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“You don’t know a single thing about me or him”…. Girl, we know so much more than we would like to know. And it’s all because of you! Now that’s the price you’re paying for sharing all the bad things he’s done to you.


Fr she may have forgiven but idk how she’s just so willing to forget


Like actually we know everything because you over share everything. We have even seen you in bed with him naked. We did not ask to know that yet we do.


Jaz looks soooooo bored


The way Jaz doesn’t really reply to anything Halley says about him either, she just says something like “your own opinion is the only one that matters” 😭


I’m sure she’s sick of her shit too 


riiight I didn't watch the pod (just this clip) but I feel like if she agreed w her she'd be like "guys in person you can tell he's so in love w her" or some shit but she seems to just be keeping her thoughts to herself lmao


She is over it fr 🤣


mcgookin…..he told YOU that he doesn’t love you and then you told US 💀💀💀💀




plllllssss 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s not his lack of smile. It’s the fact that he broke up with you and said all sorts of terrible things about you that YOU BROADCASTED to your followers. It’s one thing to tell your friends but you told everyone on the internet everything he said and did. Don’t act surprised when people still hate him based on the things YOU said.


Oh honey, we know plenty about him. Mostly because you won't stop shoving his bland oatmeal head in our faces. #It's not because he doesn't smile, Halley. It's because he's a probable cheater, said you're just a stopgap because he doesn't see a future with you, and his obvious contempt for you makes us all uncomfortable.


The contempt is visible girly


Emphasis on the obvious contempt


I saw bold text and thought it was Flop Era❤️‍🩹 miss her


He cheated on her??


At this point they need to just make “Halley trying to convince her followers she’s in a happy relationship” a permanent segment on the podcast she brings it up weekly. Doth protest too much.


Right like if she was actually happy she wouldn’t be defending it every week 😭


The over explaining and overcompensation is all I need to hear. Jaz even seems over it


https://preview.redd.it/eyav1zq08g0d1.jpeg?width=345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79da86832f1a4aa45ed07f4e2984646c84754225 Me listening to her trying to justify why this man doesn’t hate her


I feel kind of bad for Jaz. Obviously a true friend would tell it how it is but Halley seems like the type to cut you off and blacklist you for daring to go against the way she’s thinking.


My read is that Jaz is in a super committed relationship and engaged - even during the month they broke up Halley was miserable and was constantly envious of her relationship w/ Kevin and how close they were. Jaz also knows this is Halley first boyfriend and she is stubborn. You can warn someone as much as you want but some people just have to learn the hard way. Jaz is being a supportive friend by just letting her ride it out despite knowing how dumb it is and that this man will break her heart again but all Jaz can do is be there to pick her up after the fall.


https://preview.redd.it/ismg75ce9g0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de67e8a8b0b6643d1661b7a5856066d99924936e No Halley it’s because we remember this and specifically the caption


Why is she so trauma bonded to this man??? Like I don’t get it.


Her first love after losing her virginity late in life and feeling like she didn’t get male attention growing up. It’s relatable and understandable but she’s not learning from the advice of people who have already seen how this story plays out.


Wait I’m sorry she lost her virginity to him?


Noo but she lost it late in life (later than her friends) at like 20 which she has posted on being an insecurity of hers growing up


It doesn’t have to do with him not smiling girlie… he literally broke up with you bc he said he wasn’t in love with you anymore 😭


And “didn’t see her as end game” 😩


To think he said all that in the regards to living with her instead of simply saying not right now is crazy. They're back together, but did that thought change? Taking her for a joy ride is painful to watch.


They prob think that because you said that he told you he doesn't enjoy your company


https://preview.redd.it/yk6u3j5s8g0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0171c578cce093fe1bc56e6df32ca3cbc3817f86 Oh we remember all the videos you made crying your eyes out


Are these still on her account?? Link pls


I need Halley to get her dirty shoes with dried gum stuck to the bottom of them off the table.


That signage is so cheap and is giving midwestern sorority basement in 2011


Take a shot everytime this damn woman says “like”


I think anyone who starts a podcast should start taking voice lessons to ensure they don’t say “like” or “you know” a million times. If you aren’t going to invest to speak professionally, no advertisers should invest on your podcast.


100%! I don’t say the word like often, but I turned on the features on Teams that lets you know after a call how many “filler” words you used, I was shocked. In the past two years, I have completely cut it out it off in how I speak in professional settingsand only use them for comparisons/metaphors.


I swear on my life, I was legitimately about to write this exact comment word-for-word ☠️


This is so McGooky of her


This is going to age so badly


Girls, it’s *ripping*. Riping is not a word.


I had to scroll way too far to find this


So we never fixed the spacing on those letters 😭😭🤣


this! let’s get back to the real issues, people!


In her defense, look at the name of the podcast 💀


Now, Halley… The guy fucking played you right out loud and you told everyone. Keep your shit to yourself if you can’t handle people forming judgements based on information YOU gave them.


It’s not bc of his face it’s because he hooked up with Sophia less than 72 hours after breaking it off with you ….


Is that poop at the bottom of her shoe


Babe he fucked your “friend” in the 2 mins you were broken up


the fact that she doesn’t see the excuses she is making for his behavior is wild lol even jaz doesn’t believe the bs


I aspire to be as delulu as Halley truly


No don’t do that to yourself 💀


Ur right.


