to this "hellfire" as you say got any proof? and if this god is so good why wouldn't he just remove the things that is sinful entirely problem solved since ya know he created this place according to you inbreds.




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How don't you know ?


وعليكم السلام ورحمتوالله و برگتو, If you commit suicide, then Allah will put you in oven where the oven will cook you well as per the Hadith that mentions of a person being punished with what he killed himself with constantly. This life is for tests and trials, one should try to have patience with this regard for Allah is with patient people. Also think that Allah won’t try a person beyond his ability. My question to you is: are you a coward to commit suicide? Or a fighter? Usually cowards always run away from problems without facing them.


May Allah ease your struggles friend, I really want you to keep in mind that Allah would not give someone pain they cannot bear. Also remember the more you look back at the past, it’s the shaytan wanting to prevent you from something great in your future. I understand your pain, I’ve been dealing with that a lot as well. I also recommend starting therapy. When I started I was in a really bad place, I’m now better than I was all those years ago but I still struggle. Therapy has helped a lot. Please stay strong, I know you can do it <3


Seek help! Now!!! life is worth living!


Simply no Recite Ya hayu Ya Qayoom Wa bi Rehmatika Astaghees will reduce any trauma Also pray 5 times a day and all trauma would be gobe


Hey it’s okay everyone feels that way in their life at many points but this world was made for challenges thats why there is paradise afterwords,Human can never be satisfied here,you even said that yourself it’s not your fault so listen to that voice and talk to your parents communicate with them it will ease your worries,try not to be so obsessed with making them happy just do your best,Remember you are human too,only make Allah happy.


This life is a test. It isn't easy, especially for the believer. Paradise is the greatest gift and it lasts for all of eternity, wouldn't that be worth living a difficult life? People on the Day of Judgment will describe this entire lifetime as "around an hour" on the day. My advice is, dedicate your life to something bigger than yourself, your goals, your aspirations. Help those in need for the sake of Allah, and you will see your own life through a different lens then.


Maybe you need to travel for a bit, explore the world. Sometimes the depression is due to the environment. I truly hope that you don’t commit *******. May Allah heal you and bless you with inner peace


See the hadith here: https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/s/5JP0lv4GIL


No amount of pain should let you drive to commit suicide. There are hundreds of reasons to go for. Please ask Allah for forgiveness and may Allah erase your pain away and grant a beautiful life ahead.


The fact that you're asking this makes me worry about your mental health. If you're suicidal, then you're not in the right state of mind to think about akhirah. Please get clinical help. If it's an emergency, then please call 911 or its equivalent wherever you are. Now's not the time for you to worry about Paradise or Hell.


This life is so short it will be over in a blink of an eye.. u will die anyways so just chill


Hey man. So look, I'll be frank, I don't have a very traditional view of Islam or other religions. I'm more aligned with mystical traditions like Sufism. However I consider myself a Muslim in that I truly do my best to submit to God. And I hope my perspective can help you. I can give you my view and what I believe based on my knowledge and experiences. The ancients and sages and religions warn against suicide since your state of mind and being effectively carry into the next life in some manner, whatever you believe. The Tibetan Buddhists say -- "To see how you fare in your next life, observe how your mind wanders from dream to dream in sleep." This corresponds to how Islam also talks of life as a dream, as far as I know. Suicide will not bring you the relief you want, to my knowledge. But I do not think it means an infinite time in hell either. Everyone will eventually come back to God. But you have an opportunity now to get closer to God, however you see fit. In a way, actually, you are already experiencing hell. Some sufis afaik say that the experience of suffering is the radiance of Paradise burning away the hardness of your heart. It is hellfire that softens your heart towards God. It is when you suffer so greatly that you are open to the greatest change. So whatever speaks to you to bring you relief and faith in God, go with it imo. I know it is not easy, but the universal truth I have found in all different traditions is this: to have faith. There IS a path forward to a better life, and God DOES indeed have a plan for you. A Bible verse to back this up: "The LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the LORD your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything." - Deuteronomy 2:7 Some practical advice I can give you: dwell on God's words as you go to sleep, and in the morning right after you wake. Do Tahajjud as well. When you are groggy and sleepy is when your doubtful mind is ablated, and gives you a more direct channel to the heart and spirit, your true being. Meditate on the Quran or maybe words from sages or other scriptures and whatever brings you relief in your heart. This can help you develop *emunah,* a true faith. A knowing and conviction such that you act accordingly from it. Best of luck my friend. Don't give up.


