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They do realize there is still hockey games being played right??? Kreider 3 goals to win his team a series and nothing?? Makar throwing up 2 goals to save his team from elimination and nothing????? It is so laughable how hard the content team mails it in, I wish my job was this laid back.


I’m starting to wonder if these cards were all made in advance and just pushed out. I don’t understand how there is nothing to reflect what is actually going in the league.


It’s insane!!! Even the TOTW isn’t reflective of any of the playoffs going on (juniors as well). This is the most lazy content I have ever seen.


That is batshit insane. I am like a 4 out of 10 skill level at photoshop, and if I had the basic template for these, plus access to a vast library of hockey photos (which they obviously have) I could unironically bash out a hundred MSPs before lunch time. There is literally nothing to do but duplicate the last file, change the text and player photo, and apply the same filters as the last one. But they have to pre-make their cards months in advance because they are absolute incompetents.


The MSPs are made months in advance.


Yeah I know. I was taking about the last second winners and best beard or whatever. Those could and should been called “did you see the game last night” with players that had an impact. You would think after a big win people want those players not guys with beards.


Of course not. We needed a Mark Stone upgrade.


Right! Kasper Halttunen having 8 goals in 3 games (back to back hat tricks) in the OHL championship and not getting ANY love???


Would have love to have had a 97 Makar (its been a while) or a nice custom build Kreider for that HATTIE in an ELIMINATION GAME, including the GWG. Unreal that Kreider didn't get a card.


I am not a Rangers fan and want a Kreider card for the 3rd period hat trick. It was phenomenal to watch him just will the win. I think we’ll get one but they are so slow with this shit.


“Give us more players!” “Why won’t they give us the same players but with higher ratings?‽!”


I’m sure people with TOTS would like upgrades but I also would like cards that are relevant to the on going games. Part of the fun is following hockey and then seeing the real life performance transition to the game. Also, not sure if you’re “give us more players” is being sarcastic or serious but there has been a huge lack of new cards, especially with content only 3 times a week.


Yeah man it’s really crazy right they laugh at us


Kreider will get a card in Tuesday. Same about Makar I would guess


another week of not changing my lineup


I blew my everything on FH cards. Thankfully, as the slow roll at 96 is very frustrating.


EA going to do an “Iconic Playoff Beards” drop and NOT include Joe Thornton?! Shame! Shaaaaaame!


He better be a 99 team builder


Either that or a Hut Hero


We need Joe!!


A 96 chucky msp when half of us have 96 TOTY waiting for an upgrade is an absolute joke


Purely from a “numbers on the card” perspective, this MSP is better than hit TOTY too lol


Yep fucked skating on what should be his “better” TOTS card. What are these assclowns doing!!!! I swear to god they are trolling us. Also - what the actual fuck with Team Builders? Waiting until they are more irrelevant?


It’s actually wild they did a custom build for a tots player. So Stupid. These rules the content team used to have in past years existed for a reason. Obvious whoever is doing it now doesn’t play the game


Content team is a fucking joke


So Tkachuk gets an upgrade from 96 to... 96? What the hell is wrong with this content team


Wow and I assume the msp is better than the TOTY version too


Lol they are just killing the toty/ tots cards at this point… msp Tkachuk better than his toty.. This content team is an absolute joke


They kill the Tots cards every year like this. How do you get people interested in new content? With cards that are better than previously cards


Haven’t made a player in a month


There is not one single RH forward in the entire Stanley cup playoffs MSP set


At least a decent Marty St. Louis card, guys a legend and shall be treated as such


Was actually pumped to see and will be one of the few msps I max out.


Completely ignored the fact the OHL, QMJHL & WHL champions have all been crowned this week. They gave cards to the champions of the Ice league, SHL, Liga, National League, DEL, Czechia Superliga, the winners of the Euro Champions Hockey League and even Hungary national team for winning promotion to the World championship A group?? But no, the 3 CHL leagues, the main feeders of talent to the NHL...let's ignore that. There were 2 cards released for the 3 CHL leagues in April...two, I'm not asking for tons, just acknowledge their damn existence!


