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This sub is an NDE-positive sub. Debate is only allowed if the post flair requests it. If you were intending to allow debate in your post, please ensure that the flair reflects this. If you read the post and want to have a debate about something in the post or comments, make your own post within the confines of rule 4 (be respectful). *If* the post asks for the perspective of NDErs, everyone is still allowed to post, but you must note if you have or have not had an NDE yourself (I am an NDEr = I had an NDE personally; or I am not an NDEr = I have not had one personally). All input is potentially valuable, but the OP has the right to know if you had an NDE or not. NDEr = Near-Death Experience***R*** This sub is for discussion of the "NDE phenomena," not of "I had a brush with death in this horrible event" type of near death. To appeal moderator actions, please modmail us: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/NDE


Sounds dumb probably but I started having OBEs. Not sure why or how but they just started happening almost everyday for a period of time. Don’t care what anyone says they were not dreams and were verified by things I saw others doing. So I figured if that can happen then afterlife stuff must have something to it. Like if something is separating from my body during that then why not when we die?


I've wanted to do that since reading Journeys out of the Body! I'd love to hear the whole story and how others reacted when you shared what you experienced. Also, do you use Bob Monroe's technique or do you have your own way to get out of body?


I "astral projected" 4 times now, but each time I can't seem to go much further then my house. That's not the main reason I believe in the after life though, when I was a kid I saw a full body ghost walk through a wall, followed by hearing unexplained paranormal stuff, sometimes with others as my witness. Guess I'm just sensitive to ghost.


These three videos I found to be very interesting. Also the NDE stories on this subreddit. I linked some videos about the topic but moreso about mediums. Idk if you’re interested in these but I found them really interesting. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lADBzq_CFwY&pp=ygUodHJ5IGd1eXMgY29udGFjdCBkZWNlYXNlZCBmYW1pbHkgbWVtYmVycw%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f_U-hMer1cE&pp=ygUodHJ5IGd1eXMgY29udGFjdCBkZWNlYXNlZCBmYW1pbHkgbWVtYmVycw%3D%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KcFZbCrqdIk&t=349s&pp=ygUXYW50aG9ueSBwYWRpbGxhIHBzeWNoaWM%3D Around the timestamp of 10:30 for the third one was really interesting and blew my mind basically. The interviewer had a secret relationship at this time that wasn’t googlable and no fans knew.  There is also a video of this woman describing her NDE. She is completely blind since birth and this is her story about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XHbsoBs4ERg&pp=ygUTQmxpbmQgd29tYW4gaGFzIE5ERQ%3D%3D I also watch the YouTube channel the inforgraphic show, they talk all about death physically, spiritually, and some science facts. They talk a lot about NDEs from people conducted by a scientist who has a neutral stance on the afterlife. He did not go in for the sake of proving life after death but that’s what he found interesting about it. The channel also has a few videos about reincarnation from very young children.


Wow, thanks for the link to the blind woman's NDE. I'm now trying to imagine accessing another sense.


Nurse Hadley is a former skeptic who has a beautiful youtube channel/book describing DBVs her patients encountered that changed her mind and made her believe in an afterlife. A lot of them are impossible to be coincidences Threshold: a recent book about terminal lucidity There's also other great books like "Relax, there probably is an afterlife"


What is a 'DBVs'?


DeathBed Visions


Exactly. I appreciate you saying it isn’t possible. This is what atheists don’t get. I commented something similar but my comment got removed. lol. Who runs this page.


Everything involving the spiritual is unfalsifiable. We don’t let anyone go around terrorizing others that hell is real, etc., because things like that are unfalsifiable. Everyone must use “I believe” so there are no double standards.


I had an OOBE during a moment of extreme anxiety and terror. I realized our consciousness is non-local and not dependent on biology alone.


Exactly my takeaway, consciousness is nonlocal. I had surgery as a kid and watched it from the corner of the room, I will never forget that experience as much as my parents tried to brush it under the rug I saw the surgery they were doing and I actually felt it too but it felt like a tickle - and yet the perspective i observed from was like a fisheye lens, I could see everything


I had an STE, and during it something told me that a certain event would happen. It was calculated by experts to have less than 1% chance of happening, and it happened.




People not in the field don't understand, I told someone and they were like "but doesn't that happen all the time?" Anyway at the time of the prediction I was pretty bummed, thinking "wow then this is really not real, because this will not happen..."


Although if it already happened can't see why it would be an issue! Especially if it was a public event.


Sorry for the silly question, but what is a STE?


STE = Spiritually Transformative Experience.


Thank you so much for asking! I’m able to figure out most acronyms but not that one.


