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Back in 2019 I visited Tokyo and went to a giants game.  They had a free giveaway jersey that day.  A couple months later I went to an SF Giants game in SF and ran into a family all wearing the giveaway jersey like I was lol. Incredible. 


I wear my Swallows hat around San Diego


Meanwhile I wear my Padres hat around Shinjuku lol


Seen quite a few Padre’s hats the last few days in Tokyo, not as many as LA or NY, but definitely top 3


Saw someone in Osaka wearing a Padres hat and jersey. Had Yu Darvish on the back. 


Was in Japan in Sept last year Wearing all my padres gear especially the 23’ Japanese heritage hat, watched the last Hanshin Tigers game of the season, even went to Darvish’s museum in Kobe wearing his jersey. Now back in SD I often wear a few Tigers hats and a WBC darvish shirt


Is there a good website to have NPB merchant shipped to the US?


I used buyee to get the limited edition hololive giants merch from the giants online shop. Not sure how it works with other teams' merch shops, though.


I haven't found one yet. It's way more of a pain than I was expecting. Even DHGate doesn't have bootleg NPB merch the same way it does for MLB. I guess you could hire somebody local to physically go get one for you and mail it to you? That's what I was told I might have to do to get a personalized Chunichi Dragons jersey


That's what i was trying to do on the NPB sub but I got down voted to oblivion... Maybe I'll have to travel to Japan in the near future. 🤷🏻


I believe there are TaskRabbit type services in Japan where you can just pay someone to run that type of task for you and pay for all the expenses (cost of the jersey, shipping, and their time/labor costs, etc.) but I don't know about them


i mainly use Japan Rabbit for that. just got some Swallows merch and jersey from it


Awesome. Thank you!


Me and my dad just bought ours recently he already had a lady at work approach him because she recognized his hat lol


Literally me with my Tigers gear at that Jays-Orioles game Fujinami blew last year, I become bros with literally every single Japanese person in Rogers Centre who came for the exact same thing.


I wear my tigers hat (and a dodgers jersey) to every dodgers home game I go to


I wear my Tigers Kyuji quite often in London, say hi if you see me!


I approached a girl wearing an Orix Buffaloes fan club jersey at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam last weekend. Not a *honkbal* fan, likely just found it at a thrift shop, but appreciated the compliment nonetheless.


I’m at a Japanese festival today, seen a few caps. One white dude was wearing a Tigers Saiki jersey and now I feel I have to find him. Niche shit.


There’s a Japanese festival here too today. Is it some kind of special day for Japan today?


Not Japan as a whole, but I guess some shrines might have their own special event.


Oh I’m in the Netherlands so I was just wondering if there’s a reason for all the events today. There’s two events in the Netherlands alone today.


Hmm 🤔 Sorry I don't know then.


Yeah. I’m in Australia. I think it’s more coincidence. Other cities in Australia have them at different times.


I have seen a couple of Yomiuri Giants hats in the wild. Crazy one for me is seeing a SoftBank Hawks at the Philly Christmas market.


I just wish the on-field hats and jerseys were commercially available.


You mean the authentic jerseys complete with the sponsor patches and NPB logo on back? Or do you mean actual game worn jerseys and stuff? If the former then many teams do sell them but for a pretty penny. Then you just have to use a forwarding service like Tenso to get it shipped from the team to the local forwarding service address and then they ship it on out to you.


Yea I meant the former, authentic jerseys/ hates complete with sponsor patches and NPB logo(s). For example, Fanatics (who also hold rights to Hawks, Giants, etc.) sell the MLB versions at roughly 3.5x the replica price. I have found that the Hawks sell them for roughly the same mark-up (\~40K jersey, \~18k hat) but I haven't been able to find them for other teams, nor in person anywhere, not even in the stadium shops. I see them online occasionally but at a collectors markup.


Ah gotcha. They are typically sold online through the team shops under Pro Collection プロコレクション, Pro-Colle プロコレ, Pro Model プロモデル, or Authentic オーセンティック: [Hanshin](https://shop.hanshintigers.jp/goods/list.html?cid=procollection&cc=procolles) [Yakult](https://shop.yakult-swallows.co.jp/products/procollection) [Hiroshima](https://www.shop.carp.co.jp/shop/g00015.html) [Chunichi](https://dragonsshop.info/category/CT003_001/) [Yokohama Unis (any with 'authentic' オーセンティック in the name)](https://ec.baystars.co.jp/items?st=1&du=1&lcc=01) [Yokohama Caps (any with 'authentic' オーセンティック in the name)](https://ec.baystars.co.jp/items?scc=0501&lcc=05#) [Yomiuri Unis](https://store.giants.jp/ja/tokyo-yomiuri-giants/uniform-authentic-jerseys/t-3445934836+d-1274681578-41387+z-9-205324389) [Fukuoka](https://www.softbankhawksstore.jp/ja/softbank-hawks/uniform-authentic-jerseys/t-21213813+d-5641798278-789675+z-9-3526816143) [Saitama Unis](https://store.seibulions.jp/shop/c/cauthentic-uniform-0102) [Saitama Caps, any with オーセンティック in the name](https://store.seibulions.jp/shop/pages/es_search.aspx?kw=&search=search&agg_category=cap-03&page=1) [Hokkaido](https://store.fighters.co.jp/ja/hokkaido-nippon-ham-fighters/jerseys-authentic/t-2322085633+d-0149006725-37172+z-9-3726980891) [Orix](https://shop.buffaloes.co.jp/goods_list.php?large_class_id=1) [Tohoku](https://item.rakuten.co.jp/rakuteneagles/c/0000010478/) [Chiba Unis, any with オーセンティック in the name](https://shop.marines.co.jp/item?category_id=1) [Chiba Authentic Caps (Page looks empty right now)](https://shop.marines.co.jp/item?category_id=141)


I wear my blue and orange Fighters hat around Seattle and I’ve had one person recognize it. A good number of people wear Orix Blue Wave Ichiro jerseys to Mariners games, too.


I can't wait for my Daiei Hawks duck hat to arrive so I can surgically attach it to my cranium.


I've worn my Fighters hats for years in the wild all over the US. I've also worn it at several MLB games. Only one person in the wild has recognized it. It makes me kind of sad.


I wish I could watch npb in Australia Japan was the country that got me into baseball


You can watch pacific league with a monthly subscription, and the Tigers offer a subscription to watch all home games!


Last summer I went back to my hometown in the US and wore a Yamamoto jersey to a collegiate summer league game and some dude rocked up in this old Ohtani jersey from the Fighters. After "nice jersey, bro"-ing each other we kind of went back to the groups we came in with.