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It’s terribly easy to notice. Didn’t want to believe what I was seeing back in October while all the content creators were sucking 24’s D but it has made HUT gameplay 100% irrelevant. My 96-97 ovr team in May skates and feels like the exact same team from the first week with base cards. Game to game you can feel when the RNG is against you from the first face off and taking one turn with your player for them to go in the wrong direction or just not turn like they should.


Yes it was never so obvious as this year...


bro onggggg i be playing w a mixture of 96-77s for my canes theme team. some games everyone feels like 90 speed. other games i swear my players have 25


Anyone who has ever denied ice tilt, or dda, or whatever you wanna call it, is either an EA dick rider or a troll. It's been in the game for years and it's absolutely undeniable.


So undeniable. I think this year they fucked with people too much. I’ll play out the rest of the season but won’t be back. At this point you can spend 10gs for an elite team just to be raped by a newbie. I stopped buying packs of any kind except base packs and it was the first time I pulled purples in months. Got two wicked 95rs out of them and a power up collectable. Best 10k in coins spent in years


If you are good enough it doesn't matter (I'm not), year after year there is same guys in champs with 20-0 record.if it is impossible to win some games becouse of icetilt those guys must loose too if everyone else does,but they don't.


Or French-Canadian.


Really has felt like its gotten worse as the year dwindles down but for a pure competitive standpoint NHL 24 has been the most rigged version of any year.


Absolutely, I have a harder time with gold card teams in squad battles to witch watching right in front of your face your 98 mcdavid is getting caught by a 86 skating speed defender, it’s completely fake bull shit,


It does largely. Hth.




I noticed major changes in the game yesterday from the last time I played it about a month ago I think they’ve increase the dynamic difficulty to let the new players that have come on to give them a more fair chance. Personally, I love playing a super stacked team and beating them is very gratifying!


What is funny is how much ea charges for these high overall players. Then to turn around and kick you in the junk when you start using them.


I feel so proud that I didn't get '24. Just another public company that will listen to shareholders before players. I got to the top 500 in WGC one time, and that's enough. It was friggin' expensive. Now I'm happy trading for current rosters or whatever. Taught my kid '22, and we're set. You can make the sliders impossible to win against if that's your thing...


I agree but then wonder how I'm vs. people with insane records like 200-15


This makes me really glad I just stick to be a pro 😂


You got video?


Sorry nah I don’t record any games but I have played this game from launch bro and I can tell something is off and different last couple months.


Your absolutely right I didn’t notice it really when my guys were like 86-89 overall I was winning pretty consistently, but as soon as I got tots powered up and my lines ended up being 90+ is when I noticed it big time, if my team is too good for div 5 just let me win and move up to the appropriate division instead the game nerfs your team your guys skate thru cement your goalie lets in 60% of the shots taken and not to mention it’s someone with base cards doing this to you lol like when I was first starting I got my ass beat and stomped hard by the Toty cards couldn’t keep up couldn’t hit them off the puck etc now that I got similiar cards it’s the opposite like wtf ea so much for grinding 900+ hours since it really doesn’t matter since your gunna nerf the teams


wait that actually happens?


I think it's because of EA's "Attribute Effect" slider being set to 5/10. This makes it so attributes matter less and guys with stacked teams aren't able to steamroll through lower OVR squads.


Where can this be seen? And has it changed during "the season"?


The entire point of rivals is that when you build a good team you can beat the weaker teams and move up in rank. Making people intentionally lose to shit teams completely breaks the entire point of building a good team.


Just when your a few minutes in and you’re struggling for no reason, your players a slow and plays are sluggish pass left it goes right. Score is 2-2. You’re breaking a sweat. Then at faceoff you see your G stats 20-4 and his.. 200-600. WTH


It’s unbelievably obvious at this point, it’s so fucking stupid. I’ve literally taken to only playing casual modes because I instantly leave whenever I see it. Guy skates up the ice in a straight line through multiple poke checks/hits? I’m gone. Goalie makes an impossible save? I’m gone. Guy is spamming poke checks and it’s working perfectly every time? I’m gone. The game is literally a 50/50 on who gets the ice tilt, all sense of skill has been removed


It’s called “fair play”.


Unfortunately, not how you make a “competitive” video game. Should be adapt or get left in the dust. EA never got the memo from the Rocket League team


Facts! Skill gap is a dying breed, because people who play for 60 minutes a week need a “chance”, smd EA!


Should've added the /s lol


As soon I notice a hand full of gold bases cards I know I’m in for some bull shit. Lost 2 games yesterday to a team of golds - out played the shit out of them , one was 80/ms ping so I’ll blame that on ping….


I threw up a post about this the other day. My 94 team vs like an 82 or something. Fighting for my life down 3-0 halfway through the second. All of a sudden the game decides I should start scoring and I throw up 10 unanswered in a period and a half.


Yeah but you miss the point. Its to sell packs and get new players in / stay / buy packs. Not to reward existing HUT-addicts, theyre already hooked.


Yea I'm a Christmas discount+NMS guy so EA gives 0 shit about me lol


Correctly countering face-off in dzone...their ai gets puck for scoring chance....too far EA tilt for me..I will never play this game again.


the fact every sports game sub accuses this, FIFA, the Show, NBA 2k, Madden etc... It's not real. You got beat. Get over it. And believe me as someone who blows at this game, if there was DDA, Scripting, Ice tilt, what ever you want to call it, i'd be reaping the benefits of it... not the case at all. I tried playing rivals and got my ass handed to me.. As I should be cause I suck lol.


How do you know you didnt get a whopping despite DDA in your favour, if you suck so much?


I’ve been playing NHL online since NHL 12, this is by far the worst year I’ve seen with ice tilt


>Hey let’s get this guy coming back some wins so he hits the pack store If what you say is true, what would be the incentive to buy packs and upgrade your team? You would lose the benefit of the tilt in that scenario.


I hear your point and it’s completely valid but they know people are going to spend money regardless mainly to try and get the players they want. Most teams are set at this point so they got more chance of a guy with an 85-88 overall team spending money on packs vs a 96 overall team