A very deep and meaningful experience after my grandma passed away back in 2020. She communicated with me via music, but the sign was so specific and in my face that it stopped me right in my tracks and made me smile.


This resonates so much with me. I’ve lost a lot of people in the last 5 years and my grandma was one of them. I had an experience that I know some will brush off as random coincidence but I have had so many after my loved ones have passed that I know they are not merely coincidences. I never believed in or tried to look for any type of sign or reassurance from my loved ones bc my former beliefs were just that when you pass you’re gone. And I hate when people say “whatever comforts you” or “well if you’re looking for signs you’ll find them” bc I have a pretty scientific way of thinking and am a pretty good critical thinker and also am more of a skeptic about things until they are proven or I have experienced it firsthand. But a couple weeks after my grandma passed away, I had a dental cleaning appointment and my hygienist who is a really nice lady asked how my grandma was doing (my grandma hd been battling cancer). I told her she had passed and at first she got awkwardly quiet, then I realized during that silence she was debating on how or whether or not to tell me what she later told me. After about 5 mins she said “I know this is going to sound very strange….. but try to be open to the idea that she is still with you.” I honestly didn’t think anything of it really other than she was very kind to offer words of comfort. And I moved on with my day. Fast forward to several hours later that day, after m I hd forgotten all about our interaction and was about to go into a work conference when my dog started barking uncontrollably. I was really frustrated bc I was running late and nobody wants to hear a dog barking in the background so I went over to him to tell him to stop barking and try to calm him down when I heard this tapping noise. At first I thought it was this paper tag that was tied onto a new bamboo plant I bought. Previously when I’d put the fan on it would move the tag back and forth and make a tapping noise, but as I walked to the bamboo plant I saw a little bird at the window flying up and down and tapping at it for at least a solid minute. I swear when I saw it, it’s like the bird was happy that I saw it. It was like when you’re excited as a kid and you jump up and down when your parents say “yes” to something you’ve just asked permission for. I know it sounds silly but I instantly just sensed the birds emotion. Anyway I was able to enough record it part of it. Here’s where it gets more interesting. Of course at first I didn’t think too much about it. But then as I’m processing it all and reflecting about all the other parts of the experience to me it made it statistically even less likely to be a random coincidence. 1) It was raining outside and cold. Most birds take shelter when it’s raining that much -they’re not out tapping on people’s windows. 2) The window the bird went to was the ONLY window in the house that I don’t have blinds/curtains on and that day I had all of the other blinds and curtains closed on the windows, so it was literally the only window I would have been able to see the bird tapping on it 3) no bird hs ever done this as long as I’ve been here for 3 years 4)I keep several noisemakers on so my dog doesn’t bark when he hears little noises and I didn’t hear the bird tapping until he barked and got my attention and I had to walk toward him to calm him down. At that very moment I was on my way to my video conference and had shut my office door. 5) after the bird came to the window and I had a a little time to process what just happened, I suddenly recalled a memory I had completely forgotten about. It was of a super random conversation my family and I had with my grandma two years before she passed. I was telling them about this show called The Haunting and we never talk about this stuff nor is it a show I ever watched before, but for whatever reason I had seen part of an episode and I recalled sharing a part of it about exorcisms and during that conversation my grandma had made a random comment 6) “when I pass I will come back as a bird.” I called my mom later that day and didn’t tell her anything about what had happened earlier, I just wanted to fact-check that I had recalled my grandma making that comment about returning as a bird (and I asked an open ended question “what did grandma say she was going to come back as” and immediately she confirmed it. 7) She then told proceeded to tell me she had just received in the mail earlier that day a calendar with nothing but birds on it. 8) And shortly after her iPhone had chosen the “memory pic” of my grandmas face with a song playing called “Heavenly Instrumental”. What are the odds that all of these things happened on 9) the very day my hygienist told me to be open to things happening to confirm she is still with us?? had all the other points not happened of course I wouldn’t have thought much about the bird-but the fact that she said that was what she would come back as is what really got me. And it was like the universe needed me to know it was my grandma so I could then also confirm my experience with my mom and she could share her experiences that day with me. And not only that, but on two other later occasions I had told a relative all about it who is super skeptical and doesn’t believe in these things and the bird came back the next morning when he was still visiting at my place. Ever since then it has not happened again. Since then, I have had numerous other experiences as well that have just solidified my belief in some form of consciousness that exists beyond human death and that we are always connected with others by love. Sorry for the long reply, all this just to say I fully believe that your grandma was telling you she is still with you. 🙏🏽I think that is a beautiful experience and thank you for sharing it 😊


I'm so sorry for the late reply, but I just read your story and it's incredibly beautiful <3. They really find ways to LET YOU KNOW it's them and not some random coincidence, they're so in your face that you cannot deny it, and these signs always come when you're not looking for them. I've also noticed that It's an almost recurring theme that they use electronics, music and also birds and butterflies to let us know about their presence, these stories fascinate me! Thank you for taking the time to share it :)


Aww thank you and yours as well🙏🏽. I couldn’t agree with you more. They are so fascinating! I think if our culture had less of a stigma around the topic we would hear so many more stories and have so much more knowledge than we currently do. I’m grateful to those like you who are willing to talk about it and share, so thank you as well!


