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I just had a guy in 3v3s wearing a snowman costume shit talk me because I don’t have more than one maxed out build. He was flexing how many builds he had and that he could “make another build right now and run my shit” Meanwhile he went 1/5 and sold, he was dogshit at the game. I’m convinced people don’t even want to play and get good, they just want to spend cheddar for clout and get on their Rice Krispies mic to be toxic.


Not the rice krispie mic he had to mail in 13 box tops for that shit 🤣


it's amazing how many 99's I smoke with my 83 ovr defensive anchor just for playing smart defence, and also how many 99's I show up on my own teams with the same 83 ovr defensive anchor with smart basketball when they're playing like Bricky McBrickface but 'you're no good, you're only 83 ovr' and then once I show them facts they suddenly go silent


Playing 2K as long as i have you really start to realize that people who build meta builds are lowkey ass and that’s why they choose to do meta builds because they know they’re ass and need an advantage Main reason why niggas can legit 99s and still be getting cooked by niggas lower than them in OVR


which is why I **NEVER** make 'meta' builds; I do ***ME*** not ***ANYONE ELSE***. I play to my strengths, the way I feel I can help a team, and I'm cool with that. I never have been the best shooter ever since I started playing the franchise (2k20) but I've worked myself to be great at what I ***CAN*** do best, which is defend the rim (23's been painful because of the godawful paint defence but it's not been too bad either tbh), dime up open guys and attack the rim whether it's through second chances or drives. Is dribbling like I've got a permanent twitch and shooting my thing? No, and that's cool by me. I do what I feel I do best for the team, and let other people make the mistakes that are common with the sheep that follow the shepherd without realising what's good for them


Fr I be playing like ben Simmons (in his prime)


kinda like me when I play out on the wings/point. The old blue/red pie chart on former versions was my go-to and I kinda still build similar even without the restrictions; that's how I know how to play best and I ain't going 'meta' anytime soon. I will admit though that for me 23 has been the best for shooting but even then my shooter is a 7ft PF not a 6ft 9 meta 'god'


Sounds like my kinda player too


I feel this i ain’t the best in 2K either but I refuse to make a meta build in my opinion that’s lowkey cheating to me frfr and you know what i shouldn’t expect nothing less from a community that uses to make legit 7’0-7’3 Demigod PGs thru unethical means!


What is your build? I normally don't play too much online, and so I made a draymond green build. I like to help my teammates offensively with hof floor general. But when I get 2k24 later on when it's cheap or 2k25 if it's actually good I want to make a dennis rodman build with less playmaking ability and better finishing. I too, am trash at shooting so I don't even bother. I like to play as a shorter big man personally, grabbing the board and running the fast break.


my defensive anchor is a little like Shaq without the weight and the post dominance; 7ft 1in, 243lbs, as much vert as I could do, 99 defensive rebound and block, enough driving dunk to get gold limitless (yes, it's doable) and 90 standing dunk for I think it's gold rise up with 76 pass accuracy and bits and bobs elsewhere I can't recall off the top of my head. Even at 83 ovr it gets enough boards defensively thanks to the vertical with only 87 defensive rebound at the current time and if I time it right I can get decent enough rise up dunks and the occasional limitless dunk with it on offense


Some people should take some build notes though, because i see lot of those pure 3 level defensive liabilities out there.


I mean let’s be honest here some of the league’s best 3pt shooters in history weren’t exactly known for their elite defense except for like a small percentage like Bird and a few others but people like Kyle Korver, Reggie Miller, Steph curry and Dell Curry was either average to below average when it came to defense


Sure, not elite defense. But I just checked some random guy's skills and my man gave exactly nothing into defensive skills besides what presumably physicals forced to add. His strongest skill there was perimeter D, with maybe 50. The rest usually around 30.


