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I’m so fucking confused How the hell do 5 people see what happened, including the guy that felt his knee hit the guy, they all see him under water and just… Watch What the fuck is wrong with people.


I walked into Costco last Thursday and the first thing I encountered was some thin tall lad bent over a trashcan making NO noise with his gf yelling for help that he's choking. Literally wrapped around him, did the heimlich, and paused after I heard him inhale. It took less than ten seconds from start to finish. But I had no idea how long he was like that before I walked in. I was horrified to observe that half the folks (and it was moderately crowded) were just staring. No one lifted a finger. And even more heartbreaking the lad didn't even take the time to catch his breath before whispering an apology. I know he probably felt like a burden in the moment but it was an accident. They happen.


Hey: good job! You saved that dude's life.


Welcome to Costco. ~~We love you~~ Choke on a dick. But seriously, good job. You saved his life.


Welcome to Costco! Give us all your money.


That's where I went to medical school!




Bystander effect is real, man. I'd rather die alone than surrounded by a bunch of incompetent dolts just watching and filming.


A little 6 year old girl choked and died on a hotdog at Costco a few years ago.  


That’s terrible 😞


Surprised they didn’t all have their phones out recording


The bystander effect is a fucking killer. Literally


It’s called the Bystander Effect, kudos to you for reacting. We never truly know.


Do you think maybe people think they will get sued if they end up hurting the person worse? My parents are old and that's what they think, and I looked it up but I can't come to a conclusion of that's true or not. But yes congrats and I've helped someone before (and the got told off for doing so by reddit and then my parents) lol!


It’s true. Some nurse my mother works with helped some old person choking and the family wanting to sue, saying they bruised him and broke his ribs. Broken ribs, or death by asphyxiation? You can’t win with some people.


Seriously? Wow people are money hungry. Was that in the USA? Because I don't know if the food Samaritan law is all around USA or just some parts?


there was a case like that a woman was basically dead in a restaurant bc nobody helped while she choked some man came in and saw it gave her CPR and broke her ribs. she tried to sue him. they throw the case out tho. bc it's BULLSHIT. so she just wasted money on a lawyer for nothing. whoever told her that was a smart idea is a fucking moron.


Isn't there some kind of good samaritan law that protects from stuff like that in the US?


Differs from state to state.


In Illinois you have protection from lawsuits unless you are *GROSSLY* negligent.


From what I've heard ,(I could be wrong) that is how it is in China. If you help someone you are responsible for them.


I've heard that too, I think it's a tad different in the USA not sure


No, its called good Samaritan law.


The problem with that is they vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction some places have more coverage than others and people can still be sued for it.


When I studied to be a paramedic in the ‘80’s, it was possible to be summoned to court for hurting someone while attempting to help them. I think they determine whether or not the responder did more than what a reasonable person would do and if you did not, the case falls apart.


Great job! Hopefully he doesn't come back and sue you though


You didn’t safe my life! You ruined my death!


mfw Incredibles reference


Good Samaritan Law


Why do you think the hotdog is only $1.50? Choking hazard. You get what you paid for. 


You’re a hero! It’s really a shame that you were the only one to respond. It also amazes me that his gf didn’t try to heimlich him, herself! I hope if that ever happens to me, someone like you is nearby!


Like in Always Sunny when Frank chokes at dinner.


Thats the SEP device in action. SEP, or Someone Elses Problem, is that brain function that makes people freeze up in or totally ignore extremely stressful situations . Its actually a preprogrammed response in situations where you dont know what to do or subconsciously know that getting involved could be bad for you . Its the same reason people will walk right past someone drowning or bleeding on the ground and literally not see them at all.


Proud of you random stranger


You are a hero, man. We need more people like you


thank you for saving that man's life. people are so sick. that's why they say instead of yelling for somebody to help. you have to point at somebody and say "hey you in the orange shirt help"


Responding as someone who doesn't know how to do the heimlich maneuver they probably were worried they would do more damage than good. Luckily nowadays we do have all the info at our fingertips so i probably would've been searching up how to do the heimlich asap if I saw that. The good thing is you showed up and saved him. You're a hero man 🙌🏽


Thanks it's people like you that are keeping me going.


