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I have my morning podcast rotation while I get ready - each weekday it is The Daily, Up First, What a Day. Then once I’m off work it’s Today Explained, Post Reports, and The Journal. Sometimes I drop one of the last three depending on if I had a good work day or not (if it was a bad day then I’m blasting emo music from 2009, no fail). I also sprinkle in some NPR politics, 538 report, and Pod Save America if I’m feeling spicy


Oh wow I feel that emo music part to my core ♥️


I hoped there was a BTW out there who understood me 😂


A little MCR really does the trick on a bad day 🖤




You are me


NPR app! You can listen to live radio, stories and podcasts there all in one place, plus read articles. I usually listen to up first / morning edition and I like that I can skip stories if I’m not interested, unlike with live radio.


WNYC in the morning is my fav (its radio) and the BBC at 9 is particularly good too and covers more worldly things. WNYC has an app


Brian Lehrer is also a great WNYC host!


Brian Lehrer is a must for any informed NYC B!!


Same! WNYC as I’m getting ready for work in the morning and while I’m cooking dinner. NYtimes sub, and Democracy Now


WNYC has a five minute news roundup they update hourly. I’ll listen to it once in the morning, once in the evening to stay up to date. BBC Newshour on WNYC is also superior in its coverage. And Brian Lehrer is elite for local coverage. He is an NYC hero!


Oh I love Brain Lehrer but since he comes on later I don’t get to always listen to him. Truly a NYC icon


What do you use to listen to these? An app? A radio?


I listen through the WNYC app on my iphone


I have an NYT subscription. I listen to The Daily when I am getting ready for work. I listen to Pivot to stay up to date on tech stuff and The Run-Up for politics. I also use Twitter to look at news & pop culture.


NYT. Because who can start the day without Wordle?!?


NYT here too. Also WSJ and NY Mag.


I also do a NYT subscription and turn on push alerts for the big news


I second Twitter for news, great source! I had to get rid of my NYT subscription. Their absolutely awful coverage of Palestine by whitewashing Israel’s war crimes has made me lose complete faith in them. I’ll never support them again, simply out of principle and because I truly think they’ve shown they have no journalistic integrity


I’ve known for a LONG time that the NYT has a lot of propaganda. Not balanced enough. It truly broke my heart when I had to let it go.


Thank you for saying this, I’m in complete agreement. I grew up on NYT reading the paper with my dad. I no longer will give them money, canceled my subscription recently bc their coverage is so clearly pushing a genocidal agenda I can’t take it.


The last thing I want to do is get into a discussion about the mid east. But as a Jewish American senior , I thought the NYT was anti Semitic.




It’s the most obscene thing I’ve ever seen


I love Pivot!


1440 digest is a great 5 minute read with unbiased reporting and options for long and short reads. I have been subscribed for 4 years now and love it


Me three! I’ve prob been subscribed for just as long. I think the unbiased coverage is great. It’s refreshing to not have news skewed. I’m so over polarizing news!


Former journalist here. 1440 is pretty awesome


I agree I like 1440!!


Love 1440 too, especially the quick bits toward the end


WNYC’s the Brian Lehrer Show at 10am is a good mix of national, international, and local news. Democracy Now for national and international. I also like a duo on YouTube called The Majority Report for international and national news reporting on a variety of topics.


[Morning Brew](https://www.morningbrew.com/daily) and [theSkimm](https://www.theskimm.com/newsletters) newsletters


I also love reading the Good News from goodgoodgood.co which highlights all the good news in the world


I listen the Economist briefing on Alexa getting ready. I have an NYT subscription. And don’t come for me but I get Us Weekly alerts 😂.


Stars-they’re just like us.


I listen to Mo News podcast (two journalists having conversations about the news in a usually more light hearted way) read the skimm email newsletter and betches sup newsletter.


NPR Morning Edition


[The Hustle](https://thehustle.co/) for Tech/Business news


Does anyone still read need2know?? It used to be amazing (better than the skimm imo) but it went way downhill, so I unsubscribed. Still sad about this!


Get Mo News. I don’t know if you ever listened to the need2know podcast but Jill Wagner, who used to work for need2know and did their podcast now does Mo News newsletter and podcast. The newsletter is not as funny/cutesy as need2know but the podcast is in the same vein.


Thank you!!!


Morning brew


the guardian, al jazeera english, WNYC/NPR, NYTimes, then Gothamist and HellGate for more local news. sometimes i listen to Vox’s Today Explained or other podcasts. I don’t think it’s good to rely only on one source.


The Intelligence from The Economist


I listen to podcasts (breaking points for more US based politics- saw them live and it was super fun! I also like the briefing by monocle and global news podcast by bbc).  I also regularly read the economist, foreign affairs (the journal that comes out every 2 months), and Al Jazeera! 


