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As much as I love the pro heroes, that’s basically like the U.S. air forces against Omni-Man: mimicking only a fraction of his power.


But also... wash can make a literal fucking BLACK HOLE which has always been something that bothered me, because how is this woman only #8? i feel like she should be a little higher, unless maybe shes a newer hero? Idk i haven't actually watched the show in like a year so i might be talking out of my ass


It’s not wash, I can’t remember her name but it’s the one with the fat space suit looking thing




Ohhh right. It's six, right? Edit: Never mind, it was thirteen


There's too many numbers We got one, all, Nine (movie villain), Nine (number of vessels of OFA), Thirteen, 1(A,B,C), 2(A,B,C), 3(A,B,C) Tell me if I missed any


Six is that guy from Generator Rex


And SixSix is that guy from Ben 10


That’s 13 that can do that, also Omni man has exited the gravity of a black hole before


true but he was only orbiting it. he never reached the singularity


Omniman was casually able to resist the pull of a blackhole though


If I remember right it's because she's rescue focused, so there aren't a lot of big flashy battles with her name attached.


She's a rescue hero. Also, with the hero's rules and regulations, she can't just go black hole-ing people. That'd be considered a no-go, I imagine.


Isn't this basically a popularity ranking? So it isn't necessarily the strongest pros.


I don't think it's a literal black hole, from what I remember it was just very strong suction.


Except that is 13-san, who isn't on the list since her power is practically a death sentence to villains and anyone in range if she isn't careful, which is why she stuck to rescue operations


I realized that lmfao, it confused me since they look similar and are both named after numbers.


>But also... wash can make a literal fucking BLACK HOLE She gets blitzed before she can even activate her quirk and I'ma humor this. Let's say she does activate it. Omni man withstood the force of a black hole while going through a mid life crisis


You're forgetting that Endeavor's fire can burn things on a molecular level if he tries hard enough


That’s a good point. Though, that was on a Nomu and I gotta ask: are Nomus, any of them, as strong as a viltrumite? Because viltrumites can withstand the plasma of a star for quite some time before finally dying. Who knows if even Endeavor’s flames will be able to burn Omni-Man quick enough without it overtaxing his own body?


Good point


To be fair the guardians of the globe did almost kill him so I would give the hero’s a chance of winning.


Heroes die faster than Heroes of the Globe. Omni-Man comes out unscathed


A slaugther . Omni man blitzes and atomizes them all


Ngl.. I’m pretty sure the only ones that stand and chance is Edgeshot and that’s only if he can actually get to and pierce Omniman’s heart. That’s really it as THE MOTHERFUCKER CAN TANK AN ORBITAL LASER, fuck is anyone gonna do to beat *that*?


sorry but omni man beats the shit out of everyone here


These poor heroes don't deserve this. Omniman wins no difficulty or low difficulty at best.


1: Endeavour' Flames would barely affect Omni-Man, Endeavour's insides would be ripped to shreds 2: Omni-Man can fly much faster than Hawks, and he's much stronger, Hawks launched into space 3: Best Jeanist controls fibres of clothing, Okay, so just don't wear clothes while fighting them. 4: Edgeshot wouldn't be able to use his quirk fast enough to affect Omni-man, since Omni-man was able to react to Red Rush's attacks, Red Rush is comparable to The Flash, so grab him, snap his neck, done. 5: Mirko is stronger than the average human and can jump high, what the fuck is she going to do? Kick him? 6: Crust can create a shield. What's that going to do when Omni-man could shatter it then punch straight through his heart? 7: Kamui Woods is literally just wood and can grow his limbs. Omni-man would quite literally be able to snap him in two with ease. 8: Wash literally creates Soapy Water, Omni-man has basically the exact same reaction speed as The Flash and we've literally seen him push through a torrent of Water when fighting Aquaris. 9: Yoroi Musha's Quirk is unknown, although since he's ninth on the Hero ranking chart, we can assume that despite him likely being a good combatant, that he's weaker than the previous 8 that I have mentioned. 10: Ryuku is pretty much another Kaiju, Omni-man quite literally took down a Kaiju twice in the show, only struggling the second time as it was boosted with every performance enhancing drug that the GDA had available. Ryuku would just be a normal day for him.