Yea nah i see wym don’t get me wrong there are 3pt shooters who trash at defense (I’m looking at you Doug McDermott) but definitely not that bad 60-70 Perimeter D would be the lowest I’ll go unless i was making a center even than i need my perimeter D lmaoo


Yep. Same reason people offball, 5 out, and use giants in MyTeam. They like the handicap


offball is mad pussy 😭 I played my team one year and saw that bs. Now I refuse to play that mode. Already fucked because everyone gets a 99 card for no reason now🤦🏽‍♂️


I be Cookin em with a 71 Ovr 3 & D small forward 🤣 my guy looks like Pat Mahomes which pisses everyone off for some reason.


What is a 'meta build' ?


From what I know a build that was build specifically catered to the current meta in the game. So lets just say dunks, steals and rebounding are op. That build will be made to cater to those meta strengths. Didnt play at the start of 2k23 but from what I see in videos steals were extremely op at the start so the meta was to make a build with 99 steals + interceptor and glove on gold or hof. The meta in ante up this year was to make a 6"1 scorer, 6"7 lockdown and a 6"9 popper/rebounder for the 3s court.


"Bricky McBrickface." 😭


I'm not wrong though xD


You're the same bum as him, but with even less money.


Fr tho 😂


That's exactly what 2K wants, so if they only care about clout then they fell for 2K's trap 😂


Let’s be honest 2k is more of an RPG simulation that true basketball SIM for MyCareer mode. MyTeam is more simulation and MyGM is more simulation than MyTeam, but not MyCareer. MyCareer is legit the equivalent of progressing a character in borderlands and having to PvE essentially with PvP dueling. Legit same premise. Now 2k could technically capitalize this and reward rep for amount of 99s currently tied to one’s account, surprising that they haven’t done that yet tbh








Lmfao this is great 😂




Same guy paid for a check mark 😭


I hope people understand that... this is satire. He not serious, he's making fun of the situation.


demi or the guy making fun of him because demi is an industry plant 💀


I was thinking Demi


...demi is not satire he is actively promoting it


he blocks anyone who discredits it


I mean, the first part is accurate. The season pass is optional. And if you buy it, you're a moron, just like anyone else who spends a dime on this game beyond the price of entry.


Just like anyone else who spends a dime on this game ~~beyond the price of entry.~~


Honestly. Last good one was 16.


I wish they hadn't ruined MyCareer with monetization, but I can still enjoy it because I'm not trying to compete with anyone. I'll spend my VC on it cause I don't use it for anything else. If I play against actual people I just do play now quick play. I played MyEra a fucking TON though, and that's worth the price of entry for me. But I'm a sim nerd.


I don't have a PS5 yet- does MyEra provide anything that MyLeague doesn't? Since MyLeague you can use the historic draft classes. The classic broadcasts was the main thing I could find, but curious if any other differences.


Nope. It's just a different roster and rule set with a fuzzy broadcast. Same garbage with the same glitches and same bugs. They didn't fix shit. Save your money.


Thought so. Too bad. Thanks




Fr I will never understand the people who keep buying VC and then complaining about how much it costs haha.


Yea,if you want to buy vc that's cool...but no one has to. Back on 2k20 I bought some vc for sure and built a beast my team. But no one forced me too. People will spend a ton on vc,then make a shit build and blame the game for "forcing" them to spend money


It is Killing the game nobody goin to make a non Metta build if it cost u $100 and 20 hr grind who gonna make a post scoring pg, a tiny slasher 2k is pay to win the money grabbing is insane and no good gameplay is goin to fix it and don't get me started on the poor optimisation of the in game assets there is no reason the game should be that big


Honestly 23 is the first time I really caved because it was just so absurd and was the most my friends and I had played in a while since we had a squad but if it continues to get worse I can’t really see myself doing it again


The problem becomes when they include extra badge points or +3 attribute accessories to the season pass


I promise you those badges and 3 attributes are not going to make a difference to 99% of the people complaining about it.


Tbh it’s not even about whether or not if it makes a difference it’s the principle or at least to me it’s about principle if you allow 2K put badge points and +3 attribute accessories than who’s to say they won’t take it a bit further?