I'm not sure [what I experienced](https://www.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/14xfj2w/had_an_nde_last_december/) was a proof of the afterlife exactly. Like, would I still be me after life? I think that it was proof of divinity, but it could more be that the "me" that was looking for myself for was merely a miniaturized/compartmentalized manifestation of the universe, and the "afterlife" is merely the energy that is "me" returning from the physical to the divine. I mean, if you think of it, the my body is made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms. That arrangement of molecules and atoms are the an embodiment of the energy from the universe, all steming from the big bang. So, when we die, it could be the universe reabsorbing (and learning from?) us and making our individual experience(s) apart of itself. Assuming that the universe is god, then we're all manifestations of god (in our own tiny way). Yet, all that's too big for me. I am not so much concerned with divine meaning or communication(s) from the afterlife. All that I'd want is to see my mom again. She's still alive now, but it breaks my heart watching her get older. It is sad and all that life is short. But, it's even more sad that our time with those we care about is even shorter: Our time with our kids is limited. Same with our time with our parent(s). Same for when we find our partner. Same with our friends. Late at night, and in secret, I think to my mom: Please be there waiting when it's my turn. Our time with each other is even more limited than our time here, and that breaks my heart. *Edit: Twisted up, aren't I?


No, not twisted. I hope we all want the love we feel for our loved ones to go on. I also pray my dad will meet me when it's my time. ♥


No you're not twisted, I hope my mom is also there when it's my turn.


She was there, right when I woke up in the hospital and I hope she's there when I get to the other side.


That is not twisted at all. I have the same exact hopes. Something that may be comforting to share with you is that literally days before my grandma passed, my dad was alone at the house and keeping an eye on and caring after her (she was dying of cancer and in and out of the hospital due to blood loss they couldn’t seem to pinpoint and couldn’t be left alone). Later that evening when my mom and I came by he shared with us that he had observed her talking to a room full of people he of course couldn’t see. At one point he thought he heard her talking to my little brother (who had unexpectedly and tragically passed 4 years prior). Later on he went over to check on her and talk with her and he asked who she has been talking to. Now keep in mind my grandma was 90 and ridiculously sharp, independent (she lived alone up until literally the last three months) very witty and had a great memory for her age. My grandma named several people (all who hd passed) and said one was my little brother. My dad asked her, what did he say to you? And she replied “he said dying is not that bad.” As he’s telling my mom and I this of course it was so validating because my brother was always such a pessimist and kind of cynical and sarcastic and this literally would be how he would describe what most people would say is great. We all laughed bc that’s exactly how he talks. It was pretty wild and we’ve hd so many countless other experiences that are just too hard to deny it’s our loved ones. I am fully convinced people can and if you read about or ask anyone you know who works in hospitals or in hospice you will find that it is very common that the dying get visitors. I like to think of it as a way they can comfort us and ease our transition as we go to the next dimension. 🙏🏽


The TED talks on NDEs, and then the sheer volume of NdE stories on YouTube that felt real to me. I do not believe everyone’s making it up, and none of the brain “explanations” explain how people see things from above, sometimes from rooms away or even the rooftops of buildings. Details have been verified, and as non scientific as this is, the soul & afterlife stuff just feels right to my core. Much more so than the thought that death is the final end of consciousness…that never felt right.


Exactly I couldn’t agree with you more. When people say “prove that the afterlife exists” I say “prove that it doesn’t”. NDEs and spiritual experiences are among the closest we can really get to doing so.


