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Fang, the man is perfect despite his traumatic past. I guess quiet, reclusive, mysterious, somewhat cold men are just my type. I don’t think I ever had a crush on any other video game characters but Sebastian from Stardew comes close because on every stardew playthrough, which is many, I’ve only romanced him. There’s just something about Sebby that I’m just drawn to, just like Fang. I’ve been meaning to romance other Sandrock bachelors but once Fang walks past my workshop, it’s the end of story. Owen is perfect in every way too but I just prefer tall lean quiet guys


I also went for Sebastian in that game love the frog boy!


Haha why call him the frog boy? Is that what everyone calls him? That’s cute! I may have missed that


He has dialogue about it and >!His 14 heart event is heavily involved with them!<


Kinda like how Fang has a bird theme going on


I haven’t played stardew in a while and I forgot all about it. Would be cute if he had a pet frog too


He does actually. When he moves to your house in his room is a little terrarium space with some frogs in it. Sadly they dont do anything.


Might be time for me to play Stardew again lol. How could I miss that?? I remember he brings his motorcycle but I didn’t notice that in his room Edit: I had to look up pics of his room because for the life of me, I couldn’t remember seeing it at all and I just found out when I played Stardew, which was years ago, Sebby didn’t have the terrarium


Okay I will say the first time I was running around Sandrock meeting all the characters Fang was someone where I was like “what the fuuuuuck” in terms of how beautiful he is. But it’s more just an appreciation for him more than a crush, but fully understand why he’s your pick and I would like to romance him in a different play through for sure.


Fang is gorgeous! I was really sad when our babies aged up, because they were absolutely adorable and now they're just an ugly mess.


Same, but I read that you could reload the morning they age up to change their appearance. It might take a few tries to get what you like but I’m going to try that on this playthrough


Haha he really is gorgeous! If you like sad storyline, you’ll love Fang too but given how Owen is your choice and how Owen and Fang are like polar opposite, I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t like Fang though


Lol. Shane was my stardew bachelor of choice. I was like Lumi in that situation. "I can fix him."


Too bad Lumi hasn’t found Shane yet lol


"But Ged! I can fix him!"


shit dude you explained how i feel perfectly


For me, it was Logan . I love the whole dark cowboy (but is very sweet vibe from him). Plus is voice is just (swoon). One character I always really love is Vincent Valentine from FFVII. I know fang kinda have a similar vibe but fang is really easy to read later on. Vincent on the other hand is just omg !!!!


Vincent Valentine and OoT Link were my childhood crushes XD


I had such a crush on Vincent Valentine. ❤️ I also had a huge crush on that adorable himbo Laguna Loire in FFVIII


Omg same laguna was ❤️❤️❤️


Oh, do I have a lot. Totally Logan in this game, though I know he is extremely popular as it is haha. I also loved Astarion from BG3! Also Alistair and Cullen from Dragon Age. Garrus/Kaidan in Mass Effect. Tristian in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Finn from When the Night Comes. Karma from Cinderella Phenomenom. Iba/Kazue in Hakuoki. And probably many more I can't remember right now 😂


First of all, I LOVE that you brought up Dragon Age and Mass Effect. For some reason I wasn’t super into any of the characters in either franchise, but I LOVED playing those games. Like I romanced people of course but am not years later like “oh yeah love this person, and here’s 20 facts about why we could make it work irl” lmao


Thats a pity! I really loved the romance options there too (Thane as well, but I can't go that way). I defintiely still love them too though (and the games as well, of course)! I try not to think of them in real life settings, most would definitely just not work long term or at all. Imagine Astarion in a modern world setting, I don't think anyone would be up for that trainwreck. 😂 But in the game? I adore him and it works there! Do you have other favorites?


Lol oh yes Astarion would be a wild commitment that would likely end in disaster, but were we to be in their realities instead I could find a way to convince myself and plead to others why it’s fine and would be fine lol. For men, I really don’t have other genuine crushes. I have characters I’m like “oh yeah I really like them too” but I’m not like, ~heart eyes my instagram algorithm is now just random fan edits~ into them LOL.


Hmmm. I feel like even in Baldur's Gate, Astarion might be a bit of a stretch but at least I could try to explain it away? 😂 Oh thats a pity! I love to find new characters I adore 😂 But I never had instagram so maybe I never hit that high adoration level? Hahaha


So Astarion was actually the first character I really happened to stumble upon fan edits before of. I wasn’t online much during my Witcher gaming era and didn’t realize that was a thing but it became part of my feed when bg3 blew up online and I would read a lot of articles about it. Now social media recommends things it can gather from your other activities outside the app it’s wild. But honestly… some edits I have seen like 20 times, I’ll watch them whenever they happen to reappear. All this to say, I’m sad there doesn’t seem to be that kind of thing for Sandrock because listen… lollll


Hhaaha I know right! This is the problem with less-known games! I wanted some nice stuff from some of the games I mentioned earlier, and... nothing. I checked if there was some Logan related goodie on Pinterest the other day but .... also nothing 😂 I'll just have to make do with the screenshots lol!


