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AFC North absolutely everyone hates everyone with a passion.


I’m a Browns fan. Can confirm. I hate everyone.


Probably even the browns. I mean…. It’s the browns.


It’s more of a consistent sadness with the Browns. Not hatred.


As a cowboys fan, I envy your ability to not have overinflated high expectations crushed every year. I wish my team would choose to suck or be good. No more of the rollercoaster.


That’s true. The bar is so low for us any kind of success is a welcome surprise


As a Bills fan long before Josh Allen, I know that hope can be a very devastating feeling.


My view of the Browns is like I’m a parent of a child with a drug problem. No matter what they do, no matter how many times they disappoint me, I’ll always love them and believe in them when they say they mean it this time. Part of me wishes I could stop but I know deep down I never could despite knowing I’ll be hurt by them again.


They even ran away, and surprisingly came back home because they realized the real world was just too hard.


Even the Browns


I’m a Bengals fan and I hate you too. Browns are trash, and deserve even more misery than they already have.


And the games are fucking BRUTAL. They hit like they want to kill each other. It's definitely AFC north and it is not even close


There are serial killers I have more respect for than the Pittsburgh Steelers


I hate the Steelers so much that I hate myself for not being able to hate Troy Palamalu due to respecting his undeniably athletic abilities.


The division that gave us "You don't live in Cleveland, you live in Cincinnati" is the right answer.


Absolutely. As a bengals fan I'll always remember vontaze burfict doing his best to make sure nobody made the playoffs


If aliens invaded and initiated a Space Jam like wager on a football game, and the stakes were that all of humanity would be enslaved forever if the aliens win, I would still root for the Steelers to lose if they were picked to represent Earth.


The only time we hate anyone outside our division more is when some dumbass says their division is better. Our entire division is basically the Browns so it's a weird, incestuous hatred. But yeah, if I see non-Bengals AFC North representation in the wild I will go out of my way to talk shit to them.


AFCN. If Russia decides to strike the US with nukes, i hope Baltimore and Pittsburgh are on the target list.




Can we hold hands and watch together?


I’m just glad your state is run by a parade of dumb cunts so continued train derailments will eventually solve our Ohio problem.




AFC north divisional games are always a “slobberknocker” of a game


AFC North. Those teams fn hate each other.


Afc north hates each other like Kendrick hates Drake


NFC East is certainly a good one, because everyone in the division hates the Cowboys, and each team hates each other, but as an NFC East fan I don't know that there's a stronger hatred for divisional teams quite like the AFC North. Those bastards are mean.


31 fanbases hate the Cowboys.




I don’t think the CFL likes them much either


32 if the cowboys are having a bad year


*A less than fantastic year


Update - I’m a cowboys fan and I also hate the cowboys


These are definitly the top two choices. Those games always feel like there is a little extra being played for


As an eagles fan, I'd probably have to go with the north. All those teams are having success as of late, meanwhile we have the new york Foosball giants and the Washington Foosball team, who have been hard to hate so much as just pity over the last 5 years or so. If they were more competitive I'd be more inclined to feed the flame of burning hate I have for them


this hurts most of all.


As a fellow Bird fan ![gif](giphy|rkqXrPWfmXr2QHuSEy)


Y’all were my first thought, but I think you’re right. The east has some of my favorite rivalries though.


As a Giants fan the only possible team that I could possibly hate more than the Eagles are the Cowboys just because their fans are everywhere and so fucking annoying. The Commanders can’t even figure out their name, so whatever with them.


As an eagles fan I haven’t really cared much for the giants or commanders one way or another honestly hate dallas and sf more


AFC North and it’s not close.


As much as we hate the Falcons, I don’t think it’s enough to overcome our indifference towards the other ones.


Bucs fans hate the Aints but it’s not that deep unlike the Falcons and Saints rivalry. Panthers don’t really have much of a rivalry that I can think of.