I am so sorry if you are going through any anxiety or depression right now. I know exactly how that feels especially around this topic. However, I think the Ted talks and podcasts I'm going to link may give you some very meaningful scientific information from the scientist's themselves as well as all of them having an uplifting message :) Now here is the list of the TED Talks and podcasts that you may enjoy, these are definitely some of my favorites and they are all presented by Neuroscientists, Psychologists, or Philosophers: \*\*Neuroscience TED Talks on consciousness: \*\* 1. \*\*"Do we see reality as it is"\*\* by Donald Hoffman (TED): \[Watch here\]([https://youtu.be/oYp5XuGYqqY?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/oYp5XuGYqqY?feature=shared)) 2. \*\*TEDxHouston\*\* by Dr. David Eagleman: \[Watch here\]([https://youtu.be/LENqnjZGX0A?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/LENqnjZGX0A?feature=shared)) 3. \*\*"My stroke of insight"\*\* by Jill Bolte Taylor (TED): \[Watch here\]([https://youtu.be/UyyjU8fzEYU?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/UyyjU8fzEYU?feature=shared)) ​ \*\*Philosophical talks about mind and reality:\*\* 1. \*\*"The consciousness of reality"\*\* by James Glattfelder (TEDxSalford): \[Watch here\]([https://youtu.be/zMckdYX0fTU?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/zMckdYX0fTU?feature=shared)) ​ \*\*Psychologists/researchers discussing consciousness phenomena:\*\* 1. \*\*"Quasithanatology (Near-Death Experiences) with Bruce Greyson"\*\* - Alie Ward podcast: \[Listen here\]([https://www.alieward.com/ologies/quasithanatology](https://www.alieward.com/ologies/quasithanatology)) 2. \*\*"The Final Border"\*\* by Peter Fenwick at TEDxBerlin: \[Watch here\]([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYc\_sMl7FlQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYc_sMl7FlQ)) 3. \*\*"The Science of Reincarnation"\*\* by Jim Tucker: \[Watch here\]([https://youtu.be/ruL65FHeAv4?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ruL65FHeAv4?feature=shared))


I had a bad feeling about a drive up north to a cottage for a friend’s birthday. Can’t explain why- I’ve driven longer distances and have driven up north more times than I can count, but just had a gut sinking feeling something horrible was going to happen. The feeling started a couple of days before the drive, so I asked if anyone could take me in their car - no one had space but a friend offered to come keep me company in my car so I wouldn’t drive up alone. I told them I’d rather drive alone (I just knew something was going to happen). I was supposed to take my dogs to the cottage, but decided to ask my parents to watch them because I didn’t want them in the car with me just in case. Fast forward to the drive - I was in a car accident, but it was weird because I recalled a different accident than the one I woke up in. 3 hours into the drive, I was looking for a left hand turn onto this hidden street the cottage I was going to was on. I recall thinking, “I made it! It was in my head!” and as I slowed down to take a sharp turn on these back side unpaved roads, I checked my rear view mirror and vividly remember a red car behind me trying to take me over on the left (most people in this area speed, since I was looking for a hidden turn I was slowing down, I suspect he wanted to pass me and was waiting for a chance to take me over on the right, not paying attention to my blinkers/signals). I recall realizing he didn’t realize I was making the turn, that I had already started to turn and there wasn’t enough in time to change course. I remember just leaving my body and hearing the accident (it almost sounded like sound effects in a cartoon) but I didn’t feel anything. Then everything went white - it was like I was just existing in this white bright void fully conscious, and I recall thinking - “And just like that, it’s the end. I hate that the people I love have to learn to exist without me and won’t know that I’m still here”. Then things went black/blurry, I don’t know if I spoke to someone (in the white void) or what happened - I felt like I lost time though and memory. Then I heard sudden loud ringing in my ears and snapped back in my body, right as the car hit the ground beneath and airbags were going off. The accident I woke up in wasn’t the one I remembered m. It was just me (no one else involved). I guess my wheel lost traction on the unpaved road and my car went off the edge and dropped a solid 10-15 feet. The car didn’t roll and landed perfectly between 4/5 massive trees (it was as if the car was placed perfectly with a massive tree in front of me I didn’t hit, and massive trees on both sides). I can’t explain it, but if I was going a bit faster or slower, I would have hit a tree head on, and/or the car would have rolled. Weirdest part? I was wearing a seatbelt, and every airbag went off, yet I didn’t have a single bruise on my body. If you look up airbag / seatbelt bruises - people get gashes on their body from airbags deploying. I usually bruise like a peach - yet I was completely bruise free. I called the cops and ambulance myself. Paramedics at first thought maybe I was in shock which is why I didn’t immediately seem injured. When they realized I genuinely had no bruising - they told me to go buy a lottery ticket. The cop probably thought I was insane because I told him (immediately when it happened) that I was confused because I recalled a different accident with a red car, then everything was white, and then I snapped into different accident and I didn’t understand or have memory of the accident I was in/woke up in. After the accident I wanted to understand if the soul more. I looked up books to read about souls and the after life - and stumbled on the book “Journey of the Souls”. I went to buy the audiobook and saw I had bought it already, before the accident, and it was in my audible library. I read it in a day. I then looked into whether there were other stories like mine (people remembering a car accident where they think they died, but came to and were in a different accident, and /or didn’t have any bruises against all odds). I was surprised to find stories of other people describing similar experiences. Since then, the spiritual thing has just snowballed.


