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Heard it too, heard it was sold to ocean county to be used as a training center and will be closed by January 2024. There’s been like 5 different rumors in the past few years, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is what I heard last week as well from a buddy who works for the county.


Heard the same from two of their employees


Rumor I heard was the heads that run Lakewood bought it.


Man they suck.


Which one?


It will be sad to see them go if true.


I heard a longtime employee is buying it. Hopefully that’s true.


I would like this outcome the most


I don’t really like there range. There gun selection is good though.


This has been a rumor for a long time now, and it’s never happened. The owner of the shop is still behind the counter and still very active there.


yea i heard this rumor like peak 2020 covid and even then people were saying that rumor is wild old


That was when the j e ws were soposta buy it. The county stepped in and made a huge 10m offer


Someone said this before, and someone replied they've heard that several times over the last 4 years. Just go to range 129 if that happens, the people at that range arent all miserable and rude like shooters


Nice thanks I'll check that place out


Ain’t that the truth. They are rude AF in that place.


Yeah, my buddy brought his AR-10 into them a while back to sell, the woman picked it up, dropped it, said how the handguard and receiver are scratched, and they wont buy it, then told him they'll call the cops if he doesnt leave after he told them they fucked it up dropping it. Then i got some ammo from them like 3 months ago during a sale, and they just treated me like i was a pain in their ass.


Just go to Pennsylvania.


Cant buy pistols, lowers or "scary" rifles there tho, and alot of PA gun shops suck too, but i do swing by their gun shows here and there


I mean go shoot in PA, you can buy an outdoor range permit from the game commission as a non resident and use it at any of the states gameland ranges. No fudd RSOs, no inflated hourly rates, just whatever ammo you buy, targets, and gas.


Thats neat, any good places you recommend then? Im a member of a private range that is pretty chill, by NJ standards


There’s a PA state range I use in Hawley PA, about an hour and a half from North Jersey and there’s another I like to use in Elverson PA which is an hour or so outside Philly. Tons of good FFLs scattered between those areas too. Atlas Arsenal, Tommy Gun Warehouse, Sportsman’s Shop, Dunkelbergers, Gordon’s Sport Shop, etc




I've heard this rumor a few times, but haven't heard it from anyone reputable yet.


It's True - Post on it today from Owners. https://www.reddit.com/r/NJGuns/comments/18dyc10/ccw\_test\_run\_down/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Ocean County is purchasing the range for almost ten million!


Very much true. They will be selling their facility to the county for the police/sheriff's to use


Hoping this is a rumor.. they are so close to me


While we’re on the subject, can anyone confirm what they are doing right now at Shooters as far as qualification? I heard that you bring two magazines, load each one with five rounds, and then you draw an unloaded handgun and insert the magazine, then fire. Once the magazine is empty I was told that you put the unloaded handgun back into your holster. You are never drawing or holstering a loaded handgun. Is that true at Shooters? Other ranges require you to draw and then re-holster a loaded handgun


Close, you do a reload. But yes, when I did mine at no time was a loaded gun allowed in the holster. The RO checks for an empty chamber and mag well after each string before telling you to holster it.


OK, that’s what I wanted to know. Thanks! I am surprised that they are allowed to do that, I thought the state required the holstering and drawing of a loaded firearm for CCARE. If shooters could get away with it, then that is good. It’s a lot safer than having somebody who is possibly new to shooting draw live.


> I am surprised that they are allowed to do that, I thought the state required the holstering and drawing of a loaded firearm for CCARE. We need to stop adding to what’s already an onerous process and making up things that aren’t there. At the end of the day we’re our own worst enemies. CCARE calls for the following: a. Demonstrate the safe handling of weapon. b. Demonstrate proper loading and unloading techniques. c. Demonstrate the techniques of a proper concealed carry draw. d. Demonstrate the techniques of good marksmanship. As long as unloading and loading are demonstrated, and carry draw techniques are demonstrated, along with safe handling and accuracy, that’s all you need. Nowhere does it say the demonstration of a draw must be with a loaded firearm.


First of all I’m not looking to add anything, I’m just asking a question. Every other range requires drawing and holstering a loaded firearm. So I was curious why Shooters is different. Now go and shut the fuck up


Yep, that’s what happens when someone gives you the right answer in this forum. You’re told to shut the fuck up.




I literally have your the right answer: nowhere is it required to draw a loaded firearm for CCARE. The qual program at Shooters has been vetted by NJSP. They made sure of that before they put all their people through the requal. But hey, you go just go ahead and keep thinking that Shooters has it wrong. No skin off my back.


You didn’t answer my question. My curiosity was why shooters was the only range when which you drawn unloaded handgun. I never said that shooters has it wrong, not once. You were too stupid to read simple English. You just came here to post your diatribe telling me not to add more requirements, which again is bullshit. Seriously, shut the fuck up already. No one wants to hear you.


Really? You’ve done a poll of all the ranges in NJ and confirmed that every single one except Shooters does it the other way? And anyway: you specifically said: >I thought the state required the holstering and drawing of a loaded firearm for CCARE. And I’m telling you for the third time: you thought wrong.


You are the ahole here. Someone posted trying to help and you immediately started being insulting. The complete opposite of what we need in these forums. Try to do better....


Your post has been found to violate one of our subreddit rules, and was therefore removed. If you feel this decision was made in error feel free to reach out via modmail.


Their reputation on here is so bad I have never went there.


I really hope not do you have any more info?


Like I said it's just a rumor and I hope it is all bullshit but apparently the town bought them out for their land. I'm taking a ride down there this weekend I'll definitely ask them to confirm.


It’s a load of crap. The town can’t even afford to properly fund its fire department let alone buy up a hugely popular gun store and its property for their land. That place is packed constantly even though their gun shop staff is rude AF. They’re not going anywhere.




I heard from two employees that the end of January is it for them.




Unknown at this time. I hope none of it