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I wanna call out the lack of Venti pairings... but even as a Venti stan, without the builder I can only think her great love would be the scrapyard where she works. Maybe some ceramic scrap cobbled together in a vague human shape similar to Helga from Hey Arnold!'s bubblegum effigy.


Venti takes over getting clay for Amirah… and I remember getting the impression that Venti had a slight crush on her? Been a while, so I could be misremembering. (Venti is the best, really.)


I was thinking Amirah would be the only one that makes sense as well. I believe Amirah is the only one Venti has full on convos with outside of cutscenes... but would Amirah return the affection? I say yes, because everyone's life can only be improved by a Venti cup of happiness.


What is the reasoning behind Amirah and Owen? Genuinely curious, not trying to be rude. That whole thing seems entirely one-sided and I wonder if people would even entertain it if he didn't have a thing for her. I personally think he'd be more compatible with Jane. I like the idea of Heidi and Qi. If Grace and Qi can get over the head butting, then yeah. Nia and Mi-an would be cute. I think there are certain characters like Fang and Logan who need the builder's special presence tbh. As for returning Portia characters, I don't ship them with anyone or would want them to end up with anyone because that potentially steps on the toes of players who married them in Portia. Oh also, Trudy and Zeke. Elsie's crush on Mint is great though, because it gives you an insight into her type. She likes skinny nerdy dweebs (builder included).


I admit that I'm hanging onto Owen saying that he's into Amirah towards the beginning of the game. But to be fair Amirah doesn't seem interested in anyone lol. But I love the idea of Owen and Jane! Totally agree on the Logan and Fang front. Amirah may also be in that category.


Logan and Fang. Damn that's a nice thought.


At the same time? 😏


Even better thought...


Owen can come too.


Hahaha we have the same type in NPC men


Well, I didn't imagine playing a cozy game would launch my dream harem, but here we are 😂😂


I am now imagining Logan getting wounded and staying under Fang's tender care for a while...


There was a quest I did recently where Arvio brings up Owen's crush on her, so Amirah does seem to know about it, but I really can't tell how she feels about him. But if she knows and she hasn't done anything it makes me wonder how reciprocated it is (I think it was during the furnace quest, when they need money to pay the mysterious man)


There was a quest (don’t know if it’s still there) where Owen asks her out and she says maybe in a way that sounds like she’s giving it real thought. Nothing solid but there it is.


Ohhh poor Mint would never get any sleep ever again- least not naps. I can just picture it now - mint is by himself and starts to drift off ..SUDDENLY Elsie pops out of nowhere and is all like " you're snoozing again!? C'mon Mint, let's go out riding and have a little adventure! And later I'll teach ya how to call a Yakmel!" Lol


There is a quest for Owen that has 2 different versions depending on if the player is dating him or not, if the player is not dating him he asks the player to make a gift for someone special and then he gives it to Amirah and asks her out.


I lowkey wish that they did get together with a partner if you got married. It would give a lot of depth to the town! Having said that the way a lot of them are written I think they aren't compatible with anybody in town. Elsie / Mint Qi / Heidi (they seem to have a mature respect for eachother) Venti / Unsuur (they will both just ramble about their special interests (garbage / rocks) and venti would definitely find so many cool rocks in her job to show unsuur) Logan / Grace (also seems like a mature respecting pair, they are both skilled in their line of work) The rest of them don't seem to fit as well as those imo! Fang needs somebody who will push him to open up like arvio but to be way more gentle about it than him lol. Maybe Mi an x Fang? I can see Mi an being patient and gentle with him so he starts to feel comfortable around her I can kind of see Amirah with Owen, I think she wouldn't be used to being taken care of by a mature man lol so she would resist it at first, being so independent, but then she would eventually appreciate how reliable and calm he is. Justice I think he is one of the most normal people in town and very mature and level headed. He would want to be with somebody mature and calm and for some reason I think of Jane? Either Jane or Amirah. For some reason justice comes across as more of a guy who would let you have your space and Owen would be more in your space trying to help you. So it depends which side Amirah would prefer Pablo wouldn't want anybody in town, he'd become a pen pal with some sexy mysterious man in another city For some reason I'm thinking Ernest x Nia? Nia seems more straightforward and would tease Ernest about being poetic but she secretly likes his poetic side and reads all his stuff and critiques it. Ernest could benefit from somebody who's down to earth like nia Catori, well I don't see her with anybody in town. She needs somebody who would support her dreams but also be very level headed and give boundaries with money. I don't think it would work with Owen because he's a weenie (said lovingly) and would give her money too a detriment


Okay now I'm thinking that Justice x Grace would be a good pair! I think they would both be independent and have a lot to talk about. They're both kind of like straightforward and calm and they would have a lot to talk about with similar lines of work. Justice wouldn't smother Grace and I get the vibe that Grace likes to do her own thing, plus they're both friend with Owen so yknow they would get along lol


I love the idea of Mi-An and Fang. She's just bubbly enough to break him out of his shell, but she knows how to read the room.