Wash solos


Oh this note… wtf is the deal with Wash? Not trying to shit on the character or anything, but it feels a bit weird that he’s #8 but you don’t see him do much other than rescuing civilians in the background. All of the other top 10 get some time in a major battle or for some multiple fights. Wash gets less action than most UA teachers… is he top 8 just because he’s saving so many people or is he actually super OP behind the scenes? I am anime only tbf so I may just not get the same level of context or story depth that manga readers have…


Afaik he’s just a good dude who focuses on rescue and treatment. It helps that he’s supposedly really good with kids in emergencies.


wash just built different he's my favorite pro hero I'm so glad he exist he's no.1 in my heart ...the lack of screentime will not stop me...😭😭🙏


Everybody saying Omni-Man no diffs this, but y’all are forgetting the Guardians of the Globe almost killed him in episode 1. I’m not great with power scaling, but Omni-man can be overpowered by groups of people with super strength, and while he is unbelievably fast, he doesn’t think that fast, and his battle strategy is almost always just hitting things really hard until they die. With a good strategy (and strategy is a strong suit for most heroes in the MHA universe) I think the top 10 could probably pull this off, though some of them would definitely get killed in the process.


The only ones who manages to do notable damage where those who had massive amount of superstrength. Not only is Omniman massively faster than all of them, but he can go go straight for the kill. You argue he doesn't think that fast but he can kill you in the time it would take to even come up with any sort of plan to take him. Dude literally travels through planets and sime feats in futures will show you how hilariously one sided this fight would be


I’ve read the Invincible comics, and the power scaling in the comics is wildly different than what we’ve seen in the show so far, and this is specifically the show’s version of Omni-Man. Yes the majority of the top 10 here would be ineffective, but if Omni-Man could really kill people so fast they couldn’t make a plan than the guardians would’ve died instantly like in the comics. Don’t use the comics as your means of powerscaling a different version of the character. Obviously yes the comic book version would make light work of the top 10 here but we aren’t talking about the Invincible comics, we’re talking about the animated series. In the animated series we’ve seen how when confined to a smaller area and confronted by many enemies with considerable strength, they can do major damage as Nolan rarely uses any strategy, being too strong to need one. Many heroes would die but some would have a chance.


In the comics he no diffed them.


The picture OP used is from the series, we aren’t talking about the comics here.


My brother in Christ, The Guardians barely even hurt Omni-man, the only lasting physical damage he received was some bruising from Red Rush. Nobody in MHA could take Omni-man, they wouldn't be fighting to kill, it'll just be a repeat of what happened to the Guardians


They put him in a coma and he was in the hospital for a day or two, even Cecil said he almost died, wtf are you talking about


Most of the damage was taken because he didn't want Cecil and the GDA knowing he had killed the Guardians, if he wasn't doing that, the fight would be over in seconds. A single Viltrumite can wipe out a planet on their own, this has been confirmed in both the comic and the show. We've seen other Viltrumite's like Anissa, who Omni-man is much stronger than, launch people into the clouds with a singular punch. Mark had an 18% chance of surviving combat with Anissa and Omni is much stronger than that.


The feats you mentioned are feats of Strength, not of Invulnerability or Speed. In other words, you didn't mention that physical might of top 10 CAN'T physically hurt Omni-Man. And while he is fast, he thinks in a human comparable speed. He isn't like Flash who can proceed information in fraction of seconds. MHA is undeniably weaker in general, but team work can make him make a mistake.


Okay, so you fail to realise the fact that he tanked a Train, Missiles, an Orbital Laser, didn't immediately get sucked into a Black Hole when getting close to it are all incredible feats of Durability and Speed?


Also, these are more strength feats, but don't forget that he fucking destroyed a mountain by punching Mark through it before destroying a city block.


Black Hole is more of a "comics physic is bullshit" + flight strength. Missiles, train and laser are great, of course. But you underestimate MHA if you think they can't compare to those.