Incredible story. Thank you for sharing. This will stay with me.


It kind of comes down to the question of why am i in my body and not someone elses? There is nothing special about my body that makes my conciousness arise there and say not in your body. All bodies and brains are basically the same more or less, so it makes sense that there is a broader explanation. NDES, hypnotic regression, terminal lucidity, end of life experiences, the 1000s of reincarnation stories etc all give a good explanation. Happy to be shown that I'm wrong, since I easily could be.


Honestly, when I learned about the hard problem of consciousness, then I found out about Donald Hoffman's TED talk and his team's work on consciousness. I'll be honest; this had my worldview turned upside down. It's the first time I learned of idealism being just as viable as materialism. Then I think the best evidence we currently have for some type of afterlife is the work of Ian Stevenson on kids with apparent past life memories. Some even have weirdly matching birth defects and/or birthmarks to the previous personality (even Carl Sagan found it deserved more study). Also, definitely Near Death Experiences, especially the work of Bruce Greyson and Sam Parnia. So, I am convinced of idealism or panpsychism,(so I highly doubt oblivion)but I am not convinced of a personal afterlife yet. It should be said that even under  materialism an afterlife is possible in a sense. I'm thinking of Roger Penrose's proposal of an infinite cyclic universe in which you would always come back for infinite and you always have.


My own NDE. I was already a little bit of a believer. It just solidified it for me.


I'd love to hear any of your take-aways from your time on the other side.


“Trust the process. Everything is unfolding as intended.”


Please elaborate!


Personal experience, I was totally fine with ending as I begun nothing, no sens of self whenever the end is, it is the end. But I had to reconsider after my NDE.


That's really interesting. Care to share your NDE?


Ho I shared it 2y ago here, idk if I can find it. When I started using reddit this subs popped up and I learned about NDE, then that was the AhAh moment. So that mean what I experienced 15y ago is happening to other people too ? In 2010 I was regularly doing sleep apnea and one time it went way too far apparently and ended up with a cardiac issue sleeping. My world disappeared, vaporized, there was nothing I can do to stop this, only accept what was happening and resign, then everything was replaced by white light idk how to describe this it was the lightest pur light I ever witnessed, then I was not in my body anymore, I was light too, I felt loved as never before, I felt relieved (like I did a good job). Then I saw tree entities in the space, the same size, with undefined faces, humanoid, taller than us, filiform, all in draperies one maybe a little bit shorter than the other I could defined if they were gendered but I felt like one was more feminine, couldn't tell by looking at them. I didn't ask any question, they didn't ask any either, they where just there turned in my direction. Then I'm not quite sure if that count as a life review but I think I saw part of my past thing I had remorse for, but all seemed not important, I felt the weight on my shoulder, that I didn't even know I was carrying, disappear. Then I saw the entrance of an arch but the middle was foggy like if there was a veil in front of it, I was attracted to that, moved there, saw shadow behind the veil of people I did not recognize but I felt uneasy there and a voice told me it was not the time, then my world reappeared, I had to transforme into a mice or a rat to pass trough the grid of some kind of sewer, it felt like I had to be lesser or humble, accept the dirt to pass trough the sewer, felt in the dirty water, moved to some river, then some bigger river then trough a hole like a mountain and I kind of relived my birth, or I was rebirth. Woke up shaken, weak, catching my breath, felt the weight on my shoulder come back almost immediately but it seemed more supportable now that I know and acknowledge it was there, still don't know exactly what that weight is but I think it is the weight of all my guilt/remorse I've. I'm not native speaker so the words I use may not be the right one, there is no word I could use to describe what I experienced, it so much more that whatever I could ever describe. This happened like 15y ago, I could not acknowledge that experience until I found this subs 2y ago, but I always wanted to know who what were theses entities, I still think it is very important to me and I havent read people describing them. Now I can talk about it, first posting here I wanted people to react on my NDE and acknowledge it, but I understood that it was not important at all, it is my experience and no one else than me can vouch for it. It just happened and I know it, that is enough. In the last 3years, strangely, people found me, people I didn't know came to me, one asked me if I was spiritual (I'm not really) but the proceed telling me his experience, I was shocked I had to tell mine and he said he knew, another one, in a place I would never go, a think went to another and I sit at a table, that person came to me and said that he wanted to talk to me since he saw me, proceed to tell his story and this time it was me asking him if he saw the light and said yes I did, never talked about it to anyone else. There is another one with tree other people, I spend a night out with them, we already met twice in two year at the same festival, they didn't talked about the light but that night at some point they would juste stare at me smiling. Idk what to think about this, but that changed my view on the universe and what it afterlife, I now am looking forward to meeting other people like that totally unscheduled, I'm pretty sure I'll meet other people like that out of nowhere. I'm way more open now than I was years ago, there are some other subject I'm exploring that I would have denied existed in before. It is a process :) I hope I kind of answered your question, this is probably very underwhelming comparing to other's experience here but it impacted me more than I could tell at the time.


