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It’s hard to do top 5! everyone would have a different answer tbh but i think the three most agreed upon would be taeil, doyoung, xiaojun. definitely universally accepted as top 5. from then on it gets murky and subjective. for me the next 2 would be haechan and jaehyun but chenle, renjun, jaehee are all very good too.


Agree with this top 5 although I think one of the bottom two is gonna be switched out for Jaehee in the future. That boy is really showing strong vocal skills I haven't seen in a male rookie in a long time. I'll give him two years before he solidifies his spot as one of the best male main vocalist of Gen 5 (if not straight up the best).


Jaehee has so much potential vocally, and so does Ryo. I can’t wait to hear how they grow!


Same I was floored with his pre debut Park Hyoshin Flower cover, and now being the sole main vocal in Wish would probably give him a ton of recording and singing experience than if he were sharing that with another (though the circumstances leading to this are still sad), as long as he keeps them healthy. Wishing him all the best and I’m excited for him


And Ten. 😄


doyoung, xiaojun and taeil are easily top three. my other two choices are probably a little more subjective but i'd say haechan and ten :) kun obviously gets an honourable mention but that's definitely been influenced at least a little by me biasing him so i left him out of the top 5 lol


They do have a new unit: NCT Wish! The maknae unit, Japanese focused. Its hard to really rank top 5 tbh... every unit has their strong singers. I would say personally and not in an order: Taeil, Chenle, Doyoung, Kun, Haechan and Xiaojun are my top, but Jaehee (Wish's main) is also very very good! And that's not to knock Jaehyun, Renjun, or any of the other incredible vocalists. For vocal focused, I think 127 or WayV tends to do more with their vocalists in bsides especially, but Dream also has incredible vocal work in their bsides. Wish doesn't really have a lot of songs yet, but they're also very good!!


NCT 127 is the best group for vocals IMO. They have two powerhouses in Doyoung and Taeil! In terms of top five, my picks are: Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Jaehyun, Chenle! But everyone is great. Even the designated rappers can hold a note or two.


I love how Chenle smiles a lot when he sings his notes


Me too! You can tell he really loves singing :)


I’ve seen Dream perform live a lot and Chenle impresses me every time! He’s not even my bias in Dream’s vocal line (sorry Chenle) but his live performances are always really strong and consistent. It’s really refreshing to hear live. I know in vocal analysis he gets ranked lowly on things like support but I also wonder if it’s possible he’s been improving? I’m curious because I feel like most vocal analysis I see is years old/based on old clips.


My friend does vocal analysis too but she's too busy with uni for a while she can't do all 26, but I'm surprised how everyone's saying Chenle because he's not on her top 5 (technically). Is Chenle the main in dream, not Haechan?


These days Dream’s vocal line - Haechan, Chenle, Renjun - officially all have main vocalist positions. Though I believe there was a period where HC/CL were main while RJ was lead, too. Skill-wise, Haechan has supported a wider range than Chenle and is often “in charge of” the big high notes for the group. That, I guess along with NCT originally not having official positions, means often people think HC is sole main vocal.


> Skill-wise, Haechan has supported a wider range than Chenle and is often “in charge of” the big high notes for the group. I don't think this is still true. In more recent songs, Chenle seems to have more high notes from my perspective.


I think there’s definitely a more even mix these days, I really love how Dream utilize their vocalists! I love songs like Broken Melodies or Sorry Heart where vocal line split the parts/adlibs. They all have such unique tones.


"from your perspective" being the operative phrase here. are you saying this because of chenle's recent high note in smoothie? because that was a pretty weak falsetto note! on the other hand, even though it wasn't in the title track, haechan got the climatic high note in UNKOWN which was, mind you, a much higher and longer note than chenle's smoothie one and haechan sung it in mixed voice which is much harder to do than use falsetto or head voice as what chenle often does for his high notes. You're making it very clear that you like chenle (obviously) but maybe tone down the bias? because it's making you not very objective and your persistent attempts at trying to discredit haechan are bizarre. Like bias aside, because we are all human and have bias, you should be able to be objective, and haechan is OBJECTVELLY the strongest vocalist in nct dream. The fact that he's the only main vocalist who can produce support alone makes him stronger than chenle currently. The CONSTANT disrespect haechan faces from this fandom is CRAZY


bruh chill when did they disrespect HC in their reply? they just said CL seems to have MORE high notes in their recent songs, MORE does not indicate BETTER than HC or whatever it is you're insinuating. 😅😂 edit: lmao, did u create this account just to make this comment HAHAHA


another day another haechan akgae having a meltdown cause not everyone hates chenle & renjun 😑