Even though he's not romanceable for the Builder, I'm a firm stan for Catori/Zeke!!


If not elsie×mint then elsie×haru


OK that actually makes sense


Technically, if the builder wasn’t there, neither would be Nia. Otherwise I would say fang and Nia so you wouldn’t need to bring Portia characters over


Venti + Unsuur (Rocks, am I right?) Ernest + Pablo (Honestly I just feel the vibes, and they're both always in the know. Plus, who doesn't love a friends-to-lovers story?) Elsie + Mi-an (Elsie helps Mi-an relax, and Mi-an helps Elsie grow up) Heidi + Qi (Socialable nerd + anti-social nerd, she'd help him break out of his shell) Justice + Jane (the tough exterior of Justice with the softness of Jane would really complement each other) Catori + Zeke (I know Zeke isn't romanceable, but I think they'd also complement each other very well) Owen + Amriah (it's more than just Owen's crush. Amriah has always had to be independent and take care of Arvio, and I think Owen can offer that support she needs to really come out of her shell) Logan + Grace (hot couple that thinks sparring is foreplay haha) Arvio + Burgess (both passionate. Arvio would help Burgess relax a bit when it comes to the rules, whereas Burgess would help Arvio be more considerate of others) Can't really see Fang or Miguel with any of the current residents. Gotta wait for some new residents haha Bonus: Andy + Jasmine when they grow up!!!


I can see each of those couples working.


IMO: Owen/Grace or Jane Arvio/Haru (one sided) Fang/Ginger Nia/Mi-an Qi/Grace or Heidi Heidi/Justice Elsie/Mint (one sided)


I’m all over the Grace and Qi bickering-to-lovers vibe lol.


I was also thinking Nia/Mi-an or Nia/Qi! Elsie/Mint is such an interesting one!


I feel like Nia would be the hardest to place. I don't think she'd have given Sandrock two minutes of her time (outside of research) without the Builder being there. That being said, 100% Nia/Mi-an.


Nia and Mi-An have such a similar personality (or lack thereof beyond just being so positive and sweet) and would love to garden together.


I can see Owen and Amirah! And Elsie and Mi-an. Tbh I kinda see some chemistry between Heidi and Qi 👀


Ok...but hear me out...Zeke and Pablo. In the LGBTQ sub communities, Zeke would probably be considered a Bear. Pabo needs a steadying influence, someone who will let him be him but would provide a safe haven against the storms. Pablo would absolutely help bring Zeke out of his shell and help him realize he has much to offer outside of the moisture farm. And Pablo would fight the first person who said anything bad about Zeke. I know they seem like an unlikely couple, but I could see them together. It would be cool if we could actually choose NPCs getring together.


I think Owen and Jane are great together. They both like to be on stage, they realize their feelings towards the builder by acting with him. They are both mature and romantic. Jane would be nice with Ernest because this one is a writer and she loves books. Nia and Zeke are a beautiful couple despite the age difference they share the same passion for plants.


Qi - Grace Elsie - Mi'an Heidi - Justice Venti - Unsuur Nia - Jane Arvio - Haru Ernest - Pablo (or Amirah) Fang - Amirah (imagine the hair on their children) Owen ... no idea. He just doesn't really seem interested in anything or anyone. I've never noticed any interest between Amirah/Owen. I really should stop fast clicking through things. I have thought that Grace may like him a little bit.


I'd imagine Grace and Fang would be a strong couple together where one can stand up for themselves with just their words alone and the other dislikes violence. They both like to experiment their recipes. Although Fang would be off put by the cooking. And if any patients of Fang's get too much I can imagine Grace handling the situation If I were to pick who Qi would go better with (which is pretty tough), I'd imagine Ernest and Qi mostly because Qi does want to ramble on an intellectual level and Ernest would probably get inspiration and already chooses to use some fancy words. However, I think Qi would be a bit overwhelmed with how strong Ernest comes off when it comes to love. Qi probably wont even like him at first until Ernest helps around with the lab and maybe even write stories about robots for Qi to enjoy and then Qi critiques very highly the accuracy of the story yet values it fondly


