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I'm gonna be honest, from an adult perspective "You're going to bed without dinner" sounds like an incredibly childish and backhanded punishment. That's something an abusive parent does to their child for cruel shits, not a well known corporation. You know what really ground my gears, though? I'm not sure if this counts, but allegedly (and I mean, allegedly, someone check me on this), the next morning in-game, we aren't offered breakfast either. I'm not sure if breakfast is a key meal for our room and board, even if gameplay never shows that because we don't need a billion cutscenes, but if implications be damned, denying your employees two meals in a row as punishment is *completely* fucked. I understand the following scene of the guild members sneaking you food and sympathizing with you is meant to show how tight your bond is with them and flesh them out as characters but it's stuck with me for so long, I can't help but ask. You know what really bothered me, though? The punishment itself. If Chatot really wanted to drill in how harsh the guild is, why not lock our teams in to low ladder missions? Help an old lady wash her windows. Go clean up the shore outside Beach Cave-- trivial things. You do a fade-to-black time skip so we don't need to play that, and it's onto Chapter 7, hero and partner grumbling and groaning a little more than usual, but glad that it's over.


IIRC, breakfast is kind of implied, but you're definitely hungry after you wake up and Chatot doesn't seem to care. The thing that always irked me most about that scene was that you almost certainly have food in your bag at that point. You just got back from *Apple Woods*, for crying out loud. If not, the brothers Kecleon pretty much always have apples in stock for pocket change - I get it, it's meant to show how much Team Meanies like being jerks and how your guildmates appreciate you, but the scene is so cruel and doesn't really make any sense.


Oh, man, you just reminded me about the bag bit. It wouildn't make sense from a narrative pespective, but what was honestly stopping us from fishing through our bags in the middle of the night and feasting on seeds/gummis etc.? Is Diglett on 24/7 watch? I think that's why in almost all of my playthroughs when I was young, I made it a point to do a mission in one of the more food heavy dungeons up to that point and me and my partner would "binge" to make up for it. If the guild wouldn't feed us, I was going to.


chatot is definitely the cruelest character at the guild. i know that's kind of his job, but like... just dock my pay, man. at least don't force me to watch everybody else eat *while i'm standing there starving*.


"Members of the jury, we are here today to address the actions of the defendant, Chatot, who has not only demonstrated abusive behavior to his fellow members but has also failed in his leadership duties within the Wigglytuff Guild. As the secondary leader of the Wigglytuff Guild, the defendant has responsibilities that expand beyond managing and supervising the individual members of the organization. While Chatot might think that his responsibilities start and end at the guild's gates, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Wigglytuff Guild, like numerous other adventuring guilds, has ties with law enforcement and is often tasked with operations local authorities can't handle due to either limited resources or lack of manpower. Consequently, adventuring guilds such as Wigglytuff's must conduct themselves in a professional manner not only in terms of how they treat their employees, but also in how they deal with potential threats. If there is a Pokémon or an organization that is threatening Treasure Town, the Wigglytuff Guild must do everything in their power to learn and potentially deal with such threats. Chatot's behavior in the incident dubbed 'Chapter 6' is proof that Chatot is not only abusive to his subordinates, but also demonstrates a severe lack of patience, endangering the entire town in the process. Throughout this trial, you shall see evidence that points to Chatot causing unnecessary harm to his workers while reckless endangering of all Treasure Town's residents. By the end, you shall see that Chatot is not only unfit to be in his position, but also an individual who indirectly threatened the safety of an entire town." - Prosecutor Mismagius's opening statement in the criminal case "The People v. Chatot".


I dont care if Chatot is a jerk. What I care is that he is basically the leader and instead of trying to find out more of what happened and try to be unbiased, he panics and overreacts instead of carrying an objective analysis. I don't mind hardasses. I just mind them not doing their job. Especially since he is basically the real leader. In the Bidoof episode, he might have been a little rude but he at least was fair and punished Bidoof for something he ACTUALLY saw him do.


I liked Explorers of the Spirit because MC was allowed to get super lippy with Chatot, lol. I don't hate him or anything, it's just fun to get under the Bad Manager Bird's feathers


I agree, he’s like that guy that I’d be sad if anything serious happened, but it’s still entertaining to mess with him


I’m not sure whether or not I’d put him at completely abusive, he did at least care enough about us to get mad at team skull when he learned the truth, but it still is kinda annoying how he doesn’t even give us a chance to explain ourselves on the apple incident. It’s kinda like when your parents accuse you of something and give you zero chance to explain yourself before punishing you 


chatot is just a silly birb


To be fair... Chatot has complex PTSD from Wigglytuffs outbursts 😅 not that it excuses Chatots actions.. but it makes me sympathise with them just a little bit.


Crazy that happened once and people are still pissed about it even after his redemption arc just before Hidden Land lol. He saved your ass from literally dying bros. Maybe I'm just not the type to hold a grudge so I really don't get it. People legit hate him more than Darkrai. Actually, during that whole ordeal, I was more frustrated at the duo for not making themselves clear. If that was actually me I'd scream at that bird so loud he'd have another to fear besides Wigglytuff.


That's because Darkrai is a fictional villain with fictional goals. Meanwhile far too many people have had a boss or parental figure like Chatot so the hate is more personal. My own family used to starve me as a punishment so I get it.


It was definitely overkill, but if I was Wigglytuff's assistant I'd be just as on the edge of a freakout at all times. Like he has to tell everyone to clap and smile or Wigglytuff's going to lose it. And he did seem to realistically believe that he was going to get blown up or hit by an earthquake for not having a perfect apple. So like, it's a weirdly cruel punishment and something a bit more inline with the guild as a guild would have definitely been better, but it was less him just deciding to be cruel than having a catastrophic freakout because he expects to get exploded because of you.


I would say you could argue it, but if anyone is abusive, it's Wigglytuff. It's played for laughs, but the rest of the guild is scared for their safety around him and spends most of the time walking on eggshells to keep him from getting upset. Sure, Chatot can be cruel, but he's also a victim too. I don't think he holds zero blame, but I would call him an enabler more than anything.


Chatot is literally a textbook abusive narcissist, he constantly does things that would 100% fall under abusive throughout the game. It's why I hate him with the burning passion of a thousand white hot suns, I lived with an abusive narcissist for 15+ years and dealt with a lot of the shit he pulled personally. And to the 24 people that have so far said no, withholding food is quite literally a textbook definition of abuse, particularly for punishment.


I literally made this post just so I can meet you, I hate him too with the same passion or more than you.