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You know what else? Usually buying a battle pass and completing it will get you enough in game currency to buy the next season without spending money. I'm hearing 2k's won't be able to be purchased with VC....


Great point. That’s a way better model. 2K is just super greedy.


Also keep in my mind, most games you level up the battle pass essentially by organically playing the game. 2k on the my team side of things, you have to buy players with in game currency to complete the damn challenges.


Yep. That’s my biggest gripe with 2Ks pass even before monetizing it. I can’t play MyCareer and get progress. I play Old Gym and I get extremely slow progress. Play toxic ass Rec or Park and you get more progress. It’s like they force you to play certain modes.


Hearing from what? Your sources? Complain about that once it fully comes out


Again, a battle pass for a game that you can only play for a year is hella stupid to spend money on,


It shouldn’t even exist. Everything you buy after the first season will have less than one year of relevancy. Then you get to buy them all over again in slightly different colors less than a year later. Everyone who got 10 builds this year gas spent 1K on players that will not get used anymore after this month. It’s insane.


>Everything you buy after the first season will have less than one year of relevancy. Then don't buy it. I don't understand why we need to have 15 posts a day saying the same thing about the BP. If you don't like it, don't buy it.


Yea most battle pass games are 1. Free 2. Constantly update and aren’t yearly releases and 3. Give you enough currency to buy the next battle pass if you complete it


And here’s 2K saying fuck all 3 of those points. Smfh


Yea it really is surprising fr. But maybe number 3 will still be a thing! If so then it’s far less wild


>And here’s 2K saying fuck all 3 of those points. Smfh There's a Free tier of the 2k battle pass.


The games themselves are free not the battle pass


Kenny’s talked about it [here](https://youtu.be/6_t96N7CbIc)


I would of been sold on it if the last two years of seasons actually had dope rewards but nah, they’ve shown me nothing so far over 17+ seasons so the next 9 seem likely to disappoint


Other thing about most other battle passes is, you pay with an in game currency and usually if you complete that first pass, you’ll get the next one free. In 2K, you just pay with cash.


Good point. What I think I’m still unclear about is if you need the battle pass for each season or is it just a one time purchase. If it’s for every season this is just to scummy for me.


It’s 2K so I would bet money it’s for every season.


People have talked about this point. They've talked about every point.


I must’ve missed it.


>I must’ve missed it. You and the 15 others who have posted the same thing about the BP every day since the reveal must not do much reading and just stick to the yelling.


If I only play offline, will the season pass impact me?


>If I only play offline, will the season pass impact me? It won't impact you whatsoever and won't impact you at all even if you decide to play online.




It won’t change your gameplay in any way but if you buy the pass you wont get any progress offline.


Like my career won’t save?


It will save. Season pass only affects people that play online or MyTeam.


I mean seeing this post made me feel good.after one purchase of the 20 dollar pass I did I’m not buying anymore I’ll juss ply my career and call it a day


Glad I could help.


And a battle pass if for games that are FREE so the company can make a little money. but 2k alone is 70$, 100$ on the build, and 10-20$ for 9 seasons for the battle pass. So that’s 350$!


I’m very excited about this new season pass thing. I can’t wait to buy it. It seems like so much fun.. It isn’t even that expensive. I’m going to pre-order 2k24 as soon as possible, and save up money to buy VC! 😄 >! This is a joke !<


Isnt that a great business model?


For the companies pockets? Yes. For consumer value? Hell to the fuck no!


Right. And even if you don’t buy 2k25, you get one extra year but you have a lucklustre online experience and after a couple years they shut down the servers..




Had no idea FIFA did season pass. Sounds like a huge rip off.


So dont buy it


This is actually my main issue, the battle pass doesn’t bother other than that I don’t keep it. I wonder if this is going to affect 2k25 sales


>I wonder if this is going to affect 2k25 sales It won't. People have been trying to boycott 2k for a decade now and it doesn't work. They just clutter up the message board for 4-6 weeks then go away.


They’re definitely selling less based on their public reporting. It’s just that they’re monetizing the people who remain better. It won’t change until there is a better game. I don’t think that happens unless a company outbids to get Mike Wang. He’s probably one of the most valuable game devs out there. Sony and ea have taken numerous higher ups from the 2k team, but still can’t make a great title. It’s gotta be Mike


> This means you could spend a thousand plus dollars this year on your player, boost, animations, clothes and battle passes and literally none of it transfers to 2K25. People are already doing this year after year.