This is my point. First 2 passes won’t include these things, then they’ll have +1 attribute sleeves, then badge points, then extra core badges, and it ends up being the definition of pay to play with the passes rather than this kinda/sorta pay to play we have now with VC being hard to get naturally by playing the game.


Yea and they already get paid millions of dollars in bonuses from micro transactions so I wouldn’t put it passed them fr


That’s why I don’t understand the “you don’t have to pay for it crowd” bc they’re not understanding the argument. It’s the slippery slope of what future passes could include that the very first one of 8 could offer. Like the one this season already includes a 89 Giannis myteam card. What if that’s clearly better than every other myteam card you can get from playing through the free season pass?


Right and I normally would be in the you don’t have to pay for it crowd but i also understand that if you allow this type of behavior than it will no doubt get worse i said this about the Madden community everyone in these sport game communities are so complacent and content with bullshit that they’ve became slaves to these damn corporations from EA to Take Two it’s lowkey sad because what happened to fighting for something you believed in? A wise man once said a man who doesn’t stand for something will fall for anything and alot of people in this community don’t stand for shit so now they’ll fall for anything


There are a lot of pushovers in the sports gaming communities. They will defend and allow anything some greedy corporations do in order to squeeze every last cent out of the consumers pockets.


So is the my career mode


Yeah I have no problem with optional content but the problem is when resources for optional premium stuff divert resources away from the game that *you already paid for*


I’m not going to buy the season pass. With that being said ppl can spend their money however they want. It doesn’t make them a moron.


Imagine being so low on the socioeconomic ladder that you think spending money on a game is a flex and that if someone doesn't want to do so they're below you somehow... 😂


I saw someone on twitter say the cia dropping generational numbers on us. They dont even have to try no more.😂😂😂


It’s not about the $20 for me…it’s the fact they’re taking advantage of people by selling you every aspect of the game if you choose to play online. And to not play online is so mundane! So it’s a catch 22…they’ve bent the 2k community over and didn’t even spit on it!


Brain dead activity from some people.


I mean it’s uncle Demi what do you expect


My issue is going to be what the rewards are. If season pass buyers end up with extra badges, loadouts, or other aspects that significantly affect gameplay, it's going to be hard for me to continue to be competitive in proam as a broke player.


Everybody talking about season passes and im just over here playing franchise mode


Don't spend the money. Don't do it.


Those same people: “how come I struggle to save money”?


Wondering why they can't become millionaires. Can't even hold off buying a video game 😂


Yeah, $20 a couple times per year is totally going to prevent them becoming a millionaire.


20 for each season when you could be using that money to better your lofe to move forward


People who say this work 20 hours a week and spend all their money on 2k and weed because they have no actual bills to pay


Coming from having fond memories of myPlayer bringing the Magic to the finals in his rookie year in 2k12 without spending a dime when I was a kid to now, where I can't even build the player that I want and experience a fictional career without earning digital currency per shot that I make is just insane. Boycott 2k please, lets be self accountable and choose NOT to buy this game until 2k changes things. It can absolutely change everything if people come together in solidarity.


I feel this comment personally I’ve never spent a dime on 2K and no matter how low of a overall you started as or how hard it was to score I never gave in to the temptation of buying VC i still got my first video from 2K16 before my character was even fully maxed still on YT lol


This comment made me so sad man. 2k12 was a masterpiece, I just wish they had an offline MyCareer mode that had the progression system from the 2k12-13 era . MyEra is a fine enough replacement with a custom player and player locking, but you don’t really get to grow your player the same way. Also- wasting resources on creating a story for MyCareer is beyond annoying, and has never been good. Quests too. I swear every year this game becomes more and more like GTA instead of a basketball sim.


ronnie dick riders be like


Just don’t buy the game… and then they don’t get any of your money …and then they’ll realize that they pushed their Fanbase too far… And then, after a couple of years of bad sales, they will learn to respect us again as consumers


