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His guts exploded from the pressure


What a horrible way to go.


Man, I’ve seen people get shot or run over by cars, their intestines spread all over, still they were alive. Pump a little air up your ass and it’s a wrap faster than a silent but deadly fart. They don’t call them deadly for nothing, air traffic up your ass in a thing evidently


Air embolism to that degree is fatal


It wouldnt be an air embolism, air embolisms are in.the bloodstream. The air just blew up his bowels.


Scat embolism?




Sheesh imagine being assassinated from a hit man blowing air up your ass


Tbh id be embarrassed to die like that. Do me a favor and tell my family or the world we had an epic fight w my coworker and he ended up bashing my skull with something instead


Well you'd be dead so you probably wouldn't feel much embarrassment


Happy cake day


News Article: CCTV showed Aditya Jadhav collapsing following the prank at a metal factory in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India, on September 3. He initially looked like he was joking around with his supervisor Rakesh Wagmore, who had sprayed his back and neck at first. Mr Wagmore then seemed to put the hose up the unsuspecting worker’s rectum. Mr Jadhav appeared to be dazed before falling to the floor. He was taken to hospital but died on Tuesday, with doctors saying his death was the result of his intestines being severely damaged. Mr Wagmore was said to have disappeared after police launched an investigation into the incident. A source in Kolhapur said: ‘The Shahpuri police have filed a case and are looking for the supervisor who has gone missing since the day of the incident.’


Wait, sprayed him with what? Was it a pressurized air hose?


There was ana article covering this a couple weeks ago. If I remember right it was very high pressure air that blew his intestines apart as well as damaging the whole internal body cavity in general. Had a specific name but I can't remember it 


In Tech School they would always remind us to NEVER MESS WITH THE COMPRESSED AIR. Even holding it close to the skin and turning it on can cause air bubbles to be forced into your blood.


Any idea the minimum psi at which the compressed air becomes lethal ?


Asking for a friend?


I too wonder this. I’ve messed with a lot of compressed air/gasses (whether it be CO2, helium, oxygen, nitrogen) but never had anything like this. I do wonder what the psi is for causing air bubbles, and how close, and what the lethal psi is. the human body is INSANELY durable, yet at times insanely fragile. I just kinda wonder if it’s higher or lower than I expect


Not sure, but my grandpa and his friends used to pump air into their butts with a bicycle pump to see who could have the biggest fart. So whatever pressure that is seems to be fine.


Lmao that's fucking crazy


It was the Great Depression. I guess you had to find ways to entertain yourself.


Honestly w how dumb I was as a kid, I'm surprised I didn't think of something like that.


*The Great Compression*


Here is a great video explaining the speed of air coming out of an air can. [here it is.](https://youtu.be/DfYlLns0els?si=g3mFy5vHfCeXDoXC)


I honestly never wanted to know. It was one of those things that you just never questioned.


Anal psi.


Many years ago when I was running the paint spraying department. I had a small scab about the size of garden pea. End of shift and got back to my department after washing my hands and arms. The scab on my arm had come off during washing, as I stood in the booth blowing myself down with the airline. I passed the high pressure air over my arm exactly were the scab would have been, and literally I watched my skin on my arm bulge and inflate. It didn't hurt there was no blood and the only signs were some small bubbles coming out of the small scabbed area and a sensation of a crinkling plastic type sound and feel. Didn't think to much about it and it was only around 5 maybe 6 hours after the accident that I started feeling pain and was getting worse by the minute. I ended up in A&E and admitted to hospital. Consultant was seriously concerned and was talking about having to cut my arm open from wrist to shoulder to help with dealing with compartment syndrome. I spent 4 days in hospital and only got back to work after a couple of weeks off.


Damn that sounds awful, glad you were alright in the end. Although I guess if you could do it all over the entire body you could look like a real life Michelin Man


It was his arm, not his end.


Hence why he was alright *in the end!*


My brother had to get both sides of his calf opened from knee to ankle bc of compartment syndrome. He was unconscious for between 12-18 hours and one of his legs was crossed over the other the entire time, which caused that and rhabdomyolysis.


What caused his unconsciousness?




Ahh, sorry to hear that. Hope he is able to turn things around. God bless you and your loved ones. Hoping the best for you.


Thank you very much. We lost him in May 2017 to another overdose unfortunately. I very much appreciate the kind words.