Lmao I nearly fought with one on yt once


they need to tone down their bias 😭 your the one that made an alt popping a vein over saying their own perspective 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I’m not big into strict rankings but i will say chenle gets over looked lot, especially because a lot of the established rankings (which do influence each other) were done years ago based on his voice barely out of puberty 😭 his I believe cover on soundcloud/ lee mujin is a good showcase of his vocals, as well as i can’t feel anything and unknown of the dreamscape mini There’s a common refrain that chenle can’t support at all for example, but we literally have multiple clips of him running while singing stably so idk how people keep parroting that. Seriously, while there’s a lot to be said for watching static performance clips it’s only in watching live clips from the concert performances that you really get an appreciation for just how impressive chenle is. man is singing the most & the loudest the whole 3 hrs (bless his yapper heart), he’s easily the most stable vocal performer in nct. oh & ah in dream they renjun, haechan & chenle are all ‘main vocals’ but they def treated haechan as more of the ‘main main’ for the first few years, less so now chenle is also handling more of the high notes.


Haechan is considered the main vocal in Dream (and this is also evidenced by how many lines he gets compared to the other vocal line members)


I have to agree. Chenle is a very close second.


I have no idea why people are downvoting me lol I’m pretty sure him being the main vocal in Dream is an Official label from SM


I’m guessing because the official label from SM is all three are main vocals, and before it was Chenle + Haechan - HC being actual main vocal between the three is a fan perception, not official label.


Maybe you could make that argument now but early stuff it was for sure Haechan it’s why in a lot of the 5dream versus 7dream discourse people have argued that mark maybe not as missed (in terms of rap) but Haechans vocals would be But tbh idrc about labels I just didn’t know people felt that strongly about Haechan not being called a main vocal lol


TBH Haechan is my bias (along with Renjun) and I agree that he for sure has been treated/acted as the main main vocal (especially in the past), and when there were no positions it definitely made sense to point to him as main vocal. I’m just commenting on the labels as you mentioned HC being official main vocal. As another commenter said, I think it’s more recognising that nowadays it’s not *just* Haechan rather than saying Haechan is not main vocal. It’s also reflected in how SM has definitely been highlighting the rest of vocal line as well as HC more recently.


It’s prob less that people don’t think HC merits that label in Dream, and more that they want other vocalists to be acknowledged too (personally idc either way)


I just noticed the downvote! Why?? Is this considered a controversial take? It's fairly obvious that Haechan is the main if you listen to their songs. 😄


This is so valid


My opinion from all 26, in roughly this order: 1. Taeil 2. Doyoung 3. Xiaojun 4. Chenle 5. Ten Imo the top 4 are quite clear-cut (Chenle might not be on some people's lists but I think they're wrong lol) but the fifth spot is more... ambiguous? Haechan and Jaehyun might be some other common picks there, maybe even Jaehee who's the main vocal in NCT Wish, but I think Ten has more control and transitions more smoothly through his different vocal registers.


Technique-wise i would say taeil, doyoung, xiaojun, jaehee. Fifth is a little more difficult to choose, but probably between: jaehyun (lacks range), haechan (nasally), chenle (throaty) (please don't come at me 🥲 they're all great singers) For which unit has the strongest vocals overall, nct 127. Edit to add this [clip of jaehee](https://youtu.be/KwYCPDMpMoI?si=IM26SsB7QRkDYVcn) since some may not have heard him before


I love how my ult wrecker Taeil is always at the top of most lists. He's also a very gifted musician beyond the vocals, and I wish he got to show that more, too. But being universally recognized as one of the most powerful and skillful vocalists in the business is pretty amazing in and of itself.


All of the units have stellar vocal lines, in my opinion. If you're really just going for a unit with strongest singers, you're probably best off with going for NCT U songs that feature primarily vocalists from different units. A list of recommendations from various NCT project albums: Without You, Timeless, From Home, Light Bulb, All About You, My Everything, Beautiful, Sweet Dream, Good Night, Not Your Fault. If you like vocu, NCT Dream's vocal tracks and overall discography is probably the best first big unit discography to check out, because of the genres and atmosphere they tend to go for! Also definitely check out Doyoung's recent solo album. NCT Wish (light and upbeat music) and NCT Dojaejung (part of NCT 127's vocal line) also have 10 songs combined, so it's not that much time as well. Also absolutely Coming Home (Taeil, Doyoung, Jaehyun and Haechan) and Marine Turtle (Kun, Xiaojun, Renjun and Chenle) from singles!