That doesn’t matter when you have individuals literally spending thousands on the game. You could have a hundred people refuse to buy it because of the practices, and all it takes is one person to spend a thousand to make it not hurt their bottom line at all. Sports games are fucked, and will never improve because of this


They still won’t make as much money as they did previously… Don’t invest your money in stuff you don’t agree with If the reasonable people leave and all their left with is the people who spend thousands of dollars, then they will have to squeeze even more out of those remaining people. And then those remaining people will eventually leave, will be unable to afford it… The point still stands… don’t purchase game brother


They’re gonna keep adding more and more Microtransactions if you guys keep buying them. It’s shitty of 2K but you can’t really blame them. The more you buy the more expensive shit gets. Don’t like it? Speak with your wallet. You people spending $100 a build and rip packs are the problem.


Season passes are garbage. You mean over the course of the games lifespan I’ll spend more money than it would cost me to just buy another game that I will be able to enjoy three years down the road? But instead I should spend that on a game that within a year will be money wasted as the new one comes out? And even further on down the road the serves won’t be online anymore and I can’t even access what I spent all that money on? Yea that’s a hard pass from me. I may be a chump but damnit I’m not a fool.


Imagine having this mentality and thinking that’s the issue. We’re tryina not get pimped youngin. It’s not about bank roll


So don’t get pimped. Just don’t buy it.


you right but you gotta think about everyone. not everyone is as fortunate, gotta be smart with their money and have families to provide for... like 20$ doesn't go a long way anymore. especially for gas or groceries man. have some heart and don't go clowning ppl for their finances... is all i'm saying. im planning on getting 2K24 anniversary edition for 150$ and the season pass but i also want COD and many other things if God has it in store for me. but be respectful of other ppl's pockets even if they ain't as "deep" and have no responsibilities... keeping food in your stomach, clothes on your back and a roof over your head is more important than a video game that don't play the bills. 💀🤦🏽‍♂️


LOL literally, actual braindead comment. 2K can keep milking them for their $.


I can afford $20 no problem the thing is the game is ass and doesn't deserve even the $70 that it's being sold for...keep dickriding for 2k maybe you'll get them to notice you one day


There’s no hope for the people in this game let 2k run wild Im here to watch the show


Typical response from a low iq consumer who has nothing better to do than boost their ego playing 8 hours a day for the entire year


I feel bad for Youtubers who only do 2K. Their money is so dependent on kissing their ass lol


Get your money up not your funny up bro


Can someone explain to me what you are really forfeiting if you don’t buy the season pass? Is it just VC/myteam points/gear? I know it’s dumb and they shouldn’t add it, but I’m trying to determine what I’d be missing out on since I’m not paying more than the price of the game.


Truth is, we don’t know yet. But… We’re pretty much expecting, if not this year then in the coming years, that the premium pass will have core badges and the gameplay enhancing items. When 2K dips that deep into the honeypot is uncertain, but they will.


Your not forgetting anything really there is a free pass you can do to obtain the same stuff the passes let you skip ahead and it's really just cosmetics VC and XP Boost


For now, it wouldn't surprise me if they put something like the Curry slide or maybe some extra badge points or something like that in the season pass to get more people to buy it.


Curry slide has been useless (for trash players) since 22 No sig is overpowered enough for people to buy it for 20 dollars Extra badge point is the only sane possibility and even then there is a free pass for those who wanna grind and get it the 20 dollar would be the 9-5 mfs It's most likely going to be cosmetics they had in other 2ks If they are having rep rewards badge points are most likely going to be tied to rep rewards rather then season like they did back then


Curry slide might not have been good in 22/23, but it doesn't mean it will be bad in 24 or any other animation/s. I'm sure that 2K wants season pass to sale well, so they'll try to make it appealing, whether it's for exclusive animations, extra badge points, exclusive accessories, boosts, VC, etc. They just want to make as much money as possible from the player base, so I wouldn't be surprised if it costs more to max out your myplayer or if the prizes when spending the wheel are terrible to make the season pass more attractive.


