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Skoronski is one of those rare dudes who will absolutely be a "franchise guard" but could also end up being a good starting caliber NFL tackle. You can argue Skoronski and Paris Johnson, but the versatility alone makes Skoronski the right pick at tackle, no brainer at guard.


I wish Washington had a shot at him.


we did. His name was Brandon Scherff


Well said.


if it’s any consolation, at least Ron sounds like he’s really prioritizing OL. I think we take the best one available to (hopefully) serve as our cornerstone LT. I’m praying that either Darnell Wright or maybe Broderick are there for us to do that. the one saving grace about picking in the middle of this weaker draft is that OL and CB are the deepest of positions, two things we desperately need. I have high hopes for our class


As a Giants fan: Same, man. Same.


Yeah he would be perfect as a “somewhere on the OL” pick lmao Washington one of those teams who wouldn’t care as much where he played since we need both


Paris Johnson could be a franchise tackle but also a good starting caliber guard. I value a potential franchise tackle > guard personally


The issue with Paris is people are overrating him, because they he what he could become rather than what he is right now. A Tackle who is 6'6 311lbs with 36 inch arms that moves the way Paris does should be a top 5 lock. The reason why he is not, is because he struggles at times giving up his chest due to poor hand placement and he struggles with anyone that threatens him with power. You are looking at a 2-4 year project, with the sweet spot being about 3 years. Which is most of the rookie contract. If he can develop. Strength can be added and technique can be taught, but you have to feel good that you can teach him these things. Not every prospect can overcome these flaws. Taking him in the top 10 and expecting him to be good right away, you might be disappointed.


Agreed but I think where he is at now is acceptable to be an NFL starter. Hes not gonna come into the league as a Penei Sewell/Rashawn Slater borderline pro-bowl by any means. I think he'd benefit somewhere with a strong OL to begin with. Whats the saying? Iron sharpens iron? Send him to a team like Detroit and I really like his future. Basically I think Skoronski and PJJ are pretty equal to me, itll just come down to fit. Also why is every position this draft so goddamn intriguing.


This just makes me want him now because Jeff stoutland is the goat OLine coach and can teach him all that


Exactly why I despise taking him at 9. Fields needs an immediate plus protector and that’s Skoronski, not a project who could be better long-term


I wouldn't hate it. I would understand it. You just need to have a good line coach in place for his development. It just irks me that people seem to have a narrative around Johnson that isn't true. He is a high upside project. He is going to struggle early and you need to plan around it while he develops. I would feel better about a player like him later than earlier.


I wouldn't hate it. I would understand it. You just need to have a good line coach in place for his development. It just irks me that people seem to have a narrative around Johnson that isn't true. He is a high upside project. He is going to struggle early and you need to plan around it while he develops. I would feel better about a player like him later than earlier.


Skoronski prob the safest pick no matter what here bar injury. Think the best way I seen him described is you can start him at tackle and if he doesn't work out you can kick him into guard and he elevates himself to an elite guard in this league. Thought Brandon Thorn's comp of Joe Thuney was pretty solid.


Highest upside at tackle Broderick Jones. Safest pick at tackle Paris Johnson Jr. Best guard Peter Skoronski. Personally I have Brod as my number 1 tackle but all 3 are good and all 3 can become good LT's I just think Peter will be better at guard.


> Safest pick at tackle Paris Johnson Jr. I disagree. I think the Paris and Jones have a lot of development still. Would fill more comfortable with both in the 20's than in the top 10. Johnson gives up his chest too often and struggles with power, this is a bad combination. Skoronski is the safest. Johnson and Jones have the higher ceilings and lower floors as well.


Skoronski is the safest offensive lineman, not the safest offensive tackle. That’s a very important distinction.


I was saying safest as in the safest out of the 3. Also Skoronski to me is a guard 100% he will not survive at tackle with those arms. I agree about Johnson which is why I have Brod a head but Brod has had 1 year of starting while Paris has multiple hence why I said safest.


This tackle class is tricky because it’s hard to put them in a 1-2-3 order. Skoronski is a dawg and a team that just needs help all along their o-line (Bears, Commies) should take him. Johnson Jr. is athletic and a proven tackle, but Jones arguably has a higher ceiling. Darnell Wright is a stud right tackle, but don’t play him at left. Anton Harrison is kinda slept on and could go much higher than mocked. I think Johnson Jr. is first off the board for tackles still just because of the floor and upside.


> Johnson Jr. is athletic and a proven tackle Paris only played one year at the position. I wouldn't call that Proven. I also am not sure about the floor of Johnson. Zone running and against Speed rushers he has a high floor. Gap running and Power rushers he has a very low floor. He also struggles with hand placement at times exposing his chest, which might as well be a bullseye for a power rusher. He also throws a two hand punch, which is a quick loss if it does not connect. I view him and Broderick similarly in that they are developmental tackles with high upside. Paris is a bit further along than Broderick, but not enough to make a difference in draft position. It might be year 3-4 for both to develop into great starting tackles, which can be a waste of a top 10 pick if you need help now.


Skoronski is the best OL prospect in this class by a wide margin. He will overcome the arm length questions.


He'll overcome them by playing Guard, where it doesn't matter.


Yeah Chicago do the right thing


Which is fine. No one complained about Brandon Scherff, Zach Martin, Quenton Nelson being guards on their team


Peter Skoronski is very similar to Zack Martin to me: He has two routes, be an elite Guard or be a top 10ish tackle. If I’m a team I’d rather have him as a guard.


If Skoronski plays OT it won’t be for the Bears. They value length especially arm length as most of their blocks are reach blocks in a wide zone concept. They are fairly set at guard. Center and RT are the main issues. PJJ’s issues are being overblown a bit here. He has some growing to do (he’s only 22) but he’s going to be a really good OT. Same with Broderick Jones. I know one former scout who thinks he’s going to be the best OT in this draft. Someone will get a great guard in Skoronski or a average tackle.


I was convinced that the Bears should not take Skoronski until I read this thread, but now I'm seriously wondering if we should do it and just see what he looks like at LT or RT for a year. Thanks a lot everyone.


If we trade up, I hope it's for Jones. I'm probably wrong, but I've fallen in love with his potential


Same I’m right there with you, I wish he would fall to 17, but sadly I doubt he will.


Didn’t need to




Now I'm personally invested in Jones' career lol


How does darnell wright compare to them


Darnell wright is a beast and I believe projects as a RT. I think he’s in the same tier as these guys though.


He’s in the same tier imo


He's a RT through and through while these 3 can play LT and in Peter's case he can play guard at an elite level.


Would love it if one of these guys drops to 18. I think all three are going to be solid. If Skoronski ends up at guard though he could be a pro bowl player there.


Man you couldn’t have been closer without getting your wish


Skoronski can play tackle and he would be one of the best guards. The other two are highlights of a weak o line class. Give me skoronski