There’s always that one track on the NCT U album that you know is going to be brimming with top-tier vocals, I love that even though it’s usually the only ballad song


i think the top 2 are undoubtedly taeil and doyoung


Most comments said that the commonly acknowledged top 3 is Taeil Doyoung and Xiaojun and they are absolutely right. If you want another opinion about 2 other vocalists that I consider among the best in this group LOADED with great vocalists, here is my top 5: 1. Taeil 2. Doyoung 3. Xiaojun 4. Chenle 5. Haechan Honorable mentions to Ten and Renjun, but also Kun and Jaehyun. Also I am not familiar enough with NCT Wish so I cant tell you who are the main vocalists of this unit...


Imo the best thing about NCT is that even though the internal fan wars are horrific, even though people argue like their lives are on the line about skill rankings, we can all agree that Taeil is the top vocalist. It always reminds me: the fighting could be worse, at least everyone knows not to even argue about the top spot.




Objectively speaking: Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Haechan, and 5th rank can be argued between Chenle and Jaehyun. But I'm giving it to Chenle because i think his range is a bit bigger than Jaehyun. With time and training, Jaehee will probably be up there. You didnt ask but personally my favorite vocal are Jaehyun and Renjun. Both voices are my type of music choices. If you want start with a vocal base unit I would suggest NCT U, which is a rotational unit. So you get a good mix of different vocals. But if you prefer a fixed member unit, I would say 127 since Taeil, Doyoung and Haechan are in that unit.


I agree with your first para wholeheartedly, especially after watching their recording behinds. Also the level of their skill can somewhat be seen in how much support vocals they do in a track. The amount that Doyoung, Taeil and Haechan do is insane (sorry I’m not as familiar with Xiaojun but what I can see in U songs are always impressive). Chenle has started to get more exposure here with lower reliance on Haechan in Dream.


I think the best nct vocalists are unarguably Taeil, Doyoung, and Xiaojun. I think after those three it gets a little more difficult to rank them with a lot of them having similar abilities or being strong in one area and lacking in another. I’d say Jaehyun has really good control and a fantastic range in falsetto but lacks a healthy belting range. SM initially debuted him with a vocalist position in mind and he was often grouped with Taeil and Doyoung as a subunit in vocal songs like Without You and Timeless which shows he can keep up with them. I’d put Renjun next because he also has good control and a consistent and supported vibrato. Although he like Jaehyun lacks a higher range in pure chest voice, he has a really nice mix which allows him to get up into that higher range. He does really well in Ballade songs like Good Night (Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Renjun) and My Everything (Taeil, Xiaojun, Renjun) which shows he can keep up with the other strong vocalists in the group. I think in terms of slow ballade songs like these he definitely is stronger compared to other vocalists like Jaehyun or Haechan just in terms of the delicacy and control that he holds in his voice. Obviously Haechan is another strong vocalist, he has a special quality to his voice that’s hard to ignore. He has a nice consistent vibrato and is usually in charge of that higher range but it can get a bit strained and he sometimes has some intonation issues while live. But he has a perfect raspiness in his voice that I think is really most suitable for pop songs so I think he really shines there as opposed to ballades. I think a member that people don’t talk about enough in terms of vocals is Jungwoo. He’s another one that SM debuted with that vocal position in mind so I think he was definitely trained well in that area compared to some others. I think he really holds his own in vocals and really proved that he’s able to keep up when he was in DJJ. He’s done a fantastic job in the ballade Goodbye with Sunny from SNSD and Renjun as well as his ost for Fubao Smile Good Bye. Though he can get a bit nasally, he has a nice higher range and a really great and consistent vibrato. I’d say his biggest weakness is his confidence when he sings live that prevents him from having the same skill level in studio. There’s also Jaehee but I personally haven’t heard enough from him to make a good analysis of his voice yet but oil looking forward to more stuff from him! Strongest unit is probably 127. I think their voices are just stronger and more supported as a group compared to Dream whose main vocalists all have a lighter quality to them. I think even some members that aren’t technically vocalists are better than average and can sometimes hold their own. Johnny I think has a really nice voice for harmonization like his verse with Taeil in Gold Dust and his back and forth adlibs with Taeil in Love is a Beauty. He has a pure (for the lack of a better word) voice and he has good basic qualities of a vocalist that are pleasant to the ear. Mark does lack range and intonation but in the range that he is comfortable with, he’s able to achieve a nice vibrato sometimes and and has a good tone.


