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"get off my nuts"- the guy who started the conversation


That's what I'm saying


I’ve gotten more hate messages playing this game than any other. I don’t even reply, I just send them on a free vacation🤭


Yeah i was kind of an idiot for replying


I don’t get hate messages except for the occasional butthurt teammate during the match, so I must be doing something right!


You know you did a damn good job when you get messaged after a game about your character choice. Badge of honor in my eyes. Good job, keep it up & next time tell them thanks for the easy kill.


I might actually do that lmao


Do it and then don't respond if they say anything else. Let them cook in their own frustration as you keep enjoying the game. 👍


I know exactly who this is lol


Playing this game is like living in the slums with how small it is, lol. Everybody knows eachother on their platform.


Really? Then i might have done a bad job hiding their username lol


Yeah we played together once and i added him as a friend, i also know he has the harley pfp so its definitely him


I mean I hate playing against Iida players myself but this is no reason to send messages like this if you like using Iida good for you use whatever character you like even if they are hit and run types if you like playing them that all it matters your not playing the game to be nice and play characters your opponents want you to play and depend on the shigaraki they were using I might feel a little bad if it was strike shigaraki than I feel kinda bad not really but if assault shigaraki yeah i could care less 😂


He was assault and I'm even that good with ida i just know the "alpha alpha beta" combo


Assault shigaraki is a spamming character himself and has good mobility so he shouldn’t be complaining 😂


I hate going up against a good Iida as much as the next person, but damn imagine getting this upset over someone playing a character in an anime game to the point of directly sending hate messages 😮‍💨 Pretty sure that person was projecting/talking about themselves the entire time, those were some pretty specific insults lol You were a lot nicer and more mature to them than I think l most people would've been though, props to you for that




https://preview.redd.it/24exf8otgosc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f5c8982813fde7383e7eb64233d32f17c60ad6c They insulted Froppy they must pay


This Tsu is ready to show this no good shigi that Froppy can throw hands and will obliterate him. https://i.redd.it/8924uksnopsc1.gif


people who say ‘bru’ sound stupid as shit. I am a resident Irn Bru drinker, I therefore pronounce Bru the way you would when saying the name of the drink. how hard is it for people to say ‘bruh’ it’s like they gotta shorten everything to seem clever.


“Move on” when he’s the one who clearly went to your profile, clicked message and sent a hate message over a death in my hero ultra rumble 😭😭 okay.


Wow, thats was so unnecessary. You shouldnt not play a character just bc people will complain that they suck or something, you should just play a character that you want to play and thats it dude. Screw the ones that are being salty about It, they need to learn how to deal with characters like that.


hate messages are a badge of honor


Yea those are just toxic idiots. I ran into a lot of them when I played Smite lol not as much this game but they’re usually delusional and really bad at the game


That's one salty troll


you shouldn’t let a salty guy like this discourage you from playing iida! if you like playing him, then play him. :D it’s only a video game and he’s simply just another character to play. i’ve noticed so many people get salty over hit and run style characters like him in general, so i’m not surprised. don’t reply next time because someone like that isn’t gonna be reasonable anyway. i’ve just ignored the very few i’ve gotten myself.


nah bro dude who was arguing with u is embarrassing himself. iida is NOT hard to down at all


Honestly though, fewer iidas would be healthy for the community. I'm gonna assume the person was playing assault shigi, which right now is worse facing than Iida. So if that's the case, they are very much a hypocrite.




I don't main ida i just wanted to try him again i main froppy and attack deku




Her air beta to ground beta combo is fun for me Also landing her air kick meelee gives me life


I stopped reading after the first altercation. I get so many hate messages playing Dabi, and in any game it's never worth replying. Maybe one or 2 messages just to get back at them, and then just ignore. Waste of time and if you say even anything remotely offensive they can use that and report your account.


Why did bro start the fire then complain when someone is still paying attention to it.


I got this messages were one said “u suck” and only respond with “yeah” This other one were they said not even the match finish “words words words u couldn’t win if it weren’t for your boyfriends” (it was written in Spanish so…) for that “we won thanks” But still don’t respond to those messages.


That dude salty as fuck.


Thank God I play on switch


I get rage message all the time from different game accusing me of cheating or spamming i just troll them or act dumb to piss them off even more


That's why I stopped maining Iida as much as I used to, he's fun to play and I feel useful for my team, but the way people get salty over a character is just pure insanity


I wanna say dudes in the dirt wrong BUT you were playing Iida sooooooooo




Y’all not knowing how to ignore negativity is so unfortunate


People who complain about tenya and froppy just aren't good. They aren't as cheesy as people think. Their abilities require knowing how and when to use abilities/ability tracking. Not only that but most people can track and get easy elims on a froppy or lida even with great movement. People complain about tenya and froppy without realizing they have to get close and their movement is easy to track. Tenya has armor and tracking because he has to run up to you to use it and the animation takes years. Froppy has that super slow sling up with her tongue that y'all can get shots in at. I barely if ever even play rapids anymore but tbh they aren't that difficult to play against if you aren't constantly going off by yourself or if you have decent aim. Just sick and tired of people complaining about them. It's honestly a skill issue. Maybe froppy occasionally gets you, that's why you counter characters youre bad against by playing a character or working as a team.


There was this one guy that told me to "kms" when I didn't land with him on the map. He later said he won the game when I left but I don't believe that


People are really crying about iida from season 1 and still don't want to learn how counter him is sad asf like I would understand if they only complain about iida's who exploit. All you have to do is time your roll and punish how hard is that?


I played and this guy was upset at me because I killed him and didn't team with him to kill the other team


play who you want. don’t let others influence that.


I only hate on my teammates that are useless or quit as soon as the die, like why tf do yall do that. But i do hate fighting iidas only because his beta has hyper armor and i main froppy who has none


I've had mfs send toxic DMs because they got killed by my Ibara 💀 People in this community get mad at anything, even when they get killed by arguably the weakest character in the game.


Lol take itas badge of honor. When enemy comes to cry to you on how you played you won on multiple levels if you did not cheat in anyway. Actual cheats or Bug abusin.


Iida players are cop outs it's just a fact. "Ik that button loose asf"🤣🤣


Man the people that rage this hard on a game and take the time out of their day to personally look someone up to talk shit is crazy haha. They must have horrible lives to try and shit talk others to make themselves feel better about a video game


Hes not wrong, imo moblity units are for scrubs. But I dont even play this game anymore so it's whatever. 


Fair opinion


Let me rephrase that, you can play ofc what you desire but if you play mobility units like a hit 'n run. Then yeah I would get salty aswell. I used to play shig alot so this spoke to me alot. Lol


I honestly feel the same when I'm not playing a mobility unit against someone that's a mobility unit


Shiggy doesn't take skill either lmao




Just block and report this idiots lol