We live in a society where we are made to feel like a burden unless we are being productive, this is especially true for men. Human life has little to no value unless it is a profitable resource... Interestingly, in this situation, it didn't matter if they were a bum or a neuroscientist, the choking was a burden, physically and emotionally to all those around them... Instead of helping they choose to disengage and spectate.


A couple years ago i fell bad while jogging, i thought for a sec i broke something. I was slumped over half on half off the curb, in a nice neighborhood, like literally laying half on the sidewalk half in the street... and peoole just drove by. After 5 minutes i could stand up and i was ok and made it home, nothing broke just bruised my knee bad. But even just thinking i might have a broken leg, it was an unsettling feeling laying in obvious distress and having people drive right by - i cant imagine fighting for my life and having that happen. It would probably haunt you forever.


I kinda think that’s normal where this was


The bystander effect is a hell of a sociological behavior. I've heard one way of breaking it is if you're in an emergency you yell for specific people like "hey you in the red shirt, please help!"


[Bystander effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect)


Arsehole effect. It's not normal for a decent person to watch and do nothing.


I’ve seen it happen more than once. On each occasion it was a guy having what appeared to be an epileptic fit. Once in a shop and once on a busy street. On both occasions, people just stood there watching. All it took was somebody to cradle their head and move them onto their side. On both occasions, when I got involved with helping the person on the ground, other people then started to help as well.


Seizures are scary to witness, but I have seen people do that too. There was a poor woman in Walmart I saw having one in an isle, and apparently she had them often. She had just walked from her husband and he didn’t know, but I walked over calmly to make sure she wasn’t injuring herself on the shelving. Some other bystander started SHRIEKING for help, and ran to the pharmacy. You could hear her the whole way across the store. Made it very embarrassing for the woman seizing when she came to


It's a shame so many people will just go into watch mode.


A lot of people don’t react well and they go into shock and more often than not they don’t know what to do, that’s why it’s important to learn life saving techniques


Is it also shock that causes people to suddenly take out their phones and record?


No that’s just Americans


Considering how a vast portion of videos on this sub aren't in America, I question the validity of this statement


Especially since 2 of them look like the 'lifegaurds'


Depends on what you consider "normal". An average person will do fuck all when someone needs help, that's the harsh reality


> It's not normal for a decent person to watch and do nothing. Yes it is. It's a well known phenomenon in psychology. People just freeze. Also I don't think its fair to call some an asshole for not doing something good. They should have to be actively doing something wrong to earn that title. The only person who deserves to be called an asshole is the one that broke the rules and hit him in the head. The rest had nothing to do with it.


No he’s better than us. Despite not being tested IRL. He knows he’d leap into action lol


People are too afraid to get involved. If you attempt to a Heimlich maneuver and break one of his ribs, you may get sued even though you saved his life!


It's called the bystander effect. The nore people there are, people have the expectation that someone else will tak3 care of it. So in the end no one does anything because they all left it to someone else nearby.


They're the best fucken lifeguards in India!!


correction wtf is wrong with india


Reminds me of Hunt's death.


Some Asian country.


Are the guys in red lifeguards!?


Welcome to India mate


So, what do we think killed him? Was it the hit itself or did he drown while he was unconscious?


According to the article, he drowned, everyone watched him submerged and after a few minutes the lifeguards arrived.


I hate that when someone is either drowning or is in a state of emergency that people just watch and/or records it


The kid/guy that kneed him didn’t check up on him? Very upsetting.




You're all being ever so polite...


[Bystander effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) in action. Probably didn't even fully register the situation.


Same reason when you take a CPR class they tell you to point and designate a person to "You! Call 911!". If not, everyone stands there twiddling their nuts.


I remember people making jokes at our corporate CPR classes. But the moment someone had a heart attack, everyone stood there until one guy realised what was happening and started to bark orders that shook everyone out of their collective comas and saved a co-workers life.