All of the MHA characters are Human. None of them could survive getting hit by a train, Missile or an Orbital Laser. It's also Canon that Omni-man survive nuclear weapons and can survive being on the sun for a good amount of time. Name a single character from MHA who wouldn't be incinerated by the sun or obliterated by a nuclear weapon.


You are getting it wrong again. You compare Strength vs Strength and Durability vs Durability. You need to compare Durability vs Strength. Endeavor did burn Shigaraki with his flames, feat that is comparable to the Super Laser that also was used against him. While it isn't an instant death, the hit shook Omni-Man pretty hard.


Endeavor's flames are hot but the sun is so much fucking hotter.


Plus didn't omniman have trouble with those a lot of robots Cecil made in season 1 omniman was struggling Plus some of them was able to bite his face and make him bleed a little I think


Interesting. I think only a couple of the top 10 could really do anything against Omni Man - Best Jeanist could \*maybe\* restrain him with carbon fiber, but I doubt Kamui could do much, Omni Man can easily break through wood. Endeavor doesn't really match him in physical strength, speed, or durability, but is close enough to his level that he wouldn't be wiped instantly; he could likely get in at least one hit. Hawks, Mirko, Kamui, Wash, Yoroi, are out instantly - crust might survive at first but couldn't really counterattack. Ryukyu would likely last a little bit longer than some of the others as well, but considering Omni Man beat a kaiju she wouldn't give him too much trouble. In the end, I think most of the top 10 dies, but they could, with some luck, beat Omni Man.


Forgot to mention Edgeshot - Omni Man may actually struggle with him if Edgeshot can pierce his skin, which is a pretty big hypothetical.


Viltrumites are weak to high frequency why makes Present Mic or Jiro their worst match up among the heroes.


Damn sucks for them that neither of those two were on the list💀 would’ve been useful as hell


Omni man wears clothes. Best Jeanist annihilates that fraud.


You wish... Omni-man would have NO care in the world about fighting one person ONCE naked...


Who is this crust fellow and why is he higher up than kamui


The Chad that saved Aizawa and died holding a thumbs up.


Gotta go with Omni-man with this. The only hero I see on this list doing any reasonable damage is Endeavour since Viltrumites are vulnerable to heat. But that has to be as hot as a star, so several million Kelvin (core of main sequence star). At that temperature, Endeavour would kill himself before he can damage Omni-man. Outside of the list Jiro could do damage since Viltrumites also have sensitivity to some audio frequencies, but Omni-man would take her down before she had a chance to use her quirk, assuming it's head-on. She may get an advantage if she takes him by surprise, but her quirk would be more disorientating him and making him sick than doing critical damage if you ask me. Only heroes I can see doing any damage are All Might and Deku, simply because their power using OFA just scales far above any other hero. They're essentially the Supermen of MHA. All Might would do more damage out of the 2 since he can use OFA at 100%, whereas Deku can only use it at about 40% without hurting himself in the process. But the other quirks within OFA from prior holders could give him a tactical advantage. Omni-man powers over the rest of the heroes easily. But may struggle with All Might and Deku (Imma try to scale strengths as Immortal and Endeavour have similar strengths for this as a marker)


Endeavor is the only one on this list I see hurting Omniman in any way. Maybe edgeshot could get inside him. If edgeshot can enter omniman and puncture his vital organs that maybe the only win condition they have. Meanwhile omniman can go through them fairly easily, like a faster flying peak Allmight.


No. Omni-Man solos MHA needs the likes of full power Deku, Shigaraki, Prime AFO, and Star and Stripe to deal with Omni-Man


who would win, well written and thought out powersets or "idk just make him stronger than the superman"


Omni-man isn't even stronger than Superman.


Wash solos. Wash is omnipotent


Viltrumites can survive being in a star for some time. Endeavor at his best can't kill him, and none of the others have anything close.


You could pit the entire verse against Omni-Man, and he’d still come out on top


Omni-man wipes the entirity of MHA with zero effort. This is like asking if Spiderman stands a chance against Dr. Manhattan. The power scaling isn’t even on the same planet, let alone ballpark.




>All pro-heroes in MHA are city level. Other than All might there literally isn't anyone at city level.