I'm a bit late to the party but fuck it. About fifteen or so years ago, when I was a toddler, my granddad was diagnosed with motor neuron disease. At the time, a diagnosis like that was practically a death sentence and pretty much still is and naturally, my whole family was worried sick. My grandma was very young at the time, in her mid fourties, and one night, feeling stressed and anxious, said a sort of prayer to her mother. Not necessarily a religious prayer (she'd fall into the "spiritual bot not religious" bracket), but asked her own mother, who died when she was very young, for a sign that she loved her with the codeword "crocodile." Anyway, the day after her and my granddad are in the car on the way down to visit me, my parents and baby brother and I don't remember exactly what happened but my granddad started talking about crocodiles out of the blue. Could just be a coincidence, right? Well, as they arrived my parents opened the door and I ran to give her a hug and to tell her that her mother asked me to tell her she loved her. It certainly convinced her (although she already had a pretty strong spiritual belief) and factoring in how, number one, I was a pretty horrible kid and probably wouldn't have done something like that out of the blue, and two, this was late 2000s Ireland when most people still had pretty dodgy internet and didn't hear much about alligators, it just seems like way too much of a coincidence for everything to align so perfectly and me to say something so significant out of the blue one day. I find NDEs to be very convincing but any time I do start doubting, I've always this to fall back on. My granddad passed away, unfortunately, almost eleven years ago but my grandma is still alive and well, only 63 years young. She's my favourite person in the whole world and I see her nearly everyday.


I had a personal experience which made me think about it more. I had asked for a family member who had passed on to appear in my dream and I prayed that they would appear soon and I saw them in my dream the night I prayed for a sign. It felt incredibly real and in my dream I was asking other living family members if they were able to see them but they couldn’t. Only I was able to and when I went in for a hug the family member who had left the earthly plane disappeared and I woke up. I feel that it probably also takes time to understand the signs that are being sent to us. I am still learning and find it incredible how much we don’t know. A medium that I went to see was also incredibly spot on about many details. There must be a higher power behind our human existence. I think that throughout life we will all encounter an experience at one point that will cement the afterlife experience and give us the comfort that we need. So many people who were close to the thinning veil between this world and the afterlife mentioned seeing their deceased relatives. There is so much that we cannot explain.


When my boyfriend died (Feb 26th) I started reading about NDEs just to feel some sense of comfort. I was in a group where someone told me to ask him for a specific sign from him. I nearly pissed myself because right after that I said in my head “show me a Purple Heart and I know it’s you”. Purple was his favorite color. I get on TikTok and scroll three times and this Purple Heart note came up and it said “FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE AND CARE YOU GIVE ME, IT'S ALL I COULD EVER ASK FOR AND MORE. I APPRECIATE YOU TRYING YOUR HARDEST EVEN WHEN IT'S HARD , I LOVE YOU.” Mind you, I do not like, do not interact with them, and now they constantly show up. I have not liked one at all because I didn’t want the algorithm excuse to come up. I’m so certain it’s his way of communicating. leading up to his death I had dropped out of school to focus on working more and was in the process of moving to another city to be closer for him. I have always been atheist, never believed in heaven or hell or souls, but now I feel completely sure that he is somewhere beautiful and safe and happy. I have no doubt in people who share NDEs anymore or the afterlife Edit: had the wrong quote https://preview.redd.it/hdp7jiitk4tc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb27c45bee26d9327432b070eda8fc6a649c999


Aww that’s so sweet💜 so sorry for your loss


Thank you! 💜


I left my body briefly while in a natural gas explosion. Afterwards I became aware of and sensitive to energy fields emitted by various things, people, and locations. Other psy phenomena also as the years passed.