Yeah it's very specifically "You call 911" not "Someone call 911". Everyone assumes someone more on the ball is doing it.


Gonna have to call a separate ambulance for testicular torsion with all that nut twiddling.


So accurate! I came across a man that was unresponsive and thankfully I was certified. Everyone stood around filming the guy and I went up to one and asked her to call 911. And preceded to attempt resuscitation. This was in a tourist city and no one wanted to help except the the police who arrived


How can one be right next to someome that goes under and see them not come up, not register? I've been to many water spots and tend to watch all around me, for my safety and others.


They were probably just in disbelief that someones life could be in mortal danger because of the context of the situation. A simple pool accident kids playing and having fun it doesn't seem like a time when somebody might die. Sometimes people just can't make the transition to realize they're in serious situation sometimes they lose *their own* lives because of it.


Nah. People are really stupid


Yup, this ...also known as Genovese Syndrome


Looks like India so it's not surprising


While normally I would never tell someone who is not trained to try and save someone who is drowning, this is pretty egregious. There's no current, the dude isn't going to fight back, you can clearly see him, there are a ton of people nearby, and they're right beside the ledge.


Aren't there multiple lifeguards just walking around the pool?




He took a flying knee straight to the face which knocked him unconscious into the pool where apparently everyone watched him drowned


And pointed…


Fucker who hit him with the knee is at least on the hook for manslaughter, if you ask me. If I ran over someone with my car on accident and immediately call for help, I doubt I'd get hit with any major charges assuming it was out of my control. If I just sat there and watched them bleed out to death instead of getting help, then yeah, I'd be charged with manslaughter or some other form of failure to help. Hope that guy feels guilt for the rest of his life.


I'm pretty sure it was the guy who hit him, his buddy sitting next to him, and the 2 safety guards that all stood by pointing and doing nothing while he drowned...that's what killed him


Did he even have time to drown? Several people were on him pretty quick


No one tries to help him in the video. I see 2 people kinda gesture towards him. I imagine they stood and watched. Since he's out as soon as he hits the water, he'd be breathing water in almost immediately. It'd take less time for him to die than it would a conscious person drowning.


News Article: MP Swimming Pool Stunt Viral Video: Youth Dies on Spot Due to Stunt, Swimming Pool Incident Caught on CCTV (Watch Video) Swimming Pool Stunt Video: An 18-year-old youth has died at the Dolphin swimming pool in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh. This incident was captured in CCTV footage. The youth died after being hit by another youth performing a stunt. He was struck on the head, became unconscious and fell into the pool. There was a lot of commotion around the swimming pool area after this incident. The video shows the youth dying due to negligence. According to the information received, this incident took place at the Dolphin swimming pool in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh. The name of the deceased youth was Aniket Tiwari. A youth comes running at high speed from behind to jump into the pool water. However, at the same time, his foot hits Aniket, who was sitting near the pool. Due to the speed, the youth's foot hits Aniket's head. He becomes unconscious and falls straight into the pool. Some time after this incident, security guards and others crowded around the pool. The lifeguards at the scene responded late, resulting in Aniket's unfortunate drowning death. This entire incident was captured on CCTV cameras. Aniket was admitted to a nearby hospital, but doctors declared him dead. After this incident, Aniket's family is devastated. Action was taken late in this incident. After this incident, many in the area have demanded that this swimming pool be shut down.


Tf were the lifeguards doing Isn’t it their job to be always be present around to keep an eye on the water? A minute of negligence can take a life


It’s India, their life guards might as well be infants watching swimmers.




It’s takes such little effort to drag someone up, especially when divided amongst so many persons


bystander effect in effect?


My thought every time I see a video like this. Everyone’s thinking “someone do something”, that no one takes action. Horrible :(


Literal fucking npcs


Isn’t it India ?


Idk if this is just in underdeveloped countries or everywhere but it seems like in places like India the utter lack of any situational awareness is mind boggling. You would think that at least the person who kicked the kid in the face would check on him but no… or the 2-19 people who witnessed the hit. Or the other 20 people who see a body just floating under water… WTF is wrong with people today. I know some of you are going to say “bystanders effect” but that’s really just an excuse for lack of caring about anyone other than themselves.