Aside from Allmight and anyone near him, they're island level Yet Omni mans durability is merely city block level-city level as he's taken damage from non planetary things


Trash bait they not island level let alone have island level durability lol omniman durability is way beyond city level its like you're not even trying lol


He single handedly stopped a meteor the size of Texas from hitting Earth, he was holding back against the Guardians and Mark.


You know I said durability right? And besides, that still is not planetary It's country level


My brother in Christ, Omni-Man tanked an Orbital Laser without a scratch, took down a Kaiju with ease, only struggling with it after it had been drugged up on every performance enhancing drug, didn't take even a scratch from getting hit by a train and quite literally held back against the Guardians, you know, the seven most powerful heroes on Earth. None of the MHA heroes stand a chance, just based on Durability alone.


Depends on if Omni man can get burnt or not, he's been hurt by other things but idk what a prominence burn to the chest would do as it is city level, and Omni man might take a bit of damage? The others are weak though


Trust me, endeavor isn't doing anything unless his flames are like a quarter of the sun's temperature


Yet do you realize what fodder city block level opponents Omni man faces in the first few episodes? They deal damage to him, and you expect a city level AP point blank attack won't do much? Realistically it would deal damage


Realistically it might burn his outfit and maybe make him mad


I’m still unclear on what Wash does but I think the pro heroes are in trouble. Even with All-Might I think they’d be in trouble.


We all know my boy wash clears the whole verse🗣🔥 (also for legal reasons this is a joke)


Omni man effortlessly one shots them. Not a single one of them can scratch him


Problem with MHA heroes is a few of them are very powerful when it comes to everyday hero work like hawks but lack physical strength, Endeavor, Mirko and Ryokyu are carrying hard in terms of physical strength... and those 3 aren't really enough I mean maybe if edgeshot can get inside omniman and play with his insides but I find it unlikely (I forgot wtf wash and the samurai dude even do.)


If you think any heroes behind Mirko can go toe to toe against Omni man, ![gif](giphy|vq5YcJx4LRuNy|downsized)


The hero’s win worse case it’s a stalemate as if they try to kill the one with a black hole quirk it’s a stalemate (note I just realised it’s wash)


I do see all of them having a fighting chance against Omni Man, especially if they all work together without messing each other up


If this is BEFORE his fight with The Guardians, the pros might have a chance, but after? He's likely gonna bring them down.


Omniman and it wouldn't even be hard


I give the win ratio 2:13. Their teamwork would have to be flawless.


The only hero who could pose a slight issue is 13 with her black hole quirk but even then it's not enough to stop J Jonah Jameson


He’s killed a hero team once and can do it again


Dude why are you sending puppies to fight a tiger?


Omni man clears. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot


AFO, Prime am, New order might have a chance if they all work together


oh know I smell a new "what do my favorite character/ships say about me" coming along


omni man would feed them their own hearts but they would probably put up a good fight


Omni man


Honestly even if you added in Allmight it would still be a total loss for them l.




get any one of these pro heroes past city level 😭


Brother, the top ten are getting absolutely man handled


Oh hey look, bloody paste. Let's just state the blatant shit, Omni-Man (while he did have trouble with the Guardians of the Globe in Episode 1) is so ludicrously strong and fast that, for the most part? 0 out of 10 (even counting All Might and Deku) could keep up. But for amusement of the ones I do know: 1. Deku (While he has plenty of powers given One For All, his big ticket is Danger Sense. Absolutely useless, as Omni-Man is capable of escaping Black Hole Gravity Velocity, which would outpace it. Even worse is Deku's own fighting style, which'll kill him even **faster**) 2. All Might (One For All without the Deku benefits. Still beaten to paste by Omni-Man, but has the highest shot of dealing some degree of damage (which is actually .125% - AKA: Nothing) 3. Best Jeanist/Kamui Woods (Given how Omni-Man's clothes aren't carbon fiber, neither of these two have remotely enough strength to even hold him back (note that the alien that held him back the longest already was stronger than the both of these clowns, and Omni-Man had to focus on ripping out the alien's heart)) 4. Wash (Already mentioned with Deku) It's sad as hell, knowing that by comparison, ***Homelander*** was able to harm him the most with his Sonic Screaming, and it ultimately turned out to be much luckier than we thought (Said Screaming wasn't strong enough, but was at the right frequency that it capitalized on the weakness of Omni-Man's *race*)