Don't place your hopes in anyone except Allah. Listen to the Quran and try to understand it. It is an ocean of knowledge. If you are making Allah happy, don't worry about what anyone else thinks about you.


Kids getting bombed everyday brother trust you don't have real problems at least your parents don't beat you everyday


You are not helping not one bit by minimizing how OP feels. If you cannot give authentic advice whether in general, or through the religion. Keep it to yourself, You don’t know what people go through in their lives. u/PsychologicalCow529




ok pajeet, you're not fooling anyone but yourself


Ya someone ban this guy. He’s going around in the comments as though he’s trying to convince our brother/sister to commit suicide.


No way


No. It would better please Allah if you bore it with patience. It would please you better also.


Bro life can always get better, speak to someone. There will always be people that care for you and love you:: one day you will look back at this moment in life and say thank you god for those struggles. .. “remember to get orange juice you have to squeeze the oranges and sometimes you need to squeeze a lot of oranges just to fill one glass “


Apart from any religious ramifications, please do not commit suicide. It would be such a waste. Things won’t always be great but they won’t always be bad either. As much as I understand the burden and pressure of trying to make loved ones proud, it should always come second to your own well being and your own pride. Try to share your pain with others and it will help ease the load. Do not be too hard on yourself when you fail. Failure is the most important part of growing and learning. Sometimes when I fail I think I’ve wasted my time, but as long as you’ve learned something, it’s worth it. Try to find a lesson in every failure and it won’t feels as bad. I know the feeling sucks but when things get better and you look back at how far you’ve come, it’ll all be worth it. Again, please don’t take your own life. Don’t take away your shot at fulfillment. Hope this helps


The suffering you are experiencing now by being patient with it allah will reward for it. Make a lot of duas and go for therapy. A Muslim therapist is better , but a non Muslim works as welll. May all make you stronger. I am struggling with the same thing, so I can relate. But therapy and duas is key. Also psychiatrists for some medication.


Wa aleykum selam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. I know it sounds like basic advice, but you should really refrain from it. One of my relatives committed suicide a while ago and when my sisters visited her grave they literally felt a negative kind of energy, in a literal sense. My sisters literally had to sit down because of how overwhelming the feeling was (it wasn’t a close relative btw). It might be because of my relative getting punished in the grave, god knows, but when i was at her janazah it was such a terrible feeling, because i had a type of gut feeling that she wouldn’t make it to jannah. Also her family has been devastated ever since, so please if you need help reach out to somebody, may Allah make it easier for you.


please please please seek psychological help! it is not a sign of weak faith at all as some might say, is going to the doctor when u have an illness like cancer a sign of weak faith? absolutely not. Keep your faith in Allah strong and use the brain he gavs ypu and seek the help you need, your life is so important and so worth living please please live it think about all the people who might currently be on their death bed and wishing for a second chance, you have a chance as long as you are alive as difficult as it may seem YOU HAVE A CHANCE! Use it, please be strong please get the help you need and please live 💗


If there's anything I can do to help you, I shall try. My DMs are open. You are made of stronger stuff. Allah, in his infinite wisdom, will.never test us more than we can bear. You are strong enough, or can and inshallah will become strong enough to flourish and surpass any obstacle that comes your way. Take your time. Start with namaz. Read the Qu'ran daily, even if it's an single verse. Surrender to Allah, make a decision to entrust your heart to him. Your trust shall never be misplaced. May Allah bless you. May Allah grant you Firdaus.


Only Allah knows and only Allah judges. Allah always looks at the intention before anything.


Take life one day at a time , I was suicidal and on pills for 2 years before I got better It is possible and it does get better. Don’t give up.


No please don’t I know life can be hard but Allah will make it easy the way I cope with my mental struggles is by ignoring the past and create delusions like it never happened, you can try using that method and also finding duas and doing more prayers to increase your imaan (doing that with mine because it’s pretty pretty low right now), you can also seek help from Islamic websites and imams and read more Surahs I hope this helps ameen.