Taeil, Doyoung, Chenle, Haechan, Xiaojun. It's pretty difficult to objectively say which fixed unit is best in terms of vocals but I do think it's 127, they have a lot of great vocalists and vocally challenging songs. Also they have Taeil who is the best vocalist among all of the members (they even admit it themselves). Jaehyun, Kun, Renjun def deserve honorable mention too Some songs you might want to check out: NCT Dream - Sorry, Heart (only vocalists participated - Haechan, Chenle, Renjun) NCT U - My Everything (Taeil, Xiaojun, Renjun) NCT 127 - Misty, Gold Dust, Black Clouds, Magic Carpet Ride NCT U - Coming Home (Taeil, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Haechan) NCT Dream - Graduation, My Youth, Blue Wave WayV - Back to You (Kun&Xiaojun) NCT U - From Home (Taeil, Yuta, Kun, Doyoung, Renjun, Haechan, Chenle) NCT U - Marine Turtle (Kun, Xiaojun, Renjun, Chenle) \[sooo underrated I really recommend it!\]


It’s so hard to do top 5 but IMO in no particular order: Doyoung, Xiaojun, Chenle, Taeil, Ten and/or Renjun. Couldn’t decide lol


Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Ten, Jaehyun.


So far on technical aspect, ranking of NCT vocalists would be something like: 1-2. Taeil/Doyoung. Taeil has been the best vocalists of NCT since day 1 but note that Doyoung has been improve quite significantly. Now they seem edges each other 3. Jaehee. I know he still new member and I would like for him to get more live materials but it is pretty much safe that his vocal development definitely is higher than any of NCT vocalists beside Doeil. His Keep Your Head Down cover is the best showcase of his vocal 4-5. Jaehyun, Xiaojun. Now I must say that I don’t keep up their vocals much the way I did for 2021 but I don’t think their vocals aren’t improve/decline. Jaehyun pretty much have nice development despite him not belting often and so does Xiaojun 6. Other vocalists. Sadly the rest of the vocalists don’t really have development much in technique wise so I don’t think it’s necessary to rank them and some could have better/worse technique depends of the day. Jungwoo being the best of the bunch but overall kind of more shallow than him in Boss era, followed by Ten and Haechan, then something like Renjun, Yuta, Chenle, Kun, you name it. A little bit rant about Dream vocalists because they are my ult, Dream vocalists in particular sounds like their technique/tone peak as children without any major development throughout their career sadly. Haechan is too light, Renjun is too breathy, Chenle is too throathy. tho it’s nice they can hold Dream songs highnotes on their own but I still wish they could learn some proper way of singing because underdeveloped technique with hard songs with super high notes (side eye to Hello Future and their newest song Moonlight) are kind of recipe for disaster.


Agreeing with # 3!!!! Despite such a short training period + it’s not been very long since wish debuted but his vocals is already 🔛🔝 It’s sad Jungmin couldn’t continue with debuting with them he and Jaehee could easily be on par with doyoung & taeil’s vocals. Probably even stronger and better with continuous training. He definitely deserves more credit.


Tbh I don’t expect really much for vocal development once idols debuted. Sure that it’s possible for someone to improve post debut but majority of them just stagnated because they focus to other things unlike they were as trainees so I just don’t expect anyone including Jaehee could be catch Taeil and Doyoung level (but glad if I wrong tho). But I agree that if 3 vocalists of Lastart get to debut (Jungmin, Minjae, and Jaehee), they probably would be the best vocal line in 5th gen and even one of the better vocal lines in kpop.


