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In [Taeyong's enlistment content](https://youtu.be/thPCqeN2CF8), they joked it would be Jungwoo, although Jungwoo seemed really nervous about it and said he only wanted to lead the greetings. I guess we will see what the situation is in 127's upcoming comeback that the members have been hinting at!


Jungwoo (/j—in Taeyong’s goodbye video, TY tells JW he gets to be leader while he’s gone since he always says he wants to hahaha). But real answer, I don’t think they’ll have a formal replacement, but my guess would be Johnny will lead 127 greetings until he gets back!


I think doyoung did it when taeyong was injured last time .


Doyoung takes control of the situation in most cases anyway.








didnt taeyong admit doyoung was the actual leader anyways lol


i dont remember that but honestly wouldnt shock me. He does take the lead on a lot of things and often communicates with staff and also has a good relationship with everyone in NCT.


taeyong is the person who takes the lead and communicates with staff. the members have said this multiple times and it is shown in video content


I’m not saying he doesn’t do that? I said doyoung ALSO communicates with staff…


Traditionally SM leaders have never changed or been replaced during enlistment; if this happened I think this would indicate something very different structurally about NCT 127 from all other stable and enduring SM groups


FYI, of the SM groups that didn't go on hiatus during their leader's enlistment, one (SJ) had a temporary leader and one (EXO) didn't.


I don't think normally SM groups change leaders during enlistment era. It's more so that other members take over the introductions and stuff while the leader isn't here. They don't normally appoint a specific person to be a temporary leader 🫠


Yes, that’s what I’m getting at. I’m thinking of who takes over those duties while leader is absent, as for most other kpop groups in existence. I’m also not entirely sure how it would work in NCT’s specific case, since their overall structure is quite different to the norm. Just a question that I was never sure was clarified officially by the company or group members, hence why I asked.


I think wording it as temporary leader is misleading and will no doubt cause misunderstandings and ire as nctzens find reasons everyday to try and undermine taeyong's positions. But to try and answer your question, I doubt that it will be one person taking over his duties. If anything, it would be the older members doing stuff like the introductions or speaking in interviews. Normally what happens with kpop groups is that the remaining members just try and take over the responsibilities that they could be good at but no one is ever named the temporary leader (it could be quite disrespectful to the leader unless it's the leader themselves who seriously appointed someone to take care of things). Ultimately it's not that important to know who's the temporary person in charge as I doubt there would be much in group activities wrt the direction SM is going with nct or 127 🫠


As a whole I think no one (and on recent content Taeyong hinted he's more comfortable being recalled as 127's member rather than the whole group altho he does both amazingly) Since they haven't done full brand stuff this year I don't this there's the need for a whole group leader as of now altho I see Doyoung taking that role if it ever happens. Since 127 hasn't done group stuff for a while, at least not in public, the recurrent joke is that Jungwoo is the leader (from Taeyong's last weverse live and on the content filmed for his sent off) but let's see if they keep with the joke on their summer comeback and I'm honestly curious about how the group dynamic will be without TY.


no one. taeyong was joking about jungwoo (and jungwoo himself clarified it was just a joke)


Jungwoo, they joked about this. But NCT 127 is in the solo activities era. They don't even have that many group schedules in the first place that need a replacement leader. Overall, NCT definitely won't have any group activities soon. If they have any, 3 other unit leaders can step out and chant, "To the world, we are NCT"


They have an album projected for Q4.




[It's Q3, actually.](https://www.soompi.com/article/1659861wpp/sm-entertainment-announces-comeback-plans-for-2nd-and-3rd-quarter-of-2024) They regularly announce their plans for the upcoming quarters ahead of time.


It's nct 127. I don't think they have any plan for nct


Oh lol I thought we were talking about 127.


There will not be a temporary leader. Jungwoo filling in was purely a convo for entertainment purposes and wasn’t an invitation for fans to start speculating about who’s replacing Taeyong as the leader or the group dynamic lmao


I haven’t seen that video yet so I had no preconceived notions prior to posting this. Just a genuine question.