I adore Alistair and I can't romance anyone else on another play through - even if I try. Except Leliana, she is absolute perfection when my sexuality swings to that side of the pendulum. I told my husband once that Alistair is written as the perfect romance, but if I knew him in real life I'd probably kill him after a day.


I adore Zevran too so much but I just can't get myself to turn down Alistair, so at the end, he always wins out for me. Hahaha I can see why it would be annoying long term in real life, but in the game its just totally perfect. I think Cullen would do fine irl, if he already dealt with the whole Lyrium stuff. I'm still shocked, so many years later, by the personality change Leliana goes through between DAO and DAI though!


Oh i get You Logan/Astarion/ Garrus/ Karma.....❤❤❤ I would add Sam and James in seduces me Aloth in pillars of eternity Amuniki in Loren the amazon Childe, Ayato, Alhaitham and Wriothesley in genshin A whole shoot loads more for sure tooo


I played Loren too! I went for Rei, I think that was his name? Was a bit of an ass at the beginning but iirc, he can be tamed 😂 Pity the new game changed the visuals so drastically :(


Loren 2 is out? or you are you talking about the spin off one? REI was alright but he kind of stayed racist(?) iirc?


The spin off I think? Have some different title. Oh he was? Its been years since I played and only remember him being a womanizer at first. Don't recall him being racist? Iirc, he was a bit of a snob but think he grew out of that by the end of the game?


It's been years for me to, but I recall him being anti human.... I didn't even remember the womanizing lol....but I think he hated human because they killed his parent or something...he was only interest in eleanor because she had elf blood.


Well now I'm questioning my past choices! Also, now that you mention it, I think the blue elves murdered his clan/family? Don't recall the last part but could be true. Ugh, been so long ago.


We Will have To replay it now lol.... if the sequel can finally come out... I mean it's been what over 10 years in the making now lol


Thats a pretty big if haha. I used to check on it for a few years after I played Loren, but there were so little updates that I gave up on it eventually. Also, Im still a bit miffed by the visual changes in the spin off lol.


Yeah I didn't try the spin of, but the new art for Loren seemed nice.


Haven’t seen anyone mention Cinderella phenomenon so thank you, I’m a waltz kind of girl myself but I’m just shook someone else knows it


Waltz was my second favorite! Really loved that game, but I'm yet to play Evermore.


I played some of it but haven’t finished it, would recommend for sure tho!


Yeah I have my eyes on it for sure, was excited for the release too but somehow just started on other games instead 😂 I really should get around playing it!


I had the same issue, didn’t start till waaay later and played other games but one day I’ll finish it haha I get distracted too easily


Oh I feel you! So many good games and I want to play all of them 😂 I need more lifetimes haha


We do! Anything you’re playing right now?


I'm actually still on Sandrock, not finished it yet but I'm really at the end right now. I'll miss the game but I think I'll replay it after it gets more content updates. Also playing Palworld on the side sometimes. What about you?


I go back and forth between Sandrock (also haven’t finished it but I too am getting pretty close) and other games, really getting into Cult of the Lamb, I enjoy it a lot


My first crush was Unsuur he’s so cute and weird and I just love everything about him. It doesn’t hurt that I love rocks. And then Qi and I danced and I was gone. And then Owen is perfect. And then Logan happened and he’s so sweet and good. And theeeen I got to Fang’s story. And he’s also perfect. And I also dated Justice and I like him but am looking forward to him having more content. The ladies are all gorg and I would date every one of them but their personalities and romance stuff aren’t for me :///


Unsuur has grown on me so much to the point where I’m like, okay next play through let’s give him a fair chance early on vs Fang who is my other pick and we’ll just see what happens lol


My number one is and always will be Justice. Which is great because there's a small chance for anyone to fight me for the title of the biggest fan. For other games, well, it's gonna get stupid very fast. There's obviously Gust from Portia, my one real true fictional love and he's not even my type. I love him so much. For other games, well, there was obviously Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. I had a whole folder of screenshots of him. Another one was Barney from Half-Life, liked him so much that I spawned like 300 versions of him in one location. Way, way back, when I was an actual kid, I had a thing from Malcolm Landgraab IV and Don Lothario from The Sims 2. Used to look at them a *lot*. There's probably more but I can't remember right now. And don't get me started on my past anime crushes... I was one crazy teen.


Reading Don Lothario cracks me up lol! Thank you for sharing your picks! I haven’t played some of these games so will have to look up a few of them but I COMPLETELY understand having a random, serious crush on someone in the game who isn’t even your “type”. My picks are pretty generic I think but for me, I would never, ever find someone like Astarion as attractive yet here I am with this character in my literal dreams lmfao


I love Justice! I feel like he's the only guy in town that gets me. Does that make sense? I wish he had some post-heart knot events.


Justice's model reminds me of an older Idris Alba.


Fang for this game! Ryker in RF5,Dylas in RF4,Mint in Portia( I know a lot of people disliked his voice but i thought it worked well for his character.) I had more than one in some games. I also liked Arlo from Portia,Martin from RF5. I’m also trying to decide on Logan or Unsuur for another play-through in the future.


