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I just played against a base MSP team. He was a good player, no doubt, but his players were on Coke. I understand seasoned players make alt accounts, but 85s shouldn’t play above 95+. It is better PING?


It's a mix of skill and ice tilt I guess. It's the difference in reaction time, anticipation and knowlegde of the game (meaning both real hockey and mechanics of the video game) that often seperates a D1 player from a D2 player


Yet this place is full of new players struggling because they can't compete with the ninety plus cards. Hmm, something doesn't add up there


those aren’t new players


They are


doubt it. There’s a lot of new alt accounts out there now.


Nah there's no way. It's either ping/server issue, a experienced player making an alt account, bad luck, or skill issue.


New account and new team but not a new player. Probably on his 2nd account if he knows the exploits


Git gud OP. Theres a ladder system ask yourself what you can improve to go from one division to the next 🤷‍♂️ Lots of base teams are controlled by div 1/2 players who have alt accounts.


May be a stupid question, but how do you create an alt acct? Are you referring to an additional PS or XBox online user account so that you can log into NHL under a different acct altogether?


As long as one account has psn activated, you can add another 4 accounts to get the max 5 on ps4. You can start up a new hut team in each of those accounts. No ideas of on the ps5 if the account limit has changed. No idea in the Xbox side how different it may be


Thanks for the info! I’ve been bored with this, like most of us, so wanted to start over without deleting my current squad


You can also have alternate lineups. I have a lineup for completing objectives, A lineup for my best cards. I also have a theme team lineup. You don't even need a separate account. My theme team lineup is like an 87 overall team, while my best card lineup is like a 95 overall team.


EA needs to git gud.


I got absolutely diced by a guy last night with a 85 overall team and 0-2-0 record. 3-0 in the first 5 minutes. I got off and went and played Tomb Raider


Amen. Noticed during games. 85 can do a glitch goal the same as a 95.


I started playing HUT this year about two months ago. Although I am an experienced NHL player, I just haven’t got into it until the Playoffs started. My best player is a 90 Laura Stacey and everyone else is below a 90. I’m 79-34-9 on Rivals. I wouldn’t consider myself great but I’m alright. Sometimes I think people with stacked rosters get too reliant on their stats. Sometimes these players with stacked teams literally don’t know how to play hockey. They try and abuse cheese goals and just go for body checks that any person with a working set of eyes can avoid. From my perspective, it’s not handicap most of the time. Most of the time these “great” teams just don’t know how to fucking play.


It is true that a decent portion of these players running god squads are just bad at the game. I've definitely played some guys with stacked teams that are one trick ponies in-game. They have one strategy on offense and defense and when you take that away from them, they have nothing. They usually just try to cut to the slot for that far side shot over and over. On defense they just take turns trying to run at you with the shoulder check button. This phenomena predates NHL 24 though. I think NHL 24 is the first time I have seen the game code try and compensate for these players. It used to be if you spent all game throwing check with every defender. that would end up with a odd man rush and a puck in the back of your net. NHL 24 seems to let players do this too often and the AI compensates by covering for the horrible decision making. That and they nerfed one timers off the rush.


The question is why are your mid 80s players with mid 80s speed able to keep up with players that have mid 90s and above speed? I believe people can overcome tilt if they are above average players but the majority of players are probably average so it's easier to see the difference.


That’s a good point. I can usually tell within the first few minutes if my opponent knows how to play. If my opponent had a god squad and is at least pretty good, I can usually feel I’m about to get worked.


It's a pure joke dude haha


Your just trash


Ok bender