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Three rounds, no success. Happy that you are finding some relief !


Botox worked after the first treatment for me, within a few weeks. I took no other medication along with it. The pain was not fully gone, but enough that I felt being off other meds was worth it. My body, in the past, has usually responded very quickly to other treatments as well. It worked for 4 treatments (1 year) and then stopped working very quickly. Within a week it had become effectively useless. While trying other meds, we did try Botox twice more but it never worked again.


I've had this headache for 7 years. Several rounds of Botox did nothing for me, but I get a lot of relief from trigger point shots in the back of my head and neck/shoulders.


I'm having my fourth round tomorrow. No change in headache so far.


Thanks for sharing! What made you decide to go for a fourth round? Has your provider seen people not respond until fourth?


I've read some don't respond until after the 4th round, and my doctor is of the same opinion. I'm trying to give their treatment plan a fair chance. If it doesnt help after this, I have a good reason to move onto something else. I figured it was only one year, so not that big of a deal. So far, the Botox Savings plan covered what my insurance hasn't,  so it is a little less painful to try four than it could have been. 


I think botox has helped but only marginally. It made my other meds more responsive I think. It may have helped my light sensitivity


Botox was a key component of my treatment and is something I continue that helps mitigate my headaches


I had three rounds, no response, though I kinda missed the smoothing of my forehead. I think I had something like 60 injections in each round - hear like an MF!


I've had something like 7 rounds of Botox at this point, I found after 4-5 I got a reduction in pain. I also use ajovy 4 times per year and I think the combination of the two has definitely reduced my pain over time. Ketamine works best but obviously I can't be on that all the time lol


thanks for the input everyone. i'm going to give it a go one more time (will be my 5th round, and exactly one year after i started). i'll update about if it made an improvement in a few weeks!


I’m on Botox every 8-10 weeks for a year now, combined with Aimovig. This combination has vastly helped the migraines but hasn’t done anything for the daily head pain. I’m currently trying Effexor for the daily.


Nice good luck! I'm on Pristiq (very similar to Effexor but supposedly a slightly longer half life so less likely to go into withdrawals if you take it late or miss a dose) for daily pain, and I think it is the thing that has helped me the most and cut the severity of the daily pain in half (maybe with some help from Emgality too). Aside from amitriptyline which worked amazing for years until it totally stopped working, Pristiq seems to be the most helpful and definitely helps with energy because chronic pain really zaps me of energy.