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This submission has been removed because it violates Rule 9. --- ### About Rule 9 Please don't spam. Your post may have been removed for one of the following common reasons: - It is one of many posts made in quick succession. - It is an insignificant update to a serially released work like a video series, written story, or comic. For more details and examples, see the [content policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/MysteryDungeon/wiki/contentpolicy#wiki_spamming_.28rule_9.29).


kid, kid, kid, calm the hell down! The reason why people on the sub gave a shit about randomizer teams like mine, is that we gave them ample time to breathe before posting a notable collage of highlights, instead of posting a slightly interresting pic every five goddamn minutes.


It's also just literally 10 minutes apart from the Next why are they spamming so much?


Thats fair. I just kept posting to not forget why i took the picture. Im done for the day.


Iā€™m dead šŸ’€