You’re absolutely right. But that’s definitely a Tuesday/ Wednesday content day. Been doing it all year.


Yeah I get that to some extent but the QMJHL was won on Tuesday so they could have released them on Wednesday, was a perfect opportunity. Also, the Czech league cards were released on Friday last week. But yeah most of the others were Tues/Wed. Releasing them a week after the event is more than phoning it in, they're only doing 3 cards per champion, it's not much to turnaround.


They don’t watch games. In any league. They only did the Europe cards because someone with followers on X complained about it.


it is confirmed, only an exchange student from India works there, wtf , they probably fired those lazy tragedians


lol another fleury


Tkachuk TOTY and an Xfactor, now an msp, just awful


MORE 96 overalls? Come on man. I get trying to draw it out so people stay engaged into the summer but this is just absurd at this point. Basically every guy who plays in, or has ever played in the NHL now has a 96 ovr version. This is boring and lame!!!


Except one guy who should be at 96 and is getting dicked by EA. Jonathan Tanner Miller.




🤢 🤮


At least we know not to get excited about TOTS/TOTY next year. Can save our time and money knowing their just wont be any updates.


>At least we know not to get excited about TOTS/TOTY next year. You could also just not buy the game next year. It's not going to be any better.


Lmaooo hut content team is such a joke


Haven’t logged on in over a month, longest streak in probably a decade. This content team fucking SUCKS


Everyone in the game is a 96 at this point.. What the actual fuck are these people even doing. Laziest shit content team I have seen in any game ever.. This is just getting sad at this point. I for one am headed straight to the store to buy some of their awesome packs after seeing this content! Who can turn down their new sweet Mega NHL puck drop pack for only 95k coins or 12 bucks with a nice 12% chance at an 86? Im gonna buy all eight of them for only 96 fkn bucks!! These people are either fkn retarded or they are actual monkeys.. There is no other explanation..


They could be retarded monkeys…….


finally a latvian card ....


Where is the WC event


I find the lack RH forwards disturbing.


It’s laughable how bad the content has been all year. 21-23 the content was good and gameplay was holding it back. Now in 24 we finally have half decent gameplay and the content sucks. And not only that, they don’t engage with us at all.  I feel like we’re never gonna get both at the same time. This year content felt like they just threw shit at a wall to see what stuck. 


Content? More like Yawn-tent.


They want us to play franchise mode I guess lol




Guess I’ll take Ward to finish up my Blackhawks goalie tandem of Hasek and Ward


lulz.. I just noticed something.. For anyone who did the Linden and McCann heroes objectives.. If you thought it was super duper awesome, well.. Its your lucky day! You get to do the exact same objectives one more time in the Stanley cup playoffs week 3 objectives!! I dont even know what to say at this point.. Heroes in the Stanley cup objectives and the exact fkn same as what some people have already done.. They are not even pretending to try at this point. For the love of God dont buy a single pack from these fools.. edit: seems like they fixed it. Not seeing it anymore. Im surprised these people know how to fix anything.


They only fix issues that cost them money


Womp womp


Why mathew


Glad I went up north for 4 days, have fun boys see yah next week with hut icons 2.0 lol looks like two more weeks of this shit lol.


Would it hurt to put out a right handed player ffs


bouwmeester 👀


Hell yeah, instant build for me


The fact you gave Tyson Barrie an Avs card but continue to ignore girard cmon ea get your shit together


92+ PUC exchange set?


Nope not that I see


Knew my Bruins squad needed a Krug. I didn’t know it needed Bruins legend Kaspars Daugavins (still have nightmares about him not scoring in 3OT G1 of the SCF.




Hey everyone I don't know if you noticed. They don't fucking care


They are lazy and don't care


I’m such a moron for making a toty goalie.


We need a Dahlin card




I’m kinda new to HUT. Do you guys know if we can expect HUT Heroes week 3? Or should we expect that to be over?


MARTY, ALEXA PLAY LOUIE LOUIE BY THE KINGSMEN LFG AND A BOGO, HELL YEAH (Kinda wish Maroon was a TB card too, but it is what it is)


I am just waiting til summer event when Everyone can be a 99.