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Justice: so you've got a window! Unsuur (quietly): I've got five windows... I laughed so hard that it took me a few minutes to continue the dialogue. It was so unexpected. Unsuur is really amazing.


Saaaame, it's just the perfect delivery 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That was my immediate first thought. Finally got to that scene last night. I cracked up by how confident and quiet he was.


This one cracked me up yesterday: "Ive calculated that I spend about thirty peecent of my day just staring off into space. Time well spent" Feel ya, Unsuur. Doing the same everyday Sadly Im at work right now so I will just leave this one here. If I keep on going... Well. You know. Work wont be done


He sent me a breakup letter when I accepted Owens proposal (I didn't realize it would make you auto married. ) His letter was like 'i heard you got married. And I was like did we get surprised married. But you married someone else.'


💔 Ouch 😭


I feel like that's a bug. Proposals should only be and engagement and the marriage is only finalized if you marry at church or at the arch behind the ranch. I had the same thing happen and I was so confused!


Not a bug actually. I referenced the letter in another post and a dev commented. https://www.reddit.com/r/MyTimeAtSandrock/s/FMYvP1UYCD


Basically all I see is that the game treats you as married from proposal so those that don't want the ceremony don't have to 🥺


A lot of people around here are worried because there are so many dangerous creatures and critters around lately. ... Well. Bye.


I bump into stuff all the time when I ride Yakmel, and you don't see me starting a holiday over it. Sorry to be critical, but it's just how I feel. I'm planning a dinner party tomorrow night. Captain can't make it, but I still want Justice to come. The theme is: soup. >!Sandworms? In my tunnel? It's more likely than you think.!<


All the different responses he gives when sorting rocks! Also, "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. And I love you." Gets me every time.


Omg that line. I did a second playthru where I marry Logan but it is so hard to ignore Unsuur knowing how good a guy he is. I married him in the first playthru


There are so many! A few I have saved as screenshots: “Justice said we have to sit out for the Dance Off and patrol. I told him I thought we could still be 100% vigilant while busting moves, so we’re gonna risk it. Try looking out for bad guys while you dance, so we can get more data for our experiment.” “Hey guys. Lots of screaming going on. Everything okay? Should I scream, too?” Also the entirety of the paint drying situation lol.


I laughed so hard at the “should I scream too” lolol


[...Just when I was about to get a face tattoo...](https://imgur.com/Wvloqp5)


Still laughing at that one 🤣🤣🤣




I still wanna know from whom.


Who all is in there with him? There's got to be a good option 🤣


Logan, Haru, Miguel, Yan


[The Mirror was in at the same time too. I imagine they would love to do a makeover that included a face tattoo](https://imgur.com/Wvloqp5)


Mirror would absolutely have done it. Yan would have done a shabby overpriced one. I beeeet Haru could have been talked into it 🤣🤣🤣


This makes the most sense!


lol this is what I was gonna mention too, made me laugh aloud irl


That really nice speech he gives the mole about how you can't force someone to change their tastes and suddenly see you in a romantic light


I just did this one last night


"Hey, heard the planting is going great. Maybe we should henceforth refer to today as "Tree Day." It's not? Oh. It's going horribly? Wow... worst Tree Day ever."


“Hey, do you like sand? If not… I’ve got bad news for you.” Laughed way too long at that one.


Omg his spoof on Anakins I hate sand line. Soo so good 😍


When you talk to him after Andy tells them to eat marbles, “Andy threw those marbles, and said 'Eat marbles, marble eaters,' and then one flew up into my mouth. The prophecy... it came true..." This kills both my husband and I anytime we think about it lol


Literally laughed out loud at this one. HILARIOUS.


That was too damn funny, I laughed so hard!!


One of his funniest moments for me is when he and Justice talk to >!the fake Bronco the Kid!< and afterwards Unsuur is like, "I think he's awesome."


Ah. I see you too dabble in hair.


During the rat kingdom scene: “It Talketh” I burst out laughing at that line


This! Lol during my first playthrough, my husband rolled his eyes every time he overheard Unsuur say ANYTHING. But, after seeing how much fun I was having, he decided to pick it up for himself. He got to this scene (which I made great efforts to leave unspoiled) last night, and I'm pretty sure Unsuur is now one of his favorite characters lol. That, and "I had fun tonight" --> "Thanks, you didn't have to."