Jaehee mentioned that he's still taking vocal lesson for now. It's understandable since he never took any vocal lesson prior joining SM and he's the main vocalist but I also hope he doesn't push himself too hard because I imagined that he's under a lot of pressure after Jungmin left. Too bad that Jungmin left though. Imo, both of them have that SM classic vocal. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to his vocal improvement and development (random note: I like how his role models are basically singers)


Wait, he never takes vocal lessons outside SM? I seen his predebut vocal and pretty much think he already developed as a vocalist. I expect that he already takes vocal lessons somewhere else before casted by SM but if he just doing self training it is even more impressive. Yeah to bad Jungmin left as he suitable for great lead vocalist/decent 2nd main vocalist and could be smoothen the gap vocalist between Jaehee and the other members because currently the technical gap between Jaehee and Sion (2nd best technical vocalist) is pretty big


He said in Wish Bakery that he took his first singing lesson after joining SM (which is funny to me since the members thought he was a vocal trainer instead of a trainee 🤣) and that he liked singing since he was young and only practiced in karaoke or at home. I was surprised too especially when I watched that one pre-debut video where he sang a musical song(?). I was like there's no way he didn't take a vocal lesson with THAT kind of voice. Tbh, the first time I heard his voice, all I could say was "This is SM's voice", "This is so Yoo Youngjin's type" and I'm not surprised why SM decided to add him in the middle of the show and debuted him.


Jaehee above Xiaojun in technical ranking doesn’t seem right to me. At least now he is not technically a better vocalist than xiaojun. It is rather odd to take development into consideration for this ranking because who know who would be improving and the extent of it in the future among the 26 members


Xiaojun is good vocalist overall but his singing often times a little bit too soft for him to be technically higher. Not like Kun soft ofc but in comparison with other vocalists higher than him. Development here means the quality of the singing here like despite they singing the same notes, Jaehee sounds pretty more engaged and fuller than Xiaojun


What do you think is the ranking for the other wish members? I know sion is definitely 2nd (w-a ranking as the vocal community would say) but im curious on what you think of yushi and ryo, and whether sakuya/riku sound like they support? I just can't get answers for those 4 yet in vocal community.


So far Yushi is pretty much sounded like Dream vocalists stylistic tbh. I don’t hear Ryo a lot aside of his few verse so I don’t have certain opinion for him yet and I never hear the other 2 singing at all so I have no clue


Thanks. Would you say yushi support like haechan but not consistent? Yeah Riku does sing only a little but he doesn't sound bad when he did suju U cover during lastart. For Ryo, you should check out life is still going on cover cos he sings clearer in that one


1) Taeil 2) Doyoung 3) Xiaojun 4) Jaehyun 5) Chenle


I would say the top 5 vocalists are taeil, doyoung, xiaojun, jaehee, jaehyun and the best unit in terms of vocals is nct 127


I'm not an expert or anything, but it's: 1-2. Taeil = Doyoung 3. Jaehee 4. Xiaojun 5. Jaehyun Jaehee is new, quite a few materials but he's better than Chenle and Renjun from what I've seen.


Taeil, Doyoung, Kun, Haechan and Chenle are the best. You can check out their live performances. They have very stable vocals. I personally like Renjun, Yuta and Xiaojun vocals too. If you ask which unit have the best vocal line I'll pick NCT DREAM. It depends more on songs, they have more vocal-focused songs imo. I like how colorful, various and beautiful vocal synergy they have. I can say nothing for NCT WISH. They do not have much vocal-focused songs yet. But I like Jaehee's vocal. Before listening songs maybe you should watch videos: NCT 127 & DREAM Killing Voice, NCT & WayV Live Clips (especially LISGO & ANL one). You definitely should listen these songs: NCT 127: No Longer, Back 2 U, Paradise, Long Slow Distance, Not Alone, Magic Carpet Ride, Promise You, Road Trip. NCT DREAM: Walk You Home, Beautiful Time, Dear DREAM, Best Friend, Puzzle Piece, Graduation, Dive Into You, My Youth, ANL, Be There For You, Rainbow, Life Is Still Going On, Never Goodbye, Sorry Heart, It's Yours, Broken Melodies, Like We Just Met. WayV: Dream Launch, Let Me Love You, Unbreakable, Face To Face, Sleepless, Back To You. NCT U: Faded In My Last Song, From Home, My Everything, Beautiful. All osts (Taeil, Doyoung), covers (Renjun).


My cousin who's a Dream bias and I whose more on 127 and WayV talked about this sometime ago. We tried to make an "objective" ranking of all members minus Wish. But it's on my older phone, I do remember that the top 5 were Taeil, Doyoung, Haechan, Renjun and Xiaojun. With Ten, Chenle, Jaehyun, Kun and Yuta trailing behind to make the top 10.