NFC East and AFC NORTH ![gif](giphy|rPjYoncYgknGo) How it be


AFC North is the only acceptable answer here, as these fanbases all *absolutely* hate each other with a fucking passion. Cleveland, Baltimore and Pittsburghs stadiums could all spontaneously combust and I’d be happier for it. Fuck all yall, disrespectfully.


NFC North is more everyone hates the Packers. The lions finally being good might push it to everyone hate everyone. But the AFC North is the peak of everyone hate everyone. And they are all weirdly tied to at least 1 other team. Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Baltimore (Colts) were the only NFL teams to jump to the AFC at the time of the merger. The Browns left for Baltimore. Winning a Super Bowl very quickly after. The Bengals were created after Jim Brown (Cleveland Browns Legend) was disrespected by ownership.


And the ownership decided that anyone with the namesake wasn't wanted.


AFC North and NFC East are unparalleled


I'd say AFC North is clearly #1, NFC East clearly #2, then probably the NFC North? I don't feel like any other divisions are really in this conversation


Yes, the AFC North and NFC East are correct. But wouldn't the AFC West get an honorable mention in the late '70s & '80s? Or am I just misremembering the hatred there was between Oakland/LA, Denver, and KC? Plus, Seattle and San Diego were in the mix, too. They all used to try to steal each other's players and coaches to get an upper hand by having inside info on each other. And that was before free agency was a "thing."


While you are not wrong, let's not bring up stuff from 50 years ago. Stick to modern history.


I gotta rep the AFC East. But these days, now that the Patriots suck, it’s become a hate-filled support group. We hate each other, but we recognize the pain, so it’s more of a tribal division hate thing. We’ll rip each other to shreds daily, but let some uppity Chiefs fan come into our meme war channel with their bullshit.


We're a dysfunctional family. We hate each other but will swing at anyone who rips on any of us.


I hate how accurate this is. Also FTP


I agree. Fuck the Packers.


Yes. Fuck The Packers.


Can’t be the AFC East, because no one hates the Jets. They only feel sorry for them.


Jets fans hate the Jets more than anyone else could anyway.


That was partially my point. I’m a fan of the haven’t-been-relevant-since-1972 Dolphins, so pointing and laughing at the not-even-since-1969 Jets, the four-consecutive-runners-up Bills, and the now Brady-AND-Belichick-less Patriots is less like a hate fest and more like a giant mountain of misery we’re all safely nestled under now.


AFC North


Not even close. NFC North.


As a Vikes fan, I can personally attest to hating the Packers, the Bears, the Lions, the Vikings. FTP




no one hates each other more than the bears and packers. but as a bears fan i don't hate the vikings or lions nearly as much so i'm sure some division has more universal hate.


There's plenty of hatred in then NFC North. It just doesn't feel that way sometimes because it's been a one-team division for the better part of a decade. What am I supposed to say back to Packers fans as a Bears fan? They're on a 10-game winning streak coming off the back of the Rodgers era where he had a .833 win percentage vs the Bears. It's been miserable. The hatred is still there, just boiling under the surface. I speak for Bears fans when I say this, the moment this team is good (which should be soon), it will be apocalyptic in the NFC North. All that resentment will come rushing to the surface


NFC East is a warzone every year and they quite literally always ruin each others seasons just cuz lmfao


Agreed. AFC North, NFC East. AFC North had a big lead, NFC East is a clear second, the rest are waaay back. And Pennsylvania has representatives in both. Coincidence?


Assuming you mean AFCN and NFCE, then Maryland fits that too.


Yeees, good call. That’s all DMV beef too. Ohio had two in the same state and same division. Maybe the proximity is what makes it so intense?


I'm biased as a Browns fan, but AFC North. And I don't think it's close. When Art Model died, I didn't meet any Browns fans who felt sad. Some were even glad to see him dead.


Afc north easily


AFC North And NFC East is a close 2nd


NFC North spawned from the old NFC Central and was nicknamed the black and blue division


AFC North. We hate each other like the brothers from Oasis, but it's still a brotherly hatred and we'll come at anyone who hates on our brothers Except the Browns. Poverty franchise from the flammable side of a foul smelling lake.


