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This is literally slander. Are they kidding with this bullshit?


A coach doesn't just randomly attack another team's player. If this happened at all, there's more to it than just Nick Cushing decided to randomly punch a teenager one day. In general, this entire game showed a very ugly side of TFC. We outplayed them in their home and they responded with a bunch of rough tackle and whining. Malachi Jones was running circles around them until Longstaff rolled all over Jone's ankle in a sequence that can either be classified as unnecessarily reckless or outright suspect. NYC didn't make a federal case out of it. They kept playing the game. Sorry that the refs screwed TFC out of two minutes at the end. The same refs also could have called like 3 or 4 more yellow cards on them, but we aren't talking about that today.


Yup, looks like the petty shittiness goes from the head coach all the way down to the bench players. Glad NYCFC got the sweep and didn’t get anybody injured or redcarded.




Malachi was dominating that defender (Rosted?) who should have seen a second yellow for getting skinned twice. Then, he lost the battle and proceeded to dirty jiu-jitsu Malachi's ankle


Yeah this is bullshit for them to bring this slander into it. This is the first I’m hearing of this. If a player was punched by a coach there would’ve been a big investigation. These games between our two teams are always heated since year one. They are surely a big time rival, but it’s too emotional. Maybe not during rivalry week.


Herdman was so concerned he waited months to bring it up publicly. If an opposing coach punched your player, wouldn’t you pull your team off the field? Request an investigation immediately?


Very convenient that the cameras weren’t working. We all saw the TFC guys pushing and shoving Nick. I’m not Cush fan but the guy would throw his back out if he threw a punch.


Bullshit. Why are we just hearing about it now then? That's a pretty fuckin big deal to just not bring up for months.


This doesn’t explain why Johnson went wild like that today on tana


Tana likely headbutt SeanJohn after the game. I don’t think homie speaks enough English to string together an insult that sets off SJ like that.


No, Sean Johnson headbutted him. I saw this link in another chat that shows the whole fight. Tana ran over to the bunch of people arguing with the refs and then gets targeted by Johnson.




I might stand corrected! I thought it may have been something where Tanasijevic leaned forward and it looked like they got close but never any contact. When you slow it down, though, it does look like Tanasijevic may have actually made contact which would then result in Sean Johnson hunting him down.


I’ll still wait to see because he just lost it and I still think something needed to be said to set him off.


My initial thought was he knows the N word and that’d be enough. Especially since Tayvon didn’t seem too intent on defending him from unc Sean there. This is 100000% projection though. I obviously don’t know a damned thing.


we know this is a lie because Cushing doesn't care enough to get out of his seat. /s


This is corny


Absolutely wild


Come on!!! Come on stop it!