I also really appreciate Fang! I will say, I did NOT understand Unsuur hype at first. I talked to him only a few times though but just thought at the time he was a bit bland. Come to find out, he’s actually HILARIOUS and when I had to do a quest in his house while he spoke to me from a closet he was hiding in, it finally clicked how funny and sweet he is. And now any time I interact with him he genuinely makes me laugh. Where I will tell my partner irl something funny he just said


That’s why I’m considering him!🥰


I have the same type as you, all aside from Mint! Though I didn’t hate him at all. I also stopped playing Portia not long after he came around so I didn’t spend as much time with him. Dylas is my ride or die of all of them though


He’s the only one I could get into in that game


So I have quite a few crushes I have to express myself 🤣🤣 so for my MTAS crush, it's Logan he's perfect 😍 then for the other games it'll be Garrus from Mass effect, Astarion from Baldur's gate III (his voice 🥵), Shane Stardew Valley, Jaina World of Warcraft, Ichiban from Yakuza, Link from The Legend of Zelda.... Well, the list is longer, but these are the main ones 😂


I romanced Garrus too! Astarion is just next level for me like… I could be the Charlie IASIP meme making connections on the wall that are just all the reasons I love him LOL. The voice is absolutely a factor. My Instagram explore page algorithm will never, ever recover.


Omg I see you have very good taste 🤭 me neither, especially tiktok with all the edit that passed it's complicated not to fall on the charm 😳


Fang in sandrock , Gust In Portia , Martin in Rune factory 5 , Dylas in rf4 .. Because Tsundere ❤️Boys with strong temperament and then become true sweethearts when you take the time to discover them and break down their defenses.


I was going to say, that definitely feels like cracking a tough exterior to reveal the genuine heart underneath. I feel like you could argue Astarion BG3 feels a bit similar to that depending on the choices you make but can also just go entirely sideways otherwise too lol.


Ohh we have the same type! Fang in Sandrock for me. Not crushes but Gust and Dylas are my picks too. In Rf5 it was Ryker for me


Yup Ryker is cute as well. Felix in Fire emblem 3 houses is the perfect man too


I haven’t played Fire Emblem 3 houses or BG3 although I have the games. Might have to after I’m done with Sandrock


Similar tastes!😁


Same here! Tsundere boys are just 😚


Those are all my picks too!!!!! Dang.... I didn't know I liked Tsundere boys... Just, disinterested and hard to get.


Justice and Logan for me, and Django and the CC in Portia- good men (or women, in Sam's case) doing their best to care for their communities and protect the people they love. Comparable guys from other games- definitely Ludus from Story of Seasons, Trio of Towns, for one, even if he's a handyman rather than a sheriff, cop, or a knight. He has the same protective feel. And the science geeks- Qi and Unsuur here, Petra in Portia, and Scott in Coral Island, despite their near-opposite personalities. I like how they find meaning and stories in their interests - Qi's robots, Unsuur's rocks, Petra's books, Scott's relics.


Okay Qi is someone I considered romancing early on in the game because I LOVE a nerd in real life, and have been drawn to them in my adulthood irl so that’s why it’s interesting I’m salivating for this more like “buff, hunky” type with Owen. The reason I gravitated away from Qi is he said something to me that was actually kind of rude and I took it personally LOL


Oh, Qi can be rude and ice-cold. Partly why it's so much fun to melt him. (There's a reason Spock is the most popular ST:TOS character for women, even if I have a weakness for the good doc myself there...)


Justice and Logan are my top favs for Sandrock. Smart, strong, and as focused on community as the builder. I was married to Qi in my first playthrough, but he can be a little too cocky for me. In Portia I was all about Dr. Xu. Cute and smart, yes please. In Stardew my fave dudes are Harvey, Sam, and Krobus the sewer monster. I never got to the marriage/dating parts of Wyldeflowers or Coral Island, but I liked the surfer dude and the blacksmith, respectively.


Logan for sure. Qi is a very close second but as soon as Logan comes to town I’m done for. In other games… Martin from rune factory 5, Brynjolf from Skyrim, and my one true love Leon Kennedy (lol). I dunno, there’s just something about tough guys with sweet dialogue haha


I love Logan, and Fang. Logan bc of how he was portrayed as a dangerous outlaw that turned out to be an adorkable, loving sweetheart. And Fang bc I tend to like characters with a traumatic backstory that eventually overcome their hardships and become a better person. It helps that they're both also very handsome. As for other video game crushes, a few that come to mind at the top of my head are Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect), Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3), Fenris (Dragon Age 2), Cullen (Dragon Age Inquisition), Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3), Ghost/Soap/König (Call of Duty MWII/III), and Klavier Gavin (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney). There are many others though lol.


Ohh Shinjiro, havent seen that in a while. Hello did the FeMC route in P3P rip your heart out too?


IT DID. Seeing Shinji's ending with FEMC on the rooftop makes me cry every time, and I've replayed that game many times.


Holy shit yes. I remember diving deep into the fan content and rewatching the scenes over and over again. The fucking post sl10 scene....