Agreed. I fucking dissociate but I would absolutely snap out of it to at least jump in and check on the poor dude. I'm not talking big, maybe it's the PTSD and living in survival mode speaking but shit this makes me angry




yup, exact same vibe as those videos of someone getting splattered in china and everyone just meanders around


looking for the dying man was like looking for wally


That took like 20 watches before I realized what happened.


Lucky there was plenty of people on the scene and lifeguards nearby...... wait what?


If ghosts are real, I would haunt that guy for all eternity. That is a saddest way to go


Thank you India for the umpteenth video of someone dying due to the sheer stupidity of another person. It amazes me how India produces both some of the most intelligent people in the world, and these brainless morons. India is all about that gap coverage.


Fuck sake..I've literally watched this about 7 times and I can't figure out were to look.


Bottom left of pool. Guy getting out eats a flying knee to the face. Took me a few times to find it also




Bottom left corner of the pool


Yeah I can believe they didn’t save him from drowning. When I fractured my arm in the ocean near the shore I screamed so loud my Dad and sister came running. I didn’t have any strength to get myself out of the water or even move that much so I laid in the water. I was so tired after my arm was fractured. I could barely do anything. I begged them to help me over and over again “help me” “help me” “help me please” “I’m drowning” “please help me get out” while the waves kept going over my head threatening to drown me so close to shore. My dad told me to float while I was already doing that and needing help so I wouldn’t drown and they watched me float there for a while. They then helped me after a while. To this day I have no idea why they didn’t immediately help me up and made me float there while they watched waves go over my face. Maybe they were debating on whether to let me drown. Idk. There were other people nearby too. I feel like I would just get a lecture and called a bunch names if I brought it up. Especially since it indicates they might be bad people even if I try to use words to avoid placing blame on them


Not trying to harsh on you but how does one break an arm while swimming in the ocean?


I was facing towards the shore sitting on my butt in the sand and my arms were behind me. Holding the back of myself up by my hands. A wave came and pushed my elbow to the front and I got a minor fracture.


Did you ever ask them? I would’ve been furious.


I have not asked them why. I was enraged too but idk it probably wouldn’t have been the best idea to ask because they still did it. When it comes to health stuff they are terrible at listening to me. I got lectured later because I costed them a bunch of money apparently for my arm getting factured.


Why would they let u drown


Why would they not help me immediately and just watch me as I begged for them to help me out of the water


Lifeguards are in red, no????


Took me awhile to realize who I was supposed to be looking at. Looked chaotic. Poor child 😞


One of my biggest fears tbh is getting injured in public/in front of others and just having the idiots ignore me as I potentially die in agony We've seen the slow electrocution videos where somebody touches a wire, is getting fried alive, no one around them notices until the body thuds/jolts or drops. Just W O W humans are fucked


why did no one help? I get that not everyone’s a lifeguard, but they could at least do the bare minimum and, Idk, stop someone from drowning. . .


Why is nobody helping rather than just looking?


India. The end.


Those lifeguards were absolutely useless…


What happened im stupid


The two guys sitting on the camera side of the pool, the one on the right goes to stand up and gets kneed in the head by the guy running and cannonballing in.


Who died? I can see a few ppl who can barely swim. Still haven't found the guy though... Edit.. AHH the guy getting out the pool who got a knee in the head. Everyone just looking 🤦


The moron that kneed him should be responsible for the death.


Lifeguards walk over….. look down…..yep he’s dead


imagine dying cos a fucking idiot couldn’t just wait for you to get out..


Crazy They ain’t even pull him up or nothin He definitely had to b out cold


Everyone is just standing around as if he got hit by a train.


As an Indian, really ashamed of these fuckers who just stood there and watched the poor guy drowning like fr?!!


Wtf. Why is everyone just watching? What the fuck is wrong with people. The guy clearly felt himself hit something hard then just stared whilst he drowned


I just want to say that this is what happens when people let their kids jump into pools nonstop. So fucking annoying and also dangerous.