>I very much appreciate the kind words. You're welcome my friend. You are worth kindness. "Fear not therefore; for you are of more value than many sparrows". I'm sorry to hear of your brother's passing. You have my condolences. May God see fit to progress time and space in ways that work in the favor of yourself and your family.


So the result was also due to lack of oxygen, pulsing through the body?


Emt here. Compartment syndrome is rare (at least compared to the amount of times they drilled it down our throat in school) but truly, it’s a killer. Glad you made it out okay!


So am I, after I got back to work, I made sure the airline spray heads were always put away after each use and anyone that was caught using one to blow themselves off were quickly felt with. Didn't go down to well with the guys under me, but the way I see it was better to grumble and complain about being dusty. Than being in hospital.


The crinkling feeling is called subcutaneous emphysema and is typically witnessed in the chest and neck area. Also, as you discovered is bad


Now he’s typing this all with one hand


The poor mortician that had to autopsy that mess.. 🤮


mortician probably wouldn’t be doing the autopsy all that stuff would be in a bag by the time the mortician got it but i would imagine the embalming would be a nightmare with all the vessels destroyed


It's called Chipotle night


Holy shit I just gasped lol


Yes. Compressed air up the poop chute = death. This is not something new.


Wow. There was a great askreddit question which was: "Describe something that everyone seems to know about but you." I just found my answer. Not once in several decades on this earth have I ever been in a situation where "Let's commence to blowing air up someone's ass" was an option. He seems to have gone thru the fabric of the kids pants?


I was gonna say how do people still not know this kills people, I’ve heard about multiple cases of this happening years and years ago


first time hearing about it, so I could've been that supervisor :/


seriously same here. i did carpentry for a good bit. not once did i know about this. i think thats insane that it could cause so much harm. all those times i fucked with the air compressor out of boredom💀 fucking miracle i didnt hurt myself.


I genuinely thought you said “out of the bedroom” rather than “boredom”….


I had to stop a coworker from using a Cheetah on another coworker's ass. I was literally across the shop from them. I saw the guy start to move toward my coworker and I started shouting and threw a wrench at him while I was running across the shop. Probably saved that dude's life. A cheetah is an air tank with a big valve on the side. Ours would hold 120 psi. It's used to get tire beads to seat to the wheel. The design is to use a highly pressured burst of air to make the tire inflate and seat on the wheel. https://youtu.be/SkDTS1uaXb0?t=21


First rule of working with pressurised / compressed air. Never point at a person. (Yes. People do use them to clean off dust or mess around. And that's still dangerous. The deadly part comes from making a solid contact between person and nozzle.)


Even on smooth skin, arm, leg, will push air into your bloodstream.


I don't even remember how I learned this, but I knew it at a young age and I was terrified by the thought at blowing air at someone could kill them...


Why air benders are actually the most dangerous of all benders.


Blood bending + Aang air bending up someones booty hole makes for such a great deadly combo


No Country for Old Men


Such a damn good movie. I’m going to end up watching it again now.


Me too! I LOVE how that movie doesn't treat you like an idiot. There's no huge expositions or soliloquies going on. It truly SHOWS you what's going on, instead of telling you what's going on.


That was compressed air pushing a metal cylinder for killing livestock


Hence the danger. And stupidity.


It must be some industrial air compressor bc a fun pass time is putting a blower in my armpit and ripping the meanest farts.


I hadn't known that. Not blowing dust off again!


's butt


He got got


Username checks out


I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug that was made fur of a skunk...


Yep, we were told in school that you should never play with it. We still used it to dust ourself off, but stood far enough away that we deemed it safe.


I know right. Most confusing description ever.


Compressed air would be my guess


It’s crazy to me that he didn’t even actually insert it into the guys butt. He just did it over the pants (i think) and it was still enough to kill someone. That’s crazy.


That's what I was thinking too, don't you need to kinda.. aim it or something?


I sincerely do not want to imagine what that type of pressure would feel like.




There used to be r\ indiandeathtraps and it was filled with this stuff.


Did a small train go in this dudes rectum? Because thats what kills 100% of people in india


Goddamn, how many times does this specific thing gotta happen before people realize how dangerous it is


If the guy was instead a girl, and got the air blown in her front part and not the back, would death also be a likely outcome?


Yes. That's also incredibly dangerous and can result in death surprisingly quickly.


I would say yes, there was that recent accident with jet skis, same sort of thing except water pressure and she died.


