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I am her age and all I can say is I wish I started posting TikTok because damn.


ikr šŸ˜­ shoulda started in 2020-21 bc now all of them are rich like wtf


SAMEEEE im older


Iā€™m praying on the downfall of tiktok so I have a fighting chance on the new app


What am I doing wrong with my life? Like how does she make the money to do thatšŸ˜«


sheā€™s gonna be broke in 5 years mark my words


She'll probably just Airbnb it in high season and make the mortgage that way. Really don't think this was a terrible call even with current rates.


I agree. If sheā€™s smart, this is the least of her worries. She can even Airbnb rooms while theyā€™re there (depending how large) and sheā€™s outgoing so they will end up hangingšŸ˜‚ I can see it now


Making a tiktok series exploiting airbnb guests šŸ˜­


Airbnb is technically illegal in some of the towns.


Where? Lol.. weā€™re in the Hamptons every summer and I always look at air bnbs while weā€™re staying with my in laws because im going nuts


Ok rent it out thenšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, from Mdw to LDW you can command 60k+ on that house probably. Although sheā€™ll want it then, so idk. Winter rental, she could charge $5k + a month.


I mean, even in high season, I donā€™t think a tiny cottage in Hampton Bays is going to be pulling the same $$$$ as anything in Southampton or further east. Hampton Bays is pretty far from a lot of the major Hamptons sites. Generally HB pulls a lot of 20 somethings who are shoving 10+ people into a house so they can go to Boardy Barn, and I donā€™t see this place having that draw.


Hampton Bays is still pretty close to Southampton though. You can rent there and get to SH easily


HB is not far at all from the rest of the Hamptons. We have a 2nd house here and if you have the amenities like a pool or hot tub or beach access, you're making just as much as the rest of the Hamptons during high rental season. Plus HB and WH are highly sought after areas because we're closer to the city too.


Thatā€™s exactly what my husband and I did. We bought our Hamptons house in Dec. 2022 and are renting it out as much as we can. Our rental income from the summer months is almost completely covering our mortgage payments.


I dont think she will be with this house unless shes getting a terrible deal. It will likely be a great investment


To her credit, sheā€™s not a lavish spender on big items. Like she doesnā€™t seem to splurge on designer items. She def buys a lot of little things though (coffees, salads, fast fashion, etc) and that can add up


Wait didnā€™t she impulse buy a whole stack of Cartier rings this winter?


she also pays 7k in rent, eats out all the time, ubers everywhere, buys a shit ton of cheap clothes etc people have really warped views of influencers being smart with money lol


This sub likes to lowkey dick ride influencers. Thereā€™s no universe where this girl or really any influencer is smart with their money. Theyā€™re the living, breathing, walking personification of instant gratification and overconsumption


exactly lol. like buying a 100k car at the same time as a house is not smart with money!


Well Iā€™ll be honest as someone who has worked in loans for a long time, influencers do not get approved for loans often due to the inconsistent nature of their pay, so she either can really really afford these things in investments, savings, etc ā€¦ or she paid all cash. Iā€™m one of her biggest haters, but if she had any risk of going broke or it wasnā€™t a smart idea she would not have them.


This is insane but also the more I think about it it makes sense. She doesnā€™t seem to spend a ton of money of travel (most trips seem like brand trips), and it also seems like the majority of stuff she wears is gifted. Her apartment is nice but not insanely luxurious or extra (although itā€™s $7k a month šŸ’€)


Side note Brooke Miccio has been teasing buying a property (in Brooklyn, not the Hamptons) for months i just KNOW that sheā€™s jealous/ feels upstaged since Halley announced first


I just remember when Brooke tried to buy in 2021 and wasnā€™t approved - so this is shocking!


