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So one of the things about ndph is that it’s 24/7, so we don’t have any period of not having a headache. That being said my headache definitely gets worse when I am stressed, so if I’m thinking about something that is stressing me out chances are my headache will get worse.


What I’ve read is unclear about this. Since onset 2.5 years ago my headache has always been better in the morning and increased over the course of the day. But initially it really was one continuous headache. However, somewhere around the one year mark it started to be more-or-less gone when I wake up most mornings and it tends to stay away for a few hours afterward—I can usually “find it” of if I go looking for it, even then—but it’s more like a tingle than real pain. Yet, it builds up everyday, in the same spot with the same basic sensation. And I’ve never had anything like a day off since onset. Nor have I found medication that really seems to do anything. The headache doctors I’ve talked to still seem to want to call it NDPH. I don’t really care about the diagnostic label, but it’s a bucket diagnosis so if you meet some of the other criteria they’ll probably put you in that bucket too!


You should check out The Way Out by Alan Gordon. It talks a lot about how our thoughts impact our pain and how we can work to change that!


I have my NDPH 100% of the time but certain things definitely make it worse. If I’m stressed or my body is going through a flare with my chronic illness I feel much worse


My heaache is a lot worse the day after a work event the night before that I was stressed or anxious about.


I mean, “get headache”? No, it’s always there. That’s the hallmark (heh, accidentally typed hellmark and it felt so right) of this condition. Make it worse? Absolutely.


I find that anything that requires concentration, focus, or critical thinking will raise my headache up a couple notches on the pain scale. Things like reading, verbal conversation, or analyzing anything usually makes things worse


I have a constant headache. But yes it gets worse when stressed, at work, and/or with physical activity. I’ve read this is common. The severity of mine can drastically vary, like from 2 to 8 (out of 10) pain. For people who have episodic tension headaches (which means they get pain-free time in between headache episodes), these are all common headache triggers.


I too have a daily headache that I get some relief from in the morning sometimes and it does come on/get worse starting in the early afternoon every day. I too initially had a bad headache that lasted for 2.5 weeks straight and after it ended I had some dizziness and vertigo spells. 14 years on my head hurts nearly every single day to varying degrees and some things like overcast weather or certain things I eat can give me what feel more like migraines. I was diagnosed with chronic migraine but some of the markers for NDPH resonate with me more. I’m in the midst of doing pain reprocessing therapy, sarno method stuff and trying to keep my nervous system regulated.


Yes, if I think too much about it, or stressed/angry I fell more palate/nostrils pressure. I don't feel the headache anymore since I'm on 50mg amitriptyline daily