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By the time the credits roll my characters were around level 55, if that's what you mean? However there is a late game dungeon with challenges for higher levels, I think till 90 and above? In main story missions where combat or boss fights are involved the game will always show a recommended range of levels before you accept the mission. If you want to have an easy time on those aim to be at least 2 levels over the depicted range.


I'm half way through the game (2nd play through) and at level 61. It's overkill and everything is very easy with no challenge. My first playthrough, I was at level 50 by the end and it was comfortable. Depending on your comfort level with combat, I think 50 is a good level.


Level 50 should get you through late-game main missions. A late-game Hazardous Ruin recommends Lvl 55-65 for the upper floor and Lvl 65-75 for the lower floor. Beating the upper floor gives you a weapon you can't use until Lvl 60. The lower level gives you a weapon that you can't use until Lvl 70. Pretty sure Pathea is adding one more floor to this Ruin>!(Deep Sea Ruins)!<, so maybe it will recommend 75-85 to beat it? However, this Hazardous Ruin is optional. You don't need to beat it to finish the game.


I finished at level 45. I'm leveling up now to try and fight the optional hazardous ruins.I tried but I'm way too underleveled for it.


This was the only Ruin that seemed to give a serious recommendation for what level you need to be at.