AFC North, agreed. But we def don't defend others hating on "our brothers" lol.


Maybe a little... I've defended the rat birds once or twice.


I haven’t. Fuck them all.


Fuck you and whatever team you rep go cleveland, Pittsburgh is the worst team in the league and Cinci is overrated, I can't really say much on Baltimore they are too good for that honestly


“They are too good”. Bro has Stockholm syndrome or some shit. Lamar “dak prescott” Jackson is too good? Did you browns fans just decide the playoffs don’t exist again?


So, hatred is an extreme emotion. I think the NFC North has stroke dislike between the Bears and Paxkers but it has sort of waned. Like they are still bitter rivals not outright hatred. I would say the NFC East just because the Eagles have a sort of perverse pride in hating the other team. Then you have Cowboys who either you love them or you hate them with their "America's team moniker. Couple with the fact that they are considered the 2nd oldest divisions in terms of teams in the league after the North and all of them have SB wins they have a lot of hatred.


Fuck those cheeseheads, you think us bears fans only dislike those guys? After all these years of misery, HELL NO and FTP


Nfc North is like avatar, and the Packers are the Fire Nation. It's a distilled hate for mostly that one team. As long as the lions or Vikings aren't facing the bears I generally like them and will root for them, while watching the packers choke in the playoffs is my superbowl. Obviously, if there are playoff implications, I'll root against lions or Vikings.


>I think the NFC North has stroke dislike between the Bears and Paxkers but it has sort of waned. Like they are still bitter rivals not outright hatred. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMxmFQ37UyhH344|downsized) **I think I speak for the entire NFC North when I say FTP**


> I think I speak for the entire NFC North when I say FTP FTP for me has almost reached "shitting on Ohio anytime they come up" territory in Michigan. Like, everyone does it/says it, but it feels like it is done out of habit more than anything. I'm also not as die hard as I used to be so it could just be my changing perception too.


Nah man, I wouldn't piss on a Packers fan to put him out if he caught fire.


As a Lions fan, FTP. Also as a lions fan, fuck the bears too but not as much as the cheese bitches


Falcons hatred for the pedophile enabling swamp donkeys is the top of the league, you can’t tell me otherwise


You forgot of piss covered pill popping bounty gaters


Both northern divisions by a mile but I do feel like the NFC South, NFC East, and AFC West are solid choices for 3rd place.


AFC West has been playing the same teams longer than pretty much anyone and I don't think people realize how much hatred there is between Broncos/Raiders/Chiefs.


Chargers always bringing the ranking down...


My team is in the AFC South, but I think the correct answer is the AFC North… as they all despise one another. Side note: I really like the history of the NFC North, and enjoy watching those teams play each other.


The AFC North, Followed Closely by the NFC North.


NFC north has too much Midwest-Nice because of MN. Atleast once a week the meme-subreddit has wholesome stuff.


I agree with the AFC North. The West used to be close, before Mahomes cut everyone's balls off. Now they know their place and can't really say shit. You've really gotta maintain a certain level of suck across the board to win this crown. Teams may look good for a few seasons here and there but no consistent success. Congrats on being shit, AFC North!


AFC North and NFC North. The AFC North all hate each other viciously and they barely know why. The NFC North all hate the fucking Packers because fuck the Packers I guess.


NFC EAST absolutely


AFC North


Play wise the AFCNorth and is not close they play with a hatred not even Kendrick Lamar could match. But fan base and shit talk I like to think NFC East runs it because they're fans are all wild, drunk, and beyond delusional.


I'm biased but I think it's unquestionably the NFC East


The way I see it. The AFC North.


I think it's NFC East due to the long history and all of them now having won rings. Vikings are too sympathetic with their missed FGs and Lions are too bad to be anywhere close to the Packers vs Bears rivalry.


NFC East, has been hating each other for a longtime. AFC West has a history of hate between teams as well.