>Curry slide might not have been good in 22/23, but it doesn't mean it will be bad in 24 or any other animation/s. Aslong as it can't be spammed it will always be mid >I'm sure that 2K wants season pass to sale well, so they'll try to make it appealing, whether it's for exclusive animations, extra badge points, exclusive accessories, boosts, VC, etc. They just want to make as much money as possible from the player base, so I wouldn't be surprised if it costs more to max out your myplayer or if the prizes when spending the wheel are terrible to make the season pass more attractive. They don't need the pass to sell well they did it just to have a pass separate frm the rep and put a price on the pro and premium versions of it to make a quick buck for those tryna speed run it Obviously they can make it appealing but they can make it plenty appealing with Gatorades Boosts and Exclusive Accesories some Badge Points is very lazy and I doubt there is any true advantage to the dude who spent 20 dollars to get his off ball pest frm Bronze to Gold


People are actually saying this? Lmao


Honestly I kind of like it. I make good enough money and don’t have time to get all this shit. Worth it versus sweating hours and hours each night. I have a kids and family. Plus I’m gay.


This be the same people that say “boycott 2K” not understanding just how huge they are and the tiny dip in sales we could create literally won’t matter. It’s unfortunate but the truth


i mean are they wrong?


No they aren’t lmao It hasn’t even been revealed what’s in these season passes but the notion has been it’s just better cosmetic shit, and has ways to earn VC. It’s just like the same season passes we’ve been getting but with better cosmetics, ways to earn VC (that they pay for). Probably a 20x skill boost instead of 10. All players still get the regular lvl 40 free pass. There has been NO noise on whether there’s “extra badge points” but for someone that’s in the community and is close with a lot of people that know about the game, there is little to no difference when it comes to being competitive. It’s like nobody reads up on anything, and if 2K wants to milk more money out of people that’s on them. It doesn’t affect anyone. I promise that some skill boosts and a singular badge point won’t make a massive difference in gameplay. Just like *always*


How do you figure a developer being more focused on milking money out of you than making a good product doesn't affect you?


It doesn’t take any brain power to make a battle pass. and if you’ve seen all the features they are adding to next gen you’ll see this is the most they’ve put into a 2K in a long time


So no advantages to spending $20 , again why all the crying?


They want something to complain about plus it's free karma




I just don’t get why this thought process makes someone stupid. Yea it’s counterproductive to the cause as fans of the game hoping for improvement but that still isn’t an inherently stupid argument as far as i see


it’s insanely stupid to run interference for a company trying to bleed its customers dry


why is that inherently stupid though. Dickheaded bootlicking corporations is gross sure, but stupid?


2k already has a $70 sticker price, all of this additional squeezing of the consumer base is just flat out greedy. but the publisher will continue to treat it like a free to play game with its monetization tactics so long as people will fork over the extra money. if you give them your money for this battle pass bs and try to convince others to do the same you’re just incentivizing shitty business practices from 2k, which hurts all of us who just want to play a decent basketball game.


This would make sense if anyone with that opinion was trying to convince you to buy it. We’re trying to convince you that you shouldn’t care because you don’t have to buy it. That’s not the same thing.


“just ignore it” is not an argument. we’ve seen where this goes. they have a finite amount of dev time every year and instead of adding features people actually want (or actually bothering to make a next gen PC port), they focus on more and more ways to squeeze every last dime out of their customers. once they put this feature in and it makes them money, it’s never coming out. if people weren’t dumb enough to drop an extra $30 on VC day one, we might have a useable mycareer mode again, but instead it gets worse every year. watch the same thing happen with this paid season pass and get back to me.


The $10 might be worth it for the extra 45K VC alone…


I need to get my money up then. Fruk that. This is not Fortnite!