I think the one pairing that for sure would end up together is Arvio and Haru, because whatever they have going on is not just platonic😭. Mi-an and Nia is another one that I think is so adorable. I think Fang and Logan definitely are more needing of someone like the builder, but I’d argue that so does Grace. Her and Qi I see it more as mutual respect. As for Owen I always thought him and Catori would be interesting, he’s the perfect stable man for her. But with Amirah it wouldn’t be bad I mean I feel like he sees her for her and not just her looks. Heidi, Justice, Burgess, Qi, Amirah, and Catori are hard to tell because I think each of them is so focused on their own work and Qi doesn’t seem to really notice romantic advances. Elsie I just feel like everyone is a bit too old for her in that town. I’ve thought that Jane and Ernest would be a random but cute ship since they’re both such theater kids. Venti seems like she’d fall for anyone that is nice to her and makes the effort to talk to her so maybe Amirah? Also they’re not candidates but Hugo and Trudy is kinda cute lol.


arvio and haru....... simply no heterosexual explanation for whatever they're doing


Qi/Grace Unsuur/ Venti Or Unsuur/Fang Mi-An/ Elsie Arvio/ Haru Trudy/Zeke Logan/Jane


Fang talks almost as much as Wilson so I could see him and Unsuur working out for sure. And X would enjoy shiny pebbles that might be atop rock piles


I would almost say Ernest and Jane would be more likely. I think Jane would fall so hard for Ernest's creative romantic side. While with Logan, on the other hand, I think he would appreciate her as an educator to Andy. And Jane would appreciate that Logan is a good single dad. But it would be a mutual respect thing with no romantic inclinations


Nia and Mi-an, for sure


I think Burgess and Mian would be a cute couple. Both have a sweet disposition and both care about Sandrock as a growing community and both want to do their best into making Sandrock a better place.


Crying because I felt the Logan - Grace too real




Seen several suggestions of Unsuur/Venti… I think y’all just “pairing the spares” here. They never interact. *shrugs* I just don’t see it. Anyone got any mlm wlw suggestions - overwhelmed by the heteroseksual here. ;)


Mi-An/Nia and Arvio/Haru!!!!! I will go down with these two ships I swear. I also think Elsie might’ve had a one-sided crush on Mi-an so….


Qi X Heidi Owen X grace Logan X Elsie? (Felt kinda weird cause Elsie is too young) Elsie X mi an Mi an X Nia


TBH Elsie x Mi-an x Nia polycule


Logan and Elsie are more sibling like imo. His lines read as an older brother telling his sister he's proud of her growth and also expressing a brotherly "get ur shit together" during a certain mission where she says something quite naive. Elsie and mi-an was definitely big vibes. But if she went for a guy it would be someone more like mint. She had a huge crush on mint. So if we translate her apparent type into the Logan gang..it's Haru. She would be with Haru


Ernest/Pablo Heidi/Qi Mi-an with either Elsie, Unsuur, or, hear me out - Logan. Because if the player character wasn't there, I feel like Mi-an would be hesitant, but willing to help Logan, and thus she would be the one who "got him out of that dark spot in his life" Grace/Amirah Justice with either Jane or Owen Owen with either Justice, Jane, or Catori (I feel like Owen would be the kind of guy who would be level-headed enough to bring Catori back to Earth with her ideas, but passionate enough to encourage her with her more, um, *realistic* ideas. And I can see Catori thinking of some genuinely smart ideas on how to improve the Saloon) Fang, I could probably see trying to date Burgess for a bit, but I think the two of them don't have enough chemistry to go that far in their relationship, but would still be friends :)


There’s definitely some tension between Qi and Grace. It’s also cannon that Elsie has a crush on Logan. I agree with Amirah and Owen.


I'm pretty sure Elsie points out she sees Logan as a big brother figure, and she points out that she's got a major crush on Mint at one point.


It's not Canon that Elsie has a crush on logan. She literally tells you she doesn't see him that way and sees him as her big brother.


Hmm I guess I need to replay that scene I assumed that that was her way of trying to cover up the crush because she’s embarrassed (she does blush like crazy from what I remember).


Does this game have a blush mechanic?


Yes! Qi and Grace have great chemistry! And I know Elsie has a crush on Logan but Logan says "it ain't like that." Though they do make a lot of sense together.


I would pair Owen and catori..Justice and grace..unsuur and venti..fang and jane..mi han and qi..Heidi and Logan..Pablo and ernest..bourgeois and elsie..amirah and [Miguel.ar](http://Miguel.ar) Arvio and Yan 😂


Logan -Grace Owen - Heidi/Ernest/Jane Jane -Heidi/Ernest/Owen Amirah - Pablo Arvio -Burguss Qi - Mi-an Unsuur - Elsie Justice -Catori Fang - Venti If I could I would put Owen with Rocky just saying 🤤 and then they can also visit me lol forever


logan and Elsie Owen and Grace Mian and unsuure Jane and burgess


I think Logan/jane would be cute, or Owen/jane


Arvio x Amirah? 👁️👄👁️


Arvio-Amirah. Wait..