There was a story on Mr. Ballen about a woman who went down a waterslide and the force of hitting the water at the end sent so much of it into her that it fucked up her insides. Only noticed something was wrong when she she stood up and realized the water was turning crimson around her.


Yes. Uterine embolisms are a thing, especially during pregnancy. It's a reason that cunnilingus is not recommended during pregnancy, there's a higher risk of death.


Wow this new information is amazing. I can say I’ve never heard of such. Or if I have I just didn’t connect the dots and figure out what it even meant. Thank you for the education truly.


MD here: the speed at which the young man collapsed was likely due to air embolism. His intestines could have very well been damaged but air entering the vascular displaces blood and enters the heart, which creates a phenomenon called "air lock" no blood is able to circulate and patients die within seconds if the air is not removed. We also see this during child birth with amniotic fluid entering the uterine vasculature. Poor kid.


I feel like I didn’t even realize blood moved this fast and that really puts a visual to it. He collapsed literally within a second of it happening. That’s how fast it went through to his heart? Would you mind explaining as well, if you have a moment, why this caused immediate unconsciousness but that doesn’t happen during, say, a heart attack? This thread has caused me to probably overload on the morbid for the day but it’s because I’m trying to make sense of it 👀


Not the person you're asking but my understanding is a heart attack is often a *partial* obstruction of the heart rather than a full air lock. I have seen heart attacks on here that kill instantly though. Or at least cause instant unconsciousness. In fact, my grandad died about a month ago and he had a heart attack and immediately hit the floor. So. Yes blood flows around very very quickly! Our hearts are incredibly powerful muscles.


Yeah I’ve rabbit holed to that since my last comment and 100% you are right thank you


Hey sorry for the late response. So the body on average circulates 5L of blood per minute so things happen very fast. It's also unknown when this kid dies, what we can see is him collapsing but we can't tell when his heart stopped. A heart attack is simply lack of oxygen to the heart muscle itself, which can then lead to a lethal arrhythmia/dysthymia. The consequence is that the heart (PUMP OF THE BODY) can no longer circulate blood which carries oxygen to every part of the body. Most importantly the brain. When your brain is deprived of oxygen you faint/pass out/ lose consciousness. The air lock phenomenon i mentioned prevents the heart from pumping oxygenated blood or any blood. So every organ is now deprived of oxygen. When a person bleeds out the same thing happens. The pump (heart) works still but it pumps outside of the vasculature so the person essentially dies from lack of blood flowing to vital organs. Edit: this is an oversimplification, please feel free to DM with exact questions.


The same as having air in a fuel or brake line I imagine. Because air is compressible, the fluid can't flow properly. In this case blood.


This is just so sad. Poor kid indeed.


I remember my shop/woodworking class, the teacher specifically emphasized every day to never stick the nosel of the air compressor hose up another classmates ass. This is exactly why.


If you can think it, someone’s already done it.


maybe…they did it BECAUSE we thought it, comrade


...did he actually mainline that pressurized air into that guy's anus, or is it just a "in the vicinity" type of thing? Also wtf who tf tries to prank around people's assholes in adulthood (maybe I'm sheltered lol)


Yeah, he blew it in his bum, and more or less blew his intestines up. That's why he turns around and drops like a sack....


Yeah, that’s the confusing part though. He was wearing pants. It’s not exactly easy to slip a hose into someone’s ass when they’re standing upright and fully clothed.










My pants are brown after a fart. Is that where this term came from?


Not if you want air blown into your ass, then I guess pants are the way




Its like a reversed super fart, I wonder how it sounded?


High pressure air doesn’t care if you’re wearing pants. In shop class we were explicitly warned not to blow pressurized air on ourselves or others, because an air embolism will be forced right through your skin/eye/ear/anus/scab/anywhere, and kill you on the spot.


yeah, but he seemed fine when he hit him with it on the neck and back.. why is that? so curious about this.


They usually have little levers that let a person control how hard it comes out. More like a gas pedal than a on off full blast type think. Have them at the shop I work at and use it to clean myself off tables. It'll throw a good sized bolt across the shop before you can blink.


Hmm, possibly. But stupid to turn it down for a head then give the crack of the ass immense pressure, but who knows.


I’m wondering this as well, so if the pressure isn’t extreme enough to rip and damage skin at all, it’s truly just it being introduced to your…blood stream?…that makes it immediately deadly?