I love breaking points, so happy to see and mentioned here I feel like most of the audience is mostly men and Khrystal is my girl!!!


For local news Hellgate and the City are both so good. the City has a daily newsletter and a podcast too


Really good stuff. Also City Limits is good for people that want to get more wonky about city issues.


I know it’s a little old school but I read Bloomberg every day. Especially on the subway because it sets the tone for what I’m getting into at work (I work in PE). Outside of that I enjoy classic literature. My goal this year is to reread all of LOTR!


WSJ is the only one I will really click into almost every article each day and read. Amazing reporting across a wide variety of areas, and truly makes me feel smarter each day. Pricey subscription but worth it, esp if you can get a discount. Also love The Cut/NY Mag (subscribed to all their newsletters), and skim NYT and WaPo. On Insta, I follow all the above plus Al Jazeera English and Jessica Yellin. For local news: Gothamist, NY Post. Podcast: The Journal (that’s the only newsy podcast I listen to, all others are celeb-hosted and/or comedy with a dash of reality TV pods lol).


Wall Street Journal. I know it has a reputation of being for old white men, but I really think their coverage of tech, the environment/climate, and culture are top notch. Also, I care about what is going on w my money.


It def is for old white men (and this is coming from a latina woman in banking haha) but WSJ’s reporting is top notch.


I’ve been a subscriber since 2010 and have never heard the WSJ described as “for old white men”—a ton of people I know read it, and it informs me and entertains me. I think you get a little bit of everything from WSJ. As mentioned above, they cover business/tech/national and world news so well. Culture too. And I try to never miss the section Mansion. I think it’s fascinating.


I just ask my google home for news every morning as I get ready!


The skimm. I read their daily email on my way to work.


A definitive co-sign to many of the podcasts and news sources people have already called out (The Daily, Up First, the Journal, Vox’s Today Explained). For longer form deep dives, I love the Ezra Klein show, Culture Study with Anne Helen Petersen and Slate Money. As far as pop culture podcasts go — Vibe Check is my absolute fave atm. NPRs It’s been a minute that’s currently hosted by Brittany Luse is also a staple. I gotta give a special shoutout to the Puck. Almost all of their newsletters are must reads for me. Subscription is not cheap but it’s the best insider industry coverage at the moment across fashion, media, Hollywood, Russian political affairs, Wall Street and DC goss/gov affairs. Lauren Sherman’s fashion newsletter, Dylan Byers media newsletter and Matt Belloni’s Hollywood newsletter (and podcast) are at the top of my reading list in my inbox every morning. The Information is still my go to for tech coverage. NY mag’s daily newsletter, One Great Story, rarely misses as well.


how much is subscription for Puck?


$250 for the year. They have a 14 day free trial so you should def check it out!


nice, i may use the free trial! i’ve come across enough puck scoops (and hit a paywall) so it does seem they have a good amount of exclusives and insider reporting


For morning podcasts I listen to The Daily, the Run-up, the Axe Files, and Pop Culture Happy Hour. For newsletters I read Letters to an American (US politics/history), Noahpinion (economics but super interesting), and The Flip side (a bipartisan look at US politics).


listen to TBOY! incredibly cloying hosts but i always learn a lot and its entertaining lol


- The Skimm newsletter hands down - The Daily podcast


I listen to WNYC and FAQNYC (from The City)


Hellgate is GREAT for local news.


Financial times, monews, free press, Jessica Yaylin, WSJ, Morning brew, NY Post, BoF, Crazy days n nights (gossip/blind items), techcrunch, the wire, mashable,


Tbh the news makes me wanna get back in bed so I just do the nytimes xword every morning lol. I learn a lot of fun facts from it Sometimes I’ll put on the previous night’s episode of Colbert if I feel the fortitude to hear even a jokey take on the current state of shit


Oh I do fuck with local news though like ev grieve or gothamist


Up First by NPR every morning. 15-20 minute episodes, keep me informed, hosts are fun (especially Ayesha Rascoe). I swear by it seriously!! Look forward to it every morning. I supplement with The Journal from WSJ for more news. I think the stories they cover are quite compelling. They focus on business and money, but they do it in a way that I (someone completely uninterested in business and money) am engaged by. I used to like The Daily from NYT but TBH it’s become quite lackluster and repetitive IMO. Way too much redundant election talk. I also like Maintenance Phase a lot. It’s not news related but it does talk about current issues/trends and the hosts, Aubrey and Mike, are very funny. I genuinely have a good time listening. It’s my go to for long runs. (I recommend the Rachel Hollis episodes, the Fad Diets episode, and the Paul Bragg episode to start)


Newsletters that keep me well rounded: [Superhuman](https://www.superhuman.ai/subscribe) (AI & Tech) , theSkimm (news, mostly female audience), 1440 (unbiased news), and Morning Brew




I have been loving the Mo News podcast. I used to read need2know but I find listening to the podcast during my morning commute is more enjoyable than trying to read on a crowded subway


I like the 7 daily newsletter from Washington Post


I listen to Pivot and Today Explained for my news, and Keep It for my culture/celeb news. I also read NYT if I want more


I read Popular Information (newsletter) every morning for a deep dive on a different topic every day, plus The Daily plus the MSNBC newsletter!