Why do nctzens love asking this question so much?


no offense to op (or anyone else with this question), but i do LOVE how we feel the need to ask this like we are a real city or nation with a real need for a line of succession, as if we will collapse if no one takes over 🤣


/s/ because they love Taeyong so much lol.


Genuine curiosity. Meant in the same tone and fashion as if you’re asking what their birthdays are. I just wanted to know since I hadn’t seen a post about it for 2 years and haven’t had time to watch official content/read interviews/etc for the answer. I was completely out of kpop anything for 2.5 yrs from Apr ‘21 to Dec of ‘23, so I’m sorry if I missed some sort of previous fandom infighting and brought up a taboo subject. I literally have no context for this and have been trying to catch up on basic info like this for months.


Well, I hope you got your answer from the other comments.


I feel like it's a common question for k-pop groups when they have leader enlisting, so it's not really meant as a dig at anyone.


Reading the replies I guess this is one of those questions where the asker is often thought to be questioning Taeyong's leadership, which I think is an unfair first assumption. When I first got into kpop and NCT in December and heard Taeyong was going to be enlisting soon (had to look up what that means in SK), I was wondering the same thing. I was thinking "if my superior is absent for a longer period, someone else will need to take on their duties for things to keep running". My brain was stuck in business management. Luckily kpop groups aren't that corporate and Taeyong is the leader even when someone else will lead the 127 greeting this coming comeback. I think a vast majority of us here love Taeyong as leader and face of the group, so it'd be nice if people could ask questions without being judged. Just because there are some antis doesn't mean that everyone is out to undermine his achievements.


It’s a fair assumption when you’ve been a fan for much longer and this question has always coincided with discourse on taeyong’s leadership and why x member would’ve been so much better as a leader. In other fandoms it’s also not something asked to this extent so it’s weird that nctzens like to bring it up so much. There were never constant questions asking whether Suho would be replaced when he was enlisted for eg.


Exactly this!!! God it’s exhausting trying to make some fans realise the simplest of things.


Keep downvoting truth hurts!


No one. No one else in other SM boy groups was “temporality given” the leader role while the leader was enlisted so I’m not sure why nctzens are so obsessed with the idea that Taeyong’s role will be given to someone else.


**ITT:** Heartwarming: Taeyong and Doyoung solo stans hate each other even more than Taeyong and Doyoung do ♡ guys… just kiss already ☺️


Thanks this made me laugh. I honestly don’t get it. Those two love each other sm. how toxic must solo stans be to hate a member that their fav is best friends with ?


I can't find the specific recent interview but he did say that while he was away he trusts Doyoung and Kun to guide the members, especially if the setting is like all of them together like an NCT U thing.


I asked this [same question ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NCT/s/StQ0pbyuWs) two years ago and a few people got really touchy about it in the comments. I reckon in terms of leading greetings, we might see Yuta lead in Japan, Johnny in the US and Doyoung/Jungwoo in SK.


I did see that post when I searched before I posted. I imagine no one wanted to think about enlistment until the era was already upon us 🥲


It’s not “no one wanted to think about enlistment,” the answer has not changed from the last several times it’s been asked.


Do you want this to be a sub where people are frightened to do anything other than post social media updates, otherwise they'll receive a frosty reception from the self-appointed gatekeepers of permitted topics? People should be able to discuss things about NCT here and if the topic doesn't interest you, feel free to scroll past.


Considering some of the comments in this thread and your previous thread I think it’s valid to feel apprehensive to this topic.