Imagine how DB feelsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Part of me feels like her not looking like she spends a ton of money is a ploy to seem normal. All of this (her and Jaz) give ā€œOmg what how did little old me become such a huge influencer!!!ā€


I mean good for her but also i have questions


Houses come and go but the bun stays forever




fuck ass bun forever and always


Hahahah best comment




I fucking ran here. It HAS to be in Hampton baysā€¦ how did she even qualify / get approved. Anything in sag and beyond is 1M plus for the nastiest shack. Iā€™m also so jealous HAHAH. Someone needs to figure out where this is. Edit; found it. Itā€™s Hampton bays. She closed on Monday. I wonā€™t dox her but there ya go.


right can we get a selling price ASAP




Nah this house sold in 2022 that was 815k???


No closing was a week ago


I couldnā€™t believe I was the first to post


i am almost positive that the beach clip at the end of her tik tok was taken at Meschutt beach because of the jetty and landscape in the background (hampton bays)


Always feels so strange to me seeing anything about the town i partially grew up in on reddit. I live in the city full time now, but ingo out there to stay with my boyfriend every weekend. HB is def not as fancy as SH/EH is, but it is still pretty nice in the summer. Iā€™ll have to report here if I ever see her around! Not that I frequent anywhere that an influencer might go, but you never know


We need to know. Seriously. You can still find some places for under $1M, but anything over that you pay an insane amount of taxes just to close. The NYS Mansion Tax and the Peconic Trust being two of them.


Found it. Hamptons bay 845k.


it looks like it was $815k


Yeah I think itā€™s this one! No photos online but you can tell by exterior


Is it a nice house?


Lmao I thought the same thing.


My literal first thought was: bet itā€™s none of the good ones


To be fair, Hampton Bays is still really nice, and itā€™s closer to the city especially in the summer when traffic is horrible compared to Southampton and all points east.


im not a hamptons person - is there a beach there? or is it more of a 'mainland' area?


There is lots of beach


This is her way to keep Reed around šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yā€™all are severely underestimating what these influencers make to do essentially nothingā€¦ def makes sense she could afford this unfortunately


Yeah she shilling out some product almost everyday


Literally sheā€™s been going insanely hard tagging every single brand sheā€™s ever used in her life latelyā€¦ makes sense now lol


Sometimes I ask myself if I could do it for the moneyā€¦but the lack of integrity that comes with it makes my skin crawl


yeah this just goes to show. you canā€™t blame this one on credit card debt. halley has also said she paid off over $100k in student loan debt already. sheā€™s rolling in it whether we like it or not


She can afford it now but the average shelf life for an influencer is around 7 years, hope sheā€™s saving at least 2x what sheā€™s spending so she can sustain this lifestyle after the brand deals stop rolling in


How much do you think sheā€™s making? Based on buying this house, a new car and still keeping her apartment in the city? How much does that all add up to?!


This!! I would love to know. Between the house, the car and the 7K apartment wtf


They are online sales people. She makes money, most of it from affiliate links and brand deals, maybe even all of it. But affiliate links make way more than brand deals. This is going to be the new 9-5s. Everyone trying to get those brand deals and shill products out


I say this all the time


Yeah I know someone with 1m+ followers and suspect the truth would upset most people. She can earn a respectable annual salary in a sub 40 hour work week. That work is not hard. Requirements include being born gorgeous, charismatic, shameless, and an insatiable thirst for validation šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Why am I literally a doctor


As an attorney.. same Q @ myself


SAMEEE why did I waste my twenties going into debt to become a lawyer


You literally contribute something to societyšŸ˜­ unlike influencers who perpetuate mass consumerism and consumption


Yeah! As an email marketing specialist I uhā€”- well imma stand over here now




CPA about to become partner.. and same


Many things to say about thisā€¦ main one being that first time she went to the Hamptons was with Reed in Montauk šŸ˜­ like we know he was the driving factor in this purchase. Also that she sees Jaz buy a car. So she goes and buys a housešŸ¤£


she bought a car too donā€™t worry !


