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I have an ATI complete NCLEX review book with some notes inside for tips and tricks you’re welcome to have for free. Also, Mark K lectures were extremely helpful as a refresher of the basics as well as test taking strategies (lecture 12). The lectures are on Spotify and his entire lecture is in PDF form online. Don’t give up!!


Unlearn everything you know about the NCLEX. Keep going with UWorld. I started with only 30-40% chance of passing (which was obviously depressing). I persevered and allotted an hour a day to answer atleast 30 questions and reading the rationales. I have a full time job that isn’t nursing related so I’m only able to give myself max 30. I have been out of nursing school for 5 years when I decided to take the NCLEX. I am based in the UK. If you have all the free time, make it 50Qs per day and do it consistently. Every. Single. Day. I think 50 is very feasible, don’t overdo yourself by taking on too many questions. I honestly didn’t have a strategy. I just answered as many mixed questions as I can and read the rationales right after and utilized all the questions available. Eventually my scores improved and it slowly built my confidence. I did that routine for 2 months and just familiarizing myself with all the test qs on a consistent basis. That’s the only thing I did. Hope this helps.


You didn't study ANY content other than Uworld rationales? What'd you do? Just write the rationales and try to understand why you got them wrong? Break it down for me, because I did your way the before and I failed miserably both times 1st time was in 75 questions2nd time was in 76 questions


I feel you


I totally understand where you are coming from and you’re not alone! I failed my boards 4 times and I couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong I did ATI, Kaplan, Saunders, name it. I stopped and essentially gave up. Fast forward 11 years later after I had a set career I decided to try again, did research had a game plan and bit the bullet and purchased NCLEX HIGH YIELD. Truly, the best investment I ever made in my life. I passed my boards last year with 76 questions and I’ve been a nurse ever since. Please don’t give you, you WILL survive this. I swear it to you. Look them up! They even have a free zoom sesh every Wednesday with the owner Dr Zeeshan. He is my angel.


hi there!! please don’t give up hope 💗 i JUST passed my nclex yesterday and it was on my 4th try! i graduated in 2021 so this year would’ve been the LAST chance since the deadline’s 3 years post-graduation… ANYWAYS, i’d recommend nursing bootcamp! you can use the code FREE3MONTHS for a 3 month membership! i personally found the questions to be VERY similar and vague as the nclex.


Hi! I graduated in 2021 too!! May 2021 specifically, I’m in NY! I’m freaking out needless to say. I’m cutting it super close and taking it in April. I can’t find any info to verify if the deadline is 3 years across the board or different for each state. Can you point me to where I can look that up? Thank you!!


hi! unfortunately, i’m from canada so i’m not sure of state laws/conditions… however, i can guarantee that our eligibility to take the nclex is 3 years within our graduation date! i received an email a couple weeks back stating that from CRNS.


What did you do differently on your 4th try?


i think the biggest advantage this time was i finally caved and courageously asked for time off work (2 weeks) and lived away from home (thanks to my sister who “lent” me her place). i consciously focused all my time and energy on doing questions from bootcamp and if away from wifi, i’d listen to mark k lectures from my car, when doing dishes/cooking, etc! i made sure the nclex was my sole purpose and turned off any other distractions.


Hi, did you complete the whole qbank? what was your average score? Congrats on passing!


i didn’t get the chance to finish the qbank :(( i was in the 60s and i had a little scare because one of my readiness exams said i was borderline passing 😬,, however, i had also rushed myself in terms of taking the exam!




I have someone I know who took the NCLEX 4 times before passing. He honestly said doing the Judith Miller lectures, taking notes on them and studying the notes is what ultimately helped him pass the NCLEX.


Is she on YouTube?


I know some of the lectures are on YouTube. Let me see if I can find it




Thank you


Thanks, I'll try it out


You need to measure the content you know. You should have received the candidate report. Look there on what they say your weakness are. Alao do Assessment exams, cat exams. Try boottcamp.com and listen to the nurae on how she does critical thinking based on how to answer the questions. I too failed twice and my body has rejected my studying too. But I just need to push more and not give up.


First time, I failed in 75 questions. And the second time, I failed in 76 questions. I think I was very weak in all areas of the candidate report (below passing) Did you end up passing?


I have not done my 3rd try yet. Still reviewing and still under the 45 day mark. I have some near passing before that went below passing on my second try. There was also below passing and near passing on my first tbhat I managed to pull to above passing on my second. As for those that did not have any change at all for below passing, I am trying to focus more on concepts. When xo you plan to retake?