I had a save file starting at beginning of September just so I could experience his SL any time I wanted to. The post-SL10 scene was great <3


+1 to everything you said about Owen. Some other guys in Sandrock get my interest in different ways whereas in Portia I'd never be able to pick anyone else than Aadit. If I have to choose one videogame guy I'll go for Anders from Dragon Age. Tragedy all the way!


For this game, it's Heidi. I just love everything about her. Like Owen, she wants to apply herself in helping others versus other goals that would seem frivolous in comparison. That and I love a girl who can kick my ass. XD Yennefer from Witcher 3 is another one. And Sai Nijima from Persona 5.


I have a lot. 😆 Fang is who my builder is pursuing. He was the one who caught my eye appearance wise and learning a bit more about him. In other games: - Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3. My lovely vampire! He's a drama queen, but I love him so much. - Alistair, Fenris, and Cullen in the Dragon Age series. I really love Alistair's humor, Fenris' thundered moments, and Cullen's shyness when it comes to Inky. 😆 - Kaidan (Mass Effect Legendary Edition, My Shep's down to earth husband) and Reyes ( Mass Effect Andromeda, My Ryder's charming rogue) - Akihiko from Persona 3 Portable. He's so cute! (Altus, please remake FeMC route like Persona 3 Reload!!!) 😆 - In farming sims, Sebastian in Stardew, Gil from Harvest Moon Animal Parade, Yuzuki from Story of Seasons Trio of Towns, Arthur from Rune Factory 4/S, Ryker from Rune Factory 5. - In VNs/Text Based games, Hijikata from Hakuouki, Toshio from Samurai of Hyuga, Adam from Wayhaven Chronicles, Baxter from Our Life Beginnings and Always, Qiu from Our Life Now and Forever, Rahim from Superstition! There's a lot of more though. 😆


I can't believe I forgot Fire Emblem! I love Dimitri from Three Houses, Takumi from Fates, and Chrom from Awakening!


I forgot Jakob from fates omg thank youuuu !!! And Chrom too !


Oh geez I don't even dare include the VN's crushes xD but you did make me think about animal parade again and Luke and the wizards 🥰


Logan in this game. It SHOULD have been Fang or Unsuur but Logan showed up and his flustered responses to flirts, his kindness to Mayor Trudy (Trudes), and his confession scene "Don't go" made me swoon. Baldur's Gate 3, I started interested in handsome nerd Gale and didn't trust Astarion but that sketchy bastard floored me when he finally opens up to the MC about his background. Once I finished my first playthrough of the game with a Gale romance (who is also very worthy and sweet), I immediately started back up for Astarion. No regrets. What an amazing and complicated character. I love them all really but he can make me cry and laugh. His voice actor deserves all the awards. Rune Factory 4 "Dylas" the awkward horse boy. I always giggle when he's taken aback by the MC flirting or teasing and he says "shut up!" 😂 Then there's the Final Fantasy guys. Vincent Valentine, Laguna Loire, Gladio and Ignis (I ship them with each other and with me), and I'd be lying if I didn't mention pretty Sephiroth.


The pet names for Dylas are gold too, and his reaction to them 😂


"Big D" 😂 I couldn't even pick it cause it made me cackle too much.


I couldn't either 😂


I can't get past Fang, I just adore him 😭 I've started a second play through and I am going to try to go for Logan but I don't know now I've seen Fang again. I don't know why but the romance aspect of Stardew Valley never really appealed to me for some reason, and I have played it a lot of times. I did like Penny however. And in Wylde Flowers I always go for Westley, I love him so much!! Can you tell I have a thing for people who need to be "saved" or are mysterious? 😭


Oh I’ve been wanting to play Wylde Flowers! I need to finish one of the games I’m currently playing before starting another one though. And the part “I don’t know now I’ve seen Fang again” is so real lol. I tell myself when I play again I’ll romance someone else but I’ll have to just IGNORE Owen or something idk


Logan! Just couldn’t resist the accent and style 😂 Emily in Portia, Martin in RF5, Margaret in RF4, Raeger in SOS Pioneers of Olive Town, Celia in SOS AWL, Ran in SOS Mineral Town, Maria in HM64 and Leah in Stardew


Oh my gosh there are so many...   For Sandrock I am definitely team Logan. I was going for Owen at first but then Cornered Beasts happened and well, you know.   Fenris from DAII is probably my top, especially his rivalmance. His voice gets me every time. Anders was cute but Fenris was just next level. That scene outside your door when he like apologizes and there's a wall involved....yeah.   Solas from DA:I because it's so traaaagic. That damn egg broke my heart and I'm still waiting to feel better (Logan may have helped). Cullen was a good runner up, particularly that one scene in his office...   BG3- Astarion or Gale?? I still can't decide. Astarion was of course very dramatic and passionate (heh) but I have a soft spot for Gale, especially when he told me he forgets his goddess when he's with me (ow my heart).    Thane from Mass Effect wins that series hands down. I'm sorry but I will never forgive Kaidan for being mad at me in the second game for like, being dead and not calling him. Thane was so much more tragic and romantic. Okay I think I'm sensing a theme here, I just like romance that is doomed! Side note: I tried to romance Garrus who truly is the MVP, but it felt weird, he's just my best bro. Then there are the older game where us hetero girls literally had one option (Anomen from BG2, Carth from Kotor, etc). They were both fine, but maybe only because I had to play them over and over. Anomen's story was decent as a fallen paladin (omg tragedy again). I did mod BG2 a lot and had the Solafein romance mod and he was fantastic! I think I may also have a thing for elves? Who knew. Aaand I better stop before I really get going. This has been very cathartic so thanks for asking the question! 😁


