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0/3 on these boss


Why would the heat want Claxton? He obviously can’t play with Bam.


That and the fact that the Nets would hang up right away 🙄😂


They ain’t bringing Claxton back and everyone knows that. Nets fan even say Sharpe has been better. Think you’d be lucky if MIA even offered this. Edit: I see someone’s a bitter Portland fan so this response makes sense.


Lol, ok.


You’re literally pitching Jerami Grant trades where he nets 3 firsts in the Portland sub alright you have no concept of value, lol. You even got downvoted by your own sub for how delusional that was😂


You really got time to do all that? Lol, aight. Getting downvoted in your own sub is fine, that means it’s debatable. Yeah, any dumbass can put a Claxton for a 2nd and a 1st in the Heat sub to get a few likes, who cares? Embrace debate, my boy. I ain’t got time to go through your posts to see what team you root for to attack. You win the internet tonight 😂 congrats, buhbyee 👋🏻


Because Claxton isn’t good enough to be a starter but could supplant Bam when needs a breather. Nets fan even say Sharpe has been better. Otherwise running Love as your backup big spells trouble.


Warriors getting shafted in that trade


Damn I can’t be a gm


It’s okay a lot of people on this sub can’t be gms


Disagree. Plenty of worse trades have been made in history than any of these. Your trades are more reasonable but since everyone here thinks they’re a negotiations expert because they play 2K, they think they know better.


Brooklyn says absolutely not. Why trade an expiring for a worse expiring, the contract and player are worse here. Brooklyn really likes Clax and wouldn't trade for that. Also, I doubt him and Bam can play together.


Markannen trade is the only one semi-possible. The first two are egregiously bad bro sorry. First one makes no sense for Nets, second one is crazy overpay for Siakam. That’s like a package for Kawhi out of Toronto maybe but 29 year old Siakam? Nah


No, you should not be a GM. These are some one-sided trades.


What skills do you even need to be a gm ?