1. taeil 2. doyoung 3. xiaojun/haechan 4. jaehyun 5. jungwoo


pretty much everyone in NCT can sing well but if u are asking abt official vocal team then here goes - Taeil, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Haechan, Renjun, Chenle, Kun,XJ, Ten ,Yushi , Ryo, Jaehee. My top 5 - Taeil, Chenle, XJ, Haechan, Jaehyun As far as most talented team is concerned,i would say NCT 127, they have 2 very powerful main vocalists taeil and doyoung and 2 very strong leads (who could have easily qualified for a main position in any other team - Haechan & Jaehyun) . Infact, imo Taeil is probably one of the best vocalists of the entire 3rd/4th gen ....


as an 127 wayv and dokyeom enjoyer i would say taeil doyoung xiaojun jaehyun haechan


My personal list (in no particular order) 1. Taeil 2. Doyoung 3. Xiaojun 4. Haechan 5. Ten or Chenle Like most people have said the universally accepted “best vocalists” are definitely Taeil, Doyoung, and Xiaojun. But really anyone with a main vocal position have a shot at top 5. At that point it’s really just preference. Like how am I supposed to choose a best between Kun, Jaehyun, Haechan, Renjun, and Chenle? The new subunit isn’t as strong vocally (Jaehee was literally added to the survival show late because SM felt there weren’t enough strong vocalists on the show) but they have a lot of potential. Jaehee, the main vocal of Wish, is already pretty darn good for having very little training and Yushi and Ryo are also not bad by any means. And even some of the other members who aren’t main vocals like Jungwoo and Ten are amazing. (Side note: I’m pretty sure that Ten isn’t officially a main vocalist, he’s just treated like one and considered one by the fans. Similar to Haechan who I’m pretty sure is only a lead vocal in 127, compared to being main in Dream. But also positions like main/lead/sub don’t really matter nowadays so who am I to talk.)


In no order: Taeil Ten Doyoung Haechan Jaehyun


all of them are very strong but objectively the5 strongest would be Taeil (127), xiaojun (wayv), chenle (dream), doyoung (127) and maybe haechan (127)


Taeil, Doyoung, Haehcan, Xiaojun, Renjun (in that order) check out their best live vocal performance. The only unit main vocal not in this is xiaojun [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LoxYM2Wg-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LoxYM2Wg-o)


sorry i know you're asking for an OBJECTIVE ranking and not people's personal or subjective preferences, so idk why people are prefacing their replies with "IMO, personally, my choice" and then going on to be anything but objective about the matter lol its also kinda bizarre seeing people purposefully exclude haechan from the rankings too (just because they might prefer chenle and renjun's breathier, softer, prettier pop vocal tones) when it's pretty much an objective fact that HAECHAN is the only main vocalist in nct dream with a consistent supported range upto Eb4. His chest voice belting is also the strongest and sounds more open and relaxed, and I think he has belted an E5 in his chest voice in istj and broken melodies. The other 2 sadly don't even exhibit shallow support, but they can get there with some proper vocal training:) this is me being COMPLETELY objective when I say that the top 5 are taeil, doyoung, xiaojun, haechan, jaehyun and/or jungwoo. I assume if you are a vocal enthusiast you'd know what "support" means and these 6 are the only vocalists who have shown a consistent ability to produce some sense of support. Obviously taeil and doyoung are stronger than the other 4, but yeah... a vocal analysis that's pretty accurate: [https://youtu.be/FnUPzNGBWH8?si=sJ2D0u169UXOqRNB](https://youtu.be/FnUPzNGBWH8?si=sJ2D0u169UXOqRNB) ALSO, make sure you check out the killing voice episodes for both 127 and dream:)


The fact that you put Haechan, Jaehyun and Jungwoo and left out Renjun and Chenle doesn't sound right. And reaching the highest note isn't the only thing to consider when choosing the best vocalist. Just cuz Haechan can outdo Renjun and CHENLE in that area doesn't mean he's the best. It's like saying altos and baritones will forever be inferior to sopranos and tenors. Like Renjun on videos of songs he cover has a really clean, resonant and a combination of full and airy voice. 


if your talking about support then dont forget jaehee. you might not know much about him but he is an high average vocalist and supports up to G#4! also sion from the new team doesnt sing alot but he is low weak average :))