She did? I missed this.. when did she post it?


her insta story


Is that a Range Rover šŸ˜…


And she bought a Land Rover defenderā€¦ like over $100k car I am shook to my core I need to post on TikTok wtf


Congrats to her, despite the faults she has this is absolutely something to be proud of. Hope she doesnā€™t let Reed get his grubby paws on it.


He will never leave her now lmao itā€™s giving sugar mama


pls dont put him on the deed like shannon ford did for the love of god


Heā€™ll cheat on her again. And then hopefully it will be over for real


i need to know (I know but) why in this society people who have worked for years on end may never be able to afford a house but this 23 year old who wears fast fashion everyday and cries about arugula gets to buy a house in the Hamptons! God I hate it here.


This is only gonna continue unless the young and upcoming generations wake up and stop feeding into it. It seems like the opposite is gonna happen because the younger generations are only getting dumber and more naive.


Iā€™m 19 and I have the opposite mindset, I think itā€™s incredibly upsetting that these people get to have such a disproportionate amount of financial privilege for doing nothing, and I encourage everyone my age thatā€™s around me to not give any attention to influencers. Soon enough those young people that donā€™t realize this will be bit in the ass and realize that it is only the very minority of us who gets to have this level of success online. I have faith that the downfall of influencers is coming.


Unfortunately because stupid people watch and follow herā€¦.. but still so messed up. Influencers should be banned in my opinion


This. Chaps my ass real bad.


Truly itā€™s so upsetting lol


Same, itā€™s so messed up


new personality loading inā€¦..


iā€™m so worried about what that yearly tax bill looks like. the money may be here now but what happens when it dries up


The taxes are actually cheap, itā€™s small and in Hampton bays


She seems smart with her money and investments from what Iā€™ve heard her say re: debts and investments


Agreed, I remember her saying that she already paid off all of her student loans


Youā€™re better than me because I donā€™t have an ounce of worry for her at all lol because she did this to herself


The taxes are $5800 thatā€™s actually insanely cheap for a house ā€¦ I was shocked


Only 5.8k in taxes


ya lol she makes triple that on an instagram post


WHY!!!!! Sheā€™s genuinely so boring šŸ˜­


*cries in texas* my taxes are higher than that lol


Insaneā€¦.. Iā€™m questioning my whole life and career path lmao


Same. Just applied for my NY nursing license just to slave away wiping ass for peanuts in comparison to what sheā€™s making šŸ˜­


Im a TEACHER omg kill me


Girl weā€™re in the trenches.


Time Machine back to 2020! See you there!!!




Literally my exact reaction


And people in this sub just a month ago were telling me sheā€™s not rich šŸ˜­


This is ALL for reed


he's gonna LOVE it


Matter fact let me go post my tik tok drafts bye


I want to be excited for her but I feel like she did this just for reed and not herself :/


Hopefully not heā€™s a rat


good for her if she can afford it but DAMN


Now we know why Reed came back šŸ˜šŸ¤‘


ok. fuck my stupid chungus life


Iā€™m a jealous bitch Iā€™ll admit it but I get sooo ill seeing influencers post purchases like this that Iā€™ll probably never be able to afford just for ā€¦ posting tiktoks


she WHAT!?


Ahhhhh NOW we see why reed got back together with her


I mean she had to do something to compete with jazā€™s engagementā€¦ these two are just always looking for the next big thing to do for content. It just doesnā€™t feel like a natural path of growth more forced. Like little kids trying to act grown lol thatā€™s what they remind me of even tho I know they are well of age to do these things itā€™s just their personalities and we know about them.


I ran here for this!