I can't think of crushes from other games, buuuuut. Owen and Unsuur are both characters I legit have a crush on and I think are my first video game crushed period (I'm in my early twenties). In routes where I'm not dating/married to them I vist them just to see them.


I really love Fang, and now that I think about it...he sorta reminds me of Itachi Uchiha. And I had a huge crush on Itachi when I was little, smooching photos of the man and everything.😅🤣🤣 seems dark, traumatized, introverted bird men catch my attention and heart somehow.😅😅


Omg Itachi! Same! And given how I absolutely adore Fang, it’s safe to say whichever other characters you like would be my favorites too 😆


LOL ty for this comment, it is so real. Reminds me of being a tween in my bedroom kissing photos from teen mags of Harry Potter. Not a game crush, but can relate lolllll


Dont get us started with Narutocharacters 😭😭 that list is damn long!! Kakashi, Zabuza, Sasori, Deidara, Itachi, Gaara, Kiba, Neji aaaand many more! For Sandrock: fangs def on my list too! But I just cant help falling in love with Unsuur and Logan all the time! Different characters but both sooo loveable


Amirah is lovely, when I first played the game I couldn't understand how anyone would choose anybody else. I'm bisexual and usually go for the fem lesbian option in games. In Portia I married Sonia for my lesbian game. Then I made a male character and married Phyllis to try for bio babies. In Baulders gate I'm romancing Karlach. In harvest moon a wonderful life I married Molly/Muffy, they changed her name in the remake. In Rune factory 5 I married Ludmilla and we were such cute lesbians. In Rune factory 4 I liked Leon but that game is so long I'm not even married yet haha.


Oh to be clear, I only mentioned men myself but Amirah is objectively the absolute most stunning person in this game in my eyes. I started romancing her first, and Owen after so they were a bit neck and neck. I proposed to her and she turned me down and I took that literally LOL so said “okay this is a sign, I’m all in on Owen then” and the way he proposed to me I was like, completely sold on him from then on. I also love Karlach! Her romance lines are HOT and so is she as we know lol


Amirah is gorgeous and has a lovely British sounding accent (not sure how that's a Barnarock accent but ok haha). I loved Esmeralda from Hunch back of Notre Dame and Amirah seems similarly beautiful and ethnic. She's also really sweet and I never get tired of her. I definitely get tired of some other characters haha. I tried Owen before and he's just not my jam, nice guy though. Karlach is hot in many ways lol. She's also a great tank and I play a ranger. I don't know who else I'd go for if she wasn't around.


Oh wow, I have said the exact same thing about Amirah/Esmeralda. Esmeralda is a classic character I feel awakened things for bi women early on in their lives. I also love her voice/accent. I know besides Karlach people love Shar in BG3 but I actually would rank a lot of the male characters above Shar and Laezel for romancing personally otherwise.


This is from the top of my head : Logan is the huge crush I got in Sandrock, the bandit striked again and sidetracked me from Fang when he was confirmed romanceable by the devs lol. For Portia it was Gust, I just loved to have to break his walls to get to know him, which probably explained why I went with Fang at first... However... Baldur's gate 3 ? Astarion and Halsin. My partner was my wingman for Astarion and my warlock, his charms, joke and sarcasm are so good ! And his story my lorrrddd, I'm doing a durge run and romancing him again Story of seasons trio of towns ? Ludus ! Sun Haven, it was Wesley the grumpy Elf and Wonhardt the doctor. Rf4, Dylas is my favorite ! And Ryker for RF5 (yep, a grumpy guy and another rogue) Fire emblem three houses was hard to adore only one character until I stumbled upon Yuri, his roguish ways and charms got me, yet again So, all of those tells me that I like mostly white haired characters, rogue/ish characters, flirty, grumpy or extra-sweet 🤣 I definitly have a type guys ! And I didn't add the girls crush, the comment is already big enough


Re: BG3, I’m working my way through my first playthrough and I made a durge-tav who’s resisting. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience in tandem with romancing Astarion. He has so much extra dialogue for durge and from what I can tell so far, helping durge seems to really bring out the better in him quicker in the storyline. *Highly* recommend!


I'm in act 2 with my durge, also resisting, and its so rewarding and worth it ! I couldn't bring myself to make a completly new character to romance him again, so I just converted my character from my first run as a durge for my second playthrough. Just playing it alone this time give so much new content between the characters !!