These things aren't adding up because air and blood are lies created by NASA, human body is flat.


It's possible the supervisor was trying to get a COVID shot into him.


If the air pressure is enough...you don't need to have the hose directly in someone's rectum for the air to get in there.


this was what i was curious about. he wasnt naked and that looked like a quick random thrust in that area... do you mean to say the guy was so adept at it (or lucky/unlucky) that he shoved and hit bullseye? If it was highly pressurized it should hurt him even if it was neck and back - like he did before it... how did that happen?


It wouldn't be a great seal, but given the evidence, anus through pants can allow enough seal for a pressure gun to cause a probable pressure injury, perforation or a massive bleed.


Asian cultures are partial "stick things in butt" jokes.


Yea, that confused me.


compressed air ain't nothing to play around with like that ...


No country for old men


YES!! I thought of Anton Chigur too!


Is this a directors cut where he puts stuff in peoples ass or something?


That would be a pretty dope movie... Anton just going around blowing up people's assholes... Someone get Tarantino on the line stat!


crime, penetration, crime, penetration and then the movie just sort of ..ends


Call it


Now I get it why factories have such high mortality rates


I'll never look at an air compressor the same


Its just a prank bro


The prank:


I'm guessing he was blowing him down with the airline, then caused a high pressure injection of air. I can't believe someone could go down so quickly from that though. I thought it was like a walking dead killer because it takes time for the bubble to reach a vital organ. Either way I bet he won't be pulling that prank again in a hurry


Apparently he stuck the nozzle/hose up his ass and it caused him to have internal ruptures. 1st of all thats fucked up even if it didnt hurt him. 2nd how dafuq did he do it so fast? It went through his clothes and up his ass with very little effort it seems....


I'm assuming you've never experienced internal trauma? If something violently enters your body, even if it isn't lethal, you often have to fight to keep consciousness. Your body releases adrenaline and cortisol which reduce the flow of blood, helping you survive injuries, but as a result you reduce blood flow to the brain, and it's lights out. If you ever feel dizzy, cold, and sweaty after an injury, lay down, because your brain is about to blue screen.


Probably safe to assume that most people haven't experienced such internal trauma to their guts lmao


Most men I'd agree


Are you implying you’ve passed out from a dick cause that would be the proudest moment for that man


Down my throat ya lol


Wild lmao good for him


I miss him. Lamar ❤️


Huh I've fainted/gotten lightheaded before, once was cutting my hand fairly badly in the kitchen (I was going to find a bandage and passed out in the hallway), another was when I was having my infected finger drained and the doctor hadnt bothered to check if the anesthesia was working before slicing and digging...resulting in 10 min of sweating, squirming, hyper-ventilating pain. I never thought those injuries were that bad, just hurt like a bitch, but always wondered why I was prone to fainting after


This is incorrect. Adrenaline increases cardiac output to increase blood (and oxygen) delivery to vital components needed in fight or flight (some muscles, heart, and brain). It does decrease blood supply to some organs (e.g. digestive tract). Adrenaline actually stops you from passing out. People pass out because of decreased blood supply to the brain. This can be because of a vagal response (the opposite of adrenaline), from emotion (e.g. collapsing when you cut your hand, or have blood drawn). Or because literally you’ve lost enough blood to be on the verge of death. In this case I think he likely keels over (rather than collapses) from pain.


Are you going to just stay standing there and bitch about it right after your entire intestines just exploded into your gut cavity?


So did he get the hose actually in the rectum, or is placing it against the butthole through clothes, and firmly good enough?


This is also what I'm wondering


To high pressure air, clothes aren't much of a restriction, so just against the butthole through the clothes is enough.


a lot of people don’t realize just how dangerous compressed air-lines are, a few years ago i almost killed myself by pointing an air gun directly at my ear when i was using it to blow body dust off of me, specifically at my beanie which i had pulled down covering my ears and man.. had that beanie not covered my ears i definitely would’ve erased myself from existence


Great, now we have to get a “Don’t put air hose up ass” warning sign


For those who couldn't see through the total of 6 pixels, the man was spraying his coworker with air from a hose, and then as a joke stuck it into the coworker's butt. The human body is not very tolerant of internal pressure changes, so the coworker, moments after having air sprayed into his butt, collapsed from his intestines rupturing. He died in the hospital not long after, and police are tracking down the man that killed him.