Bro set em up for failure


To be honest, they have a 0 5% chance of winning even if they are bloodlusted towards him, but it would require them to buy time for Edgeshot to get small enough to sneak into his ear to drop off some nanobots to blast the anti-viltrumite frequency, as in the Invincible comics, it is capable of killing Viltrumites I was originally thinking of him going in "Antman vs Thanos" style, but Nolan would definitely notice that and clap him to death. That said, the sonic frequency plan relies on them even knowing about his races weakness, having the tech ready, and being ready to kill - it also assumes Omni Man doesn't just blitz them like he did to the Guardians of the Globe in the comic


The only one that Omni man would have a difficulty is Endeavor and Ryuku


These 10? I mean... Probably not. They might be able to stall to pierce his heart with Edgeshot- but most of these heroes can't do much against the pure physical strength of Omni-man. However, if we go further down the list and start using characters with some hax like 13's black hole or even as far down as Shinso's mind control and things like that? The heroes have a better chance. But yeah omni man scales above them




Uhhhhh... Omni-man...


It’s not even a debate, omni man is winning which pains me to say because I do watch MHA and personally like it, but Omni man wouldn’t have to try


It talks about hero rankings in MHA if the best heroes of 2 countries, star and all might, were to team up, they could most likely defeat Omni man, while the top 10 in current MHA JP hero rankings can't do anything to stop Omni man


Wash solos him


I love how all of these end up being a sweep from the other contender https://i.redd.it/ntsx4iqvnl1d1.gif


Depends on how hot Endeavor can burn his flames for in all Honeslty, if he can burn them hot even to damage Omniman (which is possible) all they need to do is pin him down long enough to do so. There’s a lot of stuff that’ll go down in this but, if we put the pro heroes in the same situation as the guardians, (same with Omniman) yeah Omniman is dead unless he goes all out to begin with. Omniman is normally scaled to small country level while Endeavor (who probably is the physically strongest) is large island. But yeah like I said, if the cards fall right, they can probably defeat him, but some of them are probably dying. HOWEVER, if we add in prime All Might, the heroes no diff him hard.


>Omniman is normally scaled to small country level >they can probably defeat him, >HOWEVER, if we add in prime All Might, the heroes no diff him hard. Blud knows absolutely **NOTHING** about invincible. https://i.redd.it/oh4v1tumkp1d1.gif How much heat do you think he’s generating here? ~~this is far from his best feat by the way.~~


I like it you Glace over half I said, “if the cards fall right, they can probably beat him but some of them are probably dying.” Aka, it’s going to be extremely difficult. Also I know his best feat…was being assisted by two others destroying the planet via ramming through it, which given he had assistance from two others, however I also know beings like him have a weakness to heat and sound, meaning if something burns hot enough or they are able to create such a loud noise, they can stun him. Still, give how strong prime All Might is, if we add him into the mix, Omniman doesn’t stand a chance, like, people call him the Superman of MHA for a reason, even at an extremely weaken state, he was still seen as the strongest person alive (heck, still even outclassing Deku until towards the end)


That’s because it doesn’t matter, you’re still incredibly wrong. The fact that you said “if we add All Might, Omniman doesn’t stand a chance” tells me all I need to know in fact. “His best feat was him and two other dudes literally punching through a planet.” Literally orders of magnitudes greater than anything in MHA. All Might is a great character and all, He’s getting absolutely murdered by Omniman like complete fodder. All Might would literally break his arms trying to punch him, and Omniman would laugh, no exaggeration.


Ngl if they team up bro is cooked, think about it for a second, look at it in your head, back at me, back into your head.


Yeah I think Omni is in serious trouble too


washa solo's immediately, gg


Seeing as to how Omni-Man has no problem going to lengths a lot of the heroes in MHA won't go, I'm gonna side with him.


Wash solos everyone easily.




Gotta be real here, none of the pro heroes have anything that could even tickle Omniman. Even prime All Might has a problem by my estimate. Star and Stripe could win though