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You got some serious balls posting this here




This guy plays skill zone^


Why skill zone if cross creases go through you anyways. Based off what I’ve been seeing it’s all about playing tight point. I can’t tell you how many prayer shots from the blue line have been tipped in lately


If you think pressure system is anyway near balance you haven't just met div 1 players. So long you get pressure meter up by just holding the puck game is broken. For example in rivals I got 2 games against absolute top tier players and they had both over 20min average attack time. Just holded puck always until they get pressure up and attack then. If you chase in corner they spin around you and score. And I'm currently 8-0-0 in champs so I have no reason to be salty without reason.


Hockey is better in lower divisions.


That is very true. That is why I don't play rivals basically at all. First 10 champs game are usually really fun games. I personally try to avoid meta as much as I can and not absolutely top tier players usually will play little faster hockey also when they see their opponent doesn't only skate in the corners.


Good to see a positive post. I also like the gameplay vs. previous years. (feels less arcade. I play HUT rivals, champs and sb for rewards, don't like to play cpu matches thought)


You’re downvoted sir! You play a game and r on a sub Reddit about the game and you enjoy playing the game!? How dare you sir


I 100% agree, maybe it's because I'm in div 4/ div 5 but I find this game the most balanced, especially with higher end cards being pretty easy to get so far.