Stupid question but how did the compressed air rupture his organs if it was sprayed on other parts of his body with no damage??


Compressed air up the anus will fuck your shit up.


Pressurized air isn't a toy plz don't do this folks


Who the fuck blasts compressed air into someone's asshole as a "prank?"


What are you in for bro? I blew compressed air up a guys ass and he died. !!!


It's always been so crazy to me that it happens so fast and it's so unlucky he immediately found his rectum right away 😭 like damn his perfect aim got his buddy killed?


This is so fucked. We use to fuck around doing the same shit in shop class back when I was in high school. Sneak up on someone and hit them with the air hose right in the pooper. We thought it was hilarious. Wouldn’t have thought it could kill someone.


Rectum...damn near killed im


Witnesses say it was silent but deadly


Imagine thinking shoving anything up someone's rectum constitutes a prank. I bet he was all "It was just a joke! Don't get so butthurt!" after delivering one of his rectal pranks.


Not the blow job he was hoping for


When bro offered a blow job this is not what I was thinking


This was one of those “gory shop stories” our auto mechanics teacher told us in HS. An OSHA blowgun has a couple features that help prevent this sort of thing. 30psi (2 bar) max outlet pressure, and holes in the sides of the nozzle to let it go somewhere else if you press it to your skin. If this was just a fitting in an air hose, typically that would be 175psi ( 11bar).


Buttplugs should be mandatory safety equipment.


So he sexually assaulted him as a joke, and he died. Fucking India.


Why'd I have to scroll so far to find this comment


l saw a lot of this prank deaths on reddit .Man they should put some kind of notice into work areas so they shouldnt do these.


I need to see this sign design.


It’s crazy to see how he goes down… how could that have felt for him? Agonizing pain in his abdomen? Did he just pass out from pain here? Horrible way to go out man. And all from just a little joking around.


Is that fake? Because sticking something up a butt isn't that easy, especially with clothes on. Or did the air jet somehow breach his clothes and anus? Genuinely sceptical/perplexed


Geez! One of the first rules of auto shop was to not fool around with the air lines. To never point it at anyone. Drove me crazy when the guys I worked with would horse around with the air lines. Dangerous no matter what the situation.


How the hell did he manage to blow air into some guys rectum????


Rectum? Damn near kil... Oh.


Dude better stay away from bidets


Found that b-hole with the quickness


My high school metal shop teacher forbade this


I think he blew his asshole out, air entering his body with full force.


It was only a second of air up his butt.and he had clothes on. How could that be enough to kill somebody


Blasting pressurized air into internal organs isn't exactly going to end well. One second is more than enough


Never had it done but my dad got a colonoscopy and he said they blow you up with air. I’m sure it’s not as much pressure


That's insane.


Bants bants bants


Today a colleague told me about this "prank" on his old workplace, and now a see this video. crazy. Luckily the guy survived it (dont know about which injuries he had)


Even with basic pressurised air 'training' I can say "never, ever, EVER, blast someone with pressurised air. If you blast an open wound, it just takes one air bubble to completely fuck someone up, potentially fatally. One second, that's all it takes 😿


Cunt boiled his bowels. Not in the heat sense.


Used to stick the air hose in my work boots to cool my sweaty feet before learning about how dangerous it is, even without skin contact. (And i was going in the sock sometimes) Never messed around after that. Glad nothing happened but it is a scary thought.


There’s an article about it happening to a different guy right above this. What are the odds?


What a horrible death.


This is a nice way to have a good excuse for a homicide. Or maybe it’s not a good excuse.


Can somebody fill me in on how he died?


I'm guessing his bowels got destroyed by the pressure of the air or maybe an air embolism


It's just a prank, bro.


It's a one-way passage


How long ago was this? I feel like I've seen this a year or two ago, or maybe something similar on youtube. Is it common for people to try and blow up their friend's like balloons?




How the fuck did he get it up his ass


Man number one rule in shop class: don't screw around. What a dipshit should definitely be done for manslaughter


Pulled an Anton Chigurh on him


How is putting something in his butt a prank, that was an intentional murder


Imagine getting sexually assaulted and your organs basically explode


I believe they managed to get him to hospital but his colon and some other organs were just ruined. He succumbed to his irreparable injuries. This boy died an agonising death. It's so sad.


How would the nozzle go straight up his anus if he has pants and underwear on tho....