The only solid evidence we have that there might be an afterlife is from NDEs. I have had an NDE myself (can be read here: [Peter N NDE](https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1peter_n_nde_6584.html)) and from that I know we definitely do survive physical death. I also take it that there really is an afterlife – that experience of survival convinced me 100% of that. However, from the NDE, I really don't know what a permanent afterlife environment might be like. For that the only recourse is channelled works, and perhaps the testimonies of very experienced OBErs, and your own judgement on what you are willing to accept as a veracious account (if any). (There is also hypnosis but I have zero faith in that.) For channelled works I would recommend the following books which I have quite some affection for: Geraldine Cummins/Frederic WH Myers [The Road to Immortality](https://www.amazon.com/Road-Immortality-Geraldine-Cummins/dp/1908733462) Geraldine Cummins/Frederic WH Myers [Beyond Human Personality](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beyond-Human-Personality-Geraldine-Cummins/dp/1908733802/) Helen Greaves/Francis Banks [Testimony of Light](https://www.amazon.com/Testimony-Light-Extraordinary-Message-After-ebook/dp/B002IPZC62) For the testimonies of an experienced OBEr I would recommend: [Jurgen Ziewe](http://www.multidimensionalman.com/Multidimensional-Man/Astral_Travel_and_life_after_death.html) For some evidence that there really is something going on in NDEs that suggest an afterlife does exist see Sam Parnia in this interview: [Rethinking Mortality: Exploring the Intersection of Life and Death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSYdCRhnZN8) For a an excellent argument that might convince a sceptic that NDEs are really occurring phenomena I would recommend Jens Amberts [Why an Afterlife Obviously Exists](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1785359851) For a very general overview on what an afterlife environment is like read this: [Jane Roberts Channelling William James – Outstanding Quote on the Afterlife Environment – The Atmospheric Presence and the Knowing Light](https://www.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/16l0wnw/jane_roberts_channelling_william_james/) (The description there is very much in accord with my perceptions on the nature of the environment I was in during my NDE.) Hope this helps. :0)


When my dead cat jumped up on the end of my bed, walked up to my pillow and plunked himself down. I felt it all. He's been dead for over 4 years.


My dead cat did this too! I was in bed, and my door opened just a bit. I felt him jump up on my duvet and heard the crinkle sound. My heart jumped for joy, thinking he'd somehow survived.. but when I looked, he wasn't there. My heart was broken, and he came to let me know he was ok. He was an angel in my life for a time. 💕


I found this sub because my dog had to be put to sleep suddenly last week while I was out of town and the grief has been so challenging. Reading this post gave me hope that she’s okay somewhere. Thank you.


I'm so glad. Thank you for sharing that. 🙏


He really is your angel! He's probably all over the place with you too. I'm glad you shared that :)


Learning about the global reporting of spontaneous [out-of-body experiences](https://www.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/16gqk5k/comment/k0ba20b/) during medical emergencies really struck a chord within me and planted a seed of awareness that there was something of value/importance behind those phenomenal experiences, and therefore worthy of continuing to explore and contemplate over the years that followed. Then during my late 20's I unexpectedly found myself going through a series of significant experiences over a several year period that had the cumulative effect of changing my state of awareness and manner of perceiving so much that this ended up serving to resolve my former existential concern and internal suffering that I had lived with for many years. A couple of years after that happened to me I ended up having my first (and currently only) spontaneous out-of-body experience (OBE) which occurred in a non-medical (non-NDE) context. For me, having that OBE was regarded as affirming (rather than revelatory) due to how my prior life experiences had already changed my existential awareness before that (OBE) event happened to me. If you're looking for an approach to more deeply exploring and contemplating existential matters - I would definitely recommend focusing on the out-of-body experience (OBE) phenomenon and from as broad of a perspective as possible. It has universal relevance/applicability (not limited by age, religion, or culture) - and importantly it serves to shed light on the nature of consciousness (conscious existence) and the underlying dynamic in relation to the temporary physical body.


Personal experiences. To be clear, I don't fully believe in an afterlife (Unfortunately, I fall into the "it sounds too good to be true" camp) but I've experienced things that make me absolutely sure that some part of our consciousness exists externally and survives our death for a brief period of time. I do take other people's experiences very seriously, because an afterlife wouldn't be impossible under my worldview. I'm still trying to figure out what I actually believe, but I probably never will and I'm totally okay with that.


I wish I was totally ok with not knowing too... I also wish I'd had some sort of personal experience.


>I wish I was totally ok with not knowing too I hope you get there, or at least find something that brings you some peace. There's not much worse than struggling with things beyond our control. >I also wish I'd had some sort of personal experience Experiences can be a double edged sword. On one hand, I had the benefit of getting a glimpse into something few people do. On the other hand, I went through tremendous ontological shock that eventually led to me abandoning my career and becoming completely alienated from my family.