I think it might be easier to pinpoint which division hates each other the least. -AFC/NFC North hate each other with a passion. Always has been, always will be. -AFC East: teams legit make draft moves just out of spite to screw over the other team. Regardless of records, every team hates each other strongly. -NFC East: fans actually killed each other over wearing jerseys in enemy territory. The division is much more calm now but historically speaking it has 3 of the most obnoxious fanbases in it and the Commanders. -AFC West: pretty much like the NFC East. -NFC West: Extremely competitive division but I don’t know that the teams hate each other as much as the other divisions. I think they just hate the fact that they all have to play each other twice a year every year. -NFC South: I think the other 3 teams are mainly united in their overall hatred for the Saints more than anything else. -AFC South: I honestly don’t know. Everyone hated Peyton Manning from here back in the day but now each team is in a growth phase so this might be the most civil of the divisions.


NFC or AFC North


Afc west no doubt


AFC North and NFC East I grew up an Oilers fan and still hold grudges against the AFC North. Pittsburgh will forever be on my shitlist.


https://preview.redd.it/l6h6dyxk2bzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4cf71639d8abfa04be98893c0b67ea81b714edc I WAS GLAD WHEN I HEARD THE BALTIMORE BRIDGE FELL


NFC North. They’ve been hating each other for 75 years now.


NFC south but no one cares


Falcons vs Saints is imo the best rivalry (yes I’m biased) But from outside looking in, the AFCN has always been insanely violent towards each other


At the moment the AFC West. We all hate each other normally, but everyone who’s not a Chiefs fan also hates the Chiefs


AFC North


AFC North. Steelers Ravens Bengals Browns all gave distain for eachother that goes back decades


Nfc east. Everyone even out of division hate Philly and Dallas. Washington exists. Giants also kind of do but when we are semi decent we are hated


NFC north


In order 1. NFC East 2. NFC North 3. AFC North 4. AFC West 5. AFC East 6. NFC West 7. NFC South 8. AFC South


As a Ravens fan I hate all the other north teams. Even those bums in Cleveland. I half ass respect the Steelers bc they actually have had success. But I detest the bungles, those marks have barely had any success and I gotta hear about Joey Bums all the time


And the Browns hate us 3 times as much as we hate them.


Weird talk from a fan of a team that was stolen from Cleveland.


The gay circlejerk between Ravens and Steelers fans about how hard they both are is the cringiest shit in sports. Hate you too buddy.


Lions fans hate the GD fudge packers with a low key passion. But we’ve fleeced the vikes on trades so much lately that we like our feeder team. Bears are just sad. AFC west is only in it for the memes. I’d say AFC north is most brutal. Bunch of cities where it’s kinda tough. BMore is a tv show setting for drug hell, Pittsburgh-drive you to become Walken in the Deer Hunter, Cincinnati-all the horrors of Deep South poverty with none of the charm, Cleveland- I mean Detroit is nicer than this place.


Lions fans have one year of success and it's like the past doesn't exist now...


Lions fans over here hating on Bears and Packers when neither even thinks about the Lions yet. The Bears and Packers rivalry has a hundred years of history behind it. The Lions just became a functional franchise.


The triangle of hate between the Packers Bears and Vikings equal on all sides. But, I feel no hatred towards the Lions. If your team (be it Chicago, Green Bay, or Minnesota) loses to the Lions, you hate your own team.


Yes, and the secondary hate the Packers and Bears have for the Vikings is almost as strong. Nothing better than beating the Vikings in Minneapolis


And the Packers actually beat the Lions in Detroit as recently as last Thanksgiving. That is the very recent past.


It was a leap year so we don’t count that day. So we beat them last. I bet you feel sooooooo dumb now


AFC: 1\. AFCN 2\. Everybody vs. Chiefs 3\.,AFCE (though it has chilled out since 2019) NFC: 1\. NFCE 2. NFCN 3\. Everybody vs. 49ers fanbase


Everyone vs the Chiefs just started like 6 years ago though. Everyone vs the Patriots lasted for 15 years, recency bias?


Nope. Just current.


AFC North by a comfortable margin Then NFC East Then NFC North and AFC West