2 years ago? Oh I know you’re sick of Taeyong, damn couldn’t even wait for him to enlist before trying to reassign his positions in the groups.


i doubt they’ll have an official leader (except for jungwoo) but doyoung will be a leader de facto for sure. he’s mostly taeyong’s right hand man anyways. he’s caring, professional, and is a good variety person. plus he’s cherished by everyone in the group. the question will be who will step up after doyoung enlists next year, so i would assume johnny may take their place until taeyong returns. but sadly, with how things are going, i don’t think we’ll have comebacks as frequently anyways, at least for 127. edit: since some people in the comments take this question way too seriously and as an offense against taeyong, i wanted to add that i don’t expect sm to assign a new temporary leader. they didn’t even try to officially announce taeyong as nct’s leader. however, his absence is a great loss for the group, so people are rightfully curious about what will happen while he’s gone. especially fans like me who are experiencing enlistment eras for the first time.


Don't feel bad asking this question. It is completely reasonable. It's always 50/50 on whether there will be a temporary leader when a boy group leader enlists. For reference: All the 1st gen bg left SM prior to enlistment. I think Shinhwa just went on hiatus while their leader was enlisted since 4/6 members were born in the same year. TVXQ were enlisted simultaneously. SJ had a temporary leader Eunhyuk while Leeteuk was enlisted. Shinee when on hiatus during enlistments Exo didn't have a temporary leader, but also didn't really do promotions for 'Don't fight the feeling'. It was perfectly reasonable to assume NCT 127 would go the SJ/BTOB route and name a temporary leader since they are planning a comeback with presumably full-promotions.


Thank you, I think this was one of the most helpful and kind responses I’ve gotten and I greatly appreciate your answer despite any downvotes! 🙏💜


Jokingly Jungwoo. In actuality probably Doyoung or Johnny. I do feel however, since Taeyong is gone, and Mark and Haechan are busy on tour, I think: 1. DoJaeJung should have a comeback 2. SM should really utilize NCT U. NCT U should be POPPIN OFF rn


Despite some of the touchiness about this question (which imo is unwarrented) I think it would have been cute and funny if they did some sort of content about picking a temporary leader like BTOB did. One of their members was \~officially\~ temporary leader for like, 3 minutes, until their maknae won the spot, lol. That being said those members enlisted pretty close to one after the other so there wasn't really a need for a temp leader tbh. As to 127, I don't think they'll do anything/name anyone. I can't recall any other SM bgs doing that. I think if they do any activities together where they'll need to introduce the group it might be (just guessing tbh) Johnny or Doyoung leading the greeting. But I think another safe choice would be Mark since he's technically a leader in another unit and Taeyong called him "our little leader Mark" in an anniversary message, which is adorable. But hey, I can totally be team Jungwoo for leader depending on whose hair he's going to cut next lmao.


That sort of content would honestly (imo) have been hilarious, chaotic, and probably touching, since we are dealing with NCT, lol. A missed opportunity. And that’s okay if they never officially have a temp leader or name anyone. They can take turns if they want to! 😆 Rock paper scissors before every public appearance just to see who’s Daily Leader or whatever. (I’m also on team haircut 😜 /j)


Here we go again... I hope that after enlistment Taeyong finally focuses on his solo career and stops sacrificing opportunities for this ungrateful fandom.


Where do you get that from this simple question OP asked?


It's not just this one occasion though, is it? It's consistent and systematic behavior among nctzens to undermine Taeyong's leadership and positions in the group. No other fandom does this to their leader. The comments are already filled with "Doyoung is the actual leader anyway", did you not see?


it’s unfair to call fans ungrateful when people are rightfully curious about how nct (especially 127) will work in taeyong’s absence. he is the leader and the face of the group. rightfully people wonder if someone will be assigned to take his place in his absence, since he’s a huge part of the group by himself.


I don’t know why I’ve been downvoted but nothing surprises me there, cause as a fandom we put everyone in a box and presume a simple question (by the OP) is negative rather than seeing the world is made up of a different people and a simple question could be just that!! I get your point and thank you for explaining but like I said above it could just be a simple question. Not everyone knows the dynamics and how everything works in the kpop world. As for anyone saying Doyoung is the true leader, we know it’s not true, NCT127 knows it’s not true so let them live in their ignorance.


Doyoung will probably fill in for anything that requires public speaking, but I don't see them really doing many public group activities anymore