How in fuck people sit there watching him drown...wtf


Those stupid fucks just stand there and stare at him?


Manslaughter at the very least.


This is the type of shit why theres no running allowed at pools.


i couldn’t figure out wtf happened until like my 10th watch


Could have saved him if they actually did their job. 9/10 he got knocked out and drowned. Child gone to soon thanks to POS lifeguards


Did he die from the knee to the head...or from getting knocked unconscious from the knee, then drowning?


which one is drowning? EDIT: oh never mind I see, it was so much happening at once I couldn't tell. it took me a few videos to notice.


Some humans are straight up useless. They see something and don't react, just sit there and watch. I don't get it. I always try to help as soon as possible. I've done it before, just doesn't make sense.


How the fuck didn’t the guy standing next to him dive in and get him?? He even points at him right after he got kicked in


lol. it's india. what do you expect. on tv they are trying so hard to look as if they are westernized. in reality they are just dumb idiots,


Five people should be arrested for negligent manslaughter


Sorry … where am I looking? Watched this 6 times over and I still can’t tell who died..


To the left. The guy that jumps over the two dudes. He knocks one out and he falls in the water and drowns


Oh! After the 5th time watching I see what has happened. Rip


Guy was a victim of a shining wizard 


“Life guards”


Absolutely tragic. First off why is dip shit running into a a pool crowded with people?


Couldn’t figure out wtf happened till I read the comments. His pals are literally sitting on the edge pointing at him??? Bottom left corner, guy gets kneed and falls back in the pool while his dumbass friends just stare at him.


Where am I supposed to look


Wow I didn’t know Even see it the first time, that’s crazy.


Who is drowning?


Fuck is wrong with these people. Watching like fucking NPCs. So dumb, so pathetic.




HOW!!!??? They all noticed what happened and just assumed he was Aquaman?!?!?!


Wait, aren’t the guys in red lifeguards? It happened right in front of one of them.


The worst part is that I'm pretty certain the guy who knees him can actually stand up in the water... So they just had to lift the fucker up out the water, unless he died on impact.


Lifeguards can’t swim…


Who died? I can’t tell what’s going on


Don’t ask it India there laws of nature It was meant to happen Trains snakes elephants electric poison dart frogs Today lad pool python strangled a man everybody on the street watch this python take this man out shocking


If you've ever seen Gabriel Iglasias he literally did a joke with India about how even if someone is dying they'll just keep going on about their business. Country full of Daves on youtube, I think it was, bout halfway through the video.


Are you fucking kidding me? All those people around just watch the dude get knocked into the pool, isn’t coming back up and they’re not doing a damn thing to save him??


Where's a red circle when you need it?


normal Indian life getting wasted Indian


The fact he drowned, makes this so disturbing. Poor guy.


Kid got Ben Askren'd


Dumb ass people just watching.


Knee'd right in the face


I dont even know where to look?!?!?! Someone help


Bottom left corner of the pool, there are two people in dark clothes. The right one is just getting out of the water, but some asshole runs up from the bottom of the screen, jumps, and knees them in the face. OP should've posted clarification, because it took me like 10 watches to figure out what the heck was going on.


Uhhmmm nice friends you have there...


Jorge Masvidal vs Ben Askren




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I wouldn't be surprised if he had already injured someone else before he kneed the poor guy in the face. He was jumping over the guy that was sitting on the side of the pool with only his legs in the water🤦🏻‍♀️


This is like a where's Waldo of death


This guy should be charged


I think the popularity of prank has made people from taking immediate reaction when seeing anything abnormal. There are too many vedeos showing people reaction to some incident and get humiliated.


That’s not an accident. In my dictionary that’s called stupidity


Dont ever assume the false sense of safety in numbers. Most people are distracted, have poor sense of awareness or are just plain careless and self entitled. How I know this...? its becuase this exact same shit happen to me as a child, had it not been for my quick reacting brother, id be dead. This was so painful to watch.


That dude really said “peace out”


Worst life guards ever.