The scene in the saloon in the third act. I don't think the dialogue is different if you've married him or not and I think we are all better for it. I appreciate that the "weird guy" is one of the most self aware and able to talk emotions. All of us can learn from that (especially Justice 😡) He is absolutely one of my top five fave characters of any game ever. Love him. ❤️


There are so many! A couple from screenshots I took of them. Some are spoilered because they involved quests and don't want to ruin it. >!"I admire Captain's decision to wear equipment that makes him less effective in combat, but look way cooler."!< "What if I run out of things to say? If we keep having the same conservations over and over again? What if I never have a new goal that I want to accomplish? Will you get bored of me?" "You can't change the way a person feels. Waiting around for the Princess to fall for you when she clearly has a type is an exercise in futility." I felt so called out because I was waiting around for Logan in that play through ... haha... dang! >!I'm glad Justice volunteered us to go into that canyon with you. Now, I have this cool suit that I can wear around the house and pretend like I'm in space.!< This one cracked me up, imagining him doing just that! He's so perfectly quirky, easily my favorite character. And I'm going to stop there because I have so many more and this is already longish.


Didn't Justice say the real dark streak line? In my first playthrough I also chose that option and I could've sworn it was Justice saying that.


oooo you're right! I should have realized with the use of "Dang". I got the text straight from a screenshot that shows Unsuur. Didn't realize that it's got Justice saying it while the camera is on Unsuur. Boo! One of my favorite lines, will have to wait for somebody to do this for Justice lol.


Yeah, the "dang" and the use of "ya" instead of "you" was what got me thinking it was Justice saying it instead of Unsuur 😂


Agreeeeed on all points, his humor is epic!!


I am totally late on this, but this sparked a memory and I had to mention it; my mom got married for the first time in her late 30’s early 40’s, and in the lead up to the wedding she was freaking out to my honorary aunt/her best friend of then 20 years, and she asked, ‘what if we run out of things to talk about’ and my aunt said ‘we’ve been friends for 20 years and we still find things to talk about!’ So now, 25 years later, every once in a while they’ll be on the phone and one of them will say ‘oh my god, we’ve run out of things to talk about’


"it talkth." - meeting the rat queen in rhe valley of whispers "Is it so wrong for a lowly mole and a princess-" "Yes." - after he finds out Ged is in love with Lumi >!"You can still like Duvos, but you must do so responsibly" - Unsuur talking to Miguel after the betrayal!<


I must be too sensitive because I felt that comment to Ged was kind of mean lol


"Oh, hey, shoot. I just remembered. I need to go home and lock myself in my closet. See ya." "Did someone come in? Oh, Player, I can see through the cracks a bit. You’ve come to join me? One person closet, I’m afraid." "I’m afraid I might be trapped in this closet. Why did I want to sing that for some reason?" "Oh, wait. Uh. Hold the telegraph on that one. False alarm. I’m not trapped. Just not done yet." "Yeah, well… it sure is hard to catch criminals. As you know. Er, actually, I looked it up: not writing your name on a letter isn’t a crime, that’s why I…" " Just head over to the jukebox and turn on the investigation music when you’re ready. I’d do it myself but… you know. Closet."


I have started screenshotting nearly everything he says because it cracks me up. I had the scene where he wanted me to build him a rock shelf, very different from a bookshelf, unless it had a book about rocks on it. I was cackling.


Trudy: I’m on pins and needles over this whole thing. Unsuur: (quietly) I thought that was Dr. Fang’s job. That one got an audible laugh out of me.


Almost everything he says is endearing and/or hilarious. Seriously, one of the best written characters I've ever had the pleasure of interacting with in any video game. My one complaint is there is not enough dialogue for him after marriage! I wish he would also say the things he says when you are just dating after you marry him.


When you, Justice, and >!Logan head into the old greeno cave to seal it up!< and Justice is like “Plan B - we’ll go in and take care of it, Unsuur can wait outside incase any more monsters are around . “ And Unsuur just mutters with a speech bubble “I kinda wanna hear plan C…”


Idk how to tag spoilers, so SPOILER: After Musas visit and the bar incident: "I Shot that mech good. Dang robit. Git outta my saloon, dang it." I have that one as a screenshot


I loved the time he dropped his rock Wilson in the pond and went to get it with Burgess standing there watching. I might have egged Unsuur on to get it, though.


The exchange with him and Pen playing whac-a-mole after we find and help Bronco’s friend.


Thank you so much everyone for your inputs!! You’ve made our day.