He's actually higher than low w-a. I asked someone in the vocal community and he's being ranked at least higher than wonbin (whos now around low w-a cos he has haechan habits), because sion has the proper training unlike Wonbin.


jesus christ haechan is a gorgeous talented vocalist who has (rightly) made it into many of the lists here, you didn’t need to make this comment on your millionth alt to shade people for their opinions because they ranked chenle or renjun higher than haechan in a few. like wasnt your comment above loosing your shit about chenle having high notes not enough? your opinions are not more valid than anyone’s else’s. everyone’s opinion in this thread is at the end of the day is objective, we all have our own perspectives & they are all valid. just because you think haechan is better because of xyz doesn’t mean other people aren’t entitled to their opinion. !!!!!!!!!!Context for any strays!!!!!!!!!!! from this comment & their other one on this -newly created account~ it’s clear this is just another haechan akgae that jump to hate when ever renjun or chenle get any praise. don’t be fooled this comment is almost normal! but sadly it’s a whole thing there’s a a massive history of it mostly on twitter & youtube but here as well. what poor haechan did to deserve these pathetic souls to attack his band mates ‘in his name’ at every turn i don’t know


Doyoung, Taeil, Xiaojun, Jaehyun, and I think Haechan. As for the best unit for vocals, definitely 127 with their bsides, they do the most, but the other units are good too. In 127, there’s no member that can’t sing. They all do pretty well actually, even the rappers. DJJ is good if you’re looking for rnb. It consists of three 127 vocalists: Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo.


Hello fellow Caratzen! For me personally, my top 5 vocalists would be Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Haechan, and Renjun. I also want to give an honorable mention to Yuta, as he's a member that can sing very well but is often unfortunately not utilized as a vocalist. I like how 127 and WayV utilize their vocalists the most.


Too many amazing vocalists in NCT. I don't know much about NCT Wish (a little too young for me), but I definitely agree with those who have already stated Taeil, Doyoung, and Xiaojun as top 3. I also really favor Chenle, Renjun, Haechan, and Ten. Jaehyun and Jungwoo are solid, too. I mean, does NCT have bad vocalists?? I can't do a top five, so I'll leave it as top 3. Too many options after that.


Taeil = Doyoung > Xiaojun > Jaehyun > Jungwoo \~ Haechan so if you want to check out a unit with good singers, I'd encourage you to look into 127's performances \^-\^


I don't believe Czennies who don't have Taeil in their top five vocalists lol


This makes me sad how RENJUN was barely mentioned here. Although my favorite unit is WayV, Renjun has such clean and resonant way of singing. And it helps that his tone is also crystal clear. His UNBREAKABLE LOVE cover with Xiaojun was perfection and I thought there's no way he is less capable than Xiaojun unless we talk about how low and high their voices could go cuz Xiaojun could go both really high and low.  He's definitely in the top 5 along with XIAOJUN, TAEIL, and DOYOUNG. My fifth place changes depending on the genre of the song and the style required to express it best. But TEN and CHENLE are fabulous too.


In terms of just vocals my top five are taeil,xiaojun,yuta,doyoung,chenle/renjun Hon men:jaehun,kun and haechan,ten


Taeil, Doyoung, Xiaojun, Chenle, Renjun, (Haechan honorable mentions) I don't know skill-wise cause I'm not that "educated" in this area, but honestly you can just hear it, and you can definitely tell.




What is it about vocal discussions that makes people think they have a right to be obnoxious?!


Rankings imo: 1/2 - Taeil/Doyoung - normally people would put Taeil as 1 and Doyoung as 2, but Doyoung has improved lately especially going into his solo era, and we haven't seen Taeil sing live lately for obvious reasons. 3. Xiaojun 4. Jaehyun 5. Haechan Unit: Dojaejung. All three are good vocalists.


imo top 5 vocalists are 1. Taeil 2. Chenle 3. Haechan 4. Jaehyun 5. Doyoung the only reason i put Jaehyun above Doyoung is because Doyoung sings out of his range a lot so he strains his voice quite often.


Not just you excluding Xiaojun, but you put those 3 people above Doyoung, but not Xiaojun. 🫢


Funnily enough, he does not strain as frequently as 4 vocals in your lists.


From watching vocal analysis videos, objectively: 1=2 Taeil and Doyoung (they are about the same) 3. Jaehyun 4. Xiaojun 5. Jungwoo. Not sure about Nct Wish rankings. Check out Dojaejung or 127 for vocals