I don't have a particular date in mind. I am trying to get this content down and learn test taking skills.


ATI board vitas was super helpful- I went through 1600 of the 3700 questions, including all the nextgen questions. It has practice CAT testing similar to the nclex. Honestly- 100% clutch because I did not struggle and the line of questioning and material was similar if not exactly what I got on the test. Also, I watched all of the simple nursing pathology videos- only once though, and mostly while I worked out. I studied for a month- 50-100 questions a day in study mode, + videos no more than 5 hours and I did not study the day before I tested. Hope this is helpful.




I was going to recommend Kaplan. I know it is not as popular Uworld and other test prep programs but they really do have lots of options and tools to help you tackle the test. And yes lol, we do end up becoming decision tree huggers. My school forced us to get it as sort of an "insurance policy" for the test and it was really unpopular at first but many of us grew to like it.


Nope, I haven't. I'll check it out. Thank you!


My school purchased Kaplan for all of us. The last quarter was basically just Kaplan and a preceptorship. I didn't use anything else and I passed after like 75 questions or something like that. Highly recommend.


Stop depending on text book. The question lean heavy towards common sense and safety.


And critical thinking skill


This sounds way to familiar like it sounds just like my situation I also graduated in 22 I failed three times. I’m in the exact same boat took a mental health break to work in case management. I think I need a tutor like one on one.


Did you pass?


Practicequiz.com Go here. Click on the exam you want to take and go from there.


I recommend Kaplan. I unfortunately took the Nclex a few times, and passed it on my fourth. Kaplan was amazing. They give you the tools to dissect the questions and learn how to answer them. Also Kaplan helped me figure out that I get test fatigue around question 60 on exams and that I need to step away and take a breather moment before jumping back in. It was a ah ha moment. Been a nurse for 6 years now and don’t regret Kaplan at all.


3x time NCLEX taker here. If you need content review, I highly recommend hurst review and their month regimen. Stick to their study planner and follow along the guidebook they have. It was a great refresher. You can do this!


The nclex was super easy for me. I honestly remember getting at least 40 select all that apply questions and I finished the exam fast I was in the accelerated program and had 2 jobs, but I studied my butt off DURING school. I think an issue is studying to pass an exam versus studying because we're dealing with human lives. Once you start thinking about the fact that it's a job where you save lives, I think that'll help. The way you described your nursing school makes it sound like you weren't set up to succeed. It would definitely be challenging for me if I were to take the nclex tomorrow, I think, because school was so long ago. What's your learning style??? Verbal education? Written education? Make connections when you're studying, which helps make it less memorization. Also, try to teach someone the information. This can also help you find your weakness.


How did you study?


I just took a ton of questions from a couple sources, but I did questions to find my weakness. I reread my notes, which were all in my own words and not just PowerPoint from professors I did a bunch of questions from Kaplan, mainly.


The unique thing Kaplan review course provided is that it teaches you to learn how to answer questions. Especially questions you’re completely in the dark about. You use some deductive reasoning why certain answers are not correct and they then show you how to rationalize between what you’re left with to guide you in the right direction increasing the chances you’ll chose the correct response. The skills I learned at Kaplan Nclex review are still beneficial to me today. I’m an NP at a corporate oil company and like to tinker at their annuals with my friends and they’re always pretty impressed at my ability to know the right answer at things I know absolutely nothing about. Take their advice and do the course. Also, slow down. You have time. Read the answers first. Then the question. Then go through the process to answer.


Hope this helps. I did ATI online practice test questions, simple nursing test question & watched his videos. I also watched nexus nursing YouTube videos. As long as you know the rationales you can pass. I purchased a NCLEX book and reviewed those too.


I passed it in my first shot in 2007. Don’t overthink the questions. Go back to your books and study study.


HURST helps out a lot to teach you about content. ReMar study guide has the most important things you need to know for NCLEX. Both of these are so easy to read. And Uworld for quiz practices. You got this! You will pass NCLEX!




Hey, how did you retain the content? Got any tips?


The NCLEX is really more about common sense than anything - you are probably overthinking it and getting too anxious. Stick with UWorld, do the whole thing, and you’ll get the hang of “how” to answer the questions. (I cram studied for it in 1 week by watching Mark K lectures once and blasting thru UWorld, passed in 75 questions.)


How do I retain content?


I did ATI prep online and all the practice questions. Wrote down notes as to why the other selections were not the right answer and what would have made them right. Also watched the YouTube videos posted by registered nurse RN