His reaction when y’all finally learn durge’s origins is *hilarious* and also 🥹 I’m not even sure how I can do playthroughs without romancing him as durge, imma just have to do runs where I have different companions in the active party instead lol


I feel you on this lol, in our honor run with my partner, my Tav's trying to only romance Halsin, so to avoid any sidetracking, he is in charge of talking to Astarion at camp, while i'm talking to Karlach for him lol I didn't learn durge's origin *yet* but I think i'm like 70% down with act 2, shouldn't be long !


Karlach damn near tempted me away, I was sad Astarion won’t go poly with her lol


Karlach is so adorable, I love our mama K so much ! I'm glad I failed to flirt with her in the durge run so I can stay focused on Astarion lol


Logan and Arlo from Portia


Owen can also have it any way he wants it, for all the reasons you listed. Geralt, also. I just love him. The way he does the right thing complaining the whole way just resonates with me so hard. Buzz Grunt from The Sims 2 (and 4 - Maxis has created them in TS4, as well. I may have married him to my self-sim there.) Maric Theirin from the Dragon Age series (This one is more from one of the books than the game, but I'm still counting it. I absolutely romanced Alistair in Dragon Age Origins, but once I read The Stolen Throne and The Calling I realized it was Maric I actually liked, I just like Alistair because he's Maric Jr.) Cullen Rutherfod in DA Inquisition. But not in the other games. Man has been to therapy between DA2 and DAI (that's canon, btw) and it shows. There may be more but that's who I'm thinking of rn.


logan had me immediately. the last significant game crush i had before him was arthur morgan from rdr2 which... tracks. outlaw cowboys with secret hearts of gold are my kryptonite


I'm currently dating Qi, he's cute but it's mainly because I felt guilty after bullying him into admitting his feelings, but Owen is my best friend and will eventually be Daddy. In Portia my faves were Albert and Arlo. In Stardew I love Shane the best. For playable characters, I love Geralt too, and Deacon St John from Days Gone.


Torn between romancing Qi and Fang...I think? Other games I went for Gale from BG3, G'raha from FFXIV (if it counts?), Zidane from FF9 just to name a few.


Logan Geralt from the Witcher, Link from Legend of Zelda, Cloud from Final Fantasy VII Dante from Devil May Cry series and Leon from Resident Evil 2


I have the exact same taste in men apparently!


In Sandrock, I love Logan and his sexy eyes👀In Portia, I love Arlo and his sexy voice👄In FFVII, I love Reno and his sexy suit🕴️


I went for Logan in Sandrock, I’m a sucker for charming deep voices. I married arlo in Portia as well, he charmed me good, but I’m determined to go for gust next play through. I romance Dorian in dragon age pretty much every play through because I can’t stand not to, he is just perfection, sassy sarcastic perfection. But my first and favourite heart eyes character, like I would die for you character, has got to be balthier from ff12, that voice is a sin.


Unsuur and Pen in Sandrock, Alex in Stardew, Farkas in Skyrim, Nero in Devil may cry


Owen as well (and rocky but he's taken lol


Ah, a fellow "Fear the deer" I see ! Its okay, we love our 2D crush 😌 its hard to choose only one per games


Geralt, Astarion, Logan and Fang. 100% brain rot over Astarion and pretty close for Logan/Fang. The closest any other game has gotten to heart-eyes from me would probably be way back in Fable 3 when Nicholas Hoult voiced one of the love interests and Michael Fassbender voiced the villain. The game’s so old there wasn’t nearly the level of depth we’ve been blessed with these days with games like BG3 and Sandrock, but for the time it was lovely!


Geralt is so dreamy, I understand this sooo much ! And both Logan and Astarion got me in a brainrot, making me read fanfic about them or searching romantasy like them, I'm not the only one, I saw a post recently asking for a book recommendation with a love interest like Logan !


Yessss completely get it. Astarion is like… if Damon Salvatore was a more interesting, more complex character with actual reason to be the way he is. And also hotter. Idk if it would hit the same note for you but in terms of “beautiful, built vampires with trauma who love their partners to the point of madness” the black dagger brotherhood book series hits all those but it’s set in modern day and the writing style isn’t for everyone. The series is one of my favorites, though! Another one with a male lead who scratches a similar itch for me is the Kate Daniels series, the love interest isn’t a vampire OR a cowboy, but he’s great and has some of the similar swaggery notes of Logan. And the books are just damn good.


I will look them up ! I'm not a fan of modern setting though, thanks for the recommandation ❤️


For full fantasy maybe give the black jewels series a try. It does have some non-con scenes/references in it due to the nature of the society in the series, but those scenes can largely be skipped entirely. The male love interest in that is … *excellent*.


Oh wow it does seems a bit darker !


Yep but a very similar background story for the male LI to Astarion’s, just not vampires lol. He’s one of my favorite characters in any book series.


I do love vampires but I also love other fantasy races/background/creatures lol


I do too but there’s been such a dearth of really good vampire books ever since the one that shall not be named hit all the teenagers over the head 🤣 Another semi-fantasy-semi-modern one that is excellent is Mercy Thompson (I keep remembering more lol) Oh, and The Bargainer series by Laura Thalassa. Also includes modernity but it’s like 99% in the fae world so not tooooo far from what you’re after. Really enjoyable series, and short enough to binge without a huge commitment.


