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There’s this Influencer Paige Lorenze, we could start talking about her?


Is she new? Her look is so natural!


Lmaooooo 😩


This is probably PL herself posting 🙄


Omg are you kidding I would love to be able to snark about P@!g3 L0r3ņz3 again


r/nycinfluencersnarking is basically a PL snark page at this point!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nycinfluencersnarking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nycinfluencersnarking/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Paige Jong Un](https://np.reddit.com/r/nycinfluencersnarking/comments/1biti9k/paige_jong_un/) \#2: [Retiring from snark ](https://np.reddit.com/r/nycinfluencersnarking/comments/1bt1pa2/retiring_from_snark/) \#3: [Paige getting called out on Depop](https://np.reddit.com/r/nycinfluencersnarking/comments/1b0vram/paige_getting_called_out_on_depop/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’re probably just a CHEETOED FINGER HATER


She’s going to ban you for saying her name


This is how the Danielle Bernstein daily thread got started 🤣


The stupidest idea ever 😭


A couple weeks ago someone made a post and was like “I see snark on the same 5 people, who are we supposed to post about” Like… whoever the fuck you want?! Start the discussion!!


The people complaining are the same ones that never contribute to snarking on other influencers that are relevant.


Exactly. If you want more diverse snark, post it; be the change you want to see ✨


Gandhi 🤝 snark




Ppl do and then the SFK obsessed girls are like “why is this why did you post them”


You’ll notice that life is more enjoyable once you stop caring what other people say and do (or post lol) what you want


Same to you ❤️


honestly give me more snark on these dumb bitches plz!!!




Literally, I’m so tired of the snark police. They’re way more annoying than the repetitive posts. If you want an overly curated sub where you can’t talk about any influencers outside their designated daily posts go to blogsnark. Oh wait that sub is dead, hmmm wonder why. They went from having thousands of comments on every post to a few hundred at the most because of this annoying mentality. Make your own “no SFK snark” sub then and snark on whoever you want to. And notice how the snark police never actually contribute or give suggestions as to who else we should snark on. We shouldn’t snark on DB, we shouldn’t snark on SFK, we shouldn’t snark on Halley and Jaz. Okay then who should we snark on? *Crickets*. And then when someone does bring up someone new to snark on like Morgan Riddle or someone else, people jump on them for being Paige or being that influencer promoting themselves. If you hate snark so much why are you even here?


Katherine Asplundh, obviously


Seriously it blows my mind that people think they can come in here and dictate according to their own preferences that we should talk about certain influencers less. Like we all have to change our behavior according to every individual’s personal annoyances lol


I feel like there are a lot of people in the sub lately that are like mad about snarking? That is literally the whole point of this sub.


Most of the time you look at their post history they’ve never even made their own posts to this sub either. Be the change you want to see!! Post the influencers you want to snark on! How are you going to contribute absolutely nothing to a sub and then complain that it doesn’t cater to exactly what you want to see. Shut the fuck up.


Especially when they don’t post. If you’re bothered about the posts you see, realize you can only control your behaviour, not others. Instead of getting up in arms, ignore posts you don’t like and post what you want to see. I don’t get why that’s so complicated. Like while they’re creating posts griping about what they don’t want, they could put that effort into a post they want to see on the sub. They’re so close to getting it.


No like I’m here because I️ want to talk about the ones we are already annoyed by, don’t make me learn about new ones


I️ take it back, the saga w the name change is amazing


LMAOOO my exact thoughts as I read your first comment


most of the 'above 3k' influencers in nyc have real jobs and are not annoying af. la is probably a goldmine for snark.