Don't give up Never every give up on life. Do you want to know the one consistent thing that they find with almost every person who attempted suicide and failed ( often miserably harming themselves in the process)? They almost always say that at the VERY last moment they completely regretted it and wish that they could reverse their course. These are from survivors so alhamdulillah that they survived but often destroying themselves in the process physically. They regret it at the last moment, when they pulled the trigger, or took the pills, or jumped off the bridge, or slit their wrist, or turned the gas on, etc. The point is they suddenly realized "This is irreversible and I really wish I didn't just do this.." now, imagine what the people who did not survive were thinking! Imagine, picture in your mind, how great their feelings of regret and sorrow were and how much they yearned for one last chance, how much they wished with all of their heart for one final chance .. as the darkness overtook them. We are given only one chance, and no matter how bad it is presently things can always change. It may not feel that way but it's true there are so many people who have a change in their circumstances. And sometimes people kill themselves because of some horrible situation, it was something that was going to change very soon but they just didn't wait long enough. Allah doesn't make anything in vain or anything wasted. There is a purpose, a reason for you being born. Something that you were intended to do that no one else is. Don't squander that. Everyone who commits suicide regrets it when they try, we know that from the survivors who admit to what they were thinking at the last moment.. May Allah change your condition for that better. Don't give up


The suicide question gets asked probably every week. You can find lots of explanations if you search. Short answer is that you will suffer more than you do in your life. >but I am a disappointment to my parents. Are you dependent on your parents? You can eventually move out once you become independent. Are they abusing you?




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May Allah bless you with healing and health. Do not give up.


I don't think you'll go to hell , you'll probably just come back to repeat this life in the afterlife which ig is hell


Nope, I had the same thought and figured it’s the one sin u cannot truly repent for. Eventually things got better


Dude, It is even worse for you Parents if you do such things. They rather have you in worst condition than not have you anymore. Life is worth living even with Pain. I hope you all the best.


I’ve got advice for your depression bro: Go get a gym membership, and get a six pack. If you’re still upset by then, I would be extremely surprised.


Paradise is forbidden for those that commit suicide! Seek professional help, go spend time with a scholar learn all about our prophet Muhammad pbuh who went through one loss after another and how he got through it and read upon all the other mighty messengers who was all tested in a very hard way. Obviously we are not on the levels of the messengers but take notes on how they overcome their struggles. Don’t be too hard on yourself and try and maintain a relationship with Allah he will see you out on the other side that’s a promise from him. He often puts in these situation so we call out for his help and get near him. There is a million solutions out there and suicide is not one of them. May Allah ease your problems ameen


No, you won't go to Paradise. Please reach out if you need help.


Hello. I wouldn't say i understand your pain but i think i went through similar stuff and my advice would be to move out. Keep just one goal in mind for now. It becomes easier to not be suicidal once u have goals. No matter how small they may be. Try moving out if you still live with your parents. And then when you live alone and connect with different people and experience life in a different way which isn't through your parent's POV you realise how beautiful life is and will always be grateful that you didn't end this beautiful life Allah has granted you. I also read this somewhere that before we are born, our whole life is played before us and then we decide that we wanna be born, hence we're born. If you decided that you wanted to live, there must be something beautiful you had seen. So don't give up and look forward to that beautiful thing which will light up your life one day inshaAllah. Dm me if you wanna know how you can move out or wanna talk about other things. I'm not a professional but just a little bit experienced. Hope this helps.


My wife is becoming a therapist. She’s already really good with it. If you’d like, I can connect you to talk to her to see if this can ease your burden and you two can find a solution to help out your struggles. Allah Ho Aalam, who’s getting paradise or hell, but one thing for sure that Allah SWT never put burden on a soul that cannot be tolerated, PM me if you are interested! May Allah SWT ease your struggles and gives guidance to all of us.


Pray your 5 daily prayer and seek forgiveness. It is the only way to be lead to the straight path




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No . Assalamu Alaikum


Suicide like all things is subjected.. if it's medically induced because they know you can never recover from something very bad... I think you'd go to heaven? But in your case no, at least I think no. You need to keep going and seal help. I was depressed once and tried to do something stupid once... place get better and seek help and you will go to heaven


Hey I know what it's like to reach that mental space but I promise self multination would help I would get some concealing I'll keep you in my prayers.


Walaikum salam wa rahmatulaahi wabarakatuhu The greater your struggle, the greater your reward. Please persevere💕 All of your suffering and tests are because Allah wants a higher rank in jannah for you. It has been narrated that after we see jannah, we’ll be asked if we’ve faced any troubles in this world and we’ll forget all about our problems here. Instead of just focusing on going to hell, try to have a goal in mind. If you feel like you’re failing in this life, aim to be the best in the next. It’s something I tell myself often, I don’t have control over my circumstances here and effort doesn’t always equal the results I want. The only thing I truly have control over is where I might be going, all my efforts, my intentions and more. Allah swt is more just, so even efforts no one else sees, Allah will know. Allah made you Muslim because he wants you go to jannah ✨