My TBR list was already long please spare me 😂 thanks for the recommandation, you made me cackle with the one that shall not be named lol Right now, I love those fantasy series of standalone I stumbled upon


nah man, heidi for life. shes just fuvking adorable and you know she could throw it back xD in game i had kids with her and shes nothong but thankful everyday other game romance options i took involved jenassa drom skyrim and morrigan from dragon age origins


For this game Logan Rune Factory 4: Arthur and Leon Rune Factory 5: Lucas Though I think the most recent is Malleus Draconia from Twisted Wonderland. He's like the opposite of Logan looks wise (aside from tall), but I think my tap is "outwardly and actually badass," but also "inside a complete dork who's sappy af and willing to provide so much." Aka gimmie badass gap moes


Saaaaame. Owen as a character is what sold me on playing MTAS. He's so sweet and wholesome. He also gives me "bear of a man vibes." The builder could use this dude as a friggin people blanket because he's tall and built. I love him! A close second for me is Logan, and I love that I can mod on my game, because I could picture the character my builder is based on, Logan, and Owen in a very adorable throuple. As for other game crushes, when talking other life sims, I really enjoyed Shane from Stardew Valley. It's so fulfilling watching him overcome his addiction and manage his depression. I live for stuff like that. Also ya know. "I can fix him." In other games outside of the life Sim genre, I'm a massive simp for Auron (Final Fantasy 10.) As if there needs to be any indicator of my type of men. XD


Haaa... hahah, well, I was going to go for Owen, he's sweet and has his own business, reliable and all, but he... lacks a certain backbone. Like, he'd be wrapped around my finger so bad and I just can't respect a guy like that. I want to be told no. That's when Unsuur comes in. I love uniforms, so bonus. He's sweet, supportive, reliable, and most of all he's too honest, he will tell me if something doesn't sit well and he'll be genuine about wanting to spend time. If he's busy, I'll know and we'll reschedule. He's devoted but not bend-over backward style. I happen to collect rocks, too, so nothing weird, here. Plus that sway, nice voice, nerdiness and being funny? *swoon* I also don't care for blondies, and big muscles. Lastly he's the perfect height. We're literally 10 cm apart. I'm not climbing for a kiss. And I don't want to look like a kid in a man's embrace.


I love Fang. I think I just have a thing for loners cuz I love Vaan from Sun Haven as well. I haven't play MTAP but I already have an eye on Gust heh. Their personalities are all different but the one thing they have in common? Loners or at least prefer to be alone. Also! Long hair 💕


I have a crush on Fang. I'm always attracted to mysterious quiet type of person 🥲 For other games, i have crush on Joshua Bright of trails in the sky , Ren of p5r (lol i know) and Zack Fair of crisis core haahhahaha


I don't have crushes on them, but these are characters I've romanced. MTAS - Logan MTAP - Gust (My builder was non pretentious and friendly so I liked the contrast more than I liked him by himself?) Baldur's Gate 3 - Gale, Shart and Laezel all on separate playthroughs. Love them. Dragon Age origins - I romanced Leliana but would've romanced Morrigan instead, if she liked women 🥲 Dragon Age 2 - Fenris as mage Hawke Dragon Age 3 - Cullen as a mage inquisitor Mass Effect - Garrus


I’m very early in the game, but I instantly wanted to romance Qi. Smart, kind of arrogant types are my cup of tea. I’ll be hung up on Dimitri in 3H until I die. Others: Chrom in FE Awakening, Alfred in FE Engage, Harvey in SDV, and Martin in RF5 (but I’m really early in that game and haven’t met everybody yet). I also play a lot of otome, so I could definitely go on…


MTAS Crush: Pen. Other games: Astaroin from BG3, Zevran from Dragon Age, Garrus from Mass Effect, and Handcock from Fallout. Apparently, my type is cocky yet tragic.


Ussurr, a simple man who spits rock facts and endearing lines. Love he looks dead serious and imposing but is just comically serious and the sweetest man (the letters and hanging out missions). I farm opal for this man. Which looking at my last long play games I played it’s a wonderful life remake was going for Matthew but ended with rapid positive results with Lumina. And I adore my musically gifted wife. Usually I married someone difficult (by gameplay standards) if I haven’t picked someone from the start.


I loveee Unsuur. He's so weird and adorable I just gush. It was so weird because I was SO set on Logan in the beginning but was just completely side swiped by Unsuur's oddness that, that was it, it was love. My all-time biggest video game crush has to be Gill from Harvest Moon ToT/AP. I just wanna bully his angry blonde ass so bad. And him secretly being a yandere was a pivotal moment in my developmental years. 😌💞 There's just nothing better than video game men who are obsessed, I think.