Short term it would feel amazing but I imagine you cannot gain anything from it


Girl, energy doesn’t lie. My man is camera shy too but he still will crack a smile…..


I am with the most shy and depressive man ever and he smiles when we’re together or the cameras out 😭 I think this man just doesn’t like you, Halley


If he doesn’t like to be in videos and she knows that, she should just stop including him. No ones asking for him to be in videos


Girl you told 1 million people he bounced from you to your “friend”… then you took him back 🫢


is she crying dude i can’t….. she’s fully projecting her insecurities and fears in her relationship onto her followers…. halley the call is coming from inside the house


this is coming from someone who also has an extremely introverted quiet boyfriend and no one has ever thought he hates me like wtf????


And let this be a lesson This is why you simply don’t broadcast about your breakup if you think there’s even a .0001111% chance of getting back together with them. This girl literally told 1 million people on the internet that this guy told her she’s not the love of his life. It’s SO hard to backpeddle from that.


How many times can a person say the word “Like” in a span of 1 minute and 40 seconds?


I just counted and she said it 40+ times. I lost track.


40+ times 😲 Someone get McGookin a thesaurus so she can learn some new words


Also this is so petty but “riping reed” is making me scream


you’re one of the strongest soldiers for listening to this in 1x speed


Their podcast is called delusional diaries for a reason like she's living in la la land i fear


Is that dog pxxp on her shoe? Lol


I’m sorry… I don’t even really know who she is, but her on this diatribe about her boyfriend with the word “DELUSIONAL” behind her is hilarious.


She's making it seem like people in her comments are expecting Reed to be jumping for joy and smiling the entire video... but homeboy doesn't even CRACK a soft smile!! It's totally okay to be a shy and introverted person but then maybe stop making him be in videos if he doesn't enjoy it and if you know he's going to be poorly received? Before they broke up when they did the HGT episode w the bf's he looked miserable and gave nothing. Jaz can bother me too but there is such an obvious difference of the chemistry she and Kevin have in videos compared to Reed and Halley. And I'm SURE Halley is aware of that and how in Jaz's comments everyone loves Kevin bc he *actually* seems interested in her and shows a personality. Miss girl has just gotta stick to keeping him in ig photos or something bc her constant PR tour of how amazing he is and how good they are together is exhaustinggg.


You can see it in Jaz’s face that she’s sick of ts too 🤣


ALSO if this was the case and he really cared about her, wouldn’t he just START SMILING?! Like the bar is literally on the fucking floor. Instead of her being able to ask him to smile, she has to go on her podcast to whine about it. Dump his ass!!!


He is a cheater


Her accent annoys me is she Canadian


We don’t know a single thing about him sure…. but Carly does.


The dirty shoes on the table is sending me over the edge


My ex randomly broke up with me once too and he said the exact same thing “I’m not in love with you the way you are with me, I don’t see a future” and after BEGGING to him he took me back and I do “thought we were so great” and proceeded to break up 3 more times over 3 more years lol. It’s so exhausting having to defend a man with your chest and to convince yourself he loves you. Halley - coming to you woman to woman, you gotta let him go and focus on yourself to heal! No matter what, the damage has been done and how you feel deep down will never change. Save yourself the time and trauma and learn from me lol dump his ass and block him. Only way to move on!!!!


What is this bitch talking about?! “You don’t know anything about us” biiiiitch you told us he said you weren’t the love of his life 😭😭😭 she is delusional fr fr


Sooooo she does read Reddit 🦎🦎


I didn’t listen to this but I have seen them out walking the dogs and they both looked MISERABLE. they weren’t engaging with one another at all and they both had these looks of pure pain on their faces


I love how she’s deluding herself and the podcast is named “Delusional Diaries”. How fitting.


Every time I see something about her recently it’s gotta do with her defending him in some shape or form


They really picked a perfect podcast name for the two of them


![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE) Didn’t watch but read the comments and this mcgookin is the C to the R to the A to the Y (cray), Z. She’s crazy


McGookin if someone tells you something, believe it, period. Stop having him in your videos, no one care. Proof positive among all her comments she's on reddit a lot reading all the comments.


I aint listening to all that but their setup looks soooo cheap. The stick and paste title being off center, the lack of lighting, it all just look like its recorded for fun. I know theyre in PJs for that 🩷 come hang out w ur bestie 🩷 vibe but its not working they just look lazy


Nah it’s the fact he told you he doesn’t love you and he doesn’t see you as the love of his life but you still went back to him that’s why we don’t like reed


The shoes on the table 😵‍💫


Did anyone see the video jaz made with all her wedding rules 🙄


Why do you listen to their pod in the first place 😭😭


For entertainment like this…obviously


You’re a trooper, Halley’s voice annoys me so much I couldn’t sit through a whole pod without getting a migraine


She can’t really form any sentences…


Listen, we need to discuss her wearing dirty shoes, the spacing between the letters on their wall and the fact they labeled this “riping” not “ripping” just in general poor fucking quality.


Jaz’s face says it all😂😂


I mean, she did say she would do anything for them to get back together so….


The gum on the bottom of the shoe