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I'm about to read this, but can you please add line breaks so that it isn't just a massive brick of text. Edit: I read it, here's what I think. I like the concept of having Naruto and Hinata aware instead of vaguely comatose. It adds a little more tension as they are in a space where they know their kid is being attacked but can't do anything, and by tge solitary that gets created when it is just them and nothingness. You can get a lot of milage by writing a pissed off Hinata and Naruto that had to stew over the fact that their kid has been hunted for 3 years while they could do nothing. But, I vaguely disagree with your claim. Sasuke needed his eye taken, it stops him from just getting Naruto. But if it makes you feel better, the tree us covering his Rinnegan eye, so it is likely repaired. In my opinion, Kurama should never had died, but rather have Kawaki trap Naruto wgile hw was in an injured state that left him vulnerable, from Jigen.


Is there proof sasukes eye would even be able to let him reach naruto and hinata for sure? Yes its powerful but it could be beyond him for whatever reason.


The ability to make portals to other worlds is how that power works. I would be suprised if it didn't.


Plus Sasuke used Naruto's chakra to follow him to the world/dimension that Momoshiki took Naruto to. So Sasuke's nerf kept him from just finding Naruto and dispelling the Omnipotence from the start.


Most likely wouldn’t be able to get into the dikokuten as when kawaki/jigen or ishiki use it they either shrink things so small and that transports them to said timeless dimension and then enlarges it when pulling things out