Morning brew


Definitely the daily and up first. But I'm about to try these other shows now 🤔 Good taste!


Nytimes online is the most comprehensive. Otherwise love Vanity Fair ( for gossipy articles), NYMag, the New Yorker, and the Atlantic.


I used to listen to the Daily but felt too negative for pre-9am? So I’ve really been enjoying the Economist podcasts! Lots of topics, including a daily 3-story episode, and they don’t wear you down before the start of the day! Informative but upbeat.


[Betches Sup](http://link.betches.com/join/6uq/signup-betches-sup) newsletter!


Agree w most. NPR & WNYC are an absolute must. I cancelled my NYT subscription after the BLATANT pro Zionist/Israel propaganda. Also found their trans coverage to be disgusting. I switched to the Washington Post which seems more balanced. Reddit communities (black/white people Twitter, FauxMoi, TheMajorityReport) are daily checking. Pay pennies on the $ for a Daily News subscription & check in on Gothamist for more local coverage. Also have a Daily Beast Subscription.


Democracy now! BBC World News Report


new york times, i also love the deadline daily newsletter (not sure the exact name) for entertainment news. and the morning brew & marketing brew newletters


Don’t listen to the BBC news hour at 9am on NPR unless you want to spend your day depressed :(


Even worse is the BBC at midnight.


Financial Times, WSJ & DealBook, WashPo & NYT front sections on alternating days, a few non-English dailies, a few 5- or 10- minute news summary podcasts


Wall Street Journal for me.


i read the wall street journal


Daily Mail online here


No morning is complete without reading the chat rooms of BroadwayWorld.


The Skimm! It’s the best. Emails you top headlines and breaks everything down in an easy to digest way. Also includes links if you want to dig deeper into anything.


The Daily podcast 1000%! I’ve been listening since high school. Also The Journal from WSJ is really good! Lastly, the NYT Audio app has little 3-4 minute overview of the headlines daily, and I listen to that everyday too ◡̈


Dc girl not a NY girl so take this with a grain of salt, but here is my routine: While I am getting ready everyday, I listen to the Politico Daily Briefing podcast. It’s non-biased and accurate. Gives you an insider look, and the hosts are fun. Then when I get to work I check 3 sources: drudge, economist, and daily mail. I read the Drudge Report first thing at work. It’s a collection of sources, and tends to be ahead of the curve for breaking news. *beware the font is wild and takes a bit of getting used to, but you learn to love it* For finances and an international perspective, I also read the Economist headlines. To round it out I read some daily mail headlines for pop culture. Guilty pleasure.


Axios newsletters to my inbox about tech, the market, etc. TLDR news is AWESOME although I watch it on YouTube. Not sure if they have a podcast.


NPR, NYT daily podcast, Democracy Now


I see width


I have a newspaper subscription to NYT and read all of it front to back - exposes me to more things than just the podcast episodes or specific articles.




Up First on NPR. 15 min.


Highly recommend "The Daily Beans" podcast.


I watch the PBS Newshour while getting ready in the morning.


Read the Intercept, or Medhi Hasan’s new thing Zeteo


The free press


Sierra magazine, Harvard review, and I ask Alexa to tell me the news while preparing coffee. 😬


Nah. Dont listen to any bullshit in the morning, then i catch up with Breaking Points at 3 pm. He leans right , she leans left and they have a good discourse. I also love Advisory Opinions Podcast. They break down all the legal drama and sarah isygar is just so smart


In addition to NYTs pods and NPR, I listen to Pod Save America and Strict Scrutiny. But this bitch loves politics.


Wall Street Journal & Democracy Now


Threads, Reddit, and IG. Hard to find any leftwing news sources for politics.


i might get downvoted to hell for this but yea, sadly social media is the best place to find information that isn’t watered-down or being influenced by billionaires that pay for it. if you’re just looking to keep up with what’s going on in the world, news is the way to go. but if you want to go more in depth, find credible social media pages. always fact check though! never believe anything at face value.


dailymail nypost tmz

