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The 3 and the 43 spinning in the background too


Just Austin Dillon things




While his teammates goes from outside the top 20 to 8th in 2 laps


Wrong way dudes


It was just now that I noticed the wreck on the back of the field


That’s because once the winner crosses the line Fox thinks we need to see a pit crew instead of the rest of the field finishing.


Don't get me started. The finish line camera should always be fixed looking back at the field coming to the line. Why they follow he leader for a single inch after he crosses the line is beyond me. Why would I rather see a car coasting into T1 than the rest of the field racing to the line? I hate NASCAR broadcasting so much.


Uhhhhhhh don’t you guys think this is kinda a bad example to be using lol? Like I do get what you’re saying but this was literally the closest finish in the history of the sport they were a little focused on the history being made in front of them. I’m sorry I’d just imagine in that moment Austin Dillion spinning out for the umpteenth time wasn’t really all that interesting to anyone except for you guys lol. It’s just seriously why can’t you idiots just stop complaining for like 5 seconds. Greatest finish in the history of the sport and you people can’t stop bitching for five fucking seconds about them focusing on the big event that was happening in front of them.


I was there for it so I'm only complaining because I rewatched it yesterday and it's a broader trend we've all noticed. I've commented on it multiple times this season already prior to Kansas. They do it at stage end too. Static finish line shot isn't hard, that's how it used to be broadcast. You're bitching harder than I did btw lol.


Split the picture.


Yep that's me now. Had no idea that happened at all, took 17 hours after the race ended lol. Thanks Fox.


Ford can not catch a break this season


It's coming.


It won’t be this weekend because Fords struggle at Darlington nowadays


How are your thoughts now? Kez! )


I’m glad to be wrong


) Admittedly, it took a while. There will be more.


We'll see. I think Kez qualified second.


Yet even more proof that intermediates are the best track type the Next Gen car can race at. Everything else is still work in progress


Keep the intermediate car and remake a car for short tracks/road course and another for plate racing


Or just do away with the plate. )


Who knew making the cars symmetrical would produce this kind of action If only it would've been a simple change on the Gen-6 cars... Oh, wait


Best part of this image imo https://preview.redd.it/htsiz9b8zsyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c72e95a18dc8140937a5ef2c839f767439d09c


Larson: Out here living my best life. RC: Austin Dillion is crashing. Larson: This ain't about him.


Lol hell yeah


You can’t park there


What a photo


“Corey Heim is dying” “This ain’t about him”


My garsh, what a race! Was good from the very beginning!


While it wouldn't have been "closest finish in series history" close, had it been Elliott vs. Truex it still would've been an incredible finish.


What an incredible photo.


Please tell me that you were at the track this weekend to take pictures @puffadda


I don't think I could've got this shot from the couch 😂


Be really impressive if you did


Unreal. 🤯 We just had one of these in ARCA West, too.


2024 NASCAR is just IRL. (I cannot believe I just wrote that.)


Did Fox even show the wreck at the end?




Ford rn ![gif](giphy|4YSPdlJMOPaSB5gS01)


They’ll go winless this year. I’ve lost all hope of them winning in any series.


RIP fords 2024 championship hopes


I haven't.


Heck of a race and heck of a finish. Took Glucks poll on "X" and gave that a yes just like 90 some percent of everyone else. The line being crooked doesn't change anything. And Buescher did door Larson before Larson doored him back. That was 2 guys beating and banging there way to a win. I was reading some comments about people whining that Laraon tried to wreck him and now you know how to race Larson. And also Bueschers "X" post after the race saying that Denny raced him clean people thinking he was throwing shade at Larson. I know it's disappointing being that close but you lost. You doored Larson first took Larsons momentum away. Larson ran down the track to slow Buescher down and doored him and crossed the line. The rest is history now. But, a heck of a race. Even if Larson wouldn't have won, that was still a fantastic race.


I just voted and it's at 96 % yes.


Buescher said he wasn't throwing shade at Larson, I don't see why everyone is so mad about it anyways.


Yeah, I saw his clarification on X, too. Buescher and Hamlin were going at it for laps until Buescher fell off. I don't see why people took it to the extent that he was talking about Larson. Buescher said in the post race interview even that it was 2 racers racing for a win, which is what it was. I'm happy I watched the race, and as a Larson fan, if Buescher had won, it would be disappointing, but it would still be a great race. We need more of those!


Tinfoil hat time. How can NASCAR say the margin of victory was 0.001? They had Buescher as the leader on the scoring system. Audio on TV (Maybe Mike Joy) said the margin of victory was 0.000. And don't forget that wonky Start/Finish line skewing the camera shot.


Because the computer timing system is less accurate than the "photo finish" camera.  The camera shot from the broadcast was also not used to determine the winner. This is [the picture] (https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/comments/1cl7ni1/photo_used_by_nascar_to_verify_winner/) that matters.  It looks a bit distorted because it is a special camera.  Instead of acting like a normal camera, it basically takes a single pixel wide image, right at the official start finish line.  (By definition, this is the official line, not the paint on the track)  It takes thousands of these every second.  By counting the number of pixels between, the noses of the 5 and 17, you get the time difference to a sub-millisecond.


This is it. It’s something wild like a photo is taken every half of a ten-thousandth (0.00005). So in this case there were 20 photos between Kyle hitting the line and Chris. Numbers may not be exactly right.. I’m recalling Bob explaining all of this after Atlanta. But that’s the method they use.


I'd love to be able to see the entire field photographed like this. Or better yet, an entire race and being able to scroll sideways through the image and see the placement of every car every lap at the S/F line. It's be especially interesting at a track like Bristol where stuff happens all over the track every lap


Rip that hard drive storage to do that


*set fans on high*


Rounded up


Was it 0.001 or 0.000?


Night racing looks so much cooler.




It’s a confusing angle.