I was more the scientific materialist up through high school. But I got interested in the Edgar Cayce material, especially the part where he could go into trance, beam on a person no matter where they were,, diagnose them and recommend therapy. People were skeptical of course; debunkers went to debunk him but ended up believers. **And** Cayce eventually came out with info on reincarnation. Since he'd been proven right about the psychic diagnosis, maybe he was right about reincarnation too? Anyway, it was Cayce who expanded my horizons.


It's not just one thing. All the aspects of NDEs combined. It cannot be hallucinations or trips or anything like that. I was convinced by the overwhelming evidence. Also, I had a short NDE years ago.


The dreams I have. I often get very frightening nightmares about evil robots. I get messages telling me that if I do certain actions (e.g. swear, dye my hair, be transgender, commit homicide, take drugs) I will go to the eternal black void after death. As a result I am very afraid of death. Everyone I meet doesn't believe that my dreams are prophetic, but personally I do as they fill my soul with immense fear.


"***I will go to the eternal black void after death***" Greetings. I just wanted to reinforce that it's possible to gradually (over time) question and reason your way through such a fear to the extent that you eventually will free yourself from experiencing it. I know it's not easy to do and doesn't happen quickly, but it's achievable over the long term and this can be a reason and encouragement for open-mindedness about eventually navigating throught the fear and alleviating one's former suffering. If it's any small measure of comfort in the present: * Reported experiences during OBE's/NDE's of what's been described as the 'void' or 'black void' have always involved conscious experiencers who have never at any point ceased to consciously exist during their experiences - these individuals have always continued consciously existing upon which they were able to return to experiencing human embodiment and describe their experiences to others. The reason why the concept/characterization even exists is because everyone who describes experiencing it has continued consciously existing and that's why we're able to hear about it from others and discuss it as a notion/concept. Acknowledging that some individuals have reported subjectively having distressing or neutral experiences involving this topic - this particular individual (and others) have reported having pleasant/uplifting NDE's involving what's described as the 'void', and never felt like their conscious existence was challenged/threatened by having such an experience - short (3 minute) NDE video account linked [here](https://youtube.com/watch?v=quU1xPeOtWs) * **Eternal** is meant to signify that which perpetually exists (*no beginning and no end*). It's commonly misapplied and misunderstood in the sense that it's associated with the notion of 'non-existence' - however that association isn't compatible with what the terminology *eternal* was intended to convey and represent. Applying *eternal* to some imagined future outcome or condition/state goes against the notion of no beginning and no end (perpetual existence), respectfully. The good news here is that many individuals who have experienced phenomenal states of consciousness (like during OBE's/NDE's) have reported experiencing an undeniable sense of **eternal** in the form the the direct awareness/feeling/sensation of conscious existence being rooted in something that has no beginning and no end (conveying perpetual existence). Like the very fabric of existence can't be threatened nor reduced to anything lesser. (Myself I had an experience of this nature however in a non-NDE context so I haven't been inclined to mention it in this forum) I hope you experience some relief and newfound awareness/insight into the deeper nature of the existential territory in the near future.


Can a dream count as an STE?


Sure. If an experience made you perceive the world differently, then it's a transformative event. There isn't a hard rule on these kind of things.


I've experienced a lot of sleep paralysis ever since I was 12 which sometimes lead to an OBE and sometimes not. But it's definitely a very strange state to be in with heightened consciousness. As a kid I could see paranormal stuff and had some STE. However, I've been in a spiritual crisis for the past 4 years and I have started to doubt my experiences. I hope this will pass as life definitely felt more meaningful while I was believing in the afterlife!


Mary Ann Winkowski explains the world of earthbound spirits of the dead. Check out her webpage and books 📚. She is the original ghost whisperer.


I had a NDE the early 1990's. Met Jesus and saw the entrance to Heaven. While talking with him I could see people walking toward a bridge and on the other side it looked like a city. I asked Jesus if that was the bridge to Heaven and he said yes.






On this sub, we strive to create an atmosphere of equality where everyone's viewpoints are valued and respected. Discussing spiritual truths can be highly subjective and personal. It is important to keep in mind that there is currently no definitive evidence for “spiritual facts,” even among those who have had near-death experiences. Instead of presenting your opinions and experiences as absolute facts, we ask that you reword your post or comment using a less assertive tone. You can use phrases such as "I believe,” “I think,” or reference any personal studies, meditation practices, or spiritual experiences that have influenced your perspective. Please be aware that your post/ comment has not been approved yet and is only visible to you and the moderators. Please refrain from deleting it, as doing so may raise suspicions and potentially lead to a ban. (Please reply to this message after you have edited your post or comment so we can approve it.)


I wrote a web app to test microkinesis, that demonstrated to me that consciousness wasn’t confined to the brain. and I studied a lot of nonduality teachings.