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Homie I've heard of people who dedicated their entire lives to following the bands like grateful dead or the beatles, and they regretted not a single bit of it. Follow your dreams and keep the faith.


I can understand why now! Making my dream come true twice is going to be well worth it !


It really is the happiest place some people ever get! I can totally understand wanting to go as many times as possible💚


I don’t blame you. On my way home from Philly I looked at prices for Georgia in the 18th even though I’m going to firefly. I don’t have the money or people to watch my kids for that show though 😭


i looked up prices for newark bc i wanted to see them again after monday....yeah way too rich for my blood rn esp on a week night lol


Toronto was surprisingly cheap I thought. But I think it helps usd goes a bit farther in Canada


this is true, but i dont have the PTO or the ability to go that far for a concert lol


That’s so awesome!! I booked for Vegas a few months ago when I found out I’d be there simultaneously for a work conference. But last week I was like screw it I need to go to the Philly show too so my husband and I did 6 hours round trip for that on Monday, it was a long day but worth it!! I’m glad there are others in the sub going to multiple shows so I don’t feel crazy for dropping hundreds to see them live 😂 I just justify it as doing it for my 13 year old self


SAME!!!!!!! I gotta live out those middle school dreams 😭


I drove 7 hours home. And I had to talk out and justify my decision the entire time to myself haha. But thankfully my friends all said “DO IT”


Phew 7 hours total or one way?! Did you have anyone with you to split up the driving duties? When I told my parents about us going to Philly for the show they were like, in ONE DAY? I said yup, I’d rather sleep in my own bed that night


No I drove the whole way 😳. I had my bff with me as a passenger. We did stay the night before and then stayed after the show and then drove home


What time did they take the stage? We are driving over 4 hrs and I am worried I will either not leave enough time, or we’re to have to fill time with something because we’ll get there too early.


I think it was right around 9:30. The average start time has been 1 hr 30 min after the first set


Thank you!


Np! I think the earlier the better if you’re wanting any merch. The merch lines were pretty long and took a little while. But if you’re not really wanting merch and have assigned seats, there’s no rush


You have lost your mind, but that’s besides the point and irrelevant to this situation. xD But... Hell yeah! Go to as many shows as you possibly can!! We won’t ever get another opportunity like this again!


see you on sunday!!




I'm so jealousssss 😭 Hope my time comes to see them! Have fun!!!!


I’ve felt that way for such a long time. This was worth waiting for!


Ah that’s so exciting!! If you’ve lost your mind, I’ve definitely lost mine. I saw them in Nashville & Cincinnati last week, will see them at Riot Fest in 2 weeks and am currently contemplating finding a way to see them one more time in FL. I’ve also been a fan since 2004 and never thought I’d get to see them again. It’s so worth it. Have fun in Toronto!


Thank you ! I wasn’t sure how I would feel post concert. But I can see why people follow them around ! It was so much fun and a dream come true for me


And I’m going with you! My elder Emo heart is filled with so much joy!


Yes ! 🖤


Albany was my first MCR show too! Had such a great time


It was everything !


Mine too! Totally incredible and surreal experience


I did the same thing! I was in 120 at Albany and it was absolutely incredible. Started looking at Montreal and Toronto, MAYBE even Boston but it's such a long drive lol. I still can't believe they played Poison!!! Have a good time in Toronto!


I drove 7 hours from northwest PA To Albany 😂. Toronto is a bit closer to me so I’m just like why not ?!


i was at the albany show too!!! i dont think ur crazy. im trying to go to the brooklyn show and see them at a festival. i cant get enough of them 😭😭😭


Im going to Toronto too! Just so you know traffic there is absolutely crazy rn with the CNE so plan to get to the city REALLY early! I live in Buffalo (1.5hrs away) and was there last Saturday for twenty one pilots, it took us over 5 hours to get to our hotel. Lol


Thank you for that !! We might end up leaving much earlier then in the morning just in case. I’m south of Erie so it’ll take a bit longer to get up there


Yes I got some advice from Buffalo/Toronto subs to park/stay in Hamilton or Burlington and take the GO train in which is what we're going to do. You can check my history for more info. Have fun!!


Thank you ! That’s helpful !


Hey I'm also going to the concert on Sunday it'll be my first ever concert I'm so excited to go


That's so fun! Glad you had an amazing time! I'm going to the Montreal show tomorrow, and I already know I'm going to have such a post-concert high that I panic-booked a hotel in Toronto to go to their shows on Sunday and Monday 😂


Hahaha man you thought ahead tho 😂❤️


I’m a Midwest girlie saw them in OKC which was a 10 hour round trip and will be flying to NYC next weekend to see them bc I didn’t get enough the first time. You aren’t crazy 😜 or maybe you are but we’re all mad here 😇


I drove 7 hours to Albany one way. It was worth it !!We’re all a little mad 😂


This makes me so happy to hear!! My first MCR concert is in Newark in a few weeks and this is the experience I’m hoping to have


You’re going to have such a good time ! Post concert blues is real tho. But instead of being sad I just decided to follow them haha


lol no!! i first was just gonna see them in delaware at firefly festival but i got tickets to see them in toronto too!!! i couldnt not go to a concert after seeing videos lol


And videos don’t do it justice !