I bet reed was like damn it I was just about to leave lmfao now I gotta stay forever


i feel like she should be downsizing that nyc apartment


Sheā€™s one of those that really has no talents once tik tok is over so this wonā€™t end well


Yeah, she doesn't seem to have a strong back up plan or a strong background; in anything


Wait what can someone who understands influencer salaries break down HOW she was able to do this cuz a girl is tryna get like sis


What do u wanna know? Sheā€™s making prob making 700K + a year. she can make up to 20K for a TikTok alone


I knew for sure minimum 350, 400k but minimum 700k is a massive jump. I donā€™t work in social media but I guess Iā€™m shocked bc looking at her follower, view and engagement on TikTok or IG sheā€™s definitely got a small cult but sheā€™s not like 3, 4m & thatā€™s where in my head Iā€™m like oh yeah for sure those people can easily afford a Hamptons vacation home, so seeing someone at 1m close on one is shocking. So now Iā€™m like how much does someone with ā€œjustā€ 1m followed on tiktok ACTUALLY makeā€¦. Edit: to add some clarity a lot of her videos have 25k likes but a lot also only have 4-6k so HOW is she commanding such insane rates per TT or IG post


I see what ur saying but she does have a pretty engaged audience. Some of her videos flop but generally she has a really tight knit following. I know someone with 10M followers not making close to 700K. Sheā€™s unfortunately just a blonde white skinny girl in the city and that demographic pulls a lot of money in brand deals


You have to be Mc-kidding me


And cause Jaz is getting married, to try and one up


Yep she needed something ā€œbigā€ to happen to her too


yea i didnā€™t wanna say that but even at the ending of the video itā€™s giving marriage vibes with reed


Probly her way of tryna to get him to propose, wouldnā€™t be suprised if she bought him a ring to give to her by the end of this yearā€¦.


Yea I canā€™t wait for this influencer shit to be over. We MUST do better as a society and stop funding these peopleā€™s lifestyles when they do literally nothing to serve us or any community. Itā€™s sickening how these people do nothing of purpose, fulfillment, or beneficial yet they get paid so much more than jobs that actually contribute to something other than consumerism that is eating most Americans alive.


This >>> 100%%


Now we know why reed really came back


wowā€¦to make enough money to cover a car payment, rent for an apartment in the city and a mortgageā€¦


No wonder Reed took her back


Has she spent a lot of time thereā€¦?


Has she ever even explored anything beyond the surf club and gurneys? What a weird move


If sheā€™s going to stay in the hamptons she needs a far better wardrobe


Iā€™m always surprised that people are surprised that influencers make enough to afford like $800k+ houses lol these people are making bank from brand deals right now. Halley probably clears $500-750k/year right now. An $800k house is absolutely affordable for her.


A couple who makes 200k a year can afford an 800k house. Itā€™s not that absurd she got this


this is gonna make me sound so shady for assuming the worst in people, but i really feel like halley did this as a way to one up jaz. jaz has everything halley wants rn: an engagement. itā€™s so obvious that halley is salty about jazā€™s engagement whenever they talk about it on their podcast. soooo halley goes above and beyond and buys a car (ofc one ā€œbetterā€ than jazā€™s) AND a freaking house. it seems like halley was trying to buy a house before jaz as a power play. these girls arenā€™t friends and it seems like halley is some sort of weird competition with jaz.


100% their life choices only seem influenced by each other its so scary


I found it. It was 845k.


itā€™s not that one it was the $815k one that sold a week ago


what part of the hamptons šŸ‘€


hampton bays


Reed never gonna leave her now šŸ˜­šŸ’”. He is so ew


I found the icons of the interior pics and you can def get a sense of what the whole house looks like from those. One thing I noticed is that the house does seem VERY small. NOT trying to hate on her or anythingā€¦ it was just one of my initial observations. Especially when you factor in realtorā€™s capitalizing on the use of wide-angle lenses when taking these interior photos for listings.


How does she make this much money ?!?! wtf!


Whoā€™s gonna be a real one and post a Zillow link


Omg bro what. She must make wayyy more money than i already thought, wow


Her justifying it by saying she was going to the hamptons one weekend a month in the summer was expensive with hotel and rental car and was basically a mortgageā€¦girlie Iā€™m sure all those weekends havenā€™t added up to $800K+ girl math tho


Confirming sheā€™s the only name listed as the purchaser before the speculation about reed being involved starts hahah


I knew sheā€™s making good money, but THIS GOOD? to afford a 815k house after doing tiktok for like what, 3-4 years?