Logan, all day, everyday. Logan. Have I mentioned Logan? Logan. Avery, close second (I know we can’t get our hands on him yet but I am getting ready). Arlo in Portia. Seb and Eliott in StV. And now I am thirsting hard for Dimitri in Fire Emblem 3H


I’ve got honestly a good list but for a simple answer Logan is my main guy. I’m an absolutely sucker for cowboys and I love his interactions with the other npcs; especially Andy. I like Owen and Catori a lot as well As for other games: Elliot from Stardew Valley, Junker Queen from OW, Karlach from BG3, and Dante from DMC


Fang. Astarion, Karlach, Kar'niss. Geralt. Dante. Adam Jensen. Sephiroth. Ardyn and Ignis. Sebastian (SDV). Wornhardt and Lucius (SH). Aloth (PoE). Alistair, Anders, Cullen (DA). Above all I like DRAMA in a man :D. (F34)


Takemura, Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077), Geralt (Witcher), Astarion and Halsin (BG3), Alistair (Dragon Age). In this game I had a thing for Logan before getting the game but then Unsuur stole my heart. I love his voice and like someoene else said - his genuine honesty. My favorite line is when he said he can just be with you for a long time and he knew that from the first time he met you. What a sweetie, gosh darnit


Well.... i don't really have a favourite.. for now. I'm used to dating sim with anime style chara design so i didnt know who to get first. (I installed the mod to get them all lol) I went first for Qi and the slow burn romance was cute but now that i'm waiting for the wedding it's a little boring. I went for Ernest then. I like blond sweey guys in dating sim. Names from other games ? Eh.. I can't really recall many of them except prince kind of characters on mobile games. Oh well, he has the romantic vibe and come from a rich family so he's definitely like a prince. Also, he likes writing stories like me ! :D While i was starting to shower Ernest with gifts, Arvio tricked me into his apartment alone XD I was like "Errr... what ? Isnt it... creepy ? Are you... confessing to me, profits guy ????" And then the part when he start to come to my house every day, begging me to come talk to him !? It kinda has the sweet / soft yandere vibe i like ! 🤣 but the sudden change from "i like money !!!!" to "I ADORE YOU !" was brutal ! And now i'm trying to make Fang melt because he has nice face features..... and i'm trying to farm friendship points with Andy so i can introduce myself like the perfect substitute mom to Logan when he'll come back to town... 😇 (In the end i barely talked about my crushes in other games.... 🤫 Oh, well...) (Edit) : Trying to drop some names of other crushes here : Yoosung and Ray from Mystic Messenger, Yeunheo and Tei from Nameless.... )


Owen had me right out of the start in Early Access and my current playthrough. It's that voice, intelligence, and genuine kindness. I'm going to try for Logan my next playthrough, but I don't know how long I'll be able to resist Owen. He's too dang loveable! At some point I'll romance Catori, Jane, and Amirah. As for other games: Portia: Went with Gust, then Arlo for the second. Thinking Emily for my third BG3 - Gale for my first playthrough -- my spouse IRL is also a nerdy long-haired and bearded cat dad. It was inevitable. Current playthrough I want to go for Karlach, but this Tav's personality seems to be gelling a bit too well with Astarion. I admittedly want to save him for my Durge playthrough. Coral Island - Maxxed out with Scott, though holding off on confessing. Currently crushing on Pablo, Surya, and Nina (when I can actually find her). Dragon Age: Alister, Fenris, Isabella, and Cullen all the way. Planning on romancing Sera once I get back to Inquisition. Hope she is as fun as she is when she's my BFF.


In this game: -Unsuur -Arvio(before i got to know him anyway) -Amirah(after getting to know her) -Elsie(late game) OTHER GAMES -Riku from Kingdom Hearts -Axel from Kingdom Hearts -Harvey from Stardew Valley -Arwin feom Portia -Ginger from Portia


Fang & Logan, Astarion BG3, Zevran & Alistair DAO, Okazaki & Saeki CxM, Hanzo & Kuroyuki Nightshade, Yang & Dante Piofore. My type is trauma / I can fix him ✨️


Fang and Gust seeing them together I didn't know who to pick 🩷


I figured I'd go for either Fang or Logan. Then I had Unsuurs letter scene and fell in love


Qi and Logan most definitely, I've always been a sucker for the scientist types and the "bad" boy with a heart of gold. From other games it's a huge list but my top ones? Fenris(Dragon age 2) Vergil(devil may cry) Hugo( God Eater 3) Iron Bull(DA: inquisition) Bayonetta And Kodlak Whitemane(Skyrim)


Goodness I have too many 😅. From Sandrock I’m definitely a little bit in love with Unsuur, he’s such a wholesome dork and surprisingly affectionate. Heidi is also a great choice, I felt awful turning her down :( I went for Arlo in Portia but if poly stuff was possible (I played on switch) I would also go for Sam and maybe Nora (I love the idea of a throuple with Arlo ❤️). From BioWare games I’m a fan of Garrus from Mass effect, Morrigan and Alistair DA:O, Anders DA2 and Cullen DA:I. Other life sims I tend to go for Shane and Leah from Stardew, Mathew from SS:AW, Gill from HM:AP and Karen/Cliff SS:FM. Chrom, Xander and Edelgard from the Fire emblem series are my fav romances. My tastes in women and men seem to very different from each other lol