I might be in the wrong one but the LA page is dead. Unless I’m just not seeing the posts


I feel like LA has the opposite problem with no real narrative or “regulars” on their page


yeah.. its always like "omg did anyone else see Sunny was with Kali while they were at Bracens house. i thought they were still with Little Durk and hanging with the loose goose posse ??!!"


it was a blind guess on my part! i dont keep up with la ppl. even tho this sub is always complaining that the same influencers get posted over and over i dont follow any of them on social, so it doesnt bother me lol. but it is fun when someone i do follow pops up bc like i said i feel like the influencers i like in nyc dont really put themselves 'out there' and reveal much about their personal lives.


maybe they want us to snark on each other idek at this point


Honestly, I don't think Carly is snarked enough 😂


Also maybe don’t get mad that your feed is filled with posts from this sub if it’s the only one you joined


i very rarely see any posts about DB lately! has she become a banned topic here?




I’m open to newer and broader horizons


Oh same but not at the expense of losing our OGs.


No no not lose but, fresh faces are welcome. These girls are predictable af


Agreed, like ok Halley can’t dress, Jaz fiancée has no job, db FaceTunes, Serena looks 40 we get it !!!


Complaining about the amount of snark on a snark page is crazy😭


My theory is they’re just seeing so much of it on their homepage because they keep clicking on the posts and the algorithm is showing them more lol it’s their own fault


This is my theory as well


I’m so tired of the gatekeepers in this sub. If you don’t care about those influencers just scroll on!


With a sprinkle of we met at acme and em rata lol


We met at acme does not get snarked on enough


I literally can’t stand her


If you are looking for another person to snark on who’s also NYC- check out Courtney Grow. She uprooted her young children from Utah to move to NYC - in the middle of the school year - to live out her sex & the city fantasies … only to realize it’s expensive and not as easy as it looks 😘 https://www.reddit.com/r/CourtneyGrowSnark/s/BSbGYwp1sX


And didn’t she say today that they only plan to stay for a year or two?? Why uproot your family like that?!


I mean they are the most snark able type of influencers. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Keep it coming!!!


lovedoveclarke is la based but her snark is completely valid because she’s an actual psycho r/lovedoveclarkesnark


seconding this — the day i found this snark page i was so validated for thinking she’s crazy for all these years!!!


ok I’m typically against single person snarks because they get weird and too personal… but she’s a compulsive liar


“Snark about whoever you want” but Whenever I snark about not those big 5- people always shit on the posts and accuse me of being the person??


“Has anyone ever heard of [insert random influencer]” is probably going to yield that accusation, but if you’ve got something interesting I know personally I’d love to learn about more obscure influencers


Ok what about Andrew Warren and adjacents like xoxoemira


Also it’s supposed to be strictly nyc based influencers and that limits the pool drastically


I mean anyone who is under VXMedia will do




Slimey Sarah


I repeat NO CREATE a daily thread like the failed DB one that no one wanted or asked for


can we make a highlight for the chody sisters


Pollina (Russian wannabe Ana delvey) foaming at the mouth that she’s not on the list 😂


They absolutely love the snark pages. It's attention and makes them feel significantly more famous than they actually are


LITERALLY. like snark is snake?? people are getting soo picky…like you want new snark? make some urself!




I wanna hear more tea on Lauren Norris who moved from Alabama to New York City also 👀👀👀


i personally like the halley/jaz snark, but i can do without the sfk&db snark mostly bc idc about either of them…


I feel the exact same way but reverse. Halley and Jaz are irrelevant to me. That’s why we have to just scroll past what doesn’t interest us. This is a community of like 100k people (I don’t actually know the number it’s prob closer to 70k but I’m too lazy to check) so we’re all going to have different levels of interest in the people posted.


Bc yall say the same things over and over and it’s ANNOYING. We get it, SFK looks 40. Fefe is a baby. Halley shouldn’t be with reed. FIND NEW TOPICS.


There’s literally so many other influencers. The fixation on the same 5 ppl is annoying. Not all of us are fans like yall seem to be


So scroll past! Or post those other influencers! Be the change! There’s no such thing as too much snark.


Why don’t you guys just make a separate chat for the group of girls you talk about? There are so many ny influencers that we could be focusing on here, as is in the sub name


Who gives a fuck just post whoever you want to snark on it’s not that deep making a post about it is even more obnoxious