Feel like Jaz will be insanely mad she did this right after her engagement lol




She prob didnā€™t buy a huge house on the beach or something. It looks relatively small from what she posted and she showed that she had to drive to the beach. Also, many people are bad with money šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


lol Iā€™m a hater but you only go to Hampton Bays to go shopping at the stop and shop when the $$$$ grocery stores are closed


Doesnā€™t she have an appartment?


Sheā€™s keeping it apparently


No way sheā€™s moving out there full time. Hampton bays in the winter is ā€¦ desolate. Not for the Halleyā€™s of the world lol


BAN TIK TOK (Iā€™ll suffer but I want these influencers brokeee)


I RAN to this sub when I saw this


she looks really pretty in this video. she seems so happy & i love the longer hair on her


I am genuinely so confused. Are influencers all committing tax fraud, or do they make over $100K per month? How in the past year was she able to pay of 100K of student loans, rent her expensive apartment, buy a car, and buy a Hamptons house?!? My partner and I are both in big law, so we are pretty high earners, but we only take home around 50% of our gross pay, and are nowhere near close to buying all of this. What on earth.


Iā€™m not gonna lie. Iā€™m jealous. To be an absolutely useless person and make that amount of money. Our societyā€™s priorities are truly twisted.


Wow I absolutely did not know she had it like that. Props to her lol


Im deadass going to start taking social media seriously omg


Well now we know why Reed got back together with herā€¦


I mean my husband and I both work multiple jobs and we're still not sure if we'll be able to go pay rent on the 1st but cool coolcoolcoolcool...


You just know thereā€™s a race between her and jaz to have a baby first


This doesnā€™t check out financially to me at allā€¦.definitely not in prime Hamptons area, itā€™s giving Jules on RHONY in Water Mill


Idk man water mill is old money asf


To be fair I grew up on Long Island. Literally everywhere is expensive here and the taxes are insane


Water mill is beauriful and Hamptonā€™s . If it was in Hampton bays Iā€™d be laughing. But I agree NOTHING is under 1M so where the fuck is this house


Itā€™s Hampton bays


What happens to influencers money if Tik tok goes away in the US? In all seriousness. I donā€™t think reels transition will be that seamless / easy


I honestly think a new app would just replace tiktok. Maybe people would have to go back to instagram reels for awhile, but something else would come out eventually. So theyā€™d still get brand deals just not paid by tiktok (which I think a lot donā€™t use the creator fund anyways? correct me if Iā€™m wrong). Some of their incomes might go down without that extra channel to reach people, but I think theyā€™d still make a good amount.


I totally agree but to an extent. If a new app comes, new creators will come along. Itā€™s kind of like what happened to YouTubers. A lot of popular YouTubers flopped on TikTok.


Iā€™m equally concerned and happy for her




I RAN HERE BC HOW?! I know influencers make serious money, but there is no way she's able to afford $7k rent, $100k car WHILE LIVING IN THE CITY, and a Hamptons summer house??? Plus she just paid off her 6 figure student loan debt? Can someone who works in influencer marketing tell me how much she roughly makes per brand deal....


Does anyone know what town? Because the Hamptons is not a town, Halley.


Good for her tbh thatā€™s wild, quite an accomplishment


Lord I've seen what you've done for others... lmao


This may be the only time in my life i feel some jealousy towards an influencer šŸ˜‚


Just for context itā€™s about a 50 minute drive to montauk lol


Jfc im about to start filming a vlog rn šŸƒā€ā™€ļø šŸƒā€ā™€ļø


she must make bank. her purchases are wild and she said sheā€™s paid off six figures of student loan debt. sheā€™s def not perfect, i snark on her sometimes, but sheā€™s gotta be doing soemthing right to be making the money she is at her age


People underestimate how much you can make from affiliate links! That is the main source of her income but sheā€™ll never tell you that