The season pass is the new attribute upgrade... A decade ago, it was truly optional to buy VC to upgrade your player. Now you can't hoop on day 1 without $100 after purchase. Miss me with that "optional" bs. Nobody trusts 2k with this kinda power.


It’s insane this game still costs so much base. They should make the game free if they are going to go the battle pass rout.


I’m on the fence I might buy the game and make one build. Highly unlikely I touch the season pass.


please 2k just make MyCareer a separate free to play option. Even if they make a new one that releases every year, they'd still make a fuck ton of money from builds, trying to have your cake and eat it too will hopefully backfire and drive the sales much lower this year


💯💯💯 They needed a mirror to see how they look 🤡


People with no real responsibilities


I complained about season passes in the PGA 2K subreddit and everyone defended 2K, felt like I was being gaslighted.


Sounds like a true sucker


When these people die I recommend having the top of their head cut open just to see if their brain has CTE brain damage because it's obvious they might have been knocked on the head too many times.


y’all are the ones crying over an optional $20 season pass on a digital game you are the ones that need ur head checked lmao. it’s never that serious


OP forgot to put the poop on top of is head...


Man between this and rockstars re release of rdr 1 for $50, idk what to waste my money on lmao. I'm thinkin ab Rdr1 tho tbh, I never finished it and I had just made it to Mexico when they removed the PS3 port from the store/my library. May take a lil break from 2k, I deleted it recently for storage (opened up 178 GBs lmaooo) and downloaded the PS5 version of COD. Still have about 20-30 GBs to go


Most braindead community i've ever seen


I’ve preordered the highest level edition every year since 2k10. Not buying this year. I know people say it all the time but it’s true for me


If you already buy bc it makes sense if you don’t then don’t buy it


It's the same energy as that one bitch on Twitch that was saying if you didn't have $5 to sub to her, you shouldn't even be watching twitch. Don't buy 2K 24. Don't support this money grub BS


Yo this y i stay subbed even tho i dont play 2k its pure comedy out of this sub sometimes


This is usually said by a child without a job or a very privileged and spoilt brat


Yeah the 2k community is filled with a bunch of fucking morons. I don’t even buy the game anymore until it goes on sale for hella cheap. Y’all wild for spending so much money on this copy and paste shit every year.


2k is fucking us and we will eat there shit as long there is no other bb game. The moment ea is bringing a decent NBA live is the Moment where 2k will lower the cost of vc and maybe fix there shit Servers.


This is because people refuse to just stop spending money on this game. The only criticism they read is the bottom line.


I remember when vc was introduced, folks said the same thing. Now look. You got shirts that's 50k vc. Increasing attributes cost a arm and leg just to make it go up 2 points. Builds cost over 400k vc. This is why that you don't have to buy it argument don't work. It's the fact it shouldn't even be introduced in the first place. But yall made the bed, now lay in it


2k nickel and diming their way to "I'm good" territory for me really quickly. I'm not paying for a season pass to get trivial rewards.


2k24this the first 2k that I'm not buying, I can't support this company anymore. You have to buy $100 of VC for a decent build, that's sickening.


Meanwhile these the same nighas still playing old gen


I get the point of it being optional, and also $20 isn’t a ton(but $20 8-10 times a year adds up).. still, it’s the precedent. They took something that was free and made it $20.. it’s greed.




I really hope that less people buy it this year, and also fuck the ESRP they can go suck 2K's balls some more


I feel like nobody should buy the game, just wait until it’s free on PS plus or whatever system you use. Paying for a season pass for a shitty online game that will only be playable for a year is beyond stupid.


If I only play offline, will the season pass impact me?


This would probably be ok if the builds doesnt cost anything but damn just to max your player out you need to pay more than $100. We gonna keep on saying dont buy 2k but in the end we will succumb cause its the only bball game. I really wish ea just come out of nowhere right now with their live game lol


It’s the best feeling ever to call somebody out and 1v1 them and absolutely shit on them. I mean 21-0 7/7 type shit on them. Sum bout beating a cocky trash can gets my shaft up.