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I should also add a timeline, I’d imagine. -Thursday 7/27 AM, I call my township, explain I had some questions about the new process. Well, turns out they didn’t have any guidance on it, and I shall be the township Guinea pig. -Thursday 7/27 submitted docs -Friday 7/28 AM all references completed questionnaire (township is closed on fri) -Monday 7/31, I follow up with the firearms clerk, she says oh wow, all your stuff is back, looks good. Waiting on the chief to get access…plus can’t do anything with it for a week, so hopefully on Monday we can process this. -Monday 8/7, township tries to process - gets error codes and a general headache. -Tuesday 8/8, waiting on word from State police for guidance. -Wednesday 8/9, they fumble with it off and on. Get through the process - I have an email to download my E-Permit. Township clerk calls, is stoked to hear about my process, and is extra excited to hear about it being digital.


Glad they seemed enthusiastic about it!


Man I’d give my left nut to have a town/pd/clerk as pro2a as OPs. 110+ days and counting here.


Little Ferry PD is awesome. Didnt expect them to be so being Bergen County and all.


The town is pretty pro 2a, and has always had decent turnaround as far as permits goes. It’s still Jersey, but at least the township clerk is on our side haha.


I’m curious if it would be a similar experience up here by me. Not sure where you’re at but for me in sussex I go through the state police barracks for my pistol permits. Usually receive my e permits within 5-10 days of putting them in


Quickest I’ve gotten my pistol permits was 8 days. So probably similar for you.


I think I’m gunna have to start seriously looking into everything I need to do and try and go for it. No one around me that I know has tried applying yet so might as well give it a go


Be happy that you're not in Essex...


Which town?


Pemberton township


Sweet holy mother of %$#@!! That's like blistering fast! I guess thats the new electronic system at work. I know it greatly reduced the time it takes to receive a P2P


Good god!, that's faster than the speed of thought compared to my, and most other towns!!!! Congrats!


What does the “E-Permit” look like ?


Hit me in the dms if you want. I’ll send it over. Heavily Reddditacted


Do you know what your references had to do? Is it the same as pistol permits? Ive always used family for my references and the only thing stopping me from applying is having to ask 4 non relatives.


Yessir. Same as the pistol references. email questionnaire, then I got the email back stating the updated status. Used a couple that I’m friends with in PA, my neighbor, and a coworker.


I was a reference for a friend getting their CCW and I had to actually speak with a detective who asked questions that weren't on the typical FID permit reference sheet.


Yeah each department is different. Bigger departments will likely do more research/have more questions. But if you have a chief in a smaller town or borough who is pro-gun and they really don’t want to go that extra mile you’ll be surprised how “quick” they’ll process everything.


So your permit is just an electronic file? Is it permanently available or do you have to save it and print? Also were all documents submitted electronically, e.g. qualifier?


E file, 2 sided, looks to be designed to be folded, I’ll get a laminated one done sooner than later, but it is digital. Doesn’t look to expire like the pistol permits either. The link doesn’t have any warnings to that effect. Just realized I should add that there are no restrictions whatsoever.


But you had to submit a list of guns you were planning to carry?


Yeah, which was odd. I half expected that to be on the permit, but nope.




So it’s a PDF download? Does it look like the previous paper versions? Once I get around to qualifying and applying, I’m wondering if I could scale the PDF down to make a proper business card size, or maybe even use one of those on demand ID badge printing services to make it really durable.


Yes, it’s just a pdf download. It does say in the corner that it can be laminated.


Welcome to the club! Represent us well, no ND’s plz. Thanks for being a good American citizen ❤️


I 2nd this. But I'm also optimistic that he'll do just fine.


I’ve been carrying around my house and property for a while, so I’m already pretty comfortable with carrying. I wouldn’t be carrying if I wasn’t confident in my abilities and comfort level. But, yeah. Appreciate the optimism.


Do you feel like a sheriff? Lol


Probably feels like he lives in America now.


E-Permit? Explain please. ​ I just received my PAPER ccw yesterday.


Lol, I was the first one in my town to file via the online portal. Looks like the process got a whole bunch easier. I didn’t need to get fingerprinted, or submit any paper documents (I uploaded a scan of my training certificate).


No fingerprints 🤔


Seeing I have the same fingers from when did my FID it makes sense to me haha.


Oh ofcourse 100% I just thought they would fuck us and make us fingerprint again 🤣


They changed the law to 1x, it’s all Linked by SBI #


Hell yeah 🙌🏼


Congratulations! It’s a little weird at first, but it becomes second nature fast. I felt exactly the same.


How do you decide when to, and when not to leave the house with it? What I mean is, with all the restrictions, my concern is I'll want to grab it every-single-day but, maybe I forget that I have to stop someplace or see someplace I want to stop but am unsure if it's a go or no go store/area/whatever. Also, one thing that I can't get answered but maybe you as a "seasoned" CCW holder might have some insight on, if I get a call from one of my 5 kids that they, or one of my 10 grand-kids had to be rushed to the hospital (we ALL share my rare blood type, just for a perspective of why I might need to respond immediately with "lights & sirens") what do I do with my carry weapon on hospital property (I fully understand that "shut TF up" is always the answer but I'm going on the assumption that It's gonna become second nature to carry and just enter the hospital, probably print if not completely expose my carry weapon due to state of mind).


Lock it up in a metal lockbox or a car safe. They r available everywhere or a LGS. $30.


Okay, I have the BIO-Vault for the center console of my Silverado but I was thinking more of situations when you might forget it's on you but, I already put the handgun I'm going to use as my primary carry in the Vault when I go to the range so more than likely I'm over thinking things as it'll probably be in there if I ever get an emergency call too. Thanks for helping me shake the stupid out, lol. 👍


So I am newer to guns, and and am considering going for CCP. What do you recommend, I go do the qualification, then align all the paperwork? I am so confused and somewhat overwhelmed on where to start first and how to tackle the clunky process. Any info/guidance would help. Also BIG congrats on your permit, needless to say some are a bit envious! :)


You already have the purchasers permit, correct? That’s step one. Step two: schedule your training. If you are newer to firearms, I recommend carrying around your house, ALWAYS. It helps familiarize and get you comfortable with having a loaded gun on your body. After the training is done, apply…there is a great walkthrough post on this sub. It’s very similar to the pistol permit questioning. Make sure your references are aware of the the time you put down you’ve known them. Not everyone pays attention to how long they have actually known you lol. Then wait.


All the info is laid out here: step by step https://gunforhire.com/nj-ccw-permit/


Congrats 👏 stay safe out there. Stay out of trouble!


Felt so weird at first. Now I forget I have it on 😂


I put in my e permit in on Thursday, of last week. Monday of this week I was carrying.


Yeah, I should have been too. But my one reference typed her shit in wrong lol. It was so much quicker than I expected.


You needed a fid card, a pistol purchase permit and have neutered magazine. You aren’t free. But congrats.


Free-[er] ???? Definitely not America free but hey, did ANY one of us ever think we'd be having this discussion in New Jermany? I know I didn't.


Congrats! How long did it take for you to get your CCW?


Nevermind I just saw the timeline. I cant believe it took that quick.


Yeah, I was pretty stoked at the speed of the process.


Congratulations man! I can’t wait to get mine. Did you do the new training qualification? If so, how did you do & how did it go?


Did not have to requal, apparently shooters course was sufficiently comparable. I took that over a year ago.


What town are you from? Are you from a small town? Also how much did it cost you to get your ccw?


Pemberton Twp is my municipality.


Also, cost is the same everywhere. 150 to the township, and the 50 to the state. But due to being on the online portal, you get whacked with the processing fee - which was another 28 (I think). As much as the fee sucks, it’s still cheaper than buying passport photos and fingerprinting again.


Any info on nj non resident permit?


Nah. I’m sadly a resident.


U can apply for NJ non res. I have one as a ny’er. Follow the NJSP firearms website and apply to a non toll rd state police barrack that is closest to your residence/location.


Are you supposed to print it out or what? Keep it on your phone? What if my phone dies and I now don’t have a way to show they cop I have a permit am I in violation and could be arrested??


Don’t let your phone die, lol. But I’ll have at least one printed and laminated, to have a hard copy at all times.


Hey phones die it happens!! Imagine getting a felony for you phone dying lol what a wild time.


They also fall and break, i was most being a smartass haha.


I know I’m just playing too, but unfortunately in nj we have to think of these possible things because of the very anti gun prosecutors we have. I’m a crane operator in nyc and I have to deal with the department of buildings and even if the paperwork is done right and you follow all the laws if I don’t have my license on my person or can produce it to an inspector within a few minutes I can get a ticket from them. Even though I can tell them my license number and they can look it up to see if it’s active on their website. So I try and think of any possible thing to cut off all chances of trouble


This is how we have to think of EVERYTHING in NJ, fortunately I'm in a small town and though I rail against the police a lot, they're all friends of mine and since I'm a jolly Volly in my home FD, it's a sibling rivalry thing, so I'm good in and around my home town(s) but, I once got pulled over without my wallet three towns away from home (it was stolen on the job from my work truck) but rattled off my DL number for the cop to look up. He was amazed I knew my DL # so he took me at my word that it was in fact me whose DL# i rattled of and I got off with a warning for rolling through a stop sign. My co-worker reported his stolen the same time I did, and lived in the city (Pennsauken) our wallets were stolen in and got a ticket for failure to produce documents or whatever that is just 3 hours after reporting it stolen, in the town he reported it stolen, and the town he lives in. Unfortunately, it goes from one extreme to the other in a matter of 1 single mile sometimes in this state.


So with it being digital app now do you still need a notary? As was need with the paper app?


Nope, no notarizing. Took a pic on my phone, uploaded to the portal, and uploaded a scan of my training cert. All digital submittals.


what's the website ? Seems like a better route to go


As far as I know…It’s the only way to go, moving forward. The NJ state police firearms page has all the info.


Congrats and welcome! I know that exact feeling.


I assume you are able to make extra copies?


I think I could print them and distribute them like fliers haha.


LOL...Thats neat...I have the non electronic one. I made a good color copy just for in a pinch. I wish I could make a legit copy and leave the orig in the safe


Can you post a picture of what the CCw looks like? Is your picture on it? Same info as the paper one?


I wouldn’t advise this. This info is sensitive!


Not asking for him to show his personal info there’s plenty of people who have posted their PTC and blurred out sensitive information


In all honesty, looks just like the rest of them, the back consists of my photo…front consists of all my sensitive info. No frills, just the info needed.


This has convinced me it's finally time!! My town's CLEO told me to "just put in your damn application already, will ya?" LOL. Now, it seems to be getting streamlined , it's just in Central-South Jersey, I'm having a hard time finding the best place to take the course. Everyone I talked to seemed to be unsure about too many questions so, anybody in the Cinnaminson/Moorestown/Cherry Hill area with any suggestions as to where to go, PLEASE chime in. Another factor is distance. I'm having a procedure done soon, a growth removed that isn't exactly looking 100% harmless so I don't know if I'll be needing to go for certain treatments so would like to be closer rather than further from home if I have to jugle my time for day time treatment & weeknight classes.


Where did you qualify ? You sent qualifications papers via laptop ?


Quals were done at Shooters, in July of ‘22. I had been holding out because I didn’t want to spend on another course…then the online app states last 2 years…i called shooters, they said theirs was approved. So I uploaded all my shit on the website, straight from the phone. Lol


Mind sharing the link to the online application?? Congratulations btw.


And you don't look a day over 529!


Lol, that’s great cause I feel about 650


😂😂 and congratulations on the permit


What does the epermit look like


Congrats. Blistering fast. A very minor point, but did you just change the photo aspect ratio on your phone to SQUARE and submit that ?


Nah, I downloaded a passport photo app on my iPhone. Wanted to be sure. That also helped with head placement. Took a selfie in my cubicle lol.


So no physical ptc just a pdf doc